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10 Things You Need To Do with Clitoris

10 Things You Need To Do With Clitoris

Once it comes to inducing a vulva orgasm in a person, most people need more than just penetration to do this. Your penis is fantastic, but barely a quarter of vulva owners come during vaginal intercourse on a regular basis, which suggests that a significant number of individuals need some type of clitoral stimulation in order to climax.





The clitoris, which is densely packed with nerve endings, is one of the most sensitive erogenous zones. It possesses around 8,000 nerve endings, which is almost double the amount of nerve endings found in a penis, just for reference. So, what can you do to provide your spouse with an unforgettable clitoral orgasm? As a starting point, make sure you know where the clitoris is located: at the top of the vulva, right below the point where the inner labia come together. Despite the fact that the clitoris extends up to 5 inches into the body—in fact, specialists are starting to understand that the so-called “G-spot” is related to the clitoris—for the sake of this article, we’ll concentrate on the rosebud-shaped region at the apex of the labia.




And now it’s time to get the clitoris going. An Indiana University research found that 67 percent of the women who took part preferred stimulation in or around the clitoris rather than stimulation directly on it. If you’re not sure what your spouse wants, keep this universal bit of advice in mind: just ask!





Surprise your spouse tonight with one—or all—of these clitoral stimulation tactics, which you can do not just with your tongue, but also with your lips, fingers, and toy objects. And don’t forget that there are a variety of sex positions in which you may reach around and touch your partner’s clit with your fingers or a vibrator while penetration is taking place. There’s no reason why penetration and clit stimulation couldn’t coexist in perfect harmony; the two can (and should!) live in perfect harmony together.

10 Things You Need To Do With Clitoris

10 Things You Need To Do with Clitoris

1. Make a series of circles.

A research by the Indiana University School of Medicine found that 3 in 4 female participants like it when you traced little circles on or around their clitoral region. You may use your tongue, your finger, or two fingers—or any combination of the three methods listed above.

This kind of action is referred to as “rocking around the clock” by Sofiya Alexandra, co-host of Private Parts Unknown, a podcast that explores love and sexuality.



 In addition, she points out that some women love to trace from the bottom of the clit to the top of the hood at six o’clock until midnight, which is referred to as “the downtown express.” “I’ve discovered that applying gentle pressure with the tip of the tongue from six o’clock until midnight may result in leg-shaking pleasure,” she explains.





2. Include a pulse in your movement.

There’s a good reason why so many vibrators are available with pulsating patterns: they’re more effective. Courtney Kocak, who is also the presenter of Private Parts Unknown, says that the clitoris enjoys being stimulated by a variety of rhythms in their environment. To avoid just rubbing up on the clit with no cadence or meaning, she recommends adding a slight pulse to your motions. “If you’re looking for some inspiration, consider of the morse-code operators from old war movies, and concentrate on giving moderate waves of pressure to the small nub below the clitoral hood.”



3. Dropping hints

Instead of drawing circles around her, consider “hinting” by concentrating on the region surrounding her clitoris and just coming in for direct contact on occasion. In the same Indiana University study — which was used to establish the website OMGYES—7 out of 10 women stated they were into this tactic.





One-finger flicking all around the clitoris but not directly on it is recommended by Ava Cadell, Ph.D, author and creator of the website, according to her. If you want to bring your girlfriend to orgasm, you’ll want to keep a steady, constant stroke while she’s at the peak of pleasure.

8 Ways to Always Make a Woman Orgasm

4.To begin, suck and nibble on some good.

Make use of your lips and tongue instead than merely licking her clitoral area.

She Comes First: The Thinking Man’s Guide to Pleasurably Pleasuring a Woman is written by Ian Kerner, Ph.D., who claims that the whole vulva is made up of sensitive nerve fibers. In order to activate nerve fiber stimulation, it is necessary to be able to suck on the glans or the head of the clit and softly chew on her inner and outer labia, or suck a little on labia.

As a result of the sucking, greater vasocongestion, or increased blood flow, to the vulva and clitoris will occur—”like a little vacuum pump,” according to Kerner.







5. Decide on a stance

It was discovered that 4 out of 10 women had a favorite side when it comes to clitoral stimulation in the same poll. Inquire as to which side she prefers more, and if she isn’t sure, ask her to try them both out to see which she prefers.




6. Use your creativity to create something new and interesting.

Cadell recommends visualizing yourself painting a fence from top to bottom while flicking your tongue over her clitoris, “alternating between up and down.” After then, “use your tongue to move side-to-side like a windshield wiper,” as the expression goes.







7.The Shaft Must Not Be Ignored.

Even while most people are familiar with the tip of the clitoris—the component of the clitoris that is placed at the top of the vulva—it also has two “legs” that extend up to five inches within the body, which are referred to as the “shaft.”

The procedure is explained by Dr. Cadell as follows: “Slide your fingers to each side of her clitoris shaft.” In order to remain unexpected, pull and push the clitoral hood over the clitoris and move in circles and diagonals as well as in spontaneous un-choreographed styles.





8. Strike up the Harmonica.

As soon as your spouse is in the throes of an orgasm, inject some oral vibration into her experience.

According to Cadell, “form an O with your lips and take her clitoris in your mouth.” ‘Then, while you suck on her clit, create humming noises, as if you’re playing the harmonica, so that she can feel the warm, moist vibrations,’ she says.





9. Let the Waterworks Begin!!

Neither vaginal ejaculation nor golden showers are mentioned in this context. While masturbating in the privacy of their bath time, water play is one of the first strategies many women utilize to get off when they begin masturbating at a young age.

According to Cadell, “water play is essential.” “When using a handheld shower head, spray the water over her body in between her legs, then move the shower head closer to her clitoris, alternating the direction of the stream of water.






The Penis Massage is the tenth treatment.

Use your erect penis to rub up against her clitoral area, if you’re feeling really tough.

If you are lying side by side facing each other… or even on your knees above her, holding the tip of your penis in your hand and massaging and massaging her clitoral area, this is a nice option, according to Kerner. Her clitus may be used as a sex toy, and she can grip your penis and utilize it that way as well.




11. sex toys

Among the finest couples vibrators for clitoral activity, Kerner suggests the We-Vibe 4 Plus. It is placed into her vagina and rests on her clitoral bone because of its U-shaped design. The vibration may be felt by both parties if she wears it during sexual contact. In addition, you may excite her without even being in the same room with her if you use the mobile application. While you’re out on a business trip halfway across the globe, treat her to a clitoral orgasm.




Lip Service (number twelve):

Instead of making direct clitoral touch with her, consider stimulating her inner labia instead.

Women who have a sensitive clitoris may find that touching or sucking their inner lips might help to relieve their discomfort. Laurie Mintz, Ph.D., author of A Tired Woman’s Guide to Passionate Sex, explains how this technique works.





13) Arousal Oils (also known as arousal extracts).

The clitoral area may be stimulated with a variety of arousal oils and balms that provide a tingling or warming feeling. A popular alternative for women is ON Natural Arousal Oil for Her.

When it comes to experimenting with them, Mintz recommends taking it easy in the beginning. In other cases, women are too sensitive, and the feeling may become overwhelming.

Increase the volume on the dial.



Do you want to have unlimited access to oral sex? A previous Men’s Health article quoted Shanna Katz, M.Ed., as saying that she is a board-certified sexologist and the author of Oral Sex That Will Blow Her Mind:

As a last resort, have her sit on the counter or a strong table, or even in front of the washing machine; if you kneel on the ground in front of her, you’ll have complete control over your lips, tongue, and hands at any time. Apart from that, she’ll have an excellent view of you via her legs.

7 Amazing Masturbation Health BenefitsTouching a Vagina for Ultimate Pleasure
how sex feels when you’re in love


13 Clitoral Caresses to Astound Her




1. Trace around the clitoris, then lick her whole clitoral shaft.


2. Gently wrap your lips over her clitoris and “bite” it with your lips alone.


3. Use your tongue to touch her clitoris while also tapping her anterior vaginal wall.

4. Alternate between horizontal and vertical licks.


5. Using a flat tongue, stroke the underside of her clitoris.


6. Gently flutter the tip of your tongue across her clitoris (but not so gently that it tickles her).

7. Switch between fast and lengthy (but slow) strokes.


8. Make stroking patterns, such as 9 vigorous and 3 teasing strokes. Switching between two distinct strokes, speeds, rhythms, and pressures is a fun exercise. Allow her a few minutes with each pattern to create sexual desire.


9. Lick each side of her vulva separately to observe whether one is more receptive than the other. Slowly and carefully, since micro-areas of her vulva/clitoris may supply her with enormous white-hot pleasure. Concentrate on all the hot areas you discovered when she’s ready to burst to bring her into a mind-blowing orgasm fast and strongly. This will make her believe you can read her thoughts and know more about her body than she does.


10. Press the flat part of your tongue on her clitoral shaft and massage the area between her clitoral hood and clitoris with the tip of your tongue. With this tongue stroke, you may also massage her clitoris and clitoral frenulum.


11. Switch tongue licks and finger strokes. This is a really effective method. It is beneficial not only if your tongue becomes exhausted, but also since presenting a fresh stimulation greatly increases her arousal. It also expands the amount of clitoral stimulation combinations available. Practice this one a lot, and she’ll remember you for weeks.



12. Using long, leisurely licks, trace her outer and inner labia with a broad and flat tongue. Tease the borders of her clitoris once you’ve finished tracing her inner lips. Alternate between long calm licks around her clitoris and rapid licks with a sharp pointed tongue to offer her pleasure.



 Alternate slow and quick lickings of her clitus, but employ a feather-light tongue stroke as if your tongue were a butterfly. Choose whatever stroke she prefers (slow or quick) and lick it till she has an orgasm. Imagine the fluttering of butterfly wings on your tongue.


If you don’t add diversity or breaks in between, the clitoris might get desensitized to the same pace, pressure, and rhythm. This method will assist you to avoid overstimulation. Using three vertical strokes, lick the region right under her clitoris. Give her around 7 horizontal licks over the whole clitoris after that. Continue licking the side-to-side strokes while switching between beneath and above her clitoris. This is what I call rhythmic polishing.
Give Her a helping hand




Cup her pubic mound with your hand. Wiggle it from side to side while pushing down on it gently. Place your tongue on her clitoris and keep it still. Maintain a relaxed grip on your hand.
Locate her G-spot with your free hand and begin stimulating it. On her clitoris, keep your tongue somewhat motionless. You may lick it now and then to remind her it’s there. Increase the pressure on her G-spot and pubic mound as she approaches climax, as you frantically kiss her clitoris.



Hiding and Peering

Push her pubic mound back with your hands, exposing her clitoral head as her clitoral hood moves. Give her clitoral head a nice and gentle suck followed by a fast flick each time you expose it. Continue to pull the clitoris out and suck and flick it. As she gets closer to climax, gradually increase the pace of your sucking and flicking.
You may simultaneously press her pubic mound back and suck her clitoral head in the other direction (away from her body) if you are gentle enough. Using both your hands and tongue to stimulate her will blow her mind.



Oldie Goodie on the other hand

Spread her labia to reveal her clitoris, then proceed to tease it by licking its perimeter gently. Wiggle her clitoris or clitoral hood with a calm yet exploratory flat tongue (if she is very sensitive).




Stroking At A Slow Pace

Give her long and slow clitoris licks with one hand while stimulating her G-spot with the other. Roll her clitoral shaft between your fingers, as if it were a little piece of paper, giving it a few strokes here and there.




Intriguing Contrast

Alternate between your fingers and your tongue’s stroke. Give her a horizontal lick and a horizontal swipe of your finger, for example. Alternatively, lick a whole series of strokes before copying them with your finger. Alternatively, stimulate her G-spot at the same rate and rhythm as you lick her clitoris.
Speed, pressure, and rhythm all play a role in the contrast. When you stimulate her clitoris with your tongue, utilize one speed/pressure/rhythm and another when you stimulate her with your finger.

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