What Is A Blonde Roast, And How Do You Make One?

What Is A Blonde Roast, And How Do You Make One?

What Is A Blonde Roast, And How Do You Make One?

During the last several years, there has been a substantial surge in the popularity of blonde roast coffee. It is made from beans that are light black in color and create a somewhat tart coffee that has a little hint of sweetness and toasted grain flavor characteristics. 


The production of lighter-bodied coffee is another benefit of blonde roasts, which are well-known for creating liquids that are lighter in weight and fuller in flavor when consumed.



The progenitors of blonde roast coffee may be traced back to the 16th century.

“Blonde roast” is a term that occurred for the first time in the United States in January 2018. Starbucks has now decided to stop the use of the slogan. Alternatively, blonde roast coffee has been around for a lot longer than dark roast coffee, which is a good thing.


 Many people were under the impression that the term “cinnamon roast” had anything to do with the taste of the roast rather than the color of the roast itself when it was first coined. Corporations such as Starbucks, for example, have renamed its blonde roast coffee in order to cash in on the popularity of this kind of coffee.




In addition to blonde roast beans, they are known by a number of other names, including New England roast, light city roast, and half city roast, as well as New England roast beans (see below). The beans that are used for this kind of roasting are often derived from Latin America and East Africa, among other places.


In your opinion, what is the most efficient method of roasting blonde roast coffee, and how long does it take?


Coffee beans that have been roasted to the lightest degree possible are typically roasted at temperatures ranging from 355 to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Roast blond roast beans until just before or shortly after “first crack,” 


which refers to the popping sound beans make as moisture inside them converts to steam and expands, depending on how dark they have been roasted. If you’d want more information on the fundamentals of roasting, check out our previous article, Coffee Roasting for Beginners.




A higher temperature is used in the roasting of white coffee than in the roasting of blonde coffee, and the white coffee takes somewhat longer to roast than blonde coffee.



The medium-roasted beans are kept in the roaster until the second crack has been achieved, after which they are removed from the roaster and ground.



At some point, the beans will reach a second crack, at which point they will pop once more, or crackle like milk over crispy rice cereal, signaling that they are ready to be consumed. The color of their skin has changed to a dark brown hue by the time they reach the end of the second fracture.

Listed below are various methods to describe the flavor of blonde roast in your mouth:

It is possible to distinguish a unique flavor in beans that have been roasted until they are just before or just after the beginning of first crack. 


Compare the acidity of blonde roasted coffee to the acidity of darker roasted coffee produced from the same bean and you will discover that it is greater in acidity. The acidity of the blonde roast lends a flavor to the coffee that some customers may perceive as lemony or sour in character, depending on their palate.





Darker roasts, as opposed to lighter roasts, have much stronger overtones of caramelized sugar or melted butter, as shown by a comparison of the tastes of blonde and dark roast coffee beans.





Blonde roasting does not provide the beans with enough time to transform their acidic characteristics into more sweet characteristics, which is why there is such a difference in taste between the two methods. Because of the high temperatures employed in the roasting process, an increase in roasting duration leads in an increase of acidic breakdown.





In addition, the popularity of blonde roasts is sometimes attributed to their ability to divert attention away from caramelization flavors and onto the “true” taste of the bean, which many people find to be more delightful. 



During the caramelization process, which happens when various coffees are roasted for an extended length of time, they become more similar in flavor, which is beneficial. Some coffee connoisseurs may find the high level of acidity in blonde roast to be irritating, and this is one of the negative characteristics of the coffee bean.

Other than the color, is there anything else that differentiates blonde roast coffee from other varieties?

As a consequence of the roasting process, coffee beans with a blonde roast produce the unique coffee silverskin, which is an extremely thin exterior covering, which distinguishes them from other coffee beans. 


The antioxidant properties and health advantages of silverskin are akin to those of Vitamin C in that it provides a wide range of health benefits. In the brewing process, some of these characteristics are diminished, but not fully eliminated; also, the antioxidants in blonde roast coffee are greater in number than those in darker roasts.



Roasted beans of the blonde variety have a thicker texture than other roasts, owing to the fact that they expand and dry out less during the roasting process than other roasts. 


As a consequence, the beans become more solid, which makes them unsuitable for use in chocolate-covered beans owing to the hardness of the beans. When it comes to grinding, blonde roast beans are more difficult to work with and, if not done properly, may cause a coffee grinder to get worn out over time.



On a pH scale ranging from 0 to 14, with zero signifying the most acidic and 14 indicating the least acidic, medium roast coffee has an usual pH of 4.5, according to the International Coffee Organization. 



Similarly, the numbers for medium and dark roasts are around 5.4 and 5.9, respectively. To illustrate, consider that vinegar has an acidity of 3.0, but tomato juice has an acidity of around 4.4. (see table). People who are sensitive to acidic foods such as tomatoes, such as coffee lovers, may wish to avoid drinking blonde roasts entirely because of the acidity.



The tomatoes are ripe and ready to be served.

A blonde roast coffee has acidity that is comparable to that of a dark roast when compared to tomatoes.
If you have a choice between a blonde or a dark roast, which is more robust in terms of flavor?
When compared to other roasts, blonde roast coffee has a milder flavor than dark roast coffee, which is why it is preferred over dark roast coffee. Compared to the previous version, this one has a lighter and more smoother texture.


If we’re talking about coffee, how much caffeine is there in a cup of blonde roast?

When comparing the caffeine amount of a scoop of blonde roast coffee to that of a scoop of darker roast coffee, it is clear that blonde roast coffee has a greater caffeine concentration. On the other hand, the caffeine content of a single blonde roast bean and a single darker roast bean will be the same.




The amount of beans in each scoop varies depending on the producer, which is why it is important to measure carefully. When roasting beans, it’s vital to know that the longer you roast them, the more bulk or density they lose. This results in a larger percentage of blonde toasted beans per scoop of roasted bean mixture as the roasting time increases.





In the case of coffee, there is a significant difference between a blonde roast and an unroasted white roast that may be found.
It is not the same as blonde roast or white coffee, which are not identical terms in the coffee industry. When compared to blonde roast coffee, which is made from beans that have been completely roasted, white roast coffee, on the other hand, is made from beans that have been under-roasted (or blanched).