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5 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Avoiding You and Wants to Split Up

5 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Avoiding You and Wants to Split Up

One spouse begins to live in denial while the other begins to live in “avoidance” when a relationship is going through a rough period.

Even when both parties are fully aware that the relationship is finished, they may choose to continue to remain in denial for a little longer.




It simply indicates that you are living in denial about the fact that your partner is avoiding you and need to come to terms with the fact that you are seeing someone else.




You should be aware of the likelihood that your partner is attempting to avoid confrontation and would prefer to “ignore” a situation rather than face it front on in the face.




 Instead of talking to you about taking a break, he will just avoid talking to you. In order for you to understand the “message” that he is attempting to impart, he will use a variety of indirect methods.

These are the five telltale signals that your partner has lost interest and is ignoring you.



In other words, how can you determine whether or not your boyfriend is avoiding you or, more specifically, whether or not your boyfriend has “exited” the relationship? Consider the following indicators of impending doom:




First and foremost, he begins publicly flirting with other females.

Typically, when a man is through with his girlfriend, he expresses his disinterest in her by openly flirting with other women.




The last thing a guy wants is to be caught flirting with other girls by his girlfriend while he is in a committed relationship, but when a guy wants to end the relationship, he looks for opportunities to make it clear that he doesn’t care if she discovers him flirting with other girls, including her friends in some instances.




Then you know that your partner is not just avoiding you but is actively trying to drive you away from him.




Secondly, he leaves you to go partying.

Although most men like spending time with their “masculine” friends on night outs and at parties, they do so far more often when they are single than when they are in a relationship.




Usually, when they are in a relationship, they will invite her to the party or will limit the number of “single” gatherings they attend to a minimal.



Even if your lover goes out to a party by himself once in a while, it does not always indicate dissatisfaction with your company. When a man is attempting to end a relationship, it is usual for him to begin partying more on his own..






Third, he ceases to listen to what you are saying.

In order to show someone you care about them, you must offer them your complete and undivided attention at all times. The reason for this is because you are really interested in what they have to say and are completely taken with them.




Generally speaking, men are not good listeners, but when they are really in love, they pay close attention to what their spouse is saying.

You will notice that your boyfriend is no longer interested in you and that he is inattentive to the majority of your queries if he has lost his interest in you.





Four, he no longer feels a strong attachment to you.

Males are far more possessive than females in a romantic relationship. For the simple reason that he despises the thought of another man following his fiancée.



The moment he loses interest in a female, it makes little difference to him whether she is solicited by other men or if she goes out with her “male pals.”

You should be concerned if you notice that your boyfriend no longer shows even the slightest hint of jealousy when you speak to a “hot” man. This is a sign that he has lost interest in you.




Fifth, he is uninterested in “accepting” your calls.

A significant amount of time spent disconnecting your calls and not returning your calls indicates that your lover is avoiding you on an extremely serious level.





Even if he may claim that he’s been busy and that he’s been too busy to even make you a quick phone call, the plain fact is that he’s ceased caring about you.

In essence, if he can’t be bothered to return your calls, you have effectively lost your place in his life as well.




Finally, I’d want to say

Finally, the most straightforward way to detect whether or not your partner is avoiding you is to assess how “genuine” his attention is directed towards you.




Whenever you feel that he is no longer interested in or sensitive to your needs and desires as well as your interests, views, and preferences, it is a sign that he is attempting to end the relationship.

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