Vultures: 20 Interesting Facts

Vultures: 20 Interesting Facts.

Even though they are amazing birds, vultures are sometimes misunderstood. By increasing your awareness of how distinctive these birds are, you may develop a deeper appreciation for their role in the avifauna of the planet and for the significance of their continued protection.

How many of these interesting facts about vulture birds do you already know?

What exactly is a vulture, then?

Vultures are big birds of prey that have a head and neck that are almost or completely devoid of feathers. Vultures are also known as turkey vultures. Vultures may also be referred to as buzzards or condors, depending on the region of the globe they are found in and the species that they are.

a cartoon depiction of some interesting information on vultures

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Following are some information about these highly strong flyers that will familiarize you with everything from the specific physiological qualities they possess to the significant ecological function they play in the earth.

Physiological Traits and Qualities

When vultures dine on carrion, their comparatively featherless heads and typically featherless necks avoid the feathers from being matted with blood and prevent feathers from matting together.
Although their legs and feet aren’t very strong, vultures have strong bills in comparison to the rest of their body. In the event that the meat of a cadaver is too tough for them to tear apart, they will wait until another predator has done so before they consume it. Because of this, vultures are often found in the company of other creatures that feed on carrion, such as hyenas, coyotes, and eagles.

The stomach acid of a vulture is substantially more potent and corrosive than that of any other animal or bird, including other birds and mammals. These scavengers are able to consume decaying corpses that may be infested with harmful germs since the acid will kill the bacterium, hence removing the threat that the bacteria poses to the vulture.

Urohydrosis is the medical term for the procedure that describes how vultures cool down on hot days by urinating on their legs and feet. Additionally, the germs and parasites that they may have picked up while strolling through corpses or perching on dead animals are killed by their urine.

Because they lack a syrinx, sometimes known as a voicebox, New World vultures are almost deafeningly quiet. They do not have songs, and the majority of their vocalizations consist of grunts, hisses, bill clacks, and other noises that do not need complicated vocal cords to produce.

When the bird spreads its wings, the Andean condor, which is native to South America, has a wingspan that is between 10 and 11 feet, making it the vulture species with the greatest wing span in the whole globe.

The hooded vulture, which is about the size of a crow, has a wingspan of just five feet, making it one of the smallest of these birds. The region south of the Sahara desert is home to it.

Hooded Vulture

Feeding Habits

Carnivorous birds that feed almost solely on dead animals called vultures are called vultures. They have a preference for fresh meat, but they will ingest corpses even if they are so rotten that the flesh within might be harmful to other animals. Vultures play a one-of-a-kind and critically vital function in the ecosystem as a result of their ability to stop the spread of illnesses brought on by decaying bodies.

When it comes to finding food, vultures rely heavily on their keen senses of sight and smell. They are able to discover a dead animal from a distance of up to a mile away. Vultures often have wide territories, and as a result, they spend a great deal of time in the air traveling in search of their next meal.

It is a common misconception that vultures would stay around dead animals in order to feast. These birds have strong wings and can fly on thermals, which are columns of rising air, while they search for food; yet, they are unable to detect when an animal is in its latter stages of life. When they detect a corpse, whether by sight, scent, or the sound of other birds feasting, they rush toward it as swiftly as possible in order to consume it before any other predators do.

Even though they feed mostly on the carcasses of deceased animals, vultures are capable of attacking living prey and will often do so if it is critically sick, injured, or otherwise unable to defend itself. This occurs more often when food is in short supply and there are no corpses in the immediate area.

Even though it is a fallacy that vultures would kill healthy cattle for food, farmers and ranchers continue to kill them because they are under the mistaken impression that the birds pose a danger to their animals. However, it is possible for them to feed on dead cattle as well as the afterbirth or stillborn young of animals in breeding herds, but this does not happen very often.

Vultures have feet and legs that are not strong enough to bring prey back to their babies, hence they do not accomplish this. They will instead gorge themselves on a cadaver and then vomit food from their crop in order to feed their young.

The Behaviour of Species

Vultures, in contrast to many other species of raptor, are highly gregarious birds that often forage, travel, and rest in big groups. Vultures often congregate in groups known as committees, venues, or volts.

A group of vultures is referred to as a kettle while they are in the air, but they are referred to as awake when they are feasting together on a dead animal.

Vultures, when faced with danger, will vomit in order to reduce their overall body weight and make it easier for them to take flight. In addition, the act of vomiting acts as a defensive measure, discouraging any potential predators that may be posing a danger to the birds.

Common black vultures do not establish nests once they have finished mating. In its place, it may lay its eggs directly on the ground, or it may deposit them and nest in bare, dark holes found in hollowed trees or stumps, caves, cliffs, abandoned structures, or brush piles. Alternatively, it may lay its eggs directly on the ground.

There are 23 different species of vultures in the globe, and every continent (with the exception of Australia and Antarctica) is home to at least one of these birds of prey.
Even though they are able to thrive in a variety of environments, including suburban areas, 14 of the species are considered to be at risk of extinction. These birds are very versatile and may be found in a variety of settings.

The geographic ranges of individual vulture species determine whether they belong to the New World (which includes the Americas and the Caribbean) or the Old World (which includes Europe, Asia, and Africa).

The Old World is home to a greater variety of vulture species, none of which are genetically linked to their New World counterparts. However, due to the fact that they both occupy a comparable ecological niche, the two groups are often grouped together. There is a possibility that New World vultures are more closely related to storks than they are to other types of raptors.

Black Vulture


There are several dangers that vultures must encounter, which puts their numbers in jeopardy. Vultures have the greatest risk of being poisoned due to the presence of poisons like lead in the corpses that they consume. Other dangers include being hit by vehicles when feeding on dead animals found on the road and being electrocuted if they collide with electricity wires.

Researchers are interested in the specialized capabilities of vultures and are mulling over the possibility of using the birds in the investigation of homicides. The forensic investigation may find it helpful to investigate how vultures locate dead bodies and determine how soon they may eat them.

The first Saturday of every September is set aside to honor vultures with the observance of their very own holiday, which is known as International Vulture Awareness Day. Each year, hundreds of zoos, aviaries, nature preserves, and bird refuges all over the world take part in the Vulture Appreciation Day celebration by hosting educational and entertaining activities centered on vultures in an effort to educate people about how fascinating and important these birds are.

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