Wildflowers for Summer Gardens: 9 Different Types

Wildflowers for Summer Gardens: 9 Different Types.

In recent years, gardeners all around the United States have shown a growing interest in growing wildflowers. They provide a wonderful variety of colors, textures, and leaves over the summer months and are rather simple to cultivate and care for. Although it is best to use wildflowers that are local to your area, it is sometimes okay to choose non-native species if there is little chance that they will spread to other areas and pose a problem.

Native plants have evolved to thrive in your area and maybe grown there with very little care on your part. If you do want to cultivate wildflowers that are not indigenous to your region, you should be aware that they may demand a significant lot of maintenance.

Here is a list of 12 wildflowers that you may want to try growing in your garden.

New England Aster (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae)

A wildflower shrub native to New England that has little purple blooms.
Evgeniya Vlasova is the author of “The Spruce.”
Asters from New England are only found in the northeastern part of the United States. The Northeast is home to a diverse range of aster species, one of which is the New England aster (Aster novae-angliae), a salt-tolerant perennial that is ideal for use in roadside landscaping due to its ability to withstand high concentrations of the mineral.

The New England aster seen in the picture is a cultivar known as the “Purple Dome.” It is possible to accomplish plant propagation by splitting the plants in the springtime.

Growing Zones of the USDA: 4 to 8
Color Variations: Rays might be pink, white, or purple, and their cores are yellow.
Sun Exposure: Full sun
The ideal soil will have good drainage and be supplemented with compost.
Water Requirements: Prefers soil that is wet, but once established, it can withstand moderate drought.

the second of twelve Blanket Flowers (Gaillardia aristata)

Blanket flowers up close, showing off their yellow and red petals.
Evgeniya Vlasova is the author of “The Spruce.”
Because the hues of blanket flowers are similar to the patterns seen on Indigenous blankets, these flowers got their name. The blanket flower, or Gaillardia aristata, is a wildflower that is native to the prairies of North America. It has a two-toned appearance. By dividing them in the spring, you may give these lovely blooms a new lease of life and boost your supply at the same time.

Growing Zones of the USDA: 3 to 10
Color Varieties: hues that vary from pink to red, yellow, orange, or peach.
Sun Exposure: Full sun
Clay soil should be avoided at all costs and the soil should have good drainage.
Water Requirements: Can survive in dry situations

Wildflower is known as Queen Anne’s Lace (Daucus carota)

Wildflowers of the Queen Anne’s Lace kind growing in the garden
Evgeniya Vlasova is the author of “The Spruce.”
The scientific name for the plant that is often known as Queen Anne’s lace is Daucus carota. Carrots are, in fact, connected to Queen Anne’s lace pattern.

If you were to pick one of these wildflowers up by its roots, you would be able to smell a scent similar to that of carrots coming from the damaged roots. The one dark-colored bloom that sits in the exact center of the flower head is referred to as the “fairy seat.” Additionally, the color might shift. It often appears in burgundy or purple tones, depending on the tint.

The plant has a thick taproot and can quickly take over an entire garden if given the chance. When handling the plant in a significant way, it is recommended to do so while wearing gloves.

Growing Zones in the USDA: 3a through 11a
Variations in color include white with a crimson or black core.
Sun Exposure: Sun to partial shade
The pH of the soil should be neutral to slightly alkaline.
Water Requirements: Prefers soil that is consistently wet, but may survive in dry conditions.
Bachelor Button Number Four of Twelve (Centaurea cyanus and Centaurea montana)
Wildflower shrub known as bachelor buttons, which has tiny buds and blooms of a dark blue color.

Evgeniya Vlasova “The Spruce.”

The former application of these blooms gives rise to the moniker “bachelor buttons,” which was given to them in the past. They were sometimes tucked into the buttonhole of a suit or shirt; single men wore the flower when they went on dates. They are also sometimes referred to as bluebottle or cornflower.

These blooms are highly valued since they are considered to be one of the real blue wildflowers. There are two types: the annual bachelor buttons, also known as Centaurea cyanus (seen in the image), and the perennial bachelor buttons, also known as Centaurea Montana.

Growing Zones of the USDA: 2 to 11
Variations in color, including light blues, purples, pinks, and reds
Sun Exposure: Full sun
Needs soil that is medium in texture and has good drainage.
Water Requirements: Prefers wet soil but may survive in dry conditions.

Plains Coreopsis, (Coreopsis tinctoria)

Wildflower of the coreopsis species found on the Plains, with yellow petals and rusty-brown cores.

Plains coreopsis is a kind of wildflower that blooms annually. Plains coreopsis, also known as Coreopsis tinctoria, is a flower that is native to the grasslands of North America and is related to the blanket flower. Many garden centers now sell many of additional cultivated kinds of coreopsis in addition to the perennial Moonbeam Coreopsis, which is one of the variations.

Growing Zones of the USDA:
Color Varieties: Petals that are yellow, with a central disk that has a rusty brown color
Sun Exposure: Full sun
Clay, dry, or shallow-rocky soil is required for the plant.
Water requirements: Exceptionally resistant in dry conditions

Flowering cones (Echinacea purpurea)

Wildflower garden with a rose-pink coneflower with a bee in the garden.
Evgeniya Vlasova is the author of “The Spruce.”
Coneflowers may be found in a wide variety of hues. Echinacea ‘Firebird’ and ‘Secret Lust’ are two examples of well-known orange coneflowers, for instance. Purple coneflower, also known as Echinacea purpurea, is a common herb used in alternative medicine that goes by the common name purple coneflower.

Because of the lilac hue that characterizes its petals, the purple coneflower is highly prized in wildflower gardens. The beginning of spring is the time of year when you should split this perennial.

Growing Zones 3 to 8 according to the USDA
Color Varieties: Purple, mauve, rose-pink
Sun Exposure: Full to partial
Needs of the soil: any soil that has been fertilized.
Water requirements: grows best on wet soil
Find out what kinds of plants may be grown to produce daisy-like flowers.

It’s a Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis)

Cardinal flower stalks are topped with vivid red petals and buds.
The Spruce is written by Evgeniya Vlasova.
Hummingbirds really like feeding on a cardinal flower. Additionally, it is an excellent plant for moist environments. The Cardinal flower, also known as Indian pink (Lobelia cardinalis), is one of the most eye-catching scarlet wildflowers that are indigenous to the eastern region of North America.

Growing Zones 3 through 9 in the USDA
Variations in color include crimson, white, and pink.
Sun Exposure: Full to partial
Rich soils that are moderately to heavily saturated are required.
Needs water; cannot survive periods of drought.

Rudbeckia (Rudbeckia hirta)

Rudbeckia wildflowers clumped together with vivid yellow petals that radiate outward and brown cores.
The Pine Spruce / Evgeniya Vlasova
If there was ever a plant that required a popular name, it would be Rudbeckia hirta, most often referred to as “black-eyed Susan.” It would be a disservice to this plant to refer to it by its lengthy scientific name since it is such a gorgeous and upbeat plant. Gloriosa daisies and black-eyed Susans both belong to the Rudbeckia genus of wildflowers and are endemic to the eastern region of North America.

Growing Zones 3 to 8 according to the USDA
Color Variations: petals ranging from golden to orange, with a brown core
Sun Exposure: Full
Soil Requirements: Medium-textured, well-drained soil, if possible.
Needs: Prefers soil that is wet, but may survive periods of dryness.

10 Types Of Wildflowers That Are Easy To Cultivate

White Water Lily (Nymphaea odorata or Nuphar luteum)

Flowers of the white water lily perched on floating lily pads in the water.
The Spruce is written by Evgeniya Vlasova.
Lilies of the water, often known as pond lilies, are an essential component of water gardens. There is a possibility that the value of water lily pads is comparable to the value of water lily blossoms. These magnificent water plants are known scientifically as Nymphaea odorata.

Nuphar luteum, most often known as the “yellow pond lily,” is a plant that resembles but is not the same as the New England pond lily. It is comparable in the sense that they both thrive in the same natural environment and flaunt those recognizable lily pads, but they vary in both the botanical sense (they belong to a different genus) and coloration.

The USDA Growing Zones range from 4 to 11. (depending on variety)
White, pink, or yellow might be the color option.
Sun Exposure: Full to partial
Soil Needs: Wet, poor, sandy soil
Needs water; cannot survive periods of drought.

Cosmic Randomness (Cosmos bipinnatus)

a closeup of wild cosmos blooms showing their rounded pink petals and golden centers.
The Spruce is written by Evgeniya Vlasova.
Indigenous to Mexico. The scientific term for Cosmos bipinnatus is “wild cosmos,” although most people just call it “cosmos.” Because it can survive in dry conditions for an extended period of time, this wildflower is often included in xeriscaping projects.3

The USDA Growing Zones range from 2 to 11.
Varieties of color include golden yellow, white, pink, magenta, orange, red, yellow, and chocolate.
Sun Exposure: Full sun
A soil that has good drainage is essential (not too rich)
Water requirements: Very tolerant in dry conditions

Tochier (Cichorium intybus)

Flowers of the chicory plant that have dainty, blue petals and grow on slender stalks

As an alternative to coffee, dried chicory root, also known as Cichorium intybus, may be roasted and ground after being prepared in this manner. Chicory is appreciated more like a blue wildflower by those who are interested in plants. Chicory originated in Europe, but it has naturalized throughout a large portion of the United States.

Growing Zones 3 to 8 according to the USDA
Color Variations: Mostly blue, but sometimes include white or pink
Sun Exposure: Full
The ideal conditions for the soil are neutral to slightly alkaline, medium wetness, and good drainage.
Water Requirements: 12 of 12 Can withstand drought
Oxeye Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare)
Oxeye daisy is a wildflower that has white petals and yellow centers, and its stems are quite slender.

Oxeye, also known as Leucanthemum vulgare, is a plant that is native to the Old World but has become an invasive species in North America, despite its attractiveness.

The Shasta daisy, also known as Leucanthemum x superbum, is not a species of wildflower but rather a hybrid variation produced by Luther Burbank4 that resembles well-known daisies that were formerly known by the name “day’s eye.” Among the most sought-after perennial garden plants in the United States of America. “Becky” is a shasta daisy that has been grown in cultivation.

The USDA Growing Zones range from 4 to 9.
White or yellow with a yellow center might be seen as color variants.
Sun Exposure: Full to partial
What the soil needs is to be rich, wet, and well-drained.
Low water requirements; may survive periods of drought.

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