9 suggestions for men on how to stay in bed longer

9 suggestions for men on how to stay in bed longer

9 suggestions for men on how to stay in bed longer.
9 suggestions for men on how to stay in bed longer.

9 suggestions for men on how to stay in bed longer.

There are several science-backed strategies that may help guys stay longer in bed. These recommendations range from exercises like cardio and kegels to tactics that can be used while men are engaging in sexual activity.

There is a significant orgasm difference between men and women, which is something you are undoubtedly well aware of. In point of fact, a research that was conducted in 2017 and published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior found that 95 percent of heterosexual males said that they orgasm during sex either usually or always, but only 65 percent of heterosexual women reported the same thing.

And although there are definitely a multitude of variables at play, one possibility is that this difference is related to the difference in the amount of time it takes men and women to have an orgasmic experience.

An astounding forty-five percent of males reach their climax within two minutes or less while they are having sex, as stated by Harry Fisch, MD, the author of The New Naked.

On the other hand, in order for a woman to attain orgasm, she has to have more than 15 minutes of sexual stimulation.

When you combine these two pieces of information, you not only have a really uncomfortable reality on your hands, but you also have a large number of individuals who are seeking for methods to increase their sexual endurance.

To one’s relief, there are a variety of strategies one may use to lengthen the duration of sexual activity. Make use of these suggestions to become the most desirable spouse possible.

Take pauses during sex.

Taking pauses throughout your session is a simple and efficient approach to slow down the sexual activity, relish the moment, and boost the level of pleasure you and your partner feel from it.

This is true so long as you do not have any other obligations that need your immediate attention.

When it seems as if things are coming to a conclusion too quickly, pause what you’re doing and do something that gives you some more time. Return to the activities that you and your spouse like most, such as kissing, snuggling, massage, and sensation play.

Keep things interesting by varying it up when you’re in the sack.

According to relationship specialist and family therapist Jane Greer, PhD, trying out various positions in bed may often assist men in being sexually active for extended periods of time. Her line of thinking is quite Pavlovian in nature:

When you engage in routine sexual positions and foreplay, your body may begin to anticipate the climax and bring on the conclusion, even if this occurs sooner than you had planned. It’s possible that if you do things in a different sequence, you can put it off for longer.

According to what she shared with Men’s Health, “the more uncomfortable and strange, the better.”

Improve your cardio regimen.

Enhancing your general health may have a significant and positive effect on your sexual life. Your lungs may be strengthened and their capacity can be increased via the use of cardio exercises such as aerobics, swimming, running, and jogging. This can enable you go for longer periods of time.

Your metabolism will be boosted as a result of doing cardio, which will also improve circulation to your heart, lungs, and penis.

Exercising has even been found to increase the production of endorphins, which may help you release tension, remain calm, and enjoy sexual contact, lessening the odds of you climaxing prematurely. Endorphins can help you enjoy sexual contact, stay calm, and release stress.

Do kegel exercises.

Kegel exercises are the most effective approach to build strength in the pubococcygeus muscle, also known as the PC muscle, which plays an important role in the regulation of ejaculatory function.

Putting an end to the flow of urine while you’re in the restroom is the quickest and simplest approach for you to locate the PC muscle. You’re putting a lot of effort into doing it on the computer!

To do kegels, repeatedly contract and release the precaudal rectus muscle for a period of ten seconds.

Perform three sets, pausing for just ten seconds between each set. As soon as you have established a solid pattern, you may begin to demonstrate your newly acquired expertise while engaging in sexual activity.

When you feel yourself getting near to orgasm, tighten your pelvic floor muscle, and you should be able to put a stop to things until everyone else is ready.

Participate in a great deal of playful interaction beforehand.

Foreplay. The label we give to all other forms of sexual activity that do not include an actual sexual encounter is, to put it bluntly, a misnomer. Oral, kissing, massage, frottage, and other forms of physical and oral stimulation are not need to come first in any sequence.

Returning to outercourse play, which is a less deceptive word for non-penetrative sex play, is a nice way to make sex less scripted as well as a good way to slow the activity down.

But that’s not the end of it. According to the findings of a study that was conducted in 2018 and published in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, only about 18 percent of women respondents said that they had orgasmed solely through intercourse.

Therefore, including other acts in your sessions increases the likelihood that you will satisfy your partner.

Have a conversation with your spouse.

Discuss the issue if you and your partner find that sex is lasting less time than you would want it to. You might begin by making your purpose known by expressing something along the lines of “I like the sexual encounters we have so much, and I want them to continue for a longer period of time.”

You might alternatively frame the scenario as a praise by saying something along these lines: “When we’re in bed together, I become so turned on that it’s impossible not to lose control.”

You could discover that addressing the problem head-on, as opposed to avoiding or dismissing it, has an immediate influence the next time you engage in the activity.

After that, you and your partner may speak about how to make sex last longer by combining the many things that have been outlined in the previous paragraphs.

You should make the most of the refractory time.

The amount of time that passes between a man ejaculating and the point at which he can attain and maintain an erection again is referred to as the refractory period.

According to the International Society for Sexual Medicine, the length of that time varies from man to man, although it does, in general, get longer as a man ages.

This hiatus, on the other hand, is an excellent chance for a guy who is recuperating to focus his concentration on bringing joy to his partner.

In addition, many men report feeling less sensitive during encore performances, which means that the second round of intercourse is likely to go on for longer.

Become skilled in the technique of edging.

Have you ever heard of the term “edging”? It entails working up to a point known as “ejaculatory inevitability,” also known as the orgasmic point of (nearly) no return, and then stopping the motion for around one minute before beginning again.

You have undoubtedly already experienced what it is like to reach a point from which there is no turning back.

The important thing is to have a solid understanding of how you were feeling just before that point. If you have that sensation when you’re having sex, try to distract yourself by doing anything that doesn’t require your penis, like stimulating your spouse orally. assuming that is not anything that sets off your anxiety.

You should eventually work up to at least 20 minutes of nonstop activity in order to provide your partner with the opportunity to have an orgasm either before or at the same time as you do.

Once you feel at ease with the knowledge of where your tipping point is, you will be able to continue cruising along in that zone without the need for time-outs. To add insult to injury, postponing your climax will make your orgasm that much more intense.

You should masturbation before having sexual activity.

For some guys, completing a full masturbation an hour or two before engaging in sexual activity might extend the duration of the main event.

However, if you have a refractory period that is on the longer side, masturbating may hinder you from reaching climax again while you are with your partner. This is especially true if your refractory period is on the longer side.

If you’re experiencing premature ejaculation, try taking Viagra.

Sildenafil, more often referred to by its brand name Viagra, is a medication that may assist men who struggle with erectile dysfunction in achieving and maintaining erections.

However, it may also have additional advantages. Sildenafil has also been shown to be useful for treating premature ejaculation, according to a research that was published in the International Journal of Urology in the year 2007.

Make more of an effort to maintain eye contact.

Your sexual stamina should noticeably increase after using the aforementioned strategies, which should, ideally, answer your question of how to stay in bed for longer.

However, establishing eye contact with your partner is not just an excellent method for obtaining real-time sexual feedback; it can also be used as a synchronizing signal if you and your partner are attempting to synchronize your movements.

Because it is also a sign of respect, understanding, and interest, increasing the amount of it during sexual activity is extremely likely to help it not only last longer but also be more enjoyable for both you and your partner.

Instead of thinking about how to stay in bed for longer, spend a few seconds to purposefully lock eyes with your partner and maintain that shared stare to create a more sensual experience.

This eye contact will most likely result in some more time being added to your routine. On the other hand, you might discover that it facilitates a deeper and more profound connection between the two of you.

Utilize the process known as the squeeze.

The two-person research team of Dr. William Masters and Virginia Johnson investigated the nature of the human sexual response and the diagnosis and treatment of sexual dysfunctions and disorders from the 1950s through the 1990s.

If you watched the Showtime drama Masters of Sex, you are familiar with Dr. William Masters and Virginia Johnson.

Their prescription of the squeeze method to postpone ejaculation and lengthen the duration of sexual intercourse is one of the things that will live on as a part of their legacy.

They instructed women to place their thumbs, index fingers, and middle fingers around the tip of the man’s penis, squeeze immediately before ejaculatory inevitability, and continue squeezing until that feeling had subsided and his body relaxed before gradually releasing the pressure they were applying.

Try your hand at it. Even if a guy will lose part or most of his erection, it is reasonable to expect that he will be able to get it back fast and begin again.

Use condoms.

Condoms, when used appropriately, are an efficient means of lowering one’s risk of becoming pregnant as well as lowering one’s risk of developing a variety of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

They are also fairly excellent at suppressing feeling, which means that putting one on might aid you in your hunt for a method that will allow you to remain in bed for a longer period of time.

Try out the LifeStyles Extra Strength condoms if you’re looking for something more substantial to wear that will also reduce feeling.

you may specifically try a numbing condom.

Using a substance that is meant to temporarily desensitize your penis is yet another method that may be used to prolong your time spent in bed. Benzocaine is a numbing chemical that will diminish sensitivity and, hopefully, allow you to slow down the clock during your next session.

The condom brands Durex, Trojan, and Lifestyles all offer products that contain between 4 and 5 percent benzocaine in their products.

If you don’t often use condoms, you may make your penis less sensitive to sensation by spraying it with a numbing agent. Promescent comes highly recommended by Ian Kerner, PhD, LMFT, author of the book “She Comes First.”

“You spray it once or twice on the head of the penis, and it absorbs pretty effectively,” he explains. Because of this, a lady will not suffer any residual numbness after using the product.

Have a conversation with your spouse.

Discuss the issue if you and your partner find that sex is lasting less time than you would want it to. You might begin by making your purpose known by expressing something along the lines of “I like the sexual encounters we have so much, and I want them to continue for a longer period of time.”

You might alternatively frame the scenario as a praise by saying something along these lines: “When we’re in bed together, I become so turned on that it’s impossible not to lose control.”

You could discover that addressing the problem head-on, as opposed to avoiding or dismissing it, has an immediate influence the next time you engage in the activity.

After that, you and your partner may speak about how to make sex last longer by combining the many things that have been outlined in the previous paragraphs.

If you want to know how to stay in bed for a longer period of time, you should see an expert.

If you attempt all of the things listed above and you still find that your sexual encounters don’t continue as long as you and your partner would want them to, it may be time to seek the help of a therapist, either on your own or together with your spouse.

A significant number of sexual dysfunctions have their origins in the mind rather than in the body’s physiology; this is especially true in premature ejaculation.

The findings of a study that was conducted in 2013 and published in Japanese Psychological Research found that the changes that took place were “statistically significant with a tendency towards improvement.”

The study was conducted on 15 people who suffered from PE and went through 8 to 12 sessions of therapy.

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