7 things to include in Personal Emergency Preparedness Kit.
In a game of survival, adaptation is essential, and many of the techniques taught in this book are built from scrap components that were found at the last minute. The right equipment, on the other hand, may make a significant difference.
Although every man or woman must customize his or her own EDC (everyday carry) kit to suit the location and their own personal habits, a few modest, lightweight things should be regarded basic essentials whether you’re trying to fine-tune your kit or beginning from fresh (see opposite).
Custom-fitted or bought in a number of bag sizes, a bulletproof insert may change your luggage into a rapid barrier against an intruder wielding a firearm. When it comes to navigation and signaling, a small flashlight is extremely versatile .
In addition to being a writing instrument, a steel-barreled pen may also be used as a weapon of self-defense by stabging it into an opponent’s eye or neck. In order to make a bone-crushing instrument out of a roll of coins, it is necessary to fold it into a bandana. While a bandana may do double duty as a tourniquet, super glue can be used to make makeshift stitches with a little imagination .
A pair of Kevlar shoelaces, whether worn or carried, may be used to cut through metal with relative ease. Medical shears, on the other hand, may cut through clothes or metal wire.
The use of a small can of Mace in conjunction with other nonlethal self-defense tools is recommended for those who habitually carry guns.
While a GPS device offers navigational backup in the event that mobile phone service is disrupted during a natural or urban catastrophe, having a printed map on hand gives an additional layer of protection in the event that both devices fail or are taken away.
Carabiners should be used to reattach purse or bag straps if possible—a detachable strap, such as a piece of tubular nylon, might be very useful in a crisis (see page 200).
7 things to include in Personal Emergency Preparedness Kit.
Train Yourself to Survive
Unless you have the physical training required to get yourself out of difficulties, the methods taught in this article will be of little use to you.
It doesn’t matter if you’re escaping a burning building or knocking out a threatening adversary; the experience will consist of overcoming the immediate crisis and then sprinting or crawling to a safe location a long distance away.
If nothing else, you should be able to push, pull, and raise your own body weight without assistance. In an ideal situation, you’ll be able to raise your own body weight while simultaneously transporting a loved one to a safe location.
Strong upper-body strength and cardiovascular endurance are two components of an effective, full-body functional exercise that will provide you with the first grit to pull yourself out of a crisis—and then the endurance you’ll need to get out of harm’s way.
When it comes to simulating real-life survival events, an adaptive exercise that includes dragging, pushing, punching, and pulling a big weighted mass will be the most effective.
Heavy Bag Sprints should be the first portion of the exercise, followed by the other stages at thirty-second intervals (see opposite). These will always seem more like a forced march than a sprint since they will be working the core and the legs so hard.
After that, go up to Heavy Bag Ground Pounds, which will help you build arm and back strength while also working your core rotational force. Heavy Bag Pulls need you to keep your feet on the ground while tugging the rope hand-over-hand to bring the bag closer to you.
Heavy Bag Squats should be performed on both sides after 10 repetitions or thirty seconds. Push the heavy bag across the floor while allowing the rotational force to leave via your knees. Repeat the process for another Heavy Bag Ground Pound.
The interval series should be completed with a quarter- or half-mile sprint at maximum pace. Rest for thirty seconds to one minute, then continue the routine as many times as you like until you reach five repetitions.

Make a vehicle preparation. Go-Bag
An emergency supply closet in your basement makes for a fantastic beginning point for catastrophe preparedness, but your car’s trunk should not be overlooked.
Because crises are unexpected, a quick reaction that is mobile-friendly is essential.
Conceal a vehicle go-bag under or alongside your spare tire so that you can survive not just a flat tire but also a dive into a sinkhole or an unanticipated cold-weather hike to roadside help if necessary. Maintain a supply of life-saving and self-defense equipment in your gobag.
These things should include, but not be limited to, the following: Carabiners. Gear should be strapped down in a marine environment, food should be hung in the highlands, and an improvised seat belt should be constructed.
a razor blade that is hidden in plain sight When used correctly, an undetectable weapon may be a highly effective instrument.
Duct Tape is a kind of adhesive that is used to hold things together. Create an Improvised Magnetic Compass or splint a broken bone.
Dynamic Rope is a term used to describe a rope that is constantly changing. Escape from a sticky predicament with the help of others.
Kit de premiers soins In the case of a collision, you may temporarily halt bleeding.
The use of flares, a flaring gun, an air horn, and a whistle is recommended. A signaling system may be able to save you from an extremely difficult situation.
Lighter, and a flashlight It’s impossible to be without fire with a powerful flashlight, and a lighter makes it almost impossible.
A healthy diet and plenty of water are crucial. In the case of a large-scale urban crisis or natural catastrophe, have a three-day supply on hand to prepare for a long trip out of town.