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21 Tips for Entrepreneurs’ Mental Health

21 Tips for Entrepreneurs’ Mental Health.

The journey of entrepreneurship is arduous. The development of a concept, the introduction of a product, and the expansion of a firm through time are all accompanied by a number of highs and lows.

Maintaining mental, physical, and spiritual acuity is essential if you want to create a successful business over the course of many years. But how exactly can you do that?

I recently polled 132 business owners on the mental health and wellness practices that have had the greatest impact on their life in order to have a better understanding of the most effective strategies for maintaining one’s mental health while establishing a company.

What follows is a compilation of the comments made by 25 of those business owners.

Make Self-Care a Priority
Manny Hernandez – Founder & CEO, OMNI

“One thing that I have picked up from my experience as a business owner is how important it is to take care of yourself. Establishing a routine of self-care is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your company if you are an entrepreneur. Stress is a natural physical and emotional reaction to a job or circumstance that is seen as frightening or overwhelming. Stress may have significant repercussions if it is not effectively controlled.

Because you’re going to have to deal with stress at some point in your life, especially if you’re an entrepreneur, understanding how to cope with it is really important. Self-care has proven to be one of the most effective strategies for me. Self-care refers to the practice of selecting behaviors that mitigate the negative effects of both emotional and physical stressors. Some examples of self-care behaviors include engaging in physical activity, consuming nutritious foods, getting an adequate amount of sleep, and engaging in yoga, meditation, or other relaxation techniques.

These are techniques that work to trigger the body’s relaxation response, which in turn helps to lower the levels of cortisol and adrenalin in your body, which in turn helps to reduce stress. There are a lot of various ways to practice self-care, and everyone does it somewhat differently. Working out and doing yoga are activities that serve me very well. It allows me to unwind and feel renewed so that I can get things back on track.

2 Tell Others About the Challenges You Face
The co-founder and current CEO of Tranquility Online is Joel Muise.

“The one routine or practice that has proven to be the most beneficial for me, particularly in terms of the stress connected to my professional life, has been making an effort to discuss my challenges with other business owners and executives, as well as with my close friends and even members of my team.

This has been notably the case during the course of the last three months.

This has enabled me to acquire a broader perspective, taught me that I’m not the only one to experience such emotions, and deepened my sense of connection with the others with whom I’ve shared my experiences. Because I’ve learned that being vulnerable with my own challenges and emotions opens the way for others to share, this experience has also made it possible for more others to open up and talk about their own experiences.

Establish A Morning Practice Of Gratitude
Girl in Heels Travels is led by Julie Ann Dokowicz, who serves as both CEO and Creative Director.

A practice of gratitude is the one thing that I do each and every day without fail in order to assist in the improvement of my mental health. When I first open my eyes in the morning, before I even look at my phone, I put my earbuds on, smoke some sage, and let some soothing music help me relax and center myself.

After I have made myself comfortable, I will set a timer for two to three minutes and use that time to express gratitude for as many aspects of my life as I can think of. These aspects can range from large, material things, such as my car, which enables me to get wherever I need to go, to smaller, more intimate aspects, such as my memory foam mattress, which enables me to get the rest I need, or even more fundamental aspects, such as a hot shower.

Because of this, after I finish my practice of thankfulness, I find that I am much more relaxed and in a lot better headspace. This is because the practice helps me to remember how grateful I am to have so many wonderful things in my surroundings. I have discovered that adhering to this technique on a consistent basis has always brought significant others into my life, along with improved possibilities, more wealth, and joy.

4 Slow Down
Donny Gamble – Owner, Retirement Investments

“This is a subject that I feel very strongly about, and I spend a lot of time studying it, since I believe it will be of critical importance to all proprietors of businesses and entrepreneurs in the year 2020.

As a digital nomad, I share my lifestyle with many people, and I often see them attempting to cram too much into a single day. They hurry through their job, rush through an activity that is taking place in an unfamiliar location, miss a meal in the process, and fret about the bad work that they have given in during the day.

As time goes on, they give off the impression of being worn out and upset, and they don’t even seem to be enjoying their lives when they are traveling the globe.

You have to remember to take it easy, regardless of whether you are traveling or working from home. To tell you the truth, we should all just take it easy; that is the recommendation that I have for all company owners and entrepreneurs.

Put your life on pause for a moment, take a deep breath, and simply think about what’s going on. You may do it first thing in the morning, last thing at night, or at any random time during the day that you can. Find a method of self-care that enables you to do things at a more leisurely pace so that you can accurately assess how well you are doing. You’ll have a clearer picture of how you’re doing as a result, and you’ll have the opportunity to get caught up on everything that’s happening as a result of this.

Write Down All Your “Bad Feelings” in Your Journal
Krista Walsh – Founder, Krista Walsh Copywriting

“For many years, I had been successfully operating my own online authoring firm as a sole proprietor. I like what I did, but I couldn’t figure out why around half of my days weren’t really fruitful in terms of getting things done. Worse, those days of ineffectiveness were marked by confusion, nervousness, and an abundance of useless diversions.

But then I came to the realization that during those unproductive, hazy, and preoccupied days, what was really going on was that I was being avoidant on some level in my subconscious. I was making all efforts I could to prevent myself from thinking too deeply. This meant that I avoided long lengths of stillness, working alone, and critical thinking… by eating badly, watching television shows that were described as “short,” or checking Instagram many times during the day. Because I was anxious about what my mind might come up with, I would not allow it to calm down.

As a result, I made the decision to allow thirty minutes of my time first thing in the morning to write freely about all of my unfavorable emotions and ideas. I sat down at my computer and typed whatever came to me until all of the distracting ideas disappeared. These ideas sometimes reached a significant level, such as when she said, “I’m scared I’ll never achieve because I’m simply not the sort of person who succeeds.” At other occasions, the ideas were completely ridiculous, such as, “I’m frightened that I accidentally took two vitamins instead of just one yesterday.”

The transformation that has taken place in me ever since I began engaging in this ritual is astonishing. As soon as I’ve finished performing it, I have a sense of serenity and clarity, as if I’ve cleared out all of the unpleasant thoughts and anxieties that were cluttering up my mind. By writing them down, I am compelled to notice them with the conscious part of my brain, rather than allowing them to influence my choices in a subliminal manner throughout the day.

Now, the vast bulk of my days is spent engaging in useful activities. In addition to this, I have a sense of serenity and am more present; I am less reactive. Everything I do seems more deliberate and calculated than random and accidental. I’m making incredible progress in achieving my objectives!

6 Host a dance party for you and your friends.
Thrive: Growing Wellness was founded and is now led by Jessica Gifford, who serves as CEO.

“We are all aware that physical activity is beneficial to our health; the only issue is that I despise engaging in it. Running and working out are BORING activities that may vary from unpleasant to downright painful, and they are also physically demanding. Even if you know it’s for your own benefit, it takes a lot of self-control to force yourself to do tasks that are tedious and unpleasant. As an entrepreneur, I use around ninety percent of my willpower on activities linked to my company, which does not leave much for me to spend for my own personal well-being.

Considering that I make my living in the health and fitness industry, it is somewhat embarrassing for me to admit this, but I am a strong proponent of engaging in activities that are efficient, straightforward, and not time-consuming. For this reason, I was overjoyed to come upon this article: The study entitled Jogging for Just 5 Minutes Each Day Has Long-Lasting Benefits found that just 5 minutes of running each day had the same positive effects on a person’s health as running for 30 minutes or more!

Even I should be able to find five minutes a day to do some exercise. And I’m convinced that if I could get my heart rate up for half an hour in any other way except running, I’d reap the same health advantages as if I’d gone for a run. It was at that time that I began the practice of beginning each day with a five-minute solitary dance party. I put on my running shoes, choose two or three songs from my dance playlist, and then I rock out in my pajamas while I’m waiting for my partner to get out of the shower (because it’s vital to dance like no one is watching…because no one is watching).

I am able to get my heart rate up, it’s enjoyable, it gives me energy, and it puts me in a good mindset to begin the day. Even if it’s only going to take me five to ten minutes, I already have the satisfaction of knowing that I’ve done something beneficial for both my physical and emotional health. As an entrepreneur, you’re going to have a lot of failures; I also do this when I’m in the middle of the day when I need a mood or energy boost or when I’m feeling disheartened.

You should have a dancing party for yourself!”

7 Make Meditation On Mindfulness Your Daily Practice
Jack Wang is the Chief Executive Officer of Amazing Beauty Hair.

“For me, it’s all about practicing awareness via meditation. It simply takes me 10 minutes a day to practice being present and not dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. I find that this helps me a great deal. That is more than plenty for me to bring myself back to the here and now and regain my equilibrium. I felt that it would help me cope with stress and worry, which is something that is essential for everyone who owns a company.

8 Create a Fantastic Morning Routine for Yourself
Chief Curator of Art at The Art Arsenal, Jill Higson

“The ONE routine or routine change that has had the single most significant impact on my mental health and overall wellbeing is:

My Routine to Get Me Out of Bed and to the Computer in the Morning:

While you’re in bed, you should stretch, breathe, and meditate.
Make bed
While the coffee is brewing, warm up a glass of lemon water and have some of it.
After icing your face, apply a lemon and honey facial mask that you made yourself.
Put on “The Today Show,” will you.
I poured myself a cup of coffee and settled in front of the computer.
Check the daily to-do list that is posted to the monitor and go through my email (business matters first, then personal matters!).
After taking a fast shower in ice water, getting dressed, and putting on some headphones, you should tune into the day’s webinars.
This practice provides structure and order to the day, which is important for maintaining a healthy mind, body, and business.

Check out this morning routine that just takes 15 minutes, as well as this audio episode on the best possible quarantine morning routine, for more ideas on how to organize your morning.

9 Ways to Transform Your Body Cofounder of Instinct Marketing, Brett Prentiss, Shares His Advice

“Changing to a healthier lifestyle has been the ONE behavior that has greatly contributed to improvements in both my mental health and overall wellbeing. During the last five months, I have decreased my weight by 60 pounds, and as a result, I have greatly increased my level of productivity. Even more, motivation has been poured into me to keep moving ahead with my company and make it even more profitable.

My battle with my weight has lasted for years, and throughout the last year, I have the distinct impression that I have lost customers as a direct result of it. When I would go into a room full of people and then ask them to conduct business with me, I always had the feeling that they were judging me. If I can’t even take care of myself, how can I possibly contribute to their company’s success? It was an important and valuable lesson to take away.

Because of the terrible choices I made about my health, my condition worsened to the point that I needed to seek medical attention in an emergency department because of the agony I was experiencing. One day, I woke up and realized that I needed to make some kind of adjustment in my life. When I finally settled on that option, almost every aspect of my life, most notably Instinct Marketing, began to improve immediately.

I am lot more confident in meetings and sales presentations, and the owners of the company are able to sense the difference. It has resulted in more substantial outcomes for my company and opened up plenty of additional options. My experience of successfully losing weight has taught me a lot about myself as a person and about running a company, and it has made me take a lot more pride in what has to be accomplished.

Investing in one’s health and well-being is the surest path to financial success. It is within your power what you consume first thing in the morning and what you choose to do with each of the 24 hours in a day. I will not proceed with that option if I am aware that it will not get me any closer to the goal I have set for myself. I am overjoyed that I took the actions that led to the dramatic improvement in the quality of my life. I’m not looking back!”

10 Take pleasure in the trip.
Austin Denison – Founder, Denison Success Systems

“When I was younger, I had a terrible habit of living in the past or the future rather than the present. People have a tendency to associate guilt with living in the past, but anxiety is associated with living in the present. To tell you the truth, as an entrepreneur, I have always pictured things to be better in the future. It was as if I was saving up for the day when I could finally allow myself to feel accomplished and successful, despite the fact that my arbitrary definition of success is always evolving, much like the notions of success held by the vast majority of entrepreneurs.

The achievement of goals is not an end in itself. Finding contentment in the path you pave for yourself is an essential component of genuine success. My ability to pursue my motivations and goals with much more reverence has been greatly enhanced by developing the habit of taking time out of each day to truly feel successful and accomplished. This has also enabled me to maintain the joy that comes from knowing that life is unpredictable and that I will be able to handle whatever comes my way.

11 Consider consuming “Exercise Snacks.”
Amber Nash is a writer and editor for the company Nash Digital.

“Working in the entrepreneurial world often involves sitting for lengthy periods of time.” I am a firm believer that eating “workout snacks” throughout the day is the best way to kickstart your energy and enthusiasm to go back to healthy habits.

I sit in front of a computer for eight hours a day, and if I get the sense that either my energy level or my mood has plummeted, I force myself to get up and do something active for a quick burst of twenty seconds. Sometimes, the 20 seconds will urge me to walk more, but I always find that after my workout snack, I am more motivated and attentive. On the days that I stick to my workout snack routine rather than trying to talk myself out of performing the exercises, I have a lot more energy and am able to get a lot more done.

Researchers discovered that increasing the amount of times each day that patients climbed stairs by only twenty seconds (yes, just twenty seconds!) enhanced their cardiovascular fitness. You may receive the benefits by doing any workout, such as walking lunges, jumping jacks, kettlebell swings, or bodyweight squats.

12 Ways To Tap Into The Power Of Taking Deep Breaths
Stephanie Chuang – Founder, The Patient Story

“Taking slow, deep breaths is the one thing I can do on my own that never fails to bring me back to reality and keep me going forward. The practice of mindfulness was formed out of a very personal experience; it is one of the many things that I’ve hung onto from the many lessons that I learned while undergoing treatment for cancer.

After receiving my diagnosis, my existence consisted of one scan after another and test after test. After 700 hours of chemotherapy treatment, I lost my hair and felt weak, but the emotional and mental trauma caused by the experience was the most difficult thing to deal with. I came to the realization that the only way I could “manage” my life was to thoroughly submerge myself in each and every moment that she was experiencing. Because it serves as a physiological reminder that life is still here in this very moment, deep breathing brings me back to the here and now.

Another strategy that has stayed with me is to concentrate intensely on the task that I am now doing. Put an end to the anxiety you have about the future or the regrets you have about the past. I’ve realized that you can’t control what you think and feel, but you can control how you respond to those ideas and emotions. This is a valuable lesson I’ve picked up. It helped me feel more at ease. I would make an effort to take pleasure in everything and focus as much as I could on the here and now. When I washed the dishes, it meant giving each cup, plate, and utensil a thorough cleaning rather than treating the task like a duty and hurrying through it. That meant making an effort every time I bathed to savor the sensation of the water on my skin rather than hurrying through the process as if it were just another duty.

My experience with cancer was traumatic, but it taught me the importance of practicing deep breathing and being present in the here and now. These practices provide an automatic reset for my day, but now it’s not a reset from the physical pain of chemo or the mental anguish of thinking about being a cancer patient. Instead, it’s a reset from the stress that accumulates as a result of my tireless efforts to ensure that my website is successful. It’s come full circle: I started writing The Patient Story to assist other cancer patients and their carers in making sense of a diagnosis at what may be the most harrowing and vulnerable period of their life.

13 Leverage The Blessing That Comes From Meditation
Jase Rodley – Entrepreneur

“The practice of meditation has been an incredible blessing for me. Because I tend to be a person who is constantly on the go, one of the things that has been most helpful for me is learning how to train my mind to relax for brief intervals of time. Nothing else has been as effective. Being a city boy makes it difficult to know when to stop doing something.

Therefore, if you can locate a period throughout each day when you are COMPELLED to quit, you will not actually give yourself an option in the matter. I put on some music, sit on the floor with my feet up, and simply try to soak in as much of the emptiness as possible. “Of course, at first I felt it was a waste of time, but you have to discover the capacity to turn your mind off, and by the time the session is through, you will feel like a completely different person.”

14 Let Yourself Be Consumed By Your Hobbies
Car Passionate’s Chief Executive Officer, Michael Lowe

“I have found that having a pastime that I actually like has been of great assistance to me in terms of maintaining my mental health. Because of this, I am able to fully immerse myself in something other than my job and concentrate on that instead. To me, this constitutes the art of painting. Over the last several months, I have spent a lot of time painting.

My passion for vehicles as shown in art has allowed me to develop a deeper appreciation for actual automobiles and inspired me to develop a newfound affection for them. Painting is a soothing activity that helps me relax and is good for my mental health. I would suggest it to everyone who does not already own a bobby but is aware of the fact that they need one.

15 Get Well Via Counseling or Treatment
Healer Collective’s Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer, Ashley Southard

“I have always been a type A workaholic, but if I don’t take the time to properly care for myself mentally and physically, I’m not going to be able to show up and do my best job” (or feel my best).

The greatest life-changing experience for me personally, as well as for my company, was participating in therapy sessions twice a month with my business partner (this is in addition to my own personal therapy sessions twice a month; no one should underestimate the efficacy of CBT or talk therapy!).

When you stop to think about it, you probably spend more time with your employees – particularly cofounders – than you do with your own family. This may seem ridiculous, but it’s true. We recommend it to all executives who ask us how/why we are able to work so well together (we run two other companies together, one of which is a non-profit).” “The sessions have been transformative, grounding, and helpful for both of us, and we recommend it to all executives who ask us how/why we are able to work so well together.”

16 Do Yoga
Member of the Board of Directors of the Medio Foundation, Vanessa Landryis

“Taking personal time away from my thoughts, ideas, pressures, and deadlines is essential to my welfare, and yoga has been an invaluable tool in achieving this goal for me.” Being an entrepreneur is an exhilarating endeavor, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges.

You are often mulling over issues and coming up with novel approaches to resolving them in your head. As a result, yoga has become my outlet. Providing me with the opportunity to plan some time for myself and reconnect with my breathing as well as my mental health, all while getting some exercise in the process.

Yoga may be considered my religion. It helps me to deal with challenges front-on while maintaining a level head and a realistic perspective, which keeps me cool in high-pressure situations.

17 Establishing Clearly Defined Boundaries Olivier Poirier-Leroy, Owner, YourWorkoutBook

“I have been the only proprietor of this company for the last seven years. As a result of my status as an entrepreneur, I always have a mental “to do” list going through my head. My mind is “on” even when I should be present with my wife or friends, or any other time when I am away from work and should be concentrating on anything other than work. I’m going through my work emails, thinking about the things that need to be done, worrying about an order that wasn’t fulfilled, and so on and so on.

The result is an increased level of tension, difficulty sleeping, and irritability in general. It’s not good for my mental health at all (or the relationships with those closest to me).

Having a routine to get ready for work and wind down at the end of the day is a practice that has helped me to better demarcate the boundaries between my professional life and my personal life, as well as enhance my mental health in general. It may seem ridiculous, but having been an athlete for my whole life, this is the kind of thing that made sense to me and has been the thing that has helped me the most to reduce stress, enhance my mental health, sleep better, and get more out of the time I spend with the people I love.

My professional life and my personal life are clearly separated by a distinct barrier that I create every evening with a three-step warm-down routine. I go through the work I accomplished the previous day, make a list of the three most essential items I want to work on the following day, and then I meditate for three minutes using the app Headspace.

18 Maintain your level of physical activity.
CEO and Founder of PTPioneer, Tyler Read

“Keeping up with my regular exercise routine is the single most beneficial thing I can do for both my physical and emotional health.” When I was younger, I participated in every activity there was, which kept my endorphins flowing. But for a while when I graduated from high school, I was out of the pattern of participating in the sports teams at my previous school and practicing with them.

I reduced the amount of physical activity I engaged in on a daily basis, and as a result, I started having a lot of trouble maintaining my mental health. I had a terrible mood and was really sluggish, and the less I moved about, the less I wanted to go to the gym or get together with some buddies to play some pick-up basketball.

To my good fortune, I was very fast to see that I really needed to pull myself together and get back into a habit of doing physical activity. I went back to school, resumed my athletic participation, and began studying kinesiology all at the same time. “Even though I’ve been a certified personal trainer for more than a decade now, I’ve found that being active is still the single most effective treatment option for me.”

19 Don’t Make Any Sacrifices When It Comes To Sleep Tremaine Wills, Investment Advisor, Mind Over Money

“When I was younger, I was a firm believer in the philosophy that after you die, you would finally be able to receive some rest, and I believed that every waking minute should be spent working. The only effect it had on me was to make me lose everything and start over at least once a week. I would often stay up until two or three in the morning doing anything that seemed to be beneficial to the development of my company. After that, I’d roll over and go back to sleep, but this time I’d set my alarm for six in the morning.

When I was in “grind mode,” I would boast about only getting four hours of sleep because I was so focused on my goals. My performance has never been at its peak on days when I get less than four hours of sleep the night before. By Wednesday or Thursday, I would reach my limit and be in need of an afternoon sleep. Unfortunately, the nap would morph into slumber, and I would lose the whole evening.

In the end, I came to the conclusion that it was best for me to step away from #TeamNoSleep and start acting like an adult. It turned out to be the wisest choice I’ve ever made. I go to sleep at 9:30 p.m. and get up around 4:30 a.m. every night. I have had plenty of rest and am prepared to perform to the best of my ability.

20 Keeping Your Mind Sharp Through Meditation

Dr. Neelima Kunam is now serving in the role of Medical Director for Inland Psychiatric Medical Group.

People come to me for mental healthcare when they are at their lowest point, when they feel completely out of control of their life, or when they are afraid of what their life will be like in the future. As a result, I sometimes put quite a bit of pressure on myself to discover the solution that will put an end to their anguish.

I have to constantly remind myself to step back, collect my thoughts, and examine the situation in its whole.

I began adding mindfulness techniques into my daily routine in order to protect myself from developing compassion and empathy fatigue. My interests in problem-solving, and brainstorming and the enormous joy I get from assisting others in becoming more self-reliant via the application of those interests led me to the realization that my skills and passions need limits in order to maintain their healthy state.

Practicing medicine in this day and age typically involves seeing at least three patients an hour, if not more, and attempting to come up with solutions, and plans, as well as provide education, and then answer questions all within fifteen to twenty minutes, all while furiously typing away on a computer.

In the event that I am not a well-oiled machine that is getting through visits on my A-game, I may wind up with 16 incomplete notes and 20 messages from the pharmacy or insurance company to attend to after my work day “ends.” It’s the work we do after we’ve finished our regular shifts.

Keeping my own objectives in check and maintaining my attention are both made easier when I give myself several opportunities during the day to pause, reflect, and engage in mindful practices. Every 15 minutes, I have to tell myself that I do not need to rescue the world for each individual patient. It’s only a matter of working on it along with them. Nothing gets healed overnight, and nothing ever gets solved in just one visit.

I have become a better therapist as a result of practicing mindfulness.

21 Establish Strict Cut-Off Times for Yourself

Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Business Owners Society, Sophie Bowman

“As the owner of a company, you are always fielding calls and responding to emails. It is essential to your mental health to establish a cut-off time if you begin to experience feelings of being overwhelmed. Complete social isolation is something I practice whenever I start to feel stressed and overwhelmed now, and not just because I’m in quarantine for an illness.

When you’re already feeling stressed out, being around other people might further exacerbate your state by draining your energy and making more noise. It is crucial to allow yourself time to decompress by spending time alone in nature, disconnected from WiFi, and away from the continual ringing of your phone, alerts from social media, and text messages.

You may find me relaxing by my pool with a nice book or sunbathing while listening to reggae on most weekends; it helps me feel relaxed within hours and prepares me to work hard once again on Monday morning.

22 Rehearse Making Statements Beginning With “I Am”

Julia Hickman – Founder, Fastinista Online Studio

Statements beginning with “I am” have been the single practice that has been the single most beneficial to me over the course of the past year.

When I wake up in the morning, I sit down and write one to three “I am” statements. These statements help me get into the correct frame of mind to be the person I want to be so that I can show up in the best manner possible for myself, my family, and my clients on a daily basis.

Take, for instance:

I am well regarded and in high demand as a coach.
I strive to be a kind and patient mother.
I am incredible in just the same manner that I am.

23 Make a habit out of expressing gratitude every day.

Chief Executive Officer of The Bright App, Nerissa Zhang

I have three small children at home in addition to being a co-owner and manager of three companies that I run with my spouse. Due to the fact that I work from home, it might be challenging to put my own physical and emotional well-being ahead of other priorities. Finding time for self-care may be difficult, especially now that the pandemic has struck and we are less able to leave the home. This makes it seem like a daunting task in and of itself.

Practicing thankfulness on a daily basis is the one and only routine that I’ve ever been able to maintain, and it’s the only one that can keep both my mind and my spirit healthy no matter what. I make it a point to take a seat and refocus my thoughts if I’m feeling really upset, angry, or lonely. Sometimes I practice thankfulness by myself by engaging in quiet prayer; other times, I express my appreciation via writing; and yet other times, I discuss my gratitude with my spouse.

I express my appreciation for the many blessings that have come into my life by way of reflection, writing, and conversation. I sit in silence and reflect on all that has led me to this point in my life. I reflect on the past and marvel at how far I’ve gone, thinking to myself, “Look at where I was then and just how far I’ve come.”

In addition, I bring to mind the individuals who I am assisting, most importantly my family. I keep in the back of my mind that my success is directly tied to theirs, and I make it a point to work hard each day toward the goal of achieving that success for both of us. I’ve been through a lot of hardships in this life, but I’ve managed to bring my loved ones with me to this wonderful location where I am right now. Even while there are still moments that are challenging and stressful, the fact of the matter is that I have a lot to be thankful for.

24 Make sure you take care of yourself regularly.

Stay Strong Collective was established by Jessica Victoria, who is also the founder.

“Caring for oneself is of the utmost importance. Because I am an entrepreneur, there are times when I feel completely overburdened because I am working on so many different projects at once. On the other hand, I am aware that if I do not slow down and take care of myself, I may become so mentally exhausted that I will eventually give up. And if that happens, it’s possible I won’t have enough time to finish the jobs. Because of what I’ve said in the previous two words, I firmly feel that practicing self-care is an essential component of being productive. This belief stems from the fact that I like being productive and getting things done.

Despite the fact that I don’t have a regular schedule, I’ve found that making a timetable and allocating certain times for self-care is quite helpful. When I sit down to create the schedule for the day, I make sure to include the tasks I need to complete, the meetings and appointments I have scheduled for the day (which are at specific times), as well as a block of time, consisting of at least one hour, that is set aside for me to practice self-care.

In addition, given the adaptability of my agenda, I make every effort to provide space for alterations (ex: if I become exhausted around 1 PM, I take a nap then just work an hour later). Even if a person does have a set schedule, it should not be difficult for them to find at least one hour every day for their own self-care. If not, it may be time to make some adjustments to your way of living.”

25 Do Less Tyler Buckingham — Owner, Buckingham Fitness

Doing less is the one habit that I have formed that has shown to be beneficial to both myself and my company.

It is usual for business owners and entrepreneurs to try to accomplish everything all the time. However, doing so is likely to result in quicker burnout, increased stress, unfulfilled expectations, and a negative attitude toward the company as a whole.

I personally struggled for months and months trying to post on social media every day, build my website, reach out to clients, connect with new or potential clients, rebuild my website, connect with other small businesses, offer discounts and flash sales, and rebuilding my website once more. It takes a lot of energy. It’s not easy at all. It’s well over my limit.

And there was no way to prevent the exhaustion from setting in.

After reading “The One Item” by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan, I decided to start concentrating on just one thing and doing fewer things overall. They raise the following question throughout the book:

“What is the one thing that you can do that, if you do it, would make everything else easy or unnecessary?”

My ability to concentrate increased, and the amount of work I got done skyrocketed when I focused on just one issue. I also didn’t stress out about this other thing over here or that other thing over there. I was able to complete more sales, my website (finally) looks fantastic, and the content is better than it has ever been, but do you want to know the greatest part? Without having to give any thought to my cherished other half, I am able to take advantage of our precious time together.

I was able to do more by doing fewer things. When I reduced the number of objects I was juggling in the air, I was better able to concentrate on those objects and get the most out of them.

Additionally, it is necessary for every company owner to automate chores (creating a system that runs without me), delegate duties (hiring a team and/or outsourcing work out for others to handle, so that I can concentrate on expanding my business), and eliminate tasks (those are not helping my business grow). You may do the audit on your own, or you can pay a coach to perform it for you. But if things that aren’t important or that aren’t required are getting in the way of your progress, it’s time to make some adjustments.

Accomplish less to do more.”

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