Salamanders are adorable creatures that are completely safe to both other animals and humans. Despite the fact that they are very sensitive and one-of-a-kind, they may make excellent pets. Handling a salamander incorrectly may cause serious injury, therefore learning how to capture a salamander in your garden is essential knowledge to have.



Check read our post on capturing a caterpillar if you’re looking for another critter you can capture in your own garden.
Regarding Salamanders
If this is your first time collecting a salamander, you need familiarize yourself with the species first. Knowing how they behave will assist you in catching them without injuring them in any way.

Salamanders are a kind of amphibian that has a long, thin body and a long tail. They have been described as looking like a hybrid between a lizard and a frog.

Different species of salamanders have different number of legs; some have four, while others only have two. Some salamanders have lungs, while others have gills, and yet others breathe via their skin, according to the species.

Habitat The habitat of a salamander changes based on the kind of salamander that is there.

Because newts spend much of their time on land, their skin is dry and rough. Sirens have both gills and lungs, although they prefer to spend the most of their time in water.

No matter the kind of salamander you wish to catch, you’ll need to have access to a water supply nearby in order to do it successfully. Every species of salamander need water to keep their skin wet, and all of their progeny will be born in water.



Salamanders are nocturnal creatures that are most active at night and during colder parts of the day. During the day, they prefer to hide beneath rocks or high in trees to remain cool, and they only come out at night to feed.

Consider the following if you want to catch your own salamander using a netting. If you want to have a higher chance of capturing one, you should go during peak activity hours.




Although they are only pregnant for a short period of time, it is feasible to catch a salamander that is carrying a pregnancy. Some species of salamander give birth to live progeny, but others lay eggs in large numbers.


Depending on the species, some salamanders may live for up to 55 years! If you’re looking for a companion who will be with you for the long haul, your salamander may be the answer to your prayers.


Trapping the Salamander Step One: Gather Trapping Supplies and Equipment
With the correct tools, capturing a salamander in your garden may be a very simple process. There are two ways for capturing the salamander that you may pick from in the section below.


Option number one:

The first approach requires a little amount of work, but it enables you to leave the trap out and return to it later.

For the cylinders, you’ll need 24 feet of 18-inch wide aluminum window screening or 15 feet of 28-inch wide aluminum window screening.
To construct the funnels, 15 feet of 36-inch fiberglass screening was used.
25 feet of tiny rope to be used as handles
Knife and scissors for general use
Stapler with a capacity of 1000 staples


A container with some water in it to keep the salamander contained is needed. Make sure there are openings in the lid of the jar to allow the salamander to breathe.
Option number two:

Option two is ideal for anybody who prefers to catch it by hand rather of using a trap. It is also a wonderful option for anyone who wants to capture it quickly. Please take caution not to hurt the salamander if you want to use this approach.



A tiny net was used to catch the salamander.
A container to hold the salamander, similar to the one used in option one.
Although it is not required, carrying a glowstick or outside light might be useful as a lure for capturing amphibians such as salamanders.



Step Two: Design and build a Funnel Trap

If you’ve acquired all of the necessary items for option one above, it’s time to start putting your funnel trap together. If you prefer, you may buy a funnel trap that has already been completed. However, it is possible that it will not be as effective as a handmade alternative.


The cylinders should be cut from the rectangular piece of aluminum window screening that was cut using scissors or a utility knife before.
Roll the piece of screening into a cylinder that is 18 inches long and 8 inches in diameter, leaving a 1-inch lip at the top of the cylinder for support.
Attach the 1-inch lip to the rim at the point where it meets the cylinder screening using staples at the base of the rim.


Construct two funnels out of the fiberglass screening, each with a 9-inch aperture on the broad end, and a 13-inch opening on the narrow end of both sections (see illustration). Staple the funnels together at every 12 inch intervals with the broad ends of the funnels rolled over the outer corners of the cylinder.
A 30′′ string handle should be attached to the lip using duct tape, which should be attached to both ends of the 1′′ metal lip.


Traps should be laid in the third step.

The majority of salamanders prefer to dwell near a water source since their skin requires constant moisture. If you have access to a pond or swamp where salamanders are known to congregate, that would be your best shot for capturing one.


During the winter months, you should place your trap at the bottom of the water supply. Placing the trap in forested areas with stagnant pools of water nearby in the late spring or early summer is a good idea.

Once the 24-hour period has passed, check to see whether you’ve caught any. It’s possible that you’ve captured anything other than a salamander, in which case you may release it back into the wild.

If your trap is empty, leave it in its current location and continue checking until you find a salamander to release it. Bring a plastic bag or jar with you to the checkpoint in order to capture and transport the salamander securely.


Step Four: Make use of a net.

In the event that you choose to actively capture a salamander rather of utilizing a funnel trap, examine the same locations where you’d normally set traps. It is possible to use a glow stick or an outside light as an effective bait to attract the salamander’s attention.



Long, waterproof pants or waders should be used so that you may easily step into the water. Make a downward swiping motion with the net through the water, working your way toward the bottom of the pond.

Transfer the salamander to the same jar as you would if you were using traps to capture it after it has been caught.


Step Five: Inspect its overall condition.

Once you’ve obtained the salamander, make sure it’s in good health before bringing it home with you. The salamander you choose should be in good health, and you should be certain that it won’t die or infect any of the other salamanders in your collection (if any).

The following are some signs that the salamander is in good health:

ripe and ripe (not bloated)
There are no visible ribs, abdominal bones, or hip bones.
Skin that is clear and free of discolored spots or cuts
Eyes that are alert and clear
There are no secretions.
There is no irritation.
If everything seems to be in order, then congratulations! It’s time to transport it to its new location.



Taking Good Care of Your Salamander

Keep the New Salamanders to Yourself
If you have other salamanders, quarantine any additional animals for a couple of weeks if they are not already in your collection. However, even if you have previously looked for symptoms of a healthy salamander, this does not always imply that it is free of illness.



You may confirm that it is healthy before introducing it to the rest of the group by quarantining it. Unfortunately, fungal infections in salamanders are widespread, and they are often lethal.


If at all feasible, keep salamanders in quarantine in separate tanks.

Salamanders should not be handled.

Despite the fact that you may be tempted to pick up and hold your new pet, it is crucial not to touch them until absolutely required. Because salamanders have very absorbent skin, perspiration, salt, and heat from human skin may be harmful to them.


If it becomes essential to handle the salamander, properly wash your hands in hot, soapy water before continuing. To avoid causing injury to the salamander, thoroughly cleanse your hands to remove any soap residue.


Placement in the Habitat

Providing your salamander seems to be in good condition after a few weeks, you’re ready to relocate it to a new environment.. The provision of a clean and enjoyable atmosphere may extend its life span to as much as 20 years.



Here is a list of what should be included in the new habitat:
  • You’ll need a clean aquarium (if you have numerous salamanders, you’ll need one that’s big enough to accommodate them all).
  • The tank plants will be lined with 2-3 inches of washed gravel (make sure you wash them first to prevent transferring diseases)
  • a source of sunlight for water purification
  • a cover or a hood

In order to keep your salamanders healthy, you’ll want to maintain their environment as clean as possible. Their cages may get infested with germs and fungus in a short period of time.



The following are the steps you’ll need to take to maintain the salamander’s aquarium tidy:

However, even though you’ll want to replace the water on a frequent basis, a water filter may assist keep the water clean in between the more thorough changes of water.

When you see that the aquarium is becoming unclean, fully disinfect the aquarium with hot, soapy water until the aquarium is clean again. Repeat this procedure at least once every couple of weeks, and maybe more often if the surface becomes filthy more rapidly.


Rinse the tank thoroughly to ensure that no residue is left behind that might hurt your salamander.
Remember to put the salamander to a holding tank until you’re through with the cleaning before moving on.

Every species of salamander is a carnivore, yet they are known for chewing their food extremely slowly. The prey that salamanders consume varies depending on the size of the individual salamander. Larger salamanders will need larger prey, whilst smaller salamanders will be able to survive on smaller pieces of prey.

  • Here are some meals that you may want to try giving your salamander:
  • earthworms
  • wax worms are a kind of worm that lives in wax.
  • slugs \snails \crickets
  • Shrimp, crayfish, fish, mice, and shrews are all examples of mysis.
  • spiders \centipedes
  • brine that has been frozen



Concluding Remarks
You’ll need to perform some preliminary research before you can learn how to capture a salamander in your garden. Despite the fact that we provided some salamander information, you may choose to go farther in order to understand more about the species that are native to your area.

With proper care, you should be able to enjoy your new pet for up to twenty years if you follow the instructions above.