“To me, disaster implies things going wrong in some manner, large or little.” Isn’t it evident that this is a question of perception? Assume your dog has eaten through all of your shoes. That was certainly a lot of fun for her. A red-letter day in her opinion, the pinnacle of her puppy existence.”
Gerstler, Amy

The Big Idea: You may use commands to help your puppy comprehend what you want him to do or not do. You can use commands to communicate with your dog.
Let’s look at five essential commands that you’ll need to teach your puppy in this article. These commands will teach your dog how to: Sit, Stay, Lie Down, Recall, and Heel.
These are the five most crucial instructions. They will assist you in conveying your desires to your dog. After you’ve finished teaching him the basics, you may go on to more complicated instructions.

Sitting Instructions for Your Puppy

You’ll need to start by teaching your puppy how to sit on demand. Sitting demonstrates courtesy in your dog. This is normal behavior that indicates the dog is not hostile. It also demonstrates the puppy’s patience.
When you use this command consistently, the puppy will learn that if he wants anything or you are busy, he should sit and wait. The goal of teaching your puppy this command is to let him know when he needs to sit and pay attention or simply relax.

You must stand directly in front of your dog. Be calm but firm. You’ll need to look your puppy in the eyes and say “[your dog’s name], sit” to capture his attention.

You may first hold a goodie slightly over your puppy’s nose. In order for your puppy to see the reward, he will need to keep his head up, which will cause his bum to drop.
Praise your dog as soon as he or she sits. You may say “Yes” or “Good Boy” and then give him the promised treat. The idea is for your puppy to link the action or phrase with the reward and praise he will get if he does it correctly.
Instead of giving rewards, utilize hand gestures as often as possible.

After your dog has been used to the vocal command, you may utilize a hand gesture to communicate the same message. The most typical method is to place the flat of your palm over and in front of your dog’s head while saying “Sit.”

You’ll have to keep doing this again and over until your dog gets the hang of it. You’ll have to be patient and persevere. It’s critical that your dog follows you rather than the other way around.

The Command “Stay” is being taught.

There are several orders that may assist save your dog’s life, and “Stay” is one of them. This order will assist you in avoiding potentially harmful situations and keeping your dog out of mischief. Because it is instinctual, a puppy will immediately learn the order remain.

To begin, teach your dog to sit.

You must face the same way as your dog when he sits. The “place” stance or posture will be referred to as such. Now you must grasp your dog’s collar and speak its name, followed by the order “Stay.”

Place your hand in front of the dog’s face to do this. It should not, however, touch your dog. Your palm should be towards your dog and your fingers should be pointing upwards. If your dog remains motionless, give him a treat and some praise. If your dog gets up, start from the beginning. Repeat until your dog knows what you want it to accomplish.

You may gradually increase the length of time your dog spends obeying this command after your dog learns it. Gradually increase the length of time your dog must remain motionless. If your dog gets up in the middle, you’ll have to start all over again.

You’ll also need to keep moving while your dog remains still. There should be a release phrase that you may use to tell your dog that it is now free to move. Words like “okay” or “come” may be used.

Laying Down

Your dog will need to be taught to lay down. This command is generally used in conjunction with “Stay,” although it is a little more powerful. “Down” should be used to halt whatever activity was in progress before the command was sent. It aids in the control or restraint of a dog’s behavior.




You’ll need to start with “Sit,” then speak your dog’s name, followed by “Down.” Hold your left hand above your dog’s head with the palm towards the ground. In your right hand, hold a goodie.

Slowly lower your hand to the floor, keeping very close to your dog’s body. You’ll need to continue rewarding your dog for obeying this instruction with positive reinforcement.

You may praise your dog after it has positioned itself on the floor with its elbows and bum resting on the floor. This will aid in the formation of a positive link between the activity taken and the reward received. You’ll have to repeat this command multiple times before your dog understands it.

The aim is for your puppy or dog to understand and obey the order. Regardless matter what the command is, the dog must obey it. You will be able to stop your dog from engaging in any damaging activity in this method.
If your dog doesn’t listen to you, you’ll have to start again, just as with any other command.

Recall Instructions

You must train your dog to come to you whenever you call him. “Come” is another term for recall. You should begin with the fundamental “sit” posture and work your way up from there.

Begin by gently tugging your dog’s collar while stating his or her name, then “Come.” This should be said in a positive tone. You want your dog to come to you, and you should accompany this command with a hand gesture that shows the dog what you want it to do.

You may use a reward or even a piece of dog food placed at your feet and pointed to attract your dog’s attention.
Your dog will undoubtedly approach the food after some indication. It is critical that you continue to provide your dog with positive reinforcement so that he understands what he is doing is correct.

Positive reinforcement and goodies will reassure the dog that what he is doing is OK. You will need to practice this command many times.
You should practice this command whenever you engage with your pet and at any chance. You’ll have to start again if your dog does anything else instead of coming toward you.

How to Teach Your Dog to Heel

This is one of the most challenging commands for your dog to learn. Your dog will, however, learn it with practice and persistence. Not only can teaching your puppy to heel save your back, shoulders, and neck, but it will also assist save your dog’s neck. Not only that, but it will also aid in the preservation of your and your dog’s dignity.

Your dog, on the other hand, may not be concerned with dignity. Your dog will most likely want to move quickly, smell, and split off in various ways. You must inform him if it is OK for him to go exploring.
Place your dog in a sitting posture to begin. Use the same leash you normally walk him with to encourage him to “sit” alongside your leg. You should both be facing the same way.

The place situation is what we call it. To avoid confusing your dog, utilize the left side. Say your dog’s name and “heel” now. While walking forward with your left foot, say this.
This will signal to your dog that it is time to proceed. Your dog will either refuse or rush forward. If this happens, gently pull on his leash and repeat the order. You’ll have to continually tell your dog to remain close to you.

“Keep with me or over here,” you may pat your leg. Make sure you say this out loud. Your dog should be eager to obey your orders.
If your dog begins to pull ahead of you, calmly and authoritatively mention your dog’s name and the command heel.

Pull-on his leash and instruct him to sit down if required. If your dog resists or advances forward, gently draw him close to your left leg. You and your dog should be at ease with each other. Your dog should be eager to obey you. Maintain your composure and patience.

This command takes some practice to master. Remember to praise your dog anytime he does it properly. You’ll also need to educate your dog to come to a complete halt and sit whenever you do. Stop yourself on your left foot and gently say, “sit,” when you believe you’re ready to stop. After a few repetitions, your dog will have a firm grasp on the situation.

Use just your body language to practice this command. Your dog will eventually comprehend what you mean. You may use hand gestures or spoken orders, whatever is most effective.

While training your dog, there are a few things you should keep in mind.
While exercising, you should never exhibit any signs of impatience or displeasure. This will only confuse or even terrify your dog.

This will be a bad experience not just for your dog, but also for you. If you find yourself losing your cool, take a pause and try again. Stay \spositive. Your dog should also be rewarded.

With your dog, you should be firm yet kind. Allow him to take advantage of you. You should not put off training sessions or quit too soon. It is simpler to begin training a puppy than it is to begin training a dog; the option is yours.

Before you begin training sessions, make sure the dog understands who is in charge. If the dog does not believe you are the leader, it will not listen to you.
Finally, when it comes to dog training, don’t include too many humans. When a dog hears many things at once, it becomes confused.

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