What and how do jellyfish eat?
If you had ever been curious in how jellyfish consume and digest their food? Because we’ve done so much study on jellyfish, we’ve put together this comprehensive guide to everything you could possibly want to know about the creatures’ feeding habits.
What do jellyfish consume? The jellyfish does not go out of its way to find nourishment. It will collect plankton that floats in the vicinity.
They may, however, push themselves in order to attract prey. Jellies have 4-8 oral arms, which they use to catch food from their tentacles and transport it to their mouth for digestion.
However, this is a very condensed version of the story.
As you will see in the next section, there is a great deal more to say. We discovered a slew of interesting information and unusual characteristics regarding the jellies. They are every bit as insane and amusing as they seem!
Jellyfish are quite remarkable creatures.
It is true that they are one-of-a-kind in that they have a relatively basic neural system when compared to other animals and even humans. In addition, depending on their size, they will devour just about everything that comes their way.
Consequently, it is entertaining to see how it manages to do simple functions like as feeding and reproducing.
What do jellyfish consume?
Consider taking it a step further and investigating the solution in further depth.
Although, as we discussed at the start of this post, jellyfish do not actively seek for food sources on their own. It will passively float about and eat on any plankton-type food that happens to float by it while it is doing nothing.
Because it lacks a brain, it must rely on more mechanical and fundamental elements to survive.
Here’s a more detailed explanation of how it’s done:
1) First and foremost, the tentacles will capture the food.
In order to catch the food in the first place, the jellyfish possesses lengthy tentacles that are utilized to grasp the food.
Particulate matter (plankton) will pass past the animal and attach to its tentacles once it does. Some species have tentacles that may reach lengths of up to 100 feet (!) (3 meters).
It’s a rather passive process (keep in mind that the jellyfish has no brain), in which the jellyfish just occurs to drift into these little bits and pieces of food as a result of an accident.
When food comes into contact with the tentacles, it becomes poisonous. As a result, if it hasn’t already died, it will do so shortly. First, the little animal will be immobilized, and then it will be murdered by the jellyfish, which will then devour the animal.
Some of the larger jellyfish will contain a stinging thread wrapped up within them, which they may use to swarm victims by throwing it out towards them:
Thread of the jellyfish that causes stinging
2) The oral arms are responsible for putting food into the mouth.
The food will be captured and transported into the mouth by the oral arms that are close to the mouth.
Because they are considerably smaller and shorter than the tentacles, they are more active in grabbing plankton, algae, and other organic matter and transporting it all the way up to the mouth. The mouth of the animal is located in the middle of the animal and is immediately connected to the stomach.
The mouth seems to be largely a little hole in the middle of the face. It’s a very rudimentary mouth that will only accomplish the most fundamental things, such as sending food into the stomach and shooting water to propel the body forward. As a result, the mouth is also responsible for moving the animal about.
2) Jelly’s digestive system is comprised of three parts:
Because the plankton has wound up within the mouth of the jellyfish, it is now the digestive system’s turn to take over the situation. Something they have in common with Sea Anemones is that they both bloom in the summer.
As soon as the meal reaches the jellyfish’s mouth, it is absorbed into the jellyfish’s stomach. That demonstrates how straightforward this system is.
The digestive system provided by jellyfish is so basic that it lacks even the most basic organs such as a liver, pancreas, and intestines!
What and how do jellyfish eat?

So, how does it break down the food?
It makes use of a structure known as a “coelenteron,” which performs the same functions as your stomach and intestines.
A large number of enzymes may be found here, which will aid in the digestion of the meal. Most of the food is digested by the cells in the stomach, and the remainder is expelled by the mouth and throat.
Because the jellies lack blood and blood veins, there is no true circulatory system in operation.
4) There’s no buttocks here!
Of course, when a jellyfish consumes its prey, there will be waste.
In addition, one interesting aspect about such jellies is that they do not include any anus. The trash from the meal will have to be expelled in the same manner as it was introduced: via the mouth!
As water flows in and out of the Jellyfish, it will flush the “trash” out of the creature (feces). After then, there’s room for the next bit of food that comes along and is delivered into the mouth. The water distributes food and oxygen throughout the jellyfish, providing it with the nutrients and oxygen it needs to survive.
5) They consume their meals in a short period of time.
They usually devour their food really quickly since they are unable to swim about with food in their stomachs. However, this makes sense since they only consume a little amount of food, thus there isn’t much to digest in the first place.
This is determined by the size of the jellyfish.
So let’s start by classifying all of the jellies into two categories: larger Jellyfish and smaller Jellyfish. Even though this is a wide classification, it is one that we will use in order to be able to explain everything in clear English.
What exactly do the SMALL jellyfish consume?
The smaller jellies are referred to as “Carnivorous” jellyfish.
This implies that they consume all of the many microscopic creatures that may be found floating about in the water.
These are some of the items to consider:
Plankton Fish Eggs (which are high in protein!)
Tiny fish, plants, and a slew of other inconspicuous critters
Smaller fish may have difficulty surviving in locations where there are a large number of jellies, since the jellies will consume everything that is little and has nutrients, including the smaller fish.
As a result, if there are too many jellies in the water, smaller fish will have to seek food elsewhere. That is not a major issue, though, since the fish are considerably more intelligent and will rapidly figure out what is going on.
Because they are not so intelligent, the Jellies will not follow them once they have left. They will essentially be floating about in a vast cloud of unconsciousness, to put it another way.
When a large number of jellyfish congregate in one area, this is referred to as a bloom. A bloom may include millions of jellyfish, and they are often a source of concern for both fish and fisherman due to their toxicity.
When this occurs, all you have to do is wait until the current transports them in a different direction before proceeding.
What exactly do the GIANT jellyfish eat?
In addition to their lethal sting, some of the larger jellies may actively catch and kill larger creatures, as we discussed above in detail. It has the ability to blast out this sting anytime an animal triggers it by touching one of the enormously long tentacles that it has wrapped around itself.
Once an animal has been captured and killed (or has been knocked unconscious), it will attempt to enter into the mouth of the person who captured it.
The following are some of the creatures that larger jellyfish prey on:
- Lobsters \Shrimps
- Barnacles \Crabs \Plants
- Other Jellies (!) and so forth.
The larger jellyfish will have the ability to consume other jellyfishes as well.
As a result, it exhibits cannibalistic behavior. But keep in mind that since it lacks a brain, it isn’t actually “conscious” of what is entering its mouth. It has no choice except to feed on whatever happens to drift past.
Due to the fact that it will consume almost everything that comes its way, even though it has a very simple digestive system, it is capable of digesting a wide range of foods!
Who is it that consumes the jellies?
The jellys themselves are also continuously under risk of being eaten by many creatures, including but not limited to:
Spadefish, Sunfish, and Sea Turtles are all species of fish.
Other Jellyfish Humans(!) have appeared!
As previously said, certain jellies are also regarded to be a delicate meal for human consumption.
The so-called “Cannonball Jellyfish” is a kind of jellyfish that is frequently offered at upscale restaurants. Particularly prevalent in Asia, where they are a vital element of the developing seafood industry.
Jellies are also a significant source of revenue for the state of Georgia in the United States.
It is anticipated that they will be sold to seafood wholesalers in Japan, China, and Thailand, where they would eventually wind up on the dinner table. They are being dried and packed before to being exported out of the country.
According to Wikipedia, Mexico gathered 20,000 tons of jellyfish (equal to US$3.5 million) in just three months, resulting in a profit of US$3.5 million.
Questions that are related
How many different kinds of jellyfish are there? There are more than 200 species of jellyfish that have been identified. Others are larger than others, while some are smaller. The majority of them are not harmful to people, but they may cause discomfort if you come into contact with their tentacles.