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My Vagina: Is It Normal? Taking Care of Your Body and Celebrating It

My Vagina: Is It Normal? Taking Care of Your Body and Celebrating It.

Is my vagina normal, you may be asking if you’ve ended yourself here reading this post.

I should also emphasize that you are not alone in that.

Nearly 50% of women are concerned that their vagina is abnormal in some way and feel insecure about their vaginal discharge, according to Bespoke Surgical. 18.35% of women have given labiaplasty or vaginal bleaching considerable thought, while 41.18% of women worry that their labia are abnormal in some manner.

Let me explain why you should learn to love and cherish your genitals. You are not the only one who is curious, and it’s natural to feel uneasy about your vagina.

Is It Possible to Have a Vagina and Vulva That Appear “Normal”?

The right term would be a natural vulva since there is no such thing as a normal vulva because every vulva is normal.

For me, this is not an adjective that should even be taken into consideration while describing our vulvas; the genuine meaning of normal is “conforming to a standard: usual, typical, or expected.” As no two vulvas are alike, we should instead celebrate and appreciate how they differ in appearance.

However, there is such a thing as a healthy vagina and vulva, so it’s crucial to understand what a healthy vulva should look like and what symptoms to watch out for to determine whether you should schedule an appointment with a gynecologist; a physician who specializes in the reproductive system.

We are often left confused, ignorant, and uneasy about our genitals (both men and women) since sex education isn’t typically prioritized in the school system.

Beyond the menstrual cycle, the fundamentals of reproduction, and the fundamentals of sexually transmitted illnesses, hardly much is taught to us. All that is required of us is that we use condoms to prevent STIs and start using birth control.

I should first point out that the vulva and the vagina are two distinct sections of the female anatomy.

The cervix and uterus are accessible via the vagina. For instance, you would enter the penis into the vagina during penetrative intercourse. During labor, it also acts as the birth canal.

We often refer to our vaginas as our complete genitalia, but the correct term for the vulva is the outer portion of a woman’s genitalia.

The area of your genitals that is on the outside of your body—basically, anything that is visible there—is called the vulva.

According to John D. Nguyen, author of Anatomy, Abdomen and Pelvis, Female External Genitalia, the vulva consists of:

Mons pubis is defined as “a tissue mound composed of fat situated anteriorly to the pubic bones.”
Labia majora – “The bigger lips are referred to as the “labia majora.” The lateral and longitudinal boundaries of the vulval clefts will be formed by the labia majora, a conspicuous pair of cutaneous skin folds.
Labia minora – “The smaller lips are referred to as the “labia minora.” A pair of tiny cutaneous folds called the labia minora start at the clitoris and stretch downward.
Clitoris – “The clitoris is a sex organ in females that serves as a sensory organ. It is homologous to the glans penis in males.”
Vestibular bulbs: “The vestibular bulbs (homologous to the bulb of the penis in males) are structures formed from corpus spongiosum tissue.”
Vulva vestibule: “The vulva vestibule is the space between the labia minora.”
Bartholin’s glands: “The Bartholin’s glands, also known as the greater vestibular glands (homologous to the bulbourethral glands in males), are two pea-sized glands located slightly laterally and posteriorly to the vaginal opening.”
Skene’s glands – “The Skene’s glands, also known as the lesser vestibular glands, are two glands situated on either side of the urethra.”
The urethra is “an extension of a tube from the bladder to the outside of the body.”
Vaginal opening: “The vaginal opening is located posterior to the urethra opening.”

How Can You Feel Sexy and Love Your Vagina?

The size, color, texture, asymmetry of the inner lips, size of the outer lips or inner lips, or pubic hair are some common reasons for vulva anxieties. All of these characteristics contribute to the beauty and uniqueness of our vulvas.

We often compare our vulvas to those we see in porn since we don’t typically see many vulvas in our lifetimes; this typically creates an inaccurate impression.

How can we learn to love our vaginas and feel gorgeous when there are still so many people who have vaginal insecurities?

Well, by reading up on the anatomy of the vagina, you’re already making the right move. You may better grasp the vulva’s visual components and, as a result, come to the realization that each vulva is unique by educating yourself on the science of the vagina.

When you see a gynecologist, you may be certain that your vulva is visibly distinct and flawless, and if there are any issues, the gynecologist will provide the appropriate guidance or treatment.

By observing other vulvas, you can also discover how to value and love your own vagina. You’ll discover that no two are alike. You may be thinking, “I can’t just ask someone to show me their vagina,” and you are quite correct.

However, you can find almost anything online. Even a simple Google search for “different types of vaginas” would provide a variety of vulva photographs in a wide range of hues, sizes, and shapes. Some people’s inner lips are asymmetrical, while others have prominent inner or outer lips.

You won’t look at a single photograph, I can assure you, and say, “That’s disgusting,” so why should you consider your own? It’s simple to criticize oneself, but I just received some sound counsel that is definitely worth passing along.

Imagine having a daughter in the future, seeing her grow up, and naturally thinking she is the most beautiful thing to ever walk the globe.

Imagine your 15-year-old daughter complaining to you about the appearance of her vagina, her hair, her nose, or even her legs. Do you have any advice for her? When your lovely daughter confides in you that she doesn’t love her physique, what would you say to her?

There is no disputing that loving oneself takes effort, and we will always have good and terrible days, but doing so is crucial if you want to feel really content inside of yourself.

Additionally, self-love is incredibly contagious. Have you ever noticed that you start to feel good about yourself when you’re out with a girlfriend and they’re just being themselves? Because positivity and self-love are contagious, it is crucial for women to support one another.

Stop comparing yourself to other people, practice self-acceptance, have faith in your abilities, and take the time to admire your inner and exterior beauty (and labia). Don’t forget to tell yourself every day what you like about yourself and how hot your vagina is!

Every day, take five minutes to admire your image in the mirror.

Spend some time admiring the natural beauty of your vulva as you masturbate.

Masturbating in the mirror or filming yourself (for your eyes alone, maybe a partner as well, it’s totally up to you) is another excellent way to appreciate your vagina and feel attractive. Masturbating is basically having sex with oneself, so why not enjoy it and accept your flaws in the process?

What Features Characterize a Healthy Vagina? 11 Warning Signs to Get Checked

Even though each vagina is distinct and attractive, it does not mean that they are all healthy. If you’re worried and you’ve been exhibiting symptoms down there, it could be worthwhile to schedule a visit with a doctor.

Typical indications that you should get checked out include:

noxious genital odor

Our vaginas have a smell, and most of the time we are conscious of that smell. It’s probable that you have bacterial vaginosis if you smell anything different or have a strong vaginal odor.

Bacterial vaginosis, according to Mayo Clinic, is an excess of bacteria that are usually found in the vagina. It is a typical vaginal issue that may result in vaginal odor. Vaginal odor may also result from the sexually transmitted infection trichomoniasis. Vaginal odor is often not caused by a yeast infection.

Contrary to popular assumption, poor hygiene is not a prevalent cause. It may really be brought on by over-washing the vagina, using certain vaginal washes, or even by a sexual partner’s biological secretions.

If this is the case, a doctor’s visit is required since antibiotics are used to treat BV.

Washing your vagina thoroughly with warm water (not soap) can help you determine if you genuinely have a strong vaginal odor. After washing, if you can still detect a strong odor, you may have BV.

higher discharge

There are several factors, such as getting your period, that might lead to increased discharge in humans. However, if the discharge seems to be getting worse over time, you should probably get your vagina checked out.

Usually, when additional symptoms are present, an increase in discharge might be a sign of infection.

Changes in the discharge’s color, thickness, or odor

Again, you may anticipate a change in your vaginal discharge either before or right after your period.

Healthy vaginal discharge is often clear, milky, or off-white in color. However, there are many factors, such as a change in hormones, that could change the color or texture of your vaginal discharge. Other colors may indicate infection. It’s wise to get checked out if in doubt.

vulva or vaginal itch or burning

Itching in the vulvar and vagina is frequent, although it usually subsides within a few days.

Several things, including various materials, soaps, fragrances, shaving, and unclean sex toys, can irritate your vulva, especially depending on your level of sensitivity.

You may be responding to lubricant or even a lack of it if your vagina burns, particularly during sex. Vaginal burning may also be an indication of infection.

The itching or burning should be checked out if it doesn’t go away.

Observe any lumps, warts, or sores right away

Bumpy skin, warts, and blisters are often signs of genital warts, HPV, and even certain other STIs. You should absolutely get this tested, particularly if you have engaged in unprotected intercourse with a person who has a STI.

I would also advise avoiding engaging in sexual activity until you get this examined, particularly unprotected.

Pain during sexual activity

There are not always obvious indications that you should get your vagina examined.

A medical expert should always be consulted when experiencing pain during sexual activity since it might be quite harmful.

Thrush, BV, or another sexually transmitted infection are frequent reasons for discomfort experienced during sex.

“Pain during intercourse is very common—nearly 3 out of 4 women experience pain during intercourse at some point in their lives,” says The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Some women’s discomfort is merely a short-term issue, while others have ongoing issues with it.

discomfort when urinating

A urinary tract infection, or UTI, is often indicated by pain while urinating. There are several over-the-counter remedies for this as well as the recommendation to drink plenty of water.

One is cranberry juice in particular. Cranberry juice may quite literally wash you out since it includes a compound that works to prevent germs from adhering to the bladder.

UTIs are often treatable at home, but if they recur frequently, issues may develop. At that point, you need to probably see a doctor.

Of course, urine discomfort may also be a sign of other infections, so if in doubt, you should certainly have it checked out right immediately.


The presence of additional sensations like itching or soreness is generally present together with redness, which is an indication of irritation.

The Mayo Clinic states that vaginitis, an inflammation of the vagina that may cause discharge, itching, and discomfort, can manifest as redness. Typically, an infection or a shift in the ratio of vaginal bacteria are to blame. Vaginitis may also result from some skin conditions and decreased estrogen levels during menopause.

bleeding intermittently

Many things, particularly if your periods are typically irregular, can result in bleeding between periods.

Contraception is often the root of irregular bleeding, particularly if you’re just starting to use it.

For up to 12 months after the implant, spotting may occur. When choosing to use contraception, there are numerous things to take into account, so it’s crucial to get sound guidance from a specialist and do your study on the various methods before making a decision.

Other reasons for bleeding between periods may point to endometriosis, uterine or cervix growths, or other conditions.

periodic pelvic pains while not menstruating

irregular periods with recurrent pelvic cramping
There are several factors, including birth control, hormones, pregnancy, stress, constipation, cysts, and a long list of others, that may produce cramps while you are not on your period.

It might be better to schedule an appointment with a professional if this is anything that is worrying you. In terms of the visible aspects, it is often simpler to determine if your vagina is healthy, but it is very hard to self-diagnose when you are dealing with symptoms that cannot be seen.

Does the function of your genitalia affect sex?

Infections, STIs, birth control, discomfort, vaginal discharge, itching—all of these topics have been explored. But what about something as basic as sexual function?

There are several factors that might lead to female sexual dysfunction. Of course, any of the previously mentioned conditions, as well as blood flow abnormalities, endometriosis, medicines, vaginismus, loss of sensitivity, diminished libido, and many other conditions, may contribute to sexual dysfunction.

Treatments for vaginal rejuvenation, commonly referred to as vaginal corrective procedures, might be helpful. There are several reasons you could think about this as a therapy, most of which are health-related. However, you might also have these treatments if you have poor self-esteem in relation to your vulva.

If you’ve thought of doing this because you don’t feel good about yourself, I implore you to start by taking the necessary measures to learn to love your vagina. Vaginal rejuvenation might take time, but it’s not something you should hurry into. See whether this may genuinely benefit you moving ahead by taking the time to talk to a doctor about it.

How Can I Maintain the Health of My Vagina?

Speaking with a specialist is always a good idea if you have any questions about your health. The majority of the time, your symptoms will call for simple remedies, but you never know, making an appointment can end up saving you in the long run since many issues will become worse if ignored.

So what can you do to keep your vagina healthy?

So the first step would be to stop using abrasive soaps and, if at all possible, to stop using soap altogether. Because our vaginas are self-cleaning, you can simply wash them with water in the shower to prevent getting infections.

Stay away from it and, through trial and error, locate a material that is comfortable for you if you have discovered that a certain substance irritates your vulva.

It’s crucial to practice sexual responsibility. Always use condoms, particularly if you’re having sex with someone new.

Taking care of your vagina is really taking care of your whole body since things like smoking and drinking may have an impact on it as well.

You’re in excellent shape if you practice proper hygiene, consume enough of water, abstain from excessive drinking and smoking, do regular kegel exercises, and wash your sex toys after use (using a special toy cleaner is recommended).

But keep in mind that vaginal infections are very typical, so you shouldn’t ever feel ashamed if you do have an issue there. Simply schedule a visit with your doctor, and the two of you can work out a solution.

Should the color of your labia match the color of your skin?

No, not always. It’s common for your labia to be one or two shades darker than the rest of your vulvar skin.

Hyperpigmentation is the term for this simmering. Fun fact: The same reason our anus is usually darker applies here as well.

How much discharge from the cervix is typical?

Every individual is unique. Some women seldom ever discharge, while others do.
Usually, the amount of discharge from your vagina changes during the course of your menstrual cycle. Arousal and infections will also have an effect.

A typical quantity of vaginal discharge in a 24-hour period varies between 1-4 ML, according to K-Health. This is, at most, less than a teaspoon. Before or during ovulation, you can have increased discharge. Otherwise, it’s considered excessive and you should look into it more if you consistently see a lot more discharge.

I would advise wearing daily, unfragranced pantyliners if you have a lot of discharge but aren’t really worried enough to schedule a doctor’s visit. These will be much more comfortable and make you feel cleaner.

How should a vagina appear?

The vulva (vagina) is not designed to appear in any certain manner since each one is very unique. The elements that make up a vagina should be there, but other than that, it should appear precisely as it does since it is yours and you should adore it!

The vagina does not alter after giving birth.

Your vagina, of course, as well as the rest of your body, can suffer greatly during childbirth. Your vagina will undoubtedly alter in some ways.

After giving birth, you will have lochia, which is intense bleeding that should subside in a few weeks. If you rip and need sutures, your vagina will initially seem different.

Although vaginal swelling is very common during pregnancy, the vagina usually returns to normal within a few weeks of giving birth.

It’s crucial that we grow to appreciate our vulvae since they are an essential component of femininity and have a significant influence on our sex life in terms of self-confidence and even sexual function.

It’s imperative that we feel at ease enough to discuss our vaginas in public, particularly if women delay medical visits due to their embarrassment as a result of this lack of confidence.

Each vulva is unique, so keep in mind that you’re not the only one who has insecurities about your privates. Encourage women to discuss their vaginas freely as the first step in teaching them to appreciate them.

There is nothing to be ashamed of since your vagina are gorgeous, strong, and most importantly, they are yours! Most essential, you should feel at ease in your own skin. You should feel proud, self-assured, and seductive. No matter what your labia.

Is my vagina normal? is not a question we should be asking. Instead, we should be asking, “Is my vagina healthy?We need to be able to discuss vaginal health freely if we’re going to help women stop feeling self-conscious about their vaginas.

Women need to support one another, encourage their girlfriends to feel seductive, pay attention to their girlfriends’ health issues, and normalize the idea that every vagina is lovely, regardless of its external features.

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