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What Is a Tantric Clitoral Massage and How Do I Give One?

What Is a Tantric Clitoral Massage and How Do I Give One?

A woman’s clitoris is the focal point of focus during a Tantric clitoral massage, and this is the goal. This massage may be performed on its own, as part of a Yoni massage, as part of the G-spot massage (which will be discussed in further detail in the next section), or as part of a typical erotic massage session. 



If the Tantric clitoral massage is not a continuation of another session in which you have already established the atmosphere, be sure to create a warm, welcoming, and unique environment in which your partner will feel relaxed and open before beginning. Request that she lay face down once she is entirely undressed, either by asking her to undress or by gently undressing her yourself. Begin by massaging her back and working your way down her body, ending with a massage of the feet and hands on her legs. After a few minutes, roll her over and begin working your way up her back from her feet to her shoulders and collarbone.



For the time being, refrain from stroking her breasts or genitals in order to tease her and create momentum. – There is a purpose here in that you want to heighten her senses while also keeping her on her toes and inviting her to anticipate the unusual.
You will begin the clitoral massage once you have massaged every inch of her body save her genitalia and are ready to begin. Gently touch either of her knees, running your hand up her inner thigh and going up to her vulva. 



You will be stroking her clitoris with one to three fingers, depending on the size and sensitivity of her clitoris. The following is a general rule: a. If you can feel her clitoral shaft with your fingertips, use your thumb and index finger; otherwise, use your middle and index fingers (2 fingers).


Use your thumb, index finger, and middle finger to pinch her clitoris if it is bigger and more apparent. b. (3 fingers).
c. On the other hand, if her clitoris is little and buried, use the tip of your index finger or the base of your thumb (1 finger).



In the event that you are only using one finger, lay the tip of your finger or the base of your thumb atop her clitoris, and move the skin below your finger either in little circles or back and forth between them. However little and concealed her clitoris may seem to be, you should be able to feel it stiffening and getting more erect as she gets more engrossed with you.

What Is a Tantric Clitoral Massage and How Do I Give One?

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In order to assess her clitoris form and hardness, softly hold the shaft with your thumb and index finger while gently stroking the tissue around her clitoris back and forth between your thumb and index finger. It is critical to assess how much the tissue around her clitoris moves around before applying pressure since you do not want to apply excessive pressure. If at all possible, you should avoid directly holding her glans, but the idea here is for the hood to glide back and forth as you handle the shaft, which will indirectly stimulate her glans as you manipulate the shaft.




Using your thumb and forefinger, wrap the hood over your head, softly squeeze the clitoris, and slowly roll it between your fingers. Pull the hood up to the point where the clitoris is visible, then blow on the exposed area. Using a thoroughly lubricated fingertip, gently tease it in a variety of directions — up and down; left and right; or in circles — and pay notice to which ones she reacts to the most. This will cause blood to rise to the surface of the skin and charge her nerve endings.
If she seems to be having a good time, maintain a steady beat. 




As her level of arousal rises, you may experiment with increasing pressure, but always remember to be delicate while you are doing so. It is possible to adjust the tempo of your strokes from extremely slow and methodical in the beginning to more quicker as she approaches the point of climax.



During orgasm, pull your fingers away from her clitoris and towards her labia. As she recovers from her orgasmic high, maintain physical touch with her. Once she has recovered, you may either restart the massage or discontinue it; however, you should never cease the massage suddenly unless she indicates that she is uncomfortable. Instead, direct your attention to her vulva or other less sensitive portions of her pelvic region for a few minutes until she is ready to continue.




You and your partner may need some time to get comfortable with this approach even though she may orgasm extremely rapidly and effortlessly in the beginning. The best approach to learn how to offer and receive the Tantric clitoral massage is to have an open mind and acquire experience by practicing together, which can be a wonderful bonding experience for you and your partner.

Society and social conditioning may easily prohibit many women from integrating their sexual energies and participating in sexual actions and behaviors only for the sake of meeting their own needs, rather than being obligated to do so for the sake of gratifying the wishes of their partners. Women who realize that their sexuality and sexual nature are beautiful, strong, and positive will be able to appreciate being sexually aroused and nourished by their partners.
One of the aims and consequences of Tantric sex is to assist her in realizing her own orgasmic potential while also providing her with the ability to extend it. This chapter will discuss Tantric ways and practices through which women may both be delighted by and be pleased by their partners.




The Yoni (Vagina) The Sanskrit name for the vagina is “Yoni,” which is pronounced “YO-nee.” Tantra considers the vagina to be holy, and as such, it must be handled with the greatest care and reverence. The Yoni massage is a sensual practice that brings lovers closer together on an emotional and spiritual level, while also fostering trust and intimacy along the way.






Learn how to give a Tantric Yoni Massage in this tutorial.

Remember that, although the Yoni massage is very thrilling, the primary goal is to calm both partners and invite emotions to arise.
During this massage, women may experience a range of emotions and sentiments ranging from desire to rage, to excitement, to apathy, and all of this is beneficial. Remember that during a Yoni massage, there are no limitations, since there is no emphasis on obtaining any intended objective other than to feel, observe, connect, and experience. With each improvement in your technique and progression toward mastery of the Yoni massage, your awareness of female sexuality will increase, and your whole sex life will be much enhanced.





While breathing is a Tantric foreplay practice, it also contributes to the development of emotional and spiritual relationships between partners. First, spend some time together enhancing awareness of each other’s essence and presence by looking into each other’s eyes, hugging, and participating in deep, synchronized breathing. 



Then, begin the Yoni massage. However, both the provider and recipient of the impending massage should have a calm and concentrated state of mind during the whole activity. The provider should gently remind the recipient of the rate and depth she should be attempting to achieve if she begins to halt, pause, or take more shallow breaths.





When both parties are sufficiently calm, comfortable, and connected, the receiver should lay on her back with a cushion behind her neck for comfort and another beneath her hips to elevate her pelvis. With her feet flat on the bed or the floor, she raises her legs and opens them, revealing her Yoni. The provider sits cross-legged in between her open legs, on a pillow or cushion if preferred.




Begin by massaging different portions of her body to encourage relaxation on the side of the provider. Firmly and softly massage her arms, breasts, stomach, hips, and thighs before going inside to her pelvic area. Continue by rubbing her pubic bone, making your way up to her inner thigh until you reach her knee. Use your right hand to apply lubricant or oil to the top or mound of the Yoni, making sure that enough is poured so that the outer lips and exterior of the Yoni are completely coated.




She will find it incredibly sexy and delightful if you rub the lubrication on her outer lips numerous times. Apply mild pressure and compress each of her Yoni lips with the thumb and index finger of each hand, running your oiled fingers up and down the whole length of each one. Once the outer lips have been completed, continue the procedure with each inner lip, paying particular attention to her preferences and adjusting the pressure and pace in accordance with her physical and auditory indications.




The following phase, clitoral stimulation, is optional and may or may not be feasible depending on her degree of sensitivity to clitoral stimulation. Prior to going too further into clitoral stimulation, you will need to pay careful attention to her signals and stated wants, but if this is something she appreciates, begin by stroking her clitoris in a slow, circular motion. 




While still pinching your thumb and index finger together, twist your hand so that your wrist is facing upward. Carefully and gently enter your middle finger into her Yoni and explore the interior of your partner’s body with her middle finger. Take your time and savor the sensations she is experiencing. Feel up, down, right, and left with varied degrees of speed and depth until you hit her “holy area” — her G-spot.




Continue with the massage, increasing the intensity, pace, and direction as necessary.
Deep breathing and staring into each other’s eyes should be maintained to maintain the connection.
When she reaches this moment, she may feel waves of intense emotion, tremble, shake and weep; but, no matter what happens, maintain breathing and urging her to breathe, and be loving. If she does have orgasm, you should inquire as to whether she would want you to continue. 




If you continue at this point, she will almost certainly have numerous orgasms in a succession, each one more powerful than the previous. When the Tantric Yoni Massage is done properly by a loving, patient partner, this exhilarating feeling is referred to as “riding the wave,” and many women — even those who have never had orgasm before — may learn to become multi-orgasmic.




Keep rubbing and enjoying the moment until she gives you the assurance that she is ready to stop. Allow her to savor the moment and bask in the glory of the tremendous orgasms you have provided her, while you bask in the pleasure of gratifying your girlfriend and creating a memorable moment for the two of you.




It was the Clitoris who drew my attention.

The clitoris is located above the vaginal opening between the labia. It is composed of two parts: the rounded glans and the lengthier shaft, which are both covered by a “hood” of skin known as the clitoral hood, which is a protective covering for the clitoral hood. As previously mentioned in this book, most, if not all, women may experience orgasm as a result of clitoral stimulation.




 However, some women are very sensitive in this region, so it is always a good idea to check with the lady to determine how much clitoral stimulation works for her. Regardless, it is critical to apply enough lubricant while attempting to handle any woman’s clitoris. After touching that incredibly sensitive spot without proper lubrication, you’ll never want to touch it again.

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The G-Spot 

This little lima-bean shaped area may be seen on the front (tummy-side) wall of the Yoni, two to three inches below the pubic bone. It is also known as the G-spot (Grafenberg spot).
This section of the Yoni has a distinct texture than the remainder of the Yoni, being spongier and coarser in texture. The stimulation of the G-spot creates powerful orgasmic experiences that are greater than those experienced during a regular sexual response.




Instructions on How to Perform a Tantric G-Spot Massage

In Tantra, the G-spot is recognized for storing sexually creative energy, but it also has a darker side, in that it may store sexual or emotional anguish as well as creative sexual energy. When the G-spot massage is carried out properly, it is capable of being therapeutic since it has the ability to eliminate obstacles to sexual pleasure and replace them with pleasant feelings.



Once the recipient of the massage has undressed and is laying face down, begin by giving her a ten-minute full-body massage with your fingertips. Once she is completely relaxed, kindly inquire as to if you may massage her more intimately. With high-quality lubricant, softly massage her pubic region, including the lips of her Yoni, until she agrees to be massaged.
When she becomes arousable, say in her ear that you are about to put your fingers into her. Lubricate your first two fingers well before inserting them as deep into her Yoni as is comfortable for her. 




Then move them in equal circles all over her body. Take into consideration the fact that steady, firm pressure over the whole length of the vaginal walls is often the most comfortable, but you’ll have to rely on her physical and auditory signals as guides, since every woman has her own set of preferences. For example, putting the palm of your other hand at the top of her pelvis may be quite “grounding” for her. 




Visualize the G-spot as a clock face on her body. Consider placing your fingers at each place on the clock for a short period of time. Pay attention to which “hours” are the most pleasant, which are the most numb, which may be painful, and which elicit an emotional response in you. If you come upon a good location, push softly and hold it. A gentle encouragement to express everything she “sees” or “feels” will be given if any strong emotions such as anger, grief, or laughter are experienced. Allow the energy to flow freely, since this release of energy is restorative and makes her sexual energy more accessible to her partner.



Concentrate on satisfying her as the massage progresses rather than on the numb or painful areas as the massage progresses. An other effective method of stimulating the G-spot is to use the “push and release” technique:


1. Pull the G-spot upward with your fingers by hooking them together.
2. Press and release in a rhythmic manner.
When the G-spot massage is completed, inform her that you will be removing your fingers.. Using your free hand, slowly slip your fingers out of her vagina while pressing the mound of her vagina with your other hand, thereby completing the Tantric G-spot Yoni healing procedure.




The following is a word of caution: it is critical that you do not have any expectations about the result of this massage. It is possible that results may not be immediately obvious, and that it will take many attempts before any feelings will occur. In the meanwhile, relish the opportunity to get better acquainted with your partner’s Yoni and to strengthen the link that exists between the two of you.




Orgasms on the G-Spot

For the G-spot to be activated, two criteria must be satisfied. First, the lady must be aroused, and then pressure must be given on the top vaginal wall of the female reproductive system. When a woman is sufficiently aroused, blood rushes to the G-spot in a similar manner to how it does to the clitoris; as a result, any sexual position that applies pressure on the region increases the likelihood of the woman achieving an orgasm. In the following four positions, there is a greater chance of experiencing the G-spot orgasm.




One of the most effective ways to get a G-spot orgasm is by rear entrance. 

This occurs when the penis brushes against the top wall of the vagina. The lady should be on her knees, her legs gently wide apart, and her hands on her hips. It is critical that she resists the temptation to put her face down, instead maintaining a slight arch in her back and her elbows either bent or up and locked. This is because when the woman leans forward, the entry angle changes dramatically and the G-spot becomes more difficult to reach, making the task more difficult. It is expected that the guy would enter her from behind, creating a sense of tightness and complete penetration.



The woman may initially be uncomfortable with the sensation of the penis pressing on her cervix, but the male may adjust his aim toward the G-spot by pushing higher on her hips and thrusting in a downward motion.
In the second position, the guy sits on a bed or the floor with his arms crossed behind him and his legs out in front of him. The lady takes a position above him, facing him, and lowers herself onto his genital region. 



Her knees should be bent up towards his chest, and her arms should be trailing behind her, between his legs, as she approaches him. She “rocks” herself on his penis by using her arms and legs to do so. While it may seem that this position is unlikely to result in a G-spot orgasm, the angle and attractive stance make it an erotic position.




Third, the Flower Press

 is excellent for those who have difficulty interacting with others because of extra weight, pregnancy, or other physical issues such as weak knees. If you use the Flower Press, the woman should lay down on her back and let the guy to enter her in the same way as you would in missionary position. Once penetration has commenced, she should lift her legs upward and back until they are either on his shoulders or chest. At this time, the guy kneels up to her, leaning on her belongings for support, and she gets hold of his hips, pulling him even closer into her embrace.



 In addition to allowing for severe penetration, his pelvis grinds on her clitoris, stimulating the G-spot as a result of the man’s greater height in relation to the woman.



4. Rotated Woman: 

The Rotated Woman posture provides a great deal of stimulating stimulation for the body. She lowers herself onto him so that her back is facing him, and the guy lays down on the bed next to her. As soon as he is inside of her, she bends forward slowly and gently until she is laying on top of him with her legs spread and her hands near his feet.




 In a “figure 8” action, she may gently rotate her hips, or she can hold his ankles and use them as leverage to assist glide herself forward and downward. In this posture, her vagina is being pulled, forcing the penis to brush against her G-spot. She also benefits from the clitoral stimulation provided by his testicles and legs as an added bonus. The lady is in complete command in this scene, as she dictates the tempo and depth of movements.




In addition to enhancing physical feelings, tantric sex has the ability to turn them into tools for gaining knowledge. Women have G-spot orgasms deeper inside their bodies, as opposed to the localized orgasms they experience with clitoral orgasms, which are more intense and last longer. The full-body orgasm is a fantastic method for attaining a state of exquisite euphoria and is recommended by many experts.




The Perineum 

Giving your wife a perineum massage may be a simple method to spice up your relationship without spending a lot of money. There are thousands of nerve endings in the perineum, which is a tiny region positioned between the vagina and the anus. It runs all the way down into her labia, perineum, and anus, enabling her to experience pleasure in all three of these locations at the same time.





The perineum may be stimulated in two ways: during oral sex, and when having intercourse in the rear entrance position, presuming her legs are spread wide enough to allow access to the area behind her thighs. This erogenous spot is much too frequently overlooked; don’t waste your time ignoring it! It is less sensitive than the clitoris, yet it may be quite responsive in specific cases, according to some female users.

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