How to teach your dog obedience command language.

How to teach your dog obedience command language.

Without your dog present, practice your hand signals for the different commands. In the mirror, observe yourself and combine verbal and hand signs. Crisp, clear, and easily discernible hand signals for your dog come from practice.

To gain the dog’s attention, some owners provide a tiny pull on the leash before issuing a command, saying his name, or making another sound, or positioning themselves in the dog’s view. All of these strategies are counterproductive. They do not enable the dog to make an informed choice on his own.

Obedience directives contain three parts: a beginning (spoken command), a middle (command action), and a conclusion (where the command ends). Always provide praise for following the instruction and for waiting until the dog is finished before releasing him.
390.Never issue a command with the leash signal. The majority of major directives include a verbal and a hand gesture. There is a leash signal on the NO diversion, which should be treated the same as a hand signal. Giving the DOWN hand signal for HEEL is incorrect, and giving the NO leash signal for any other order is incorrect.


Commands are just that: orders. Avoid using vocal inflections that convey fear or uncertainty in your voice. During obedience training, never shout at your dog. Avoid any rebukes. Reprimanding your dog simply helps to sever your trusting relationship with him. Physical punishment, in any form, is harsh and harmful, and it may make your dog angry toward you.

When you’re in a terrible mood, don’t teach your dog. Negative emotions will lead your dog to have a bad training experience. When you’re upset or in a hurry, never teach your dog. Obedience training is not a punishment for bad conduct in the home.

When you can be “mentally present” in the exercise, train your dog.
Turn off the television, silence the phone, and offer the kids some activities while explaining that this is the dog’s special time. You can only keep your dog focused and undistracted if you can keep yourself concentrated and undistracted.

Repetition is how dogs learn.

Creating a clear and repeatable objective is critical throughout the teaching phase of your process.
Patterns, on the other hand, after your dog has learned and comprehended the principles, will go against one of the primary goals of obedience training: teaching our dogs to think.

Diversity is defined as the deliberate structuring of your obedience training to prevent patterns or doing the same thing over and over again, and it will be mentioned as such throughout the book.

Avoid the temptation to let your dog off the leash at the conclusion of the exercise and lavish praise on them as if they had “survived” the grueling activity. During the practice session, your dog should be praised more than afterward.

Always conclude a session of obedience training on a good note. If things are getting out of hand, give your dog a brief and cheerful SIT command, lavish praise, and walk away. After every one of you has had a rest, try again later.


Each command will be taught in four stages: teaching, reinforcing, testing, and application.

The purpose of the teaching phase is to educate your dog on the meaning of each command. You will assist your dog throughout the training phase by physically putting him in positions and uttering a cue word such as SIT so that he identifies the task with the action. Before you begin reinforcement, you may need to practice these exercises for up to a hundred times.

Teaching is a one-time event, but reinforcing will last the rest of your dog’s life. You only have one opportunity to properly train your dog. Take your time and make sure you get it properly. Do not begin to demand execution (reinforcement) of any command until your dog has shown full comprehension. Wait patiently.

The physical aid used to teach each command will be removed throughout the reinforcement phase of each command. To give a “random” reward situation, the food reward will be lowered. Maintaining a happy experience for your dog throughout this era requires quality verbal praise and incentive.

The reinforcement phase is when you and your dog share responsibility for following the orders.

By attaching performance standards to the activities, your dog will begin to understand limits.

Specific activities will be used throughout the testing phase to see whether your dog genuinely understands the meaning of the orders.
403.In order to socialize your dog to live in your surroundings, you must employ the obedience command in everyday life.

Maintain a training log. List the commands vertically down the page, followed by the milestones at the top. HEEL, SIT, BREAK, DOWN, POSITION HOLDING, COME, and PLACE should be the orders. Include FRONT DOWN and FRONT SIT, as well as MOTION SIT and MOTION DOWN.

Teach, Reinforce, Test, and Apply will be the milestones. Make a “X” in the slot below each milestone when you achieve it. This diary will help you keep track of where you are in your training schedule and what you still need to complete!


To explain what constitutes appropriate praise, define “Yes” and “No.” Say “No” to teach what isn’t good. Giving praise without the NO will not help your dog acquire the necessary sense of “right and wrong.”

NO is a crucial tool in the obedience language

if it is adequately taught and continuously reinforced.

NO means, in essence, that you (the dog) are doing something wrong; stop what you’re doing and pay attention to me (the owner), and I’ll explain you how to gain praise!

How is this complicated message conveyed? The reinforcing step of obedience training includes teaching NO. You will deliver a rapid snap and release of the leash (leash signal) while simultaneously saying NO to teach your dog NO.

Give your dog an order to follow. If successful, give praise. If the corrective NO (diversion) is not given, re-command with the first command (redirection). “SIT,” “NO…SIT,” “NO…SIT,” (the dog sits)… “Good SIT,” is an example of a vocal pattern for a dog that needs to be disciplined twice for failing to SIT.

To ensure that NO is fair and understandable, the corrective NO approach must be understood, practiced, and mastered.

A rapid snap and release is the leash signal necessary for a successful correction, with the release being equally vital as the snap. There is no yanking, pulling, or jerking involved. Your dog’s feet should never leave the ground, and his head should never move if the corrective snap is correctly applied. Quickness is an important skill.


Twenty gentle, gradual, nagging corrections are preferable than one fair, rapid correction. Keep in mind the phrase “rapid snap.” Yank, tug, pull, hard, jerk, and haul are all bad words to use.

Attach the leash’s clasp to your shoelaces to get a feel for the corrective snap. Place your foot flat on the floor with the buckle on it. Make a fast snapping motion with your foot.

You’ve provided a decent adjustment if you can feel a pulse in your foot and the buckle is back on your foot. It’s too hard if your foot leaves the ground. You are not releasing the correction if the shoelaces are securely held aloft by the leash.

It’s also vital to consider the correction’s direction.

The direction of the correction will indicate which motion is necessary to appropriately finish the activity. The suitable corrective method will be explained for each obedience requirement.

You’ll use whichever collar you’re using at the moment to teach NO. Most directives begin with a flat collar and progress to a more corrective device after the command is comprehended throughout the reinforcement phase. Without the leash signal, head harnesses like the Halti or Gentle Leader may be successful.

Maintain a steady tone of speech.

There were no negative feelings, frustrations, or rage.
NO is a distraction, not a punishment or a rebuke. When bad feelings are added to the correction, your dog may become defensive (or defensively hostile) against you and the obedience experience.

Only use NO during obedience training to educate your dog. Before you use NO in real life to create patterns and behaviors, be sure your dog understands what it means.

The HEEL zone is a place where you can do anything you want.

at your left hip is a two-foot square. Draw a two-foot square on the sidewalk using sidewalk chalk and stand next to it to visualize this. A HEEL made with masking tape on the carpet is also a lovely sight! Your dog’s head will stay inside the designated HEEL zone if this zone goes forward.

When the zone comes to a complete stop, your dog will automatically stop and SIT, remaining in that posture until further instruction is issued. Before training your dog to HEEL, make sure you understand all of the procedures.

The HEEL command’s purpose is to get your dog’s head to stay inside the square’s bounds. By keeping the dog in the proper zone, this command starts the process of building self-control in the dog. The idea is to cultivate mental self-control rather than physical control.
The HEEL Command should be taught.

When it comes to “following the leader,” the HEEL command is the first and most crucial command to teach your dog.

Heeling suggests he’s following you as a leader, paying attention to you, and walking with you rather than against you. Your dog will only be able to listen to you through other instructions and distractions if he is following you closely and paying close attention at HEEL.


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