What Is A Lane Cedar Chest’s Serial Number?

What Is A Lane Cedar Chest’s Serial Number?

A serial number is usually stamped or attached to the bottom of Lane cedar chests, and this is the case with most of their products. The manufacture date may be determined by reading the serial number backward.

Are antique cedar chests worth anything these days? Probably not.
Age, quality, and whether or not the hardware is original all go into the price of an Old Lane cedar chest, which may range from $100 to roughly $700.

The majority of them are valued at between $200 and $400 dollars each. Suffocation hazards exist in cedar chests manufactured before 1987 because the lids automatically latch shut when the chest is closed.

Are Spiders attracted to Cedar?

Cedar. Spiders and other insects will be driven away by the use of cedar blocks and chips scattered about your home and within your home. Additionally, your house will have a pleasant woody fragrance.

What is the status of the Lane Cedar Chest recall?

It is the worry of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) that millions of these recalled cedar chests remain unrepaired in customers’ homes and continue to represent a threat to children…. If you have an old-style latch on your Lane or Virginia Maid cedar chest that was manufactured between 1912 and 1987, you should remove it immediately to avoid a choking hazard from occurring.

A Hope Chest is a chest that is filled with items that are hoped for.
Objects such as shells, holiday photographs, and postcards from areas you have been should be included in your new hope chest. Make a special family treasure box that you can pass down to the next generation by having your children help you decorate it and storing homework, medals, awards, treasured books, and toys.

Is it possible to find out when Lane Furniture closed its doors?

More than half of the company’s income was generated by its furniture divisions, Lane and Broyhill, although they suffered from a downturn in home starts in 1989, as did other furniture firms. Although Interco’s four running companies were profitable, the company was forced into Chapter 11 bankruptcy due to its high amount of debt.

What is the procedure for obtaining a key for a cedar trunk?

To make contact with Lane, customers should have the chest’s serial and style numbers handy, which may be found on the exterior bottom or outside back of the chest. To make an order for a replacement kit, call 800-327-6944, send an email to newlock@LaneFurniture.com, or buy on the Heritage Home Group website.

When did Lane discontinue the production of cedar trunks?

During the summer of 2001, the last Lane cedar chest to be produced in the United States rolled off the manufacturing line, and the facility was permanently shuttered.

If a cedar chest is antique, how can you tell?

Look for a maker’s mark or a firm name on the cedar chest. This symbol is normally burnt or stamped into the wood of ancient chests or high-quality contemporary chests; a few chests may have a paper tag attached to the inside lid. When purchasing a low-quality chest, look for stickers on the outside.

When Refinishing an Old Lane Cedar Chest, What Materials Should Be Used?

To neutralize the stripper, soak a towel in lacquer thinner and use it to wipe off the whole surface and inside of the Lane cedar chest. Sand the wood surfaces as required using a palm sander and fine-grit paper or a rotary tool equipped with sanding attachments to smooth out any rough spots and remove any remnants of the original finish, if applicable.

Murphy’s Oil Soap on Cedar Chest – Is It Safe to Do So?

In order to preserve the beauty and functionality of your cedar chest, you should keep it clean on the inside and exterior. White vinegar or Murphy’s Oil Soap, together with a lint-free cloth, may be used for medium-level cleaning..

A Lane Cedar Chest Weighs a Ton or More?
53 pounds is the total weight of the product.

What Materials Are Used in the Construction of Lane Cedar Chests?

More substantial Lane Cedar chests are constructed of three-quarter-inch red cedar and finished with exteriors made of a variety of quality woods, including walnut, maple, mahogany Prima Vera, Madora, and Oriental woods, among others. Lane Cedar chests are created to order. The color and polish of quality furniture are complementary to them.

The Life Expectancy of a Cedar Chest

Cedar hangers, cedar blocks for moths, and sachets for your clothing and bureaus are all available for purchase, but they will only be effective for around three months after being purchased.

An old cedar chest might be difficult to maintain.

Using mild soap and water, clean the exterior of your ancient cedar chest. Wipe the surface, corners, and crevices with the cloth after it has been wrung out nearly completely to dry. Make use of a cotton swab to clean up minor corners or ornamental accents. If the surface of your cedar chest is very unclean, you may want to wipe it off with mineral spirits a second time.

A Cedar Chest Can Be Refurbished In A Number Of Ways.

Opening the pores of the inside of the cedar chest using 200-grit sandpaper and rejuvenating the wood’s natural oils is accomplished by lightly sanding the surface of the wood with the sandpaper. If your wood doesn’t smell as good after sanding it, try rubbing some cedar oil into the surface with a soft cloth. Restoring the natural oils and reviving the aroma is accomplished via this method.

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What is the effectiveness of cedar balls in repelling mice?

Even cedar is a favorite chewing material for mice. Heavy materials such as sheet metal, concrete mortar, or heavy gauge hardware cloth should be used in the construction of barriers. Mice aren’t troubled by chemical scent repellants or strong-smelling essential oils such as mint or cedar, which are often used.

If you don’t have a key, here’s how to open a Lane Cedar Chest.

Simply removing the lock off the chest, you may get access without the need of your keys. If you have a Lane cedar chest that was constructed before 1987, there is a safety issue. When the lid of these chests is closed, the locks automatically engage, trapping young infants within. (See illustration)

What Is the Best Way to Restore the Cedar Aroma?

Fortunately, the cedar that has lost its aroma may be revived by carefully sanding the wood surfaces that have been exposed to the elements. (Similarly, a cedar sachet kept in a drawer simply requires a little squeeze to unleash the aroma of fresh wood shavings contained inside it.)

Is Lane Furniture made by a specific company?

Lane is now owned by United Furniture Industries, which is one of the fastest-growing and biggest producers of upholstery and case goods in the United States of America.

Is There a Specific Type of Wood Used in the Construction of Cedar Chests?
Juniperus virginiana, sometimes known as aromatic cedar. Traditionally, cedar chests and hope chests were constructed of this material. Red Cedar is also known by other names.

Using mothballs or cedar, which is preferable?

Use of Moth Deterrents: Some Pointers Natural oils found in the dark-colored heartwood of red cedar aid in the killing of clothes-moth larvae, although this alone will not provide enough protection against the insects.. … Mothballs and moth crystals are effective in preventing infestations, but they have a number of disadvantages that make them unsuitable for most people.

In a cedar chest, can you store books?

Keeping your child’s infant belongings in a cedar chest will allow you to cherish and remember them forever. A cedar chest is a fantastic place to store baby blankets, clothes, rattles, first toys, and books.

If you have a cedar chest, can you keep pictures in it?

Your cedar chest is capable of storing images if they are properly prepared. Your photographs preserve historical moments that might otherwise be lost to you as time passed. Keeping your photographs in a cedar chest can guarantee that they will be preserved for future generations of your family members.

Exactly What Is the Purpose of a Cedar Chest?

Protection against pests and rodents One of the most significant advantages of a cedar chest is that cedarwood is a natural insect repellent, making it a wonderful choice for a home or office. Your clothing will stay in better condition longer if you use a cedar chest instead of buying mothballs. … Although the wood may distort or move away from the wall when under strain, this is quite rare.

Using tung oil on cedar is a good idea.

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Tung oil or Dark Tung Oil may be used with undiluted Pure Tung Oil or Dark Tung Oil when using rough-sawn light woods such as red cedar, basswood, and western hemlock.

What Is the Best Way to Restore Cedarwood to Health?

There are no complicated steps to the repair procedure. Using coarse sandpaper, all you have to do now is smooth out the cedarwood. Sand the area until the scent returns or the wood becomes red once again, whichever occurs first (sunlight and air turn it brown.) Never ever use anything to seal cedarwood!

Are Cedar Chests Suitable for Painting?

Paint should be applied after two coats of priming. With your preferred Cling On brush, paint two coats of white paint onto the surface of your Lane cedar chest. Between applications, carefully sand the surface to ensure even distribution. Click HERE to get white chalk-type paint, along with other paint supplies such as glazes, stains, and sealers.

Is There Anything That Belongs In A Typical Hope Chest?

Cooking utensils and other home basics were typically placed in the hope chest, as were dishes, linens, and clothing. For many decades following the invention of the hope chest, brides were expected to take on a wide range of domestic responsibilities, therefore they took everything they would need with them.

Can anybody confirm that the Lane Cedar Chest Company is still operating?
Between 1912 and 2001, when the Lane Company went out of business after 89 years on the market, cedar chests were a sought-after household accessory.

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