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What to Say When a Girl Reads Your Message But Doesn’t Respond for Weeks

What to Say When a Girl Reads Your Message But Doesn’t Respond for Weeks

Texting is entertaining, and it’s an excellent way to stay in contact with a female you like.

However, every now and again, we get a dry text, which consists of a text with few or no responses, a lack of excitement, or no response at all. When a female sees your message but does not respond, you’re left wondering what to say.

You may change that ignorance into admiration by using the power of words and a little technique. To do so, follow these basic guidelines for responding to a female who has just seen your text:


  1. Is There Anything I Said Wrong? If that’s the case, I’m really sorry; it won’t happen again. I’d want to make things better; how can I do that?
  2. Are You Angry With Me?
  3. Do you need some more space? I Can’t Stand Being Distant With The Girl I Love The Most, Please Reply I Can’t Stand Being Distant With The Girl I Love The Most, Please Reply I Can’t Stand Being Distant With The Girl I Love The Most, Please Reply I Can’t Stand Being Distant With The Girl I Love The Most, Please Reply
  4. Are You Preoccupied? Why aren’t you responding?
  5. This silence is killing me, so please just say anything. Say how to tell your girlfriend you love her. I can’t stop thinking about you, and my mind won’t stop replaying your thoughts.
  6. Use Flirting Techniques That Aren’t Too Overpowering
  7. Is This A Glitch On Your Phone Or Are You Doing It On Purpose?
  8. Why did you read my text so quickly?
  9. I’d rather hear you say what’s on your mind than be forced to remain silent. This kind of treatment necessitates a discussion about the silence, which is killing me.
  10. The longer you ignore me in this manner, the more I suffer. Please return to me.
  11. Do you want me to do anything to get you to stop being so quiet?
  12. It’s impossible to have a conversation with you without it hurting like hell.
  13. Is There Something Wrong Here?
  14. Over Text, Use Things to Say to a Girl to Make Her Laugh
  15. I miss you so much, and I hope you understand how much I miss the way things used to be. Can we go back to the way things were?
  16. What are you trying to accomplish with our friendship?
  17. Is It Harmful For You To Text Me?
  18. Are you too preoccupied to tell me what’s wrong with us?
  19. I believe there is a problem between us. Please, just say anything to me if you want to talk to me. I’m becoming numb from the silence.
  20. Is it possible that you’re losing interest in me?
  21. Is Silence Your Love Language?
  22. I Need You And Miss Your Text More Than You Know Was Something I Said Harmful?
  23. Do You Have a Job Right Now? Is it because of this that you only read my text?
  24. Just let me know what’s on your mind.
  25. Send her some inside jokes or funny memes.
  26. I’m not sure how I can make you happy.
  27. What can I do to bring this to a halt?
  28. What Can I Do To Make The Silence Disappear?
  29. What Can I Do To Make You Smile?
  30. What’s putting a strain on your heart?
  31. I’m Sorry For What I Said I Want You Back I’m Such A Fool, Please Forgive Me And Say Something Now Hearing You Say Something Would Be Heaven Please Don’t Go Away, Tell Me What’s Wrong I Want You To Know That You Are Important To Me And What You Are Doing To Me Hurts Please Don’t Be Passive Aggressive Like This, Just Tell Me What’s Wrong I Beg You Just Come Back To Me I Beg You Just Come Back To Me I Beg
  32. Hello? Doesn’t this chat seem like a ghost town? Is it possible that I’m conversing with someone?
  33. What are you attempting to accomplish by just reading my text?
  34. How much longer is this going to go on? What should I do now to bring it to a halt?


Something passionate and meaningful is the greatest method to solve what to say when a lady receives your message but does not respond.

Never push things back to the way they were, and constantly attempt to understand what’s going on and where she’s coming from. This is a challenge that you can conquer if you show compassion to her.

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