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What’s the best time of day to have sex?

What’s the best time of day to have sex?

Have you ever wondered what the actual ideal time of day for sex is when we’re dissecting what science has to say about the best times for sex? Before I continue, let me just add that if you’re engaged and reading this (and you don’t live with your spouse), it’s crucial to understand who is a morning person and who is a night owl.

There is nothing like being upset to the end by a spouse who attempts to wake you up from your sound REM slumber in order to get them some sex. Trust me, something as easy as this may assist to make or break a sex relationship since we frequently desire sex when we’re at our most awake.

With that little nugget of knowledge out of the way, research claims that 3 p.m. is the best time for coitus, but I’m not sure how time zones factor for this (LOL). Men are more likely to desire to snuggle because their estrogen levels are greater, and since our cortisol levels are at their highest, we are more anxious. Not only that, but we also have more energy.

The ideal times to have a date after 3 p.m. are really 7:30 a.m. if you want to give yourself an energy boost (which may make you more happy and productive throughout the day), and then 10:45 a.m. since that’s when your partner will have more cortisol flowing through his system.

So, you’re aware of what this all signifies, right? It’s a good idea to plan a “late lunch” if you and your spouse are at home during work hours.

And if you’re not, morning sex is unquestionably the best! Your immunity might be strengthened by morning sex. You may relax by having morning sex. Your memory might be enhanced by morning sex.

Your skin may shine after morning intercourse. Evening feelings of intimacy with your lover might be heightened by morning sex.

For the record, morning sex doesn’t have to be “making love all night long”-style R&B song sessions. A quickie may also do the task. This takes me to my next time point, which is curiously enough.

Okay, so it’s not like having sex all year round is impossible (although we really hope it is for you because it should be). But according to research, your odds of routinely having better sex improve noticeably as the weather turns chilly and the clocks go back.

Let’s examine why, along with a few more factors that research suggests may contribute to your feeling more content in the bedroom.

So why, in actuality, does sex improve when you “fall back”?

Although spring is a season for rebirth, allergies also tend to flare up at this time of year. We all feel the heat and humidity of summer. Although winter is lovely, it also brings with it a fair bit of holiday stress and sometimes even episodes of seasonal melancholy. That just leaves the fall/autumn season.

Despite the fact that the days are shorter and the nights are longer, it is still seen to be the optimum time for wonderful intimate encounters by many medical professionals and sex experts since men’s testosterone levels tend to peak at the same time as our female hormone glands are most active. Since they were conceived in the autumn, many infants, including my own, are really born in the summer.

Additionally, having more sex might assist in reducing any emotions of sorrow or melancholy that autumn may bring on since sex increases amounts of oxytocin, the hormone associated with love and cuddling, as well as dopamine, the hormone that makes you experience joy.

Why then ignore them if there have recently been increased cravings to spend more time in bed (not sleeping)? Science suggests that you should physically “fall back into them.”

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