There are nine reasons why your period isn’t showing up.

There are nine reasons why your period isn't showing up.

Perhaps your monthly visitor reminds you of a buddy who often arrives late to drinks — and occasionally does not show up at all. Periods are known to flake from time to time.

First and foremost, do not stress out.


 Menstrual cycle irregularities are not uncommon. Every now and again, many individuals forget to take their period. According to studies, between 5 and 35 percent of menstrual women have irregular periods. 


Oligomenorrhea is a condition in which you have a menstrual cycle that lasts for at least 6 weeks but is less than 6 months long. Secondary amenorrhea is a condition in which your menstruation stops for at least six months.


While becoming pregnant is certainly a legitimate reason for missing a period or two, a variety of other variables such as your lifestyle and health may also cause your menses to take a mini-break.

Still, if you’re sexually active, don’t put off taking an over-the-counter pregnancy test or seeing your doctor for a blood or urine test to rule out the possibility of a bun in the oven. And if you’ve missed three or more periods and are certain you aren’t pregnant, schedule an appointment with your OB-GYN, general care physician, or endocrinologist.


In the meanwhile, here are nine typical reasons why your period may have gone missing – as well as what you can do to get things back on schedule.


1. You’re a bundle of nerves.

Chronic stress has a negative impact on our health and is one of the key causes of secondary amenorrhea.

Too much stress hormones rushing through your system might cause your brain to shut down or temporarily cease reproductive activity until your surroundings or circumstance improves.

One research focused on female students in Saudi Arabia. Twenty-seven percent of the students polled reported having irregular menstrual cycles. The researchers discovered a relationship between fluctuations in cycle length and the reported degree of stress experienced by the pupils.


So if you’re having a difficult time during exams, coping with work-related pressures, going through a breakup, or dealing with a significant trauma such as abuse, your body may respond by putting your period on hold.


What you should do is as follows:

If you’re dealing with daily pressures, take a look at how you can manage them. 


Try relaxation techniques such as meditation and other methods of relaxation. Next month, it’s probable that you’ll be riding the crimson crest once again.

In addition, if you are a victim of domestic abuse, get treatment immediately. Locate options for support and devise a strategy for breaking out of the relationship. If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted, these resources for survivors might be very beneficial.


2. Your diet is deficient in critical nutrients.

What you consume may have a significant impact on your ability to maintain a steady cycle. A review of known scientific research reveals a correlation between nutritional inadequacies and menstrual cycle abnormalities, as well as a link between nutritional deficiencies and a delayed onset of menstruation. 


The absence of a well-balanced diet deprives the body of essential macronutrients — think protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Additionally, some micronutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, are essential for the production of sex hormones. Calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc are among the elements.


Having dietary inadequacies and not consuming enough calories might stress your body and cause your period to disappear.

Meal timings are very crucial. A 2014 research of 300 girls between the ages of 17 and 22 discovered a correlation between those who missed breakfast and those who had irregular menstrual periods. a reliable source

What you should do is as follows:

If you feel that your food is to blame for your vanishing red sea, consult with your health-care physician. Your doctor may run tests to see if you have any nutritional deficiencies and then work with you to find a solution to get your body back on track.


Keep in mind that illnesses that impact the intestines, like as celiac disease, might induce nutritional malabsorption, which may be the reason of a time in which you’re not working. Consult with your doctor before eliminating gluten from your diet.


3. You put in a lot of effort in your physical fitness.

Exercise is beneficial to your health, but it is also draining your energy. And if you don’t adequately refuel in order to keep up with the pressures you set on your body, it may respond by shutting off reproductive processes.


Despite the fact that amenorrhea is documented in 37 percent of female athletes, you don’t have to train like a gold medalist to go for a trek during your period.

A small research of untrained women found a relationship between menstrual irregularities and a daily energy deficit of 500 to 800 calories established via food and activity over the course of three menstrual cycles. The frequency of issues was highest among people who were suffering from the biggest energy shortages. 


Even if we are able to consume enough calories to compensate for unwarranted weight loss, research reveals that exercise reduces the quantity of female sex hormones — namely estrogen and progesterone — that are present in our bodies.


When we overdo it on exercise and these hormones drop too low, we disrupt a section of the chemical communication chain that is ordinarily responsible for the occurrence of predictable periods.

What you should do is as follows:


If you’re unsure whether or not you’re having an excessive energy deficit, see your doctor or seek the advice of a certified dietitian who specializes in sports nutrition.

You might also take a look at your fitness routine. Do you need to reduce your jogging, cycling, or gym time?


According to Nichole Tyson, M.D., an OB-GYN at Kaiser Permanente and a member of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, this is not a side effect that should be ignored.

According to her, certain women who have amenorrhea as a result of eating disorders or extreme exercise may be at risk for heart disease, osteopenia, and osteoporosis later in life.


4. Your weight is either too low or too high.

Aunt Flo might come to a halt if you have a low weight.

Less fat implies lower levels of leptin, a hormone generated by fat cells that plays a critical role in the initiation of ovulation and the onset of menstruation, according to Sherry Ross, M.D., an OB-GYN and women’s health specialist at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica.

Because being overweight may result in leptin resistance, having too much body fat may also cause the menstrual cycle to become disrupted.





What you should do is as follows:

Consult with your doctor about getting an assessment. According to Tyson, there is no certain weight above or below which you will be assured to cease ovulating or menstruation, nor is there a set weight that would govern the resumption of your cycle.

“Everyone has their own set point,” she says. So don’t give up on finding out why your cycle is out of whack just because you’re a few pounds heavier or lighter than your buddies.



5. You are dealing with hormone difficulties.

According to Dena Harris, M.D., OB-GYN, and founder of Maiden Lane Medical in New York City, having an under- or hyperactive thyroid may also result in irregular menses.

According to the American Thyroid Association, around 20 million Americans suffer from some kind of thyroid illness, with women being five to eight times more likely than males to be diagnosed.

Heart palpitations, weight loss, heat sensitivity, and increases in hunger, perspiration, and bowel motions are all symptoms of hyperthyroidism.

Weight gain, tiredness, a gloomy mood, face puffiness, diarrhea, and a slowed heart rate are all signs of hypothyroidism.




According to Tyson, a disease known as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) may also be a contributing factor to missing or irregular periods. PCOS affects one in every ten women, according to the Office on Women’s Health.

PCOS is characterized by hormonal abnormalities including estrogen, progesterone, and androgen — a male hormone that women typically generate in much reduced levels — that may result in irregular or infrequent ovulation.



According to Jaime Arruda, M.D., an OB-GYN, symptoms might include acne, thinning hair, increased facial and body hair, obesity, and type 2 diabetes.

Finally, premature ovarian failure (POF) — often known as early menopause — may also explain why a younger woman’s periods may be missing for many months at a time.

What you should do is as follows:

If any of the warning signals listed above seem familiar, schedule an appointment with your doctor right once. “Women who have PCOS are at increased risk for developing significant health disorders such as heart disease and diabetes,” explains Tyson.

6. You’re taking specific medications.

Some over-the-counter (OTC) pain medicines, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen, have been reported to interfere with menstrual periods, according to Ross. Because they modify the amounts of hormones that interact with the onset of ovulation and menstruation, several thyroid drugs may also cause irregular periods.



Certain antidepressants, such as Prozac and Zoloft, may raise our bodies’ levels of prolactin, a hormone that is generally associated with nursing during pregnancy, but which can also cause our menstrual cycle to stop, according to Harris.

According to Arruda, opioids (prescription pain medicines), blood pressure drugs, and antipsychotics may all have an effect on menstrual periods.

What you should do is as follows:

Inquire with your doctor about the possibility that one of the drugs you’re taking has taken away your period.



7. You’re taking a birth control pill.

The majority of birth control pills and patches work by stopping ovulation. Occasionally, this leads in a few periods of dissatisfaction. Ross points out that this is quite common in many situations.

IUDs, on the other hand, have no effect on ovulation. “You continue to ovulate, but IUDs cause an inflammatory response in the uterus, which prevents sperm from reaching the fallopian tube, where fertilization would take place.” Curious? Here’s how to determine whether an IUD is the appropriate choice for you.



What you should do is as follows:

If you stop taking the pill and do not return to a red warning within three months, it is possible that something else is going on in your body. Ross claims that taking the pill might disguise underlying concerns that only become apparent after the medication is stopped. It’s critical that you consult with your doctor.



In the same manner, if you’ve always had regular periods on the pill but haven’t had any for a while, see your doctor.

8. You haven’t managed to break your cigarette habit.

If you smoke, you may be more prone to missing your period. In one study, researchers discovered that smoking was a risk factor for menstrual irregularity. a reliable source

What you should do is as follows:

Consult with your doctor about the most effective method of quitting for you.



9. You’ve been feeling under the weather.

A bout of the flu or another sickness might cause your menstruation to be missed if you are not on your period. Despite the fact that scientific study on the specific cause is absent, we might speculate that

“If your period hasn’t arrived for several months, you should see a doctor,” she says. Serious athletes, for example, frequently find that their periods stop while they are in training. The body goes into “starvation” mode in order to conserve energy, and it prevents pregnancy, which would require the body to provide more nutrients, by decreasing estrogen production.




Estrogen and progesterone are two hormones that are essential for ovulation. If the body does not ovulate, the uterus does not have to prepare for a possible pregnancy by thickening the lining of the womb, and periods cease.


Try these exercises for period pain if your period is accompanied by discomfort.


If you don’t feed your body a nutritious, well-balanced diet, it will react in a similar manner. Sometimes people combine a rigorous exercise program with a restricted diet in an effort to get ‘lean and clean,’ but this has the unintended consequence of hitting the reproductive system twice in the process.



In addition, vegetarian diets with a poor balance of nutrients, as well as eating disorders, in which a woman consumes very little food or follows a severely restricted diet, can cause periods to stop. Check out these 11 silent signs that you might be suffering from an eating disorder to find out if you do. Furthermore, restricting your diet can lead to other health complications down the road, such as osteoporosis, fatigue, brittle hair and nails, skin problems, and a decline in cognitive function.



Excessive or protracted stress is a medical condition.

Excessive and prolonged stress can have a negative impact on the hypothalamus’ ability to function properly. This part of the brain is in charge of controlling the pituitary gland, which in turn controls the release of estrogen and progesterone.

Dr. Zimon explains how this has an impact on the reproductive cycle: “That’s the driving signal that allows a woman to develop and ovulate an egg, which is the cornerstone of the menstrual cycle.” As a result of this halt, the eggs remain dormant—they do not develop or grow.” If you’re looking for ways to reduce stress, here are 37 suggestions to get you started.



I’m getting off the pill.

Low estrogen levels can cause periods to stop, but high estrogen levels can have a similar effect. Contraceptive pills work by increasing hormone levels in the bloodstream, which ‘tricks’ the pituitary gland into preventing ovulation.

According to the Mayo Clinic, it can take several months for the body to adjust to the change in hormone levels and for monthly periods to return after you stop taking the pill.




Thyroid That Is Excessively Active (Hyperthyroidism)

The thyroid gland is responsible for a wide range of metabolic functions in the body, including the regulation of heart rate, breathing, and the cycle of pregnancy. As a result, if you have any doubts about the health of this gland, you should have it checked. Increased hormone levels are produced by an overactive thyroid, which can cause periods to become irregular or to stop completely. Anxiety, hyperactivity, sensitivity to high temperatures, trembling, and hair loss are among the other symptoms of an overactive thyroid.



Graves’ disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism, and if left untreated, it can result in bulging eyes and vision problems, a racing heart, and weight loss.



Symptoms of Menopause in the Early Stages

The average age at which a woman enters menopause is approximately 51 years. When menopause begins before the age of 40, it is referred to as “early menopause.” When the menopause begins, the egg supply is depleted, and periods are no longer produced. Take a look at these ten signs of menopause in their early stages.

“Eggs are required for a menstrual cycle, and if there aren’t any, no matter how hard you push the ovary, it won’t produce any.” says Dr. Zimon. “This is why menopausal women stop having periods: they have no eggs left in their bodies.”



Pituitary Gland Tumor

The pituitary gland is critical in the regulation of the hormones that control reproduction. According to the Mayo Clinic, a tumor on the pituitary gland interferes with the gland’s ability to function, preventing the ovaries from releasing eggs. Periods may become irregular at times, and in some cases, they may stop completely.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome 

(PCOS) is a condition in which the ovaries produce too much estrogen (PCOS)
PCOS is thought to be caused by insulin resistance. It causes the body to produce excessive testosterone, which interferes with egg production and causes periods to become erratic or even cease entirely. As well as abnormal hair growth and weight gain around the stomach, PCOS has other side effects.



A woman suffering from PCOS may be at risk if her periods stop.

In order to maintain the health of their uterus, says Dr. Zimon, they must have a period every month. Because of the excessive buildup in their uterus, they are at risk of developing endometrial cancer.” As a result, they require some form of intervention in order to receive a period every few months.”


Physical Injuries

Periods can be disrupted due to physical injury or illness. It is possible to develop Asherman’s Syndrome after a failed pregnancy or after having a medical procedure such as a C-section, fibroid removal, or D&C surgery performed. Scarring in the lining of the womb or on the cervix can cause periods to be missed or discontinued.



Is it possible to become pregnant even if you don’t have a period?

That is dependent on the underlying cause of the problem. For example, if your periods have stopped due to over-exercise or poor nutrition, reducing your workouts and eating a well-balanced diet should help to restore the cycle. Furthermore, because you ovulate before your period, it is possible to become pregnant even if you haven’t had a period in a long time. Here are a few more factors that can have an impact on fertility.

Dr. Zimon advises being aware of the possibility of pregnancy: “Just because you aren’t getting your period doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be aware that it could happen.”

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