Why persistence is the key to success with women.

Why persistence is the key to success with women.

Why persistence is the key to success with women.

Why persistence is the key to success with women.

This concept, out of all the ones listed above, comes the closest to the magical tablet you treasure, in my view. Of course, this is something worth working on; it does not happen overnight.

But this is precisely what every guy is capable of, and what really pleases, attracts, and ultimately gets you bedded in your bed. This is what it means to be persistent. Ability to maintain your position, your desire, and in whatever manner bring it to the attention of a lady.

This is the capacity to remain unaffected by resistance, refusal, or resistance. Of course, I was not persistent in getting to know women when I had little experience, even at the initial level, when I had to separate from my beloved partner.

I knew why this was necessary, but all of my efforts came out as desperate rather than assertive. And I’d want to point out a major distinction with you, my friends.

To be persistent, you must have a clear understanding of what you want, be able to communicate it to the lady, and assure her that it will happen, one way or another.

This is the capacity to not only listen to a lady and comprehend her situation, but also to effectively create your conduct and demonstrate to her that your condition is more pleasant and lucrative for her!

This attracts the females because most women don’t want to make decisions; they want to be led and for the man to have complete control.

This awareness in their heads that you know the plan and always follow it, avoiding – any hurdles – is something they like, since she knows she can be peaceful and secure with you.

Unlike in a condition of need, when you indicate that you need something from the lady and you’re basically asking her for it, I’ve seen that women are more attracted to guys who can express their wishes to the woman as one of the possible outcomes of events, and usually the most pleasant for both of you!

So instead of saying, “Come to my place,” tell her, “I’m preparing to prepare a duck with oranges today.”

“I’ll purchase wine, and I’ll bring grapes from Greece, so come have dinner with me.” As a result, the girl herself will concur with your wish as circumstances unfold.
Of course, you might argue that this isn’t simple, friend. And I completely agree with you.
It’s tough to be persistent and insistent with every lady, and it takes a lot of experience.

But, because I mentioned the magic pill, I’d want to tell you what you need to do so that you may exhibit the same perseverance more often! And this is what the counsel sounds like:

“Try to get to the finish.” I mean, try not to restrict yourself to the simplest case. When I initially began getting to know ladies, I would generally have a half-minute talk with them, ask for her phone number, and then say goodbye and run away!

I left these people even after I didn’t have any more business! And this, my buddy, was a huge blunder! It’s ridiculous to abandon a lady, especially if you have her contact information.

Do you believe that the phone number is useless in and of itself? Do you want to contact her, write to meet her, or go on a date with her? Or simply have a drink together?

So why not do it straight now on the first meeting?

If you communicate, you have her contact information; but, if she has spare time, why don’t you go out for coffee with her? As a result, you’ll have more time to reveal yourself, get to know her better, and figure out if she actually likes you or not!

As a result, you demonstrate to her that you are not the next person who picks up the phone but does not call! You demonstrate an interest in her and a willingness to spend time with her, which provides some comfort!

Prepare everything in advance the next time you go on a date with her so that you don’t have to stick to the first script in the form of a date! After all, if she went on a date with you, she thinks you’re fascinating, and there’s a chance you’ll have sex!

On the same day, no less! As a result, plan ahead of time and, when the chance arises, do not be hesitant to act and ask her out with you! You have no idea how many females I’ve lost because I didn’t do it previously!

Did you happen to meet at a table at a club? Let’s get rid of communication! Inviting her to join you for a drink is a great idea! Then join her for a dance! You have no idea what her aspirations are until you start acting and moving! When ladies reveal their genuine intentions to men, it is quite unusual!

They definitely desire sex as much as we do! But they’re not going to reveal it!
After all, they don’t want to seem like sluts on the market. As a result, friend, this is our responsibility!

Go all the way to the conclusion, but don’t hurry! Consider what more you should do to keep your relationship going and if you can do it now.
Tomorrow? Take a look at her response and see if you can make it to the finish!

Task: the next time you want to get to know a lady, don’t restrict yourself to her phone number or contacts. Inquire about her plans and if she is willing to have a cup of coffee with you! Now!

If she thinks and breaks, tell her you to know a decent site nearby (know the concrete one ahead of time)!

Inform her that there is excellent coffee nearby and encourage her to join you! Doing this work again and over will teach you how to get the most out of the circumstance, and more and more of your acquaintances will have sex! Take a stand!

Now I’d like to tell you about something that occurred to me many years ago when I was on a vacation to Croatia with some pals. I’ve collected a number of similar tales, but I’d like to offer this one since it incorporates virtually all of the ideas I’ve discussed thus far.

Of course, such dates and outcomes do not always occur, but I believe it will provide you with a better understanding of the ideas that aid me in my pick-up practice, and maybe it will serve as inspiration for you!

So, having previously mastered the art of seduction for two or three years, and my pals being in on the “theme,” on Friday night we went to Zagreb’s largest club, had a party, and had fun with the local beauties who were already quite hot! I’ve never seen so many gorgeous women in my life as I have in Croatia.

Brunettes, blondes, delectable shapes, lovely features, and, most all, a remarkable receptivity to outsiders! It is, in some ways, a man’s heaven. We had a lot of day dates with a few of beauties to go to a nearby pub and entice some of them.

However, my pals wanted to go to the club, and I wanted to experience what the nightlife in Zagreb was like, so with no one call, we went to the club with our male companions (4 guys).

There were a lot of people, as there usually are in this area of Europe, and the females were dressed very sexily to draw the most attention.

I won’t go into great detail; instead, I’ll attempt to go right to the point and concentrate on the most important elements. So, despite a great number of sexy chicks, the night did not show up, and they did not come into touch with me one by one, as if by conspiracy, and the night game did not work out.

Pals had a similar outcome: someone got to know someone, danced, and drank a few drinks, but when they tried to convert the context into a more private channel, everything fell apart, and my friends were left alone.

We got a bottle of whiskey and sat in the corner of the club, laughing at the weird start to our club night (at the time, I still consumed alcohol). So we rested for a little over an hour before returning to the dance floor. But, to my surprise, the situation remained unchanged –

I approached, became acquainted with the girl I liked, we began to dance and communicate, but as soon as I began more open communication and expressed my intentions (take a walk through the night city and return to my hotel, drink an excellent French wine), one by one, we merged. I returned to my buddies for a table after strolling around the club for a time and failing to find anything intriguing.

So, as the party drew to a close, people began to depart, and a few of my companions indicated a wish to go to the hotel to sleep since we had planned to wake up early the next morning and travel to the seaside.

I went away from the table after urging them to sit for a bit so that I could view everyone in the club. “Man, give it one final shot; the night has passed, but now you must be as persistent as possible and act more decisively.”

Nonetheless, there isn’t much time, everyone has left, and you must go asleep soon. As a result, there’s no need to be hesitant” – I reasoned, as I came across a lovely brunette at the other end of the club. Her pals sat next to her and drank as she moved her hips to the music.

“She’s cool,” says the narrator. She’s a beauty! “It’s worth a shot,” I thought to myself as I approached the brunette. Here, my friend, I’d like to draw your attention to something on my mind: despite the full collapse of the spirit of friends, I was not greatly affected by the terrible outcomes of the night, and I still wanted to succeed that night. I was not affected by refusals;

I was certain that I had merely failed to act decisively, and that with another try, I would succeed. “Hello, your buddies will liquor and wait till dusk, and your dancing excitement will fast fade.” (principle 7) I’m in the same boat, and I’m not ready to confess it.

“My name is Mateo,” I said, holding out my hand to the brunette, hoping she would understand my English.

“Hello,” the brunette murmured coldly, hardly giving me a glance before walking away.

“We proceed to the middle of the dance floor,” I remarked without hesitation, approaching her from the other side and staring her in the eyes.
“No one will see what type of fuck you are here in the corner of the hall!”

I started swaying to the beat with her, winking at her.

“Listen, I’m alright, I’m relaxing here with my pals.”

she said in clear English, taking another step away from me.

“Did you wear such a sultry gown, shoes, and a stunning haircut to sit here miserable all night?” Let’s go to the dance floor; I’ve got something more exciting for you,” I replied confidently, smiling, and gently drew her to the middle of the dance floor by her hand.

“Get out of here, fool!” – she exclaimed as she shoved me.
“Hmm, it’s the same,” I thought, “but I don’t need to give up so fast,” I added.

“OK, maybe I was too blunt with my objectives. Let’s try again; this time, I’ll begin by inquiring about your name.

“Julia,” replied the brunette coldly.

“My name is Mateo,” I introduced myself, moving gently in her body.

“Are you alone yourself?” – Everything is as frigid as before, but not without notice.

“No, I’m with the same group as you, drinking buddies, and they’re leaving, but I requested for 10 minutes since I noticed you and couldn’t leave you so bored.”

“You’re free to go; I’m OK.” We’re going to celebrate my friend’s promotion. “I’ll accompany them.” – Showing the blonde (who was already quite inebriated), Julia said.

“Excellent!” I said as I approached the blonde (principle 5!). She was seated next to a red-haired girl and a powerful man.

Hello, my name is Mateo, and I just learned that you had been promoted. It’s fantastic!
Congratulations! The blonde smirked.

“Thanks a bunch, friend!”

“Your buddy Julia claims you don’t want to dance with her.”

“Yes, we’re having a party.”

“As you can see, she’s depressed.” She needs to dance with someone as good as me. I’ll bring her to you in ten minutes.”

“Dude, we’ve been up all night together…”

“Give her ten minutes and she’ll be yours in a nice mood.”

“Can you tell me what you want from me?”

“Just nod” – I said to Julia, who seemed to be interested in us.

“Your buddy said I’m cool and suggested we dance, so let’s go.”

“I don’t want to dance with you,” she said, but then turned to face her companion, who was pointing to the dance floor.
“Whizz,” I thought, as I drew Julia back to the dance floor by her hand. The brunette followed me with considerable reluctance. At start, we danced in a pretty disjointed manner. I knew that I needed to demonstrate my competence, but not by fleeing or expressing clear goals. We chatted about me for a few minutes. I praised her on being the most attractive in the club and hugged her on the waist (do not be scared to lose!) after politely asking the same question.

“Thank you,” Julia replied, swaying her hips slightly in my direction.
I began to move more vigorously when I sensed a fracture in the ice. After approximately 5 minutes of dancing with her to get her acclimated to me, I grabbed her hand and brought her onto the stage, where a DJ was spinning records and the club’s boldest patrons were dancing.
We danced together for a few minutes while listening to Armin van Buren’s music. My hand was still on Julia’s waist, and as I got closer, I pushed her closer to me. Leaning against me once again, I spotted her brilliant red lips and kissed her with a violent rush of wind. The girl tried to break away from me, not anticipating such a rapid step, but seeing that I was holding her from behind, she relaxed and resumed the kiss. Following that, we had previously touched each other in the dance for various reasons. After spending some time in that moment, it’s worth noticing an essential element in addition to the kiss. She drew the attention of every male due to her outer beauty, which had a tanned, brilliant brown complexion. However, despite my presence on stage, males approached her twice and attempted to carry her away. My cold was repelled, and I was told, “She is with me” (principle 1 and partially 8).

After that, I was able to catch up with her. Despite this, Julia started to question her friends, “since they may concern where she gone,” after a few more minutes of dancing. She took me to the table of her friends as she descended from the stage, holding my hand. I approached my guys after letting go of it. They were about to depart when they decided to give me another five minutes.

As I approached Julia’s table, I saw that her pals were slowly leaving. I grabbed her by the hand and said, “And you’re going to leave me?”

I’ve been with you for so long, and all the local beauties have seen me with you, and now you’re leaving me?”
“Mateo, I have to leave,” she replied, “my friends are already going, and one of my pals is terrible.” “I’m going with them.”

  • “Your pals will take her home three of them.” And if you remain, we’ll make this night amazing (what crap I stated at the time!). Putting Principle #4 into Practice!) – I clung to her lips by tying it to my waist.
    “Do you work out at the gym?” she said as I stroked her on the back and felt her hands on her chest.

  • I grabbed her hand in mine and placed it on my crotch without thinking about it for a long time. Julia grinned as she broke the kiss and said, “How do you rate this?” without taking her hands away.

I believe you’ll appreciate more than just my breasts – I grabbed her buttocks hard with a smile on my face.

“Are you that obnoxious?”

“You rejected me half an hour ago, but you still have my dick.”
” I don’t give a damn ” (principle 1, 8)

Julia kissed me on the cheek with a smile and said, “I have to leave…”
I felt a push in the back at that point, and someone’s hand grasped it and started to pull Julia toward her. There was a pivotal point.

The guy got in the way of Julia’s business and began running into me, stating they were leaving and Julia was joining them. I didn’t last long without a bag, so I closed it myself and told her to remain with me.

The man pushed me on the shoulder and stated they met and would go together, to which I replied that whatever she chooses is OK with me. I disregarded his point of view. I turned around and asked the girl a question. Julia’s reluctance was visible as she glanced at both me and him.

When I held her hand and murmured, “You know you can’t go now,” the man attempted to shove me away from her since she wasn’t bending over to his scales, but my buddies stopped him and told him he needed to let out steam. I gazed at Julia, holding her hand after I had calmed down my guys.

After a 10-second pause, the girl informed her companion that she would remain a bit longer, that they may go, and that they need not be concerned about her safety. I pulled him away and remarked coldly,

“She made her decision, she remains here,” to which he responded with another grab at me. After a little taste, the man returned to his girlfriends, Julia approaching them and bidding them farewell as they exited.

I was preoccupied with the confidence that she would return despite the fact that she walked out onto the street. She was nowhere to be found after 5 minutes. I made the solid decision to wait for her as I sat at her table.

My buddies told me she wouldn’t come back, so they left. I bid farewell to them and told them that I would wait for her since I was certain she would return. She still arrived after another 5 minutes, when the cup of patience had begun to stagger: “Friends didn’t let go, couldn’t flee…”

“I respect your decision.” And I like him,” I told her, kissing her on the lips.
When I was alone, I was able to totally relax and let go of my grip. I could tell she loved it because she replied by touching me everywhere she pleased. “It’s incredible,” I thought, “but it all began with me.”

I had the option of just walking away from her. She didn’t give me a chance at first.” We sipped a cocktail after spending 15 minutes with her in the club, and when I offered to drink good French wine in my hotel, she said, “with joy,” turning my night around from a sour start.

Julia was quite enthusiastic, and she lived up to my expectations of Croatian females. They were scorching hot. My pals quickly confirmed it:)

When I arrived in Zagreb, Julia invited me to supper at her home, where we drank wine and relaxed. And this encounter stayed with me for a long time. In truth, I had planned to depart after the first rejection.

With my tenacity, I punched a hole in her wall. I expressed my interest in her and told her that I was her best option that night. I didn’t give any of the men in the club a chance, and she welcomed it.

I said that I wanted to and that I was not frightened of losing (many touches and the groin incident). I found a method to solve the issue in the shape of a buddy (I wasn’t thinking on failures at the time), and I had the night to myself.

And, most significantly, the process gave me a great deal of joy, and even her friend’s antagonistic conduct couldn’t bring me down to negativity and conflict. I didn’t want to give up what I want.

This tale, my friend, highlights the significance of the eight concepts I outline in this book. Each of them came to me gradually, as a result of my failures and blunders. I stepped outside of my comfort zone in order to obtain a better knowledge of the realities that I organized and shared with you in this book.

You will become an undeniably more confident and liberated guy as you grow each of them in the complex. Finally, communicating with women, dating, and seducing them will be a straightforward and natural experience for you. As a result, buddy, put these concepts to work for you and start using them right now.

You are a guy, and you are deserving of the ladies you want. Not everything will be straightforward. Nothing significant occurs just as a result of happy feelings. But, eventually, I made a choice that transformed my life.

The choice aided me in overcoming numerous obstacles, including my own fear of women and incapacity to speak with them. And now, via a series of brief essential facts, I want to assist you in making this journey simpler and quicker. And I’m certain you’ll succeed. Move!

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