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Kumquat Marmalade with Bourbo

Kumquat Marmalade with Bourbo.

PREP TIME: 30 minutes TIME REQUIRED FOR COOKING: 1 hour and 15 minutes TIME REQUIRED FOR SOAKING: 4 hours YIELD: 5 to 6 half-pint jars
In order to get a good gel using this technique of manufacturing marmalade, the natural pectin found in the citrus peels is combined with the sugar and the acidity of the lemon juice.

This results in the production of an excellent gel.
I will confess that this is a recipe that requires a lot of work, but the vibrant color and flavor of the marmalade make it worthwhile, and this is true regardless of whether or not a splash of bourbon was used.
This recipe works well with whatever citrus fruit you want to use.


  1. 35–40 kumquats, each measuring less than half an inch in width and 1–2 inches in length
  2. 1 orange
  3. 6–7 glasses of water
  4. 2–3 teaspoons of lemon juice from a bottle
  5. 4–5 cups sugar ¼ cup bourbon (optional)


After being placed in the jars and allowed to cool, marmalades, more so than the majority of other types of sweet preserves, will continue to thicken over the course of many days or even weeks. If the newly created marmalade you are using is not as thick as you would want it to be, wait two weeks, and it can become more of a gel-like consistency.


  1. Scrub the kumquats and the orange very well with a produce brush after they have been washed.
  2. Cut the fruit into extremely thin slices, keeping the skins on. While you are slicing, take the time to remove and throw away the seeds. You should save the peels and pulp in addition to the liquids, so be sure to have a basin on ready to transfer them to.
  3. Take a measurement of the cut citrus and liquids mixed. Place them inside of a huge pot that is not reactive. Mix in two glasses of water for every cup of fruit and juice that you measured. Stir until combined. The pot should be covered and let to sit at room temperature for four hours (or overnight).
  4. When you are getting close to the end of the allotted time for soaking, sterilize your canning jars.
  5. When you are getting close to the end of the allotted time for soaking, sterilize your canning jars.
  6. Place a pot over high heat and bring the citrus juice and water combination to a boil. Turn the heat down to medium and continue to boil the kumquat and orange peels until they turn transparent and soft. This should take around an hour of your time.
  7. After the fruit combination has been cooked, measure out how much it has reduced. One and a half teaspoons of lemon juice and three quarters of a cup of sugar should be added to each cup of cooked citrus. While the sugar is dissolving, continue to stir the ingredients over high heat.
  8. If you’re using bourbon, add it now. Carry on cooking the marmalade over a high heat until it reaches the point when it begins to gel. Take it away from the heat and remove any foam that has accumulated on the top.
  9. Transfer the hot marmalade to the sterile canning jars using a ladle while the marmalade is still warm. There should be a head space of at least one and a half millimeters between the surface of the food and the rims of the jars. Place the canning lids on tightly.
  10. Process in a water bath at boiling temperature for five minutes (if required, modify the time for your altitude).

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