When to have sex when trying to get pregnant

The following information may be of interest to women who wish to get pregnant more quickly: when they should have sex, how often they should have sex, and if there are any variables that may enhance or reduce their chances of being pregnant each month.

It’s essential to understand that you may get pregnant at any point throughout your menstrual cycle, even if you’re currently experiencing your monthly cycle.


One of the reasons why birth control techniques such as the “rhythm method” are not particularly effective in preventing conception is because of this issue.

While unprotected sex does not always result in pregnancy, it is possible to get pregnant if you have sex more than once without protection. In general, fertility decreases with age, and adolescents are much more likely than older women to get pregnant after just one or a few sexual experiences, as opposed to older women. 



 If you are having difficulty conceiving, there are certain factors you should be aware of that may help you increase your chances of success. When is the ideal time to have sexual relations if I’m trying to conceive in order to increase my chances of getting pregnant?
When an egg is released into the body and subsequently fertilized by sperm, pregnancy occurs. A:



 Pregnancy happens after ovulation. The fact is, though, that after you’ve ovulated, your chances of becoming pregnant are little to none. You have about 12 hours to conceive.

A woman’s egg has a 24-hour life span after she has ovulated, which implies that if an egg is not fertilized within the first 12 hours following ovulation, she is unlikely to get pregnant.




Because of the short post-ovulation window, it’s critical to have intercourse as soon as possible after ovulation, if at all possible. Due to the fact that sperm may live within your cervix for about 72 hours, having sexual relations in the three days before you ovulation will increase your chances of becoming pregnant. As a result, by the time the egg is delivered, there will already be sperm in the cervical reservoirs waiting to fertilize it, saving time and money.




It’s one of the most reliable methods to predict when you’re going to ovulate. Ovulation strips, which are available over-the-counter, may assist in determining when you’re about to ovulate — and therefore, when you should be having intercourse in order to increase your chances of pregnancy.



During Which Period Are You Most Likely to Conceive

If you have sex often enough and are not actively trying to conceive, it may not be essential to spend time planning when you will have sex in order to become pregnant. Knowing when to have sex, on the other hand, may be beneficial if you want to get pregnant quickly.



Window of Fertility
Every month, you have one week during which sexual activity is most likely to result in pregnancy. This is referred to as your viable window, and it starts two to three days before you ovulate and lasts for two to three weeks. In the days leading up to ovulation, you have the greatest chance of getting pregnant. 3

What Is the Process of Ovulation?
Ovulation and fertilization are two important events in the life of a woman.
However, ovulation may occur between days 12 and 14 of a 28-day cycle, and the timing of this event varies from women to women depending on the length of their cycles, and it can even change from cycle to cycle. Your fertile window may be as early as day 8 and 9 of your cycle, or it could be as late as days 19 and 20 if you have a longer cycle, depending on how long your cycle is, for example.




Unlike the egg that ovulates, which can only be fertilized for 12 to 24 hours after being released from the ovary, sperm may survive in the female reproductive system for up to five days if they are protected by the mucus in your cervical cavity. It is almost difficult to identify the precise time of ovulation; thus, becoming sexually active before to (as opposed to after) you ovulate may assist to improve your chances of conception by making sure that you have sperm ready and waiting for the egg.




Is Day 14 the most fertile day of your cycle?
You may have heard that you ovulate on the 14th day of your cycle, which is correct. As a consequence, many women have sexual relations on days 11, 12, and 13, believing that this would increase their chances of becoming pregnant. Many women, however, do not ovulation on day 14. Ovulation may occur as early as day 10 and as late as day 20 in a normal cycle. It is possible that ovulation may occur even later if your cycle is irregular.

Cervical Mucus is a kind of mucus that collects in the cervical canal.
According to research, the ideal day for sexual intercourse is the day on which you detect the most fertile cervical mucus in your system.

Fertile cervical mucus is a vaginal discharge that has the appearance of raw egg white. It is produced during pregnancy. This kind of discharge is natural and healthy, and it usually occurs in the days leading up to ovulation. Once you know what to look for, it’s not difficult to spot a scam.

If you experience discharge that has a strong odor or causes itching, you may be suffering from a yeast infection. You should make an appointment with your doctor.

Cervical mucus aids in the survival of sperm by increasing their motility (movement).




The greater the number of sperm that survive and make it to your fallopian tubes, which then release your egg, the greater the chance of fertilization is.

Is There a Relationship Between Vaginal Discharge and Fertility?


The Atmosphere
It is true that being calm and stress-free may improve your chances of getting pregnant, but this is not always the case, as with most other “rules.” When was the last time you noticed that your libido was more active at different times of the month? This is not a coincidental occurrence. The same chemicals that enhance your desire for sex shortly before ovulation also increase your desire for physical intimacy. 



It is true that sexual enjoyment may improve your chances of getting pregnant, but not to the extent that you should be worried that every time you have sex you are having the best sex on the planet. It’s possible that the notion that female orgasm may increase the chances of conception is just wishful thinking.

Despite the physiological reality that female excitement causes vaginal tenting, which actually elevates the cervix-uterine region away from the ejaculated semen, this idea continues to be accepted.




Having said that, having an orgasm is not necessary in order to get pregnant. You may have horrible sex and still conceive, despite your efforts.

When it comes to becoming pregnant, do orgasms increase your chances of getting pregnant?



Keeping track of ovulation

You may keep track of ovulation using a calendar, and some programs monitor indications of ovulation based on physiological changes such as body temperature, cervical mucus, or hormone levels in the body. Here are a few approaches you may want to explore.

Predicting ovulation with the use of tests
Ovulation prediction tests are quite similar to pregnancy tests, with the exception that they inform you when you are most likely to ovulate. They are available in the form of test sticks or test strips that respond to your pee. You may use them by urinating into a cup and then dipping the test strip into the urine that has been collected. You will get your results based on color changes or digital readings of the results.




Ovulation tests performed at home identify the presence of luteinizing hormone (LH) in your urine. Because LH rises shortly before you ovulate, a positive LH test shows that your body is trying to stimulate the release of an egg from the ovary, and that it is most likely the best moment for you to get pregnant. 

Keeping track of one’s body temperature
Taking your basal body temperature every morning before you get out of bed is required for basal body temperature charting. Your basal body temperature is the temperature of your body when you are completely at rest, and your hormone levels have an impact on this temperature.



The hormone progesterone is responsible for increasing your body temperature. Because progesterone levels rise after ovulation, if your basal body temperature rises and stays elevated for at least a few days, this indicates that you most likely ovulated shortly before you noticed the spike in temperature. 



Cervical Mucus Tracking and Analysis
When you examine your cervical mucus, you’re also checking on the flow of your vaginal fluids. Vaginal discharge varies during your cycle and takes on unique qualities as you near ovulation, when it becomes stretchy and more mucus-like in consistency. When it looks like raw egg whites, you’re most likely in the midst of your most fertile period of the month. 

Using Saliva Tests to Determine
The saliva ferning test is a simple at-home test that involves examining a sample of saliva under a microscope. For some women, a ferning test may be beneficial, but for others, it can be difficult to interpret. Under a microscope, a ferning pattern, which looks to be frost, may also be an indication of ovulation. ferning pattern 11

Frequency of sexual encounters

The frequency with which you should have sex is determined by your own personal preferences as a couple, as well as whether or not there are any male infertility concerns, such as low sperm count.

According to experts, you should not have sex more than once a day. Although it may seem that having more sex would increase one’s chances of becoming pregnant, having sex too often may actually reduce the quantity of healthy sperm available. 12

Having Sexual Relations Throughout the Month
While some women feel empowered as a result of monitoring their ovulation, others feel worried and overwhelmed by the whole process. Whatever technique of ovulation monitoring you use—taking your temperature every morning, using ovulation detection strips, testing your saliva for ferning, examining your cervical mucus, or all of the above—paying careful attention to your cycles and ovulation symptoms may be emotionally draining.



If worrying about when to have sex for ovulation is giving you distress, you may just depend on regularly scheduled intercourse. In these situations, doctors recommend having intercourse at least once a week, or about every other day. Even if you don’t monitor your cycle, if you follow this plan, you’re almost certain to have sex at least once within your fertile window.



Throughout your cycle, try to have sex at least three to four times a week. There is some speculation that the semen may be beneficial to the growing embryo. Having sexual relations after your period, and even after you’ve conceived, may help your pregnancy “stick.” Another compelling argument in favor of more sex.

Having Sexual Contact During Your Fertile Period
If you’re willing to put in the effort to monitor and identify ovulation, you may be certain that you’ll have intercourse during your most fertile period.

If your sperm count is normal or healthy, it is recommended that you have sex every day that you:



Have a fecund cervical mucus production
Have a positive result from an ovulation detecting test.
Possess a positive saliva ferning test result
If you keep track of your basal body temperature on a monthly basis, you can figure out approximately when you ovulated—but only after the fact. In this instance, you should have intercourse for at least three days before you anticipate to ovulate and perhaps on the day you plan to ovulate as well.

You should, however, continue to have sex throughout your cycle in order to maintain the sperm quality in peak condition. You should also make an effort to offer time for sex that is not tied to a baby-making goal.

Managing Low Sperm Counts

If sperm counts are borderline normal or on the low side, it is generally recommended that you have intercourse every other day throughout the fertile window while you are trying to conceive.

For example, if you receive your first positive ovulation predictor test result on Monday, or if you observe viable cervical mucous, you should have sex on Monday, skip Tuesday, and then again on Wednesday, skip Thursday, and one more on Friday. The day in between will aid in replenishing the sperm supply, which may increase your chances of becoming pregnant later.


Natural Ways to Boost Male Fertility

Other Factors to Consider
Women who stayed on their backs following artificial insemination had a small boost in the likelihood of becoming pregnant, according to some studies on fertility therapy.

However, this has not been applied to sexual encounters as a whole.

One thing to keep an eye out for is the kind of lubricant you’re using, if you’re going to use one. Always use sperm-friendly lube since many common lubricants may be harmful to sperm. 

The Reasons Why Some Personal Lubricants May Be Harmful to Sperm 
When you’re excited to become a mother, it’s tempting to overcomplicate the process. It’s true that having sex during your fertile window increases your chances of becoming pregnant fast, but it’s also true that if you and your partner are in good health and have sex often throughout the month, you’re more likely to become pregnant eventually.

The adoption of as many ovulation monitoring techniques as possible is highly encouraged among reproductive support communities on the internet. Tracking your cycles may be beneficial, illuminating, and even enjoyable, but it can also become stressful. Make the decision that is most convenient for you and your spouse. If you haven’t gotten pregnant after one year of trying (or six months if you’re over 35), see your doctor.

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