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11 really bad personality trait

11 really bad personality trait

11 really disgusting negative personality traits to avoid at all costs.

Every one of us has some undesirable qualities that need our attention.

I’m willing to wager that if I ask you to name some unfavorable characteristics of another person or some of your own, at least one of these characteristics will spring to mind.

And once you become aware of them and how they influence other people, you are more likely to make the effort to fix those that you notice in yourself once you realize how they affect other people.

That, of course, presupposes that the maturation of your personality and the advancement of your own self-awareness is important to you, as well as the conviction that you have no one else but yourself to blame for your errors.

But what about the characteristics of a person’s bad personality that make them challenging to be around?

How can you identify negative characteristics in the personalities of others, as well as in your own?

What exactly is meant by the term “negative personality trait”?

We each have a predetermined personality type, as well as good and negative characteristics that are consistent with that kind.

There is a correlation between the anatomical variations in our brains that emerge before birth and the variances in personality that individuals exhibit.

The results of a number of different personality tests, such as the Myers-Briggs test, may shed light on your defining characteristics and point out the areas in which your personality is lacking. The Big Five (or OCEAN) evaluation examines people in terms of the characteristics that are most prevalent among members of the international community.

These characteristics, which include the following, form the acronym OCEAN and are as follows:

Openness is a trait that is highly valued, and those who are eager to try new things and expand their knowledge get high marks in this category. They are imaginative people who are interested in a broad range of things. If you are more closed off, you have a tendency to be more cautious, and conservative, and want to stick to routines.

If you get a high score for this feature, it indicates that you have a tendency to be trustworthy, dependable, organized, and quick. You also tend to be disciplined, driven, and conscientious. If you get a low score, it indicates that you are less likely to be diligent and trustworthy and that you are more easily distracted.

Extraversion: People who score high in extraversion are often more gregarious, lively, and forceful than those who score lower. Those who have low scores are more reserved and less likely to exert themselves.

When it comes to getting along with other people, having a high agreeableness score indicates that you are more likely to be kind, sympathetic, and warm to them. People with lower scores are more likely to be skeptical and focused on themselves.

The capacity to maintain a steady emotional state is referred to as neuroticism. The higher your score, the greater the likelihood that you may suffer emotional instability as well as unpleasant feelings. Someone with a lower score tends to be more level-headed and self-assured.

Qualities of a positive personality, such as agreeableness, calmness, conscientiousness, and open-mindedness, are contrasted with characteristics of a negative personality, such as judgment, neuroticism, and suspicion.

These qualities exist on a continuum, and as a result, every one of us has both good and bad qualities.

On the other hand, individuals who have a high level of neuroticism are more likely to have challenging personalities, as you will see in the list of problematic characteristics that follows below.

Identifying and Steering Clear of These 11 Detrimental Personality Traits

There is a distinction to be made between having weak personality qualities and having traits that cause other people to find the company and the influence of a person to be toxic and draining.

However, being weak is included in this list of characteristics that are indicative of a negative personality.

The only people who are able to cure themselves and progress are those who have a strong sense of inner fortitude and knowledge of themselves.

It is far simpler to place blame on other people and pass responsibility off onto them.

But that’s no way to go through life.

When it comes to negative aspects of one’s personality, the following is our ranking of the worst attributes that a person may possess:


When a person displays this unfavorable trait, everything they say or do is oriented on making themselves appear good, being the center of attention, or showing to the world that they deserve special treatment. [Case in point]

If you know someone with a personality like this, you’ve probably had at least one interaction with them that shed light on the problematic traits associated with this sort of personality.

Their words and actions are motivated only by their ego. And preserving their ego takes precedence above everything else, even other people.

You could have seen this individual guard member of their family with the zeal of a proud mom (or father) bear.

However, if any of those family members offends the egocentric person in any manner, they will make it very obvious who in the family is the most significant and vital member.


A pessimistic individual is always on the lookout for evidence that the world despises them or that it doesn’t care about them at all.

They feel that they are destined to be imprisoned and unhappy, that the world is out to get them, that life is a cruel joke, or that the deck is stacked against them in some way.

It is evident that they are correct whenever things do not move in the direction that they had hoped.

They don’t even consider the possibility of taking responsibility for their own lives and acting in a way that would make things better for themselves. They won’t let go of what they have and will constantly bemoan what they don’t have.

They will bring misery onto themselves as well as everyone around them, acting as if this is the only way to live.

Having a Need to be Correct

This individual has an unquenchable need for rightness, or at the very least the perception of rightness, at all times.

They are driven by an insatiable want to disprove the claims of others, and if they are unable to do so, they will resort to various methods in order to undermine the credibility of those who disagree with them.

They will make assault on the character of the other player. Or, alternatively, they may embark into a self-righteous diatribe because they really think that their feelings and sense of moral superiority are more powerful than what is known to be the case.

They have accomplished their goal if they have been successful in making the other person seem to be the bad guy and in convincing at least one person to declare, “You were correct about [so-and-so].”

It makes no difference if the statements they made have no foundation in reality. They “win” by appealing to their own feelings and the feelings of those who are just as readily persuaded by them.

The value of the truth can only be measured by how well it can be used to disprove the other person’s claims.

Greedy/ Envy

They will extract as much information as possible from you regardless of what it is that you want or desire. And they have an insatiable appetite. They are never satisfied, no of how much you offer them.

And if you have the audacity to ask them to do something that isn’t in their best interest, you should be ready for a disappointing response.

Your usefulness or your capacity to assist in financing the lifestyle they want are the only factors that will determine how valuable you are to them as a friend.

They will never have enough money, food, or activities that are satisfying to them. For them, you are nothing more than a means to a goal. You have the option of either feeding the beast or being run over by it.


When dealing with a dishonest individual, no offer of assistance (financial or otherwise) is made without conditions or without some other motivation in the background, in which you and your interests are only supporting cast members.

Be wary of someone who suddenly offers to assist you but else displays absolutely little interest in what goes on in your life.

There is a good chance that this individual is interested in anything that they can get (or that they can obtain more readily) by engaging you in some way.

It is one thing to conceal secrets in order to safeguard those individuals for whom the revelation of such knowledge would be a burden or a risk. To tell lies to other people on a consistent basis in order to acquire what you desire from them is a whole other thing.


If you spend enough time around other people, you’re certain to run across someone who is quick to criticize others based on what they see, even when they don’t know the whole story of the situation.

Before you ever get an opportunity to get to know someone better, they will label that individual as a “bad person.” You could at first be convinced by someone who has self-appointed themselves as a judge if you know them and appreciate their viewpoint.

But when you examine the judged person or the situation in further detail, you come away with a different view.

At some point, you realize that you are unable to just agree with whatever view that this Judgy Judgerson has to provide on other people.

They have no problem passing judgment on others since it gives them a sense of superiority. And it’s not out of the question for someone to make you their target, if they haven’t already.


Someone who is manipulative will use other people to obtain what they desire for themselves. They often even take pride in their capacity to exert control over other people.

They could even publish books on the subject, conscious of the fact that there are others in the world who are similar to them and who will be glad to make use of what they’ve learned.

The use of guilt as a means to coerce compliance from others is a common kind of manipulation, however, not everyone who employs this strategy does so with the intention of doing so.

This strategy is one that many people picked up as they were growing up. However, after some time, it will no longer be as effective. When this happens, the true manipulator will resort to additional methods of manipulation in order to achieve their goals.


Narcissists will always place the blame for their troubles outside of themselves and on the actions of others.

They do not apologize, or at least they do not do it in a real manner, since whatever it is that you believe they did to harm you, it is ultimately your fault. They were provoked by you.

They are in the right and are simply doing what is best for the situation, no matter what occurs (at least for them). They are not accountable for any of the outcomes that you experience as a result of their actions.

They believe that you brought something upon yourself, or that you deserved what happened to you. And who are they to challenge Karma’s authority? It is quite difficult to convince a narcissist to accept that they did anything wrong or that they were in the wrong about something.

If they do apologize, it will be for the sake of furthering their own agenda. And friendship, in its truest sense, has nothing to do with those aims.


If you so much as slightly cross this person, they will stop at nothing until they have you where they want you.

They become fixated on ensuring that you will always regret going against them in any way, even if “going against them” consists of nothing more than ignoring them, disagreeing with them, or not doing what they want you to do. This is true even if “going against them” consists of nothing more than ignoring them.

After you have succeeded in making them furious, they will brand you as an adversary and hunt for methods to harm you. They could make their plans against you plain to you or they might not.

A great deal is determined by whether or not they have one of the negative personality qualities listed below.

Aggressive or Passive-Aggressive

Someone who is vengeful and uses passive aggression will act in a way that is similar to working behind your back. And that is exactly where they will attack, without ever ever coming face to face with you.

If they have a history of being aggressive, they could challenge you, but most of the time they will do it from a safe distance. The usage of the internet and email may be helpful in this regard.

However, aggressive persons don’t need to keep their distance. They will physically harass you and even resort to violence against you in order to intimidate you and make you feel insecure, powerless, or insignificant.

They will coerce you into apologizing and doing what they want you to do in order to make up for the wrongs you have committed against them.


Someone who engages in predatory behavior views other people as toys or instruments that they may use as they see fit.

After selecting a victim, they immediately begin carrying out their scheme, and they do so while maintaining the mindset that what they are doing is a fun game to play. They believe that they are well within their rights to act in this manner.

They don’t find anything wrong with using deceit and taking advantage of other people to acquire what they desire.

They don’t truly understand the concept of friendship since, in their eyes, a person’s worth is determined only by how helpful they are. When they have served their purpose, the predator will simply throw them away as if they were rubbish.


The one who has this unfavorable characteristic does not forgive people who have wronged or wounded them, regardless of the efforts those wrongdoers may make to make up for their transgressions.

The individual who is set on harboring resentment will not be persuaded by any explanation, apology, or offer of reconciliation. You may overhear this individual saying something along the lines of “I don’t care if I go to hell; I will always loathe [so-and-so].”

They see being able to forgive as a sign of cowardice and weakness. As a result, they keep on hating and searching for new methods to justify their hate.

They don’t pause to contemplate the fact that by acting in this manner, they are tormenting themselves, making themselves unhappy, and laying the blame for it on someone else.

They are preventing themselves from becoming better and developing into the person they have the potential to be because they won’t forgive.

How to Get Rid of Undesirable Aspects of Your Personality

If you read this list of negative personality qualities and identified some of them in yourself, don’t give up hope that you are doomed to be stuck with them for the rest of your life.

You have, in point of fact, already accomplished the first and most challenging step, which is establishing self-awareness. You may begin the process of changing unfavorable aspects of yourself once you accept the fact that you have these characteristics.

The following are some suggestions for doing just that:

  1. Identify the bad qualities that you see in yourself and write down how these qualities are affecting your life.
  2. Discussing the perceived shortcomings of your personality with a trustworthy friend, member of your family, or therapist might help you get a greater sense of perspective.
  3. Identify the characteristic that you want to focus on the most, preferably one that has the greatest detrimental effect on both you and the people around you.
  4. Think about the quality that is the exact opposite of this one, as well as the particular good actions that demonstrate the opposite.
  5. Create a list of the new, positive habits you wish to cultivate as well as the steps you need to perform in order to cultivate these behaviors.
  6. You will need to create new behavioral patterns, thus it is important to set up reminders for these acts and an accountability plan.
  7. Find situations in which you may put your new habits into practice, and get the opinion of people in your life whom you respect on the alterations you’ve made.
  8. Try to exercise some patience with yourself. It may be challenging to make changes to natural and entrenched habits of behavior. Practice makes perfect; the more you do it, the better you’ll get.

Are you prepared to confront problematic aspects of your personality?

What we perceive to be negative aspects of a person’s personality may have originated as experiences that were first written off as “growing pains” or “getting through something.”

It is not until we see that we have developed a pattern of displaying one or more of these characteristics that we start to become aware of the fact that we need to make changes.

We don’t want our family and friends to stop caring about us just because we won’t address the habits that are causing problems.

When we know other people who exhibit these bad characteristics and have no intention of adopting good, counteracting characteristics, it is vital to rethink the role that these people play in our life.

Because of these characteristics, being around them is very depleting; it is almost as if they are purposefully trying to deplete your energy so that they can boost their own.

Even if they consider you to be one of their most trusted friends, just being in the same room with them makes you feel physically and mentally ill.

Being in close proximity to one of these energy drainers makes it difficult, if not impossible, to flourish, which is something that everyone is entitled to and deserves.

If you want to recover and go on with your life, you need to make the necessary adjustments (either inside yourself or with the people around you).

And may the compassion you have for others and the bravery you exhibit guide all you do today.

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