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How to behave on a date to enjoy it.

How to Behave on a Date to Enjoy the Process.

I explained the basic and general concepts of dating in the first level. Now I’ll tell you how to elicit such feelings in the girl so she’ll come to your bed.
Yes! On the date, the primary goal is to increase the girl’s emotional level. Many people are unaware of this, and they continue to make common errors that just waste time.

Using boring personal information, many individuals attempt to chat about themselves or discover anything about the female (study, work, hobbies). They believe that by talking about themselves and demonstrating their worth, they are gaining significance.

On a rational level, the lady is really interested in you, but emotions are required. You are not going ahead in this situation on an emotional level.
Furthermore, it is uninviting.

We want two things once more: comfort and appeal.

So, what’s the deal?

During the chat, tap on various emotions. When I’m dating, the female often has little knowledge about me, but I’ve been able to build both comfort and appeal by touching on various emotions.

As a result, the young lady should feel embarrassed, amused, shocked, and even enraged. Make a romantic excursion. And, since she will have so much contact with you, she will feel as though she has known you for longer.

This will provide both a sense of comfort as well as a sense of desire. Every female desires a guy who will arouse her emotions, in this situation.

Make use of physics. Keep in mind that you must take the lead and set the date’s parameters. After visiting one location, go on to the next. It always results in some kind of adventure. This touches on her feelings once again.

The greater the number of destinations, the greater the number of adventures.

The more the number of adventures, the greater the number of feelings. This gives the impression that the female already knows a lot about you.

And there’s no need to come up with something extravagant or distinctive. On the contrary, the more straightforward the design, the better.

Demonstrate your day-to-day activities to her.

An example of one of my recent trips is as follows: I told her I needed to purchase a gift for my closest friend’s birthday very away, and we went to the mall together, where she gave me advice and assisted me in selecting a present.

It was similar to how a loving couple or a family might shop in a store together. We then went to my grandmother’s house to pick up the keys. I ran out of petrol along the trip and needed to locate a gas station very away.

We had become friends by the conclusion of our encounter, and I felt considerably more at ease. We appeared to have been through a lot together, she thought.

Participate in conversations with other females.

For her acceptance, you must demonstrate your great worth. It’s crucial to show that you have a lot of women in general through your actions, not just your words. Allow the girl to see how you interact with other women and how they respond to you calmly.

Start talking to them and ask intriguing questions.

Another personal example: I was once at a café with a female and was served by a waiter with enormous boobs. I requested that the girl inquires about the size of her boobs from the waitress.

The young lady became uncomfortable and expressed her scruples. We should investigate, I responded. When the waitress came, I hugged the girl who was sitting and said, “

“Your wife says you have a breast size. I’m coming to inform you that she is the fifth. “Aid!” The girl and the waitress both started laughing. This boosts the girl’s self-esteem and, of course, raises her emotional level.

Make a conscious effort to elicit negative feelings.

When most males go on dates with ladies, they generally pamper them by agreeing with practically everything they say. “You and I both like such events; you and I both enjoy this music.” It’s monotonous and dull! It doesn’t elicit any feelings either.

Many women afterward comment, “This guy was ready for anything for me,” which is tedious. They want to fight for us because they’re intrigued by the prospect of a challenge. At times, make an attempt to reject the girl. It’s crucial to approach it in a lighthearted way so she has to decide if you’re serious or not.

It’s clear that you don’t care about this date. Assume you want to depart in a comical manner.

Allow her to ponder whether this is real or if it is a joke.

Be late for a date, for example. You will provide an emotional experience for the girl as a result of this. Don’t make her wait more than 20 minutes, of course. I normally arrive early and park near the site to avoid being late.

Then I call her and inquire about her whereabouts.

When she says she’ll be there in 15 minutes, I respond that I’ll be driving up. She often calls or emails to inquire where you are before arriving at your meeting location.

I don’t always carry my phone with me. I approach after 5-6 minutes of waiting and viewing her from afar.

Use open-ended questions to get your audience’s attention.

When trying to chat to a female, I’ve discovered that the communication occasionally fails. Consider the questions you most often ask, such as “How are you today?” “Where did you go to school?” “Where do you work?” and so on.

If you speak to people about way, you’ll get the same answers:

“Ok,” “I go to university,” and so on. Frequently, the same unsettling pauses occur, destroying the sense of security. Put these concerns to the side. Open-ended inquiries should be asked.

The terms “why,” “how do you feel,” or “what do you think about” are often used in such enquiries. This kind of inquiries allow you to start a conversation, and you’ll need to know what you’re talking about to steer it in the appropriate direction.

Maintain control of the situation I’ve seen situations when a couple is strolling in the park and the female is a bit ahead of the guy. She didn’t seem to be walking with a male, but he seemed to be walking with her.

As a result, it’s critical to maintain command of the situation. If you’re walking in the park, you may choose your own pace and direction.

Slow down to allow the girl to relax and become more at ease in your presence.

Take the path you want to take her down. You must also control the issue if you visit a café. Select a seat at a table. Choose where the girl will sit even more carefully.

“Sit down here,” you simply say. The majority of men spend their first date sitting across from each other at a table as if they’re in a business meeting. It’s a blunder to do so. In order to be near her, you must sit close to her. It’s also crucial to put the female in a location where she can’t see the rest of the room.

If she sits with her back to the room, she will be continuously distracted by passers-by, and thus from you. The primary reason you should sit near a female is so that she becomes used to your presence and the knowledge that you may touch her.
I’m sure you’ve figured out that the primary goal of a date is to provide comfort and appeal. Various emotions are the primary instrument for this.

In addition, I’d want to give you some advice on 9 non-trivial date issues.

Consider how many times the female has discussed her studies, career, personal life, and other topics with various males. If you don’t stand out among the other males while discussing these issues, you could come out as uninteresting.

• Films she enjoys watching
• Sports

• Developments

• Travels

• Animals

• Clothing

• Human traits

You may safely go on to deeper issues if you perceive that the girl is eager to converse on these subjects. “What is love to you?” you could inquire. “What was your first love?” or “How old were you when you first fell in love?” My favorite question is this one: “What three wishes would you make if you captured a goldfish that only granted sexual desires?

Games are another way to make dates more interesting and emotional.

If you go on a date with someone who has a good sense of humor, you will have a fantastic time.

However, there are times when a cheerful attitude gives way to exhaustion, and a sense of humor refuses to appear. In such situations, I recommend that you play a variety of games, as they will always help to enliven the atmosphere and free the female.

There are twenty questions in all. You’ll discover a lot about each other thanks to this game. The game’s basic premise is that each of you can only ask a maximum of 20 questions. Only yes or no are the options for the opponent’s response. You can’t ask hard questions in this game since it’s too difficult.

Please describe the onlooker. You must sit comfortably in a busy area and observe passers-by for this game to work. Start making educated estimates about a suitable person’s life after they die away. To stimulate the imagination, remove as many unrealistic assumptions as feasible.

Passers-by should be acknowledged.

In this game, you and your girlfriend choose a target audience (those over 30, ladies exclusively, etc.) with whom you will welcome and study their reactions on a regular basis. This game will be the most liberating for both you and the female.

Never in my life did I… You state “I never…” and then do an action in this game.
It may be something you’ve never done before or something you’ve never done before. “I’ve never kissed a guy on the lips,” for example, you may remark. You must choose a beverage, which is usually alcoholic.

If the female was the one who did it, she should take a sip of her beverage. Then she makes a comment on something she never did. Make an effort to ask more personal inquiries, but not right away. Allow the young lady to unwind and grasp the game’s core.

I’d also want to address one of the most often asked questions: who pays for the first date, you or her?

Personally, I believe that the gentleman should pay on the first date.

You could wonder where I get my beliefs from. I’m certain that the lovely lady with whom you’ve agreed to go on a date does not intend to take advantage of you in exchange for a free coffee, or maybe a cappuccino with tiramisu, or possibly a lovely meal at an expensive restaurant.

On the other hand, I’m sure the majority of the females you’re dating want to be noticed. This care is also shown while paying the restaurant bill.

It’s important to remember that the girl was raised in this manner. When a couple goes on a date, for example, in any film. A guy pays the bill after inviting a lady to a restaurant.

She was also a movie buff.

I’m sure her mother or grandmother told her many times how lovely and bright she is, and that men should, of course, do everything for her. The fact that she will not have to pay for a cup of coffee on her first date is already embedded in the girl’s brain.
You only have to do it to make the female feel at ease and to make her feel this little bond.

Whether you pay for the coffee or not may matter. Choose the choice that is most comfortable for you, whether it is going to Starbucks or getting a cup of coffee at an expensive restaurant.

Above all, the one that makes the female feel at ease. She will be really uncomfortable if she notices that you have saved all of your money, leased an expensive suit, and are dining at the city’s most expensive restaurant.

She will believe that since he worked so hard, she owes him a great debt of gratitude. As a result, choose the one that best suits your needs. The location that you would often visit with a friend or family. It isn’t tough to pay the bill after that.

The girl will notice how easy you handle this; it’s nothing to you. She will not feel as though she owes you anything in that event. For both you and her, it will be the most comfortable decision.

You must realize, however, that not all females are created equal.

Although they may have all seen the same movies and heard the same things from their mothers, twenty-first-century females sometimes remark, “No sweetie, we pay in half.” These are strong-willed women who will not be satisfied if you pay for their services. In such circumstances, how should you react?

I’ll show you a quick tip that will put you in the perfect circumstances. Later, invite the lady to treat you. Take ice cream for example. What makes this such a good choice?

Then you reach an agreement with this same female, who isn’t happy with you paying the whole cost. On the one hand, you really took her to dinner, and she was grateful; on the other hand, you gave her the impression that she owed you nothing and that you were on equal footing.

You allow her to help you in some way.

However, the female might still insist on paying a portion of the amount. Of course, you should avoid arguing and creating a problem in this situation. Allow them to pay, then go on with their lives.

All of this is done to guarantee that you and the lady have a pleasant evening.
You must be aware of the situation and ensure that the girl does not feel threatened or obligated to you. A successful meeting is built on this basis.

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