Control is a mirage. You should not teach your dog obedience instructions in order to maintain control over them. The language of obedience instructions allows you to express your expectations and educate him how to interact in the two-legged world. These directives will also keep him secure and help him to stay in society’s good graces.

Forget about “alpha dog” and “pack theory.” Putting your dog in a subordinate position to you or anybody else has nothing to do with proper training and communication. Leading and dominating are two very different things.
Another typical mistake involves praising.

Owners often mix up love and praise.
Affection is shown by overly emotional voice, stroking, and/or petting, but it is not praise. While your dog needs to know that you appreciate or adore him, affection is not the best way to reward obedience training.

Learn to appreciate the training process rather than being wedded to the end. High standards and lofty objectives are required for effective training. However, if the objectives are not met right away, you must avoid becoming frustrated with the process. The qualities of a good dog trainer include consistency, patience, and perseverance.


Your dog’s obedience command language must be a positive kind of communication. Training in obedience is not a punishment. To achieve this, obedience orders should be pleasant, enjoyable, well-taught, and well-received. Food, a joyous voice, happy facial gestures, accurate and careful education, and a passionate instructor are the means for accomplishing these principles.

Food motivates the majority of dogs. The key to successful food training is to get the most out of each reward. Begin by rewarding each achievement with a little goodie.

“Good dog,” “good boy,” “good girl,” “good (insert dog’s name here),” or “good (insert command here)” should always be used as a cue word. Reduce the frequency of goodies when your dog has gotten acclimated to the training method (around one month).

The next phase is to just reward for patience or distraction training. Finally, treat your dog at irregular intervals to keep him wondering (and working) for the next reward.


If you want, you may enter a click-and-treat reward in the following obedience command training instructions where we have written praise with “good…”

To “catch” a command, you must employ the appropriate “bait.” You may need to use food to entice your dog into the proper postures on occasion. This is quite natural.
Using food to aid your physical manipulations will ensure that you have a favorable attitude about the commands.

Taste, not quantity, is the aim when it comes to offering goodies.

Use a soft reward like a stick or a square with little parts (about the size of a pencil eraser) that can be taken off and given separately. The more aromatic the treat, the more taste it will provide to your dog. Give big premade treat nibbles in pieces rather than the whole. Four to six fast nibbles may be taken off a medium-sized reward bone.

You may stop receiving food rewards, but you must continue to get verbal praise for the rest of your life. If you start to “expect” certain actions from your dog and stop rewarding them, the positive behavior will go away.

Not only will the positive conduct go, but it may be replaced by bad behavior. If you do not provide enough positive attention to your dog, he will learn a bothersome habit to distract your focus away from you.

Your voice is the stimulation that dogs react to the most. If you approach obedience training with a negative mindset, your dog will mirror your attitude. Act as a coach by rewarding your dog in a way that fosters trust, eagerness, and confidence.

Praise your dog so that he or she respects you. Praise might become distracting while teaching your dog.
Work through the praise distraction since heartfelt praise is essential for a successful training session.


Every success story has a strategy.
It’s no different when it comes to effective teaching your dog. Make a strategy for what you’ll teach your dog first, second, and so on before you start teaching him anything.

Having a well-thought-out strategy can assist you in developing outstanding timing.

Dogs with distractions have a limited attention span. Giving a command and then praising your dog three or four seconds later may not connect the praise to the behavior. Giving praise and corrections at the right times can help your dog learn quicker and comprehend which actions are proper and which are not.

Poor or sloppy leash handling reveals a lack of commitment to training. With sloppy leash handling, your dog will have a hard time taking you seriously.
Getting a good leash grip has the effect of a lecturer clearing his throat to gain your attention.

Get your bearings! Place your right hand’s thumb in the loop of the leash.

To take up the slack, make another loop in the leash and hook it over your right thumb. Your left hand should locate a location on the leash near the buckle stitching. Hold the leash so that the buckle is flat and there is just a little amount of slack in the leash. Depending on your and your dog’s heights, your left hand will be quite near to the buckle. Relax both arms to achieve a natural standing position.

Without your dog present, practice your hand signals for the different commands. In the mirror, observe yourself and combine verbal and hand signs. Crisp, clear, and easily discernible hand signals for your dog come from practice.

To gain the dog’s attention, some owners provide a tiny pull on the leash before issuing a command, saying his name, making another sound, or positioning themselves in the dog’s view.

All of these strategies are counterproductive. They do not enable the dog to make an informed choice on his own.

Obedience directives contain three parts: a beginning (spoken command), a middle (command action), and a conclusion (where the command ends). Always provide praise for following the instruction and for waiting until the dog is finished before releasing him.

Never issue a command with the leash signal.

The majority of major directives include verbal and hand gestures. There is a leash signal on the NO diversion, which should be treated the same as a hand signal. Giving the DOWN hand signal for HEEL is incorrect, and giving the NO leash signal for any other order is incorrect.



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