Vietnamese vs Thai Iced Coffee Differences

Vietnamese vs Thai Iced Coffee Differences

Both Thailand’s and Vietnam’s iced coffees may seem to be remarkably similar to one another, and the two iced coffees are sometimes interchanged in certain locations, which may lead to some confusion between the two iced coffee varieties. So, what precisely are the differences between the two alternatives and how do they affect you?



Both Thai iced coffee and Vietnamese iced coffee are made from strong, black coffee beans, however they are made using somewhat different brewing processes than one another. 




With the use of a coffee sock filter, Thai iced coffee may be prepared. Vietnamese iced coffee, which is served cold, is made using a phin, which is a special coffee maker. Besides spices that are not found in other forms of coffee, Thai iced coffee also incorporates coconut milk.


In most countries, these two iced coffees seem to be relatively similar in appearance, yet what differentiates them from one another is really extremely different. 

And, more importantly, how are these two iced coffees intended to be made in a traditional sense? Let’s take a look at these and other issues together.

Vietnamese vs Thai Iced Coffee Differences


The Distinction Between These Two Iced Coffees

While for most people, coffee is just coffee, more experienced coffee drinkers only need to smell these two coffees to tell the difference between the two varieties of coffee. So, what exactly is the point between Thai iced coffee and Vietnamese iced coffee, for those of us who don’t speak Thai?



Actually, these two coffees are fairly close to one another in terms of flavor. They both have a comparable serving method and strength, and they both have a similar flavor to one another. The fact that they are similar does not preclude them from having major distinctions that distinguish them from one another and make it possible to identify them apart rather readily.



Each iced coffee has its own distinct flavor profile, which we will examine in detail below. We will go through the components that are utilized to manufacture each one, as well as the many coffee-making methods that distinguish these two coffees as being very distinct from one another….


Thai iced coffee is a refreshing beverage that is perfect for the summer.

When it’s sweltering outside, nothing beats a refreshing glass of Thai iced coffee on a summer day. Thailand’s version of iced coffee is referred to as Oliang, which translates as “black iced coffee” in the United Kingdom. 


Thai iced coffee is created from coffee beans that have been roasted to a dark and strong roast, giving it a powerful taste and the ever-present coffee kick that most people yearn for in coffee.



Thai iced coffee is traditionally served black, with just sugar added to sweeten the drink, according to Thai culinary tradition.

While some modern-day Thai iced coffee recipes call for the addition of sweetened condensed milk to the coffee, this not only makes the drink sweeter, but it also alters the color of the drink, which goes against the traditions of what this coffee is truly intended to be; a black iced coffee;


In order to give it a wonderful, refreshing flavor, several spices are put into Thai iced coffee, with cardamom being the most prominent of the spices. In order to ensure that the taste of the spices is released properly into the drink, these spices are often mixed directly into the ground coffee beans before the coffee is prepared.



The addition of sesame seeds, soybeans, and a variety of maize kernels to Thai iced coffee is another popular addition. Combined, they provide a delightful, robust and rich taste that is distinctive to this coffee beverage.



A tungdtom, also known as a coffee sock filter, is the filter that is used to create traditional Thai iced coffee. An example of this filter is a cotton bag with a metal handle connected to it. A cotton bag is put over the ground coffee and spices, and hot water is poured through it to dissolve the coffee and spices.


The coffee will then begin to drip out of the bottom of the bag into a heat-resistant cup at a slow and steady pace. This brewing process should take around five minutes to finish, after which you can add ice and sugar to your liking and enjoy.


Vietnamese Iced Coffee is a popular beverage in the country.

Vietnamese iced coffee is a wonderfully sweet beverage that is perfect for sipping on during the hot summer months in Vietnam. A few parallels may be seen between this beverage and Thai iced coffee, though.



 Similarly to the previous coffee, this one is created using a strong and dark roast coffee; however, the two primary variations in coffee beans are the origin of the beans and the use of an espresso coffee bean in traditional Vietnamese coffee.




Only two ingredients are needed to brew traditional Vietnamese iced coffee; the rest is left to the imagination. Coffee beans and sweetened condensed milk are the main components in this beverage. The coffee is made and then poured over ice to chill the beverage down further.



The addition of odd items such as yogurt or egg yolks to this iced coffee is common in current recipes. According to the manufacturer, these components contribute to the coffee’s unique yet agreeable taste character.

The process and instrument used to make Vietnamese ice coffee differs from that of Thai ice coffee, as does the way the coffee is served. Phin is a particular French drip filter that is used to make Vietnamese iced coffee. Phin is pronounced “phin.”



A phin is a metal filter into which you add ground coffee beans, after which hot water is passed through the metal filter to extract the flavor of the coffee. The coffee will then begin to flow through the filter and into the heat-resistant cup underneath it at a gradual and steady rate.



When all of the hot water has passed through the filter, the coffee has completed its brewing process and is ready to serve. Afterwards, the coffee is allowed to cool for a few minutes before being mixed with sweetened condensed milk and then served over ice to chill further..




Decide which one is the most appealing to you.

The iced coffee that will best fit your tastes will be determined by what you are searching for as well as your particular preferences for how you enjoy your coffee.

When it comes to iced coffee, if you enjoy a wonderful, strong cup of coffee that is not too sweet or not at all sweet, and you prefer to drink it the way it has historically been produced, the Thai iced coffee may be a good fit for your preferences.

Vietnamese iced coffee may be the best option for you if you want a sweeter cup of coffee but still want to stay true to the coffee’s origins and history.




If you want to enjoy both of these coffees, but you want to customize them to your own tastes, you may do so by adding sweated condensed milk to the Thai iced coffee or leaving the condensed milk out of the Vietnamese iced coffee. This approach, as well as the recipes that adhere to the coffee’s historical traditions, are loved all over the globe.



When they are not prepared in their customary manner, Vietnamese iced coffee and Thai frozen coffee might seem to be the same. Whatever their appearance, they are vastly different from one another because they are prepared from coffee beans that are sourced from different regions and because they are brewed using various techniques.



Both of these coffees are fantastic and should be tried by every coffee enthusiast, both in the conventional manner and in the manner that best meets their own tastes. Thank you for participating in this survey.

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