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Why Wine Should Not Be Consumed While Exposed to Direct Sunlight

Why Wine Should Not Be Consumed While Exposed to Direct Sunlight.

Be cautious to keep your wine and the sunshine at a safe distance from one another if you want its fruity and flowery fragrances to remain intact and not be transformed into odors reminiscent of cooked cabbage, damp cardboard, and wet dog. Continue reading to learn more about this topic, as well as other things you can take to keep your wine safe.

How the sun and other sources of light influence wine.

Does Exposure to Sunlight Affect Wine?

Did you know that exposing a bottle of wine to direct sunshine may turn it from a great bottle to one that tastes like swill? This unpleasant occurrence is called a light strike.

The phenomenon known as a “light strike” takes place when the bottle is exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Because of this, the riboflavin (Vitamin B2) and pantothenic acid that is already present in the wine become more active (Vitamin B5).

After being activated, these molecules next react with the amino acids that are already present. This results in molecules that include sulfur and can be smelled, even at extremely low quantities; these compounds stink!

When stored in transparent bottles, wine may be damaged after as little as three hours of exposure to the light. It just takes 18 hours for the wine to be bottled in green bottles. Before making a purchase, you should examine the shop and pay attention to where the wine is shelved.

Pick a bottle of wine that hasn’t been sitting near a window or out in the open sun.

Is there any other defense against the sun’s ultraviolet rays?

The amount of UV light that is absorbed is strongly influenced by the color of the bottle.
Additional Methods to Save Wine Using Lightbulbs and Bottles
Who would have guessed that the color of the container would have such an impact on the product?

As evidence, research has shown that amber glass, which is not the typical option used by winemakers, provides protection from UV radiation that is very close to total. Green glass gives less protection than clear glass does, although both types offer some.

Throughout history, green glass has been the most straightforward to manufacture in big numbers. It predates any knowledge of light strike, which is why it is the most prevalent nowadays. A more recent option, clear glass provides almost little protection and should be avoided.

The majority of us like taking in the stunning internal contrasts of white, yellow, green, and pink, therefore it’s a great pity that this can’t be seen.

The light strike may also occur when valuable bottles are stored in areas with fluorescent lighting. Be aware of bottles that are presented in environments with illumination other than LEDs.
Installing LED bulbs is the last step if you want to get technical and completely prevent any further harm caused by UV rays. Because they do not let out any UV light, this is an effective method.

It is Not an Impossible Task!

Keeping alcohol and sunshine apart can seem like a difficult task. But as we’ve seen, there are a lot of different ways to protect your wine from the sun without sacrificing its flavor.

You may extend the life of your wine and preserve its taste by storing it in an area that is free of ultraviolet light (UV), choosing a dark-colored container, and even using light-emitting diodes (LEDs).

Do you have any tried-and-true strategies for preventing harmful UV rays from getting into your wine? Please fill us in!

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