The 10 essential kits for making your own drinks

The 10 essential kits for making your own drinks.

I. Sterilizing and cleaning equipment

You may get a basic powder or tablets from a store that specializes in brewing to use for sterilizing the equipment you use to make beverages. Use in solution to sterilize all types of equipment, including containers of any kind, airlocks, bungs, siphons, spoons, mashers, and jugs;

following sterilization, always thoroughly rinse the equipment with large amounts of cold water. When it comes to cleaning, you should always have at your disposal lots of fresh dishcloths and tea towels, as well as a bottle brush that has a long handle.

2. Pans and Buckets

When mashing up fruit or vegetables, macerating (soaking) them, or boiling them, you really need a big metal preserving pan, and ideally two of them. For mashing or soaking, some people use a basic plastic bucket on the floor, but I’m extremely careful about this, so I always use huge pans made of stainless steel that is set on top of the work surface.

3.Measuring Jugs

It is essential to have at least one big and one small plastic or glass jug with readable measurements on the side for creating beverages.

5. Scales

You will need funnels of various sizes, including at least one with a tiny end that is suitable for insertion into the opening at the top of a standard wine bottle (or beer bottle). These may also be used to add liquid components in addition to powdered ones.

SHADES Ensure that the scales you choose are able to weigh very tiny quantities of powdered components such as yeast or citric acid. The use of electronic scales is strongly encouraged.

6. Muslin bags and Sieves

In order to strain your chinks, you are going to require muslin cloths and/or fine sieves. However, tiny sieves are more appropriate for tisanes and removing the pips out of cordials (you may even use a tea-strainer for a little amount).

Muslin is the ideal material to use for filtering wines. I like to use clean, fresh muslin bags since they are quite affordable and can be thrown on the compost heap immediately after use, along with any unwanted fruit.

Of course, you may construct your own out of scraps of muslin, but the practice that became popular in the 20th century of using old tights as a strainer for beverages is, in my opinion, just too unpleasant.

7. Siphon

This is a long tube made of plastic that is used in the process of transferring liquid from one container to another; practical

during the process of “racking off,” wine, mead, or beer (taking the liquid ofT the yeast sediment;

and throughout the bottling process. To use, position the second container or bottle empty at a lower height than the first.

than the first, place one end of the siphon into the liquid’s base, and gradually suck until the desired volume is reached.

You only have to let gravity take care of the rest. Warning! To become better at this, you will need to put in some practice, and you need to ensure that all of the containers that you want to be filled are ready and waiting for you, preventing you from having to stop and

begin the procedure in a haphazard manner.

8. Demi john

A demi-john is a glass container of 4.5 liters or 8 pints (or 1 gallon) capacity that has a thin top into which a bung may be inserted.

airlock, and is the vessel that is used for fermentation on the smallest size by amateur brewers the most often.

brewer. You can get cheaper ones made of plastic, but they are not nearly as appealing to look at.

9. Airlocks and Bungs

Installing a sanitized rubber plug that has a hole in it will prevent harmful germs and insects from entering the demi-john.

in it for the purpose of an airlock. The bung is often made of rubber, whereas the airlock may be made of glass or plastic (I like plastic).

plastic since glass airlocks are difficult to maintain) Put some sterile water or water that has been boiled and allowed to cool down in the

airlock. Your beverage is fermenting, which is causing carbon dioxide to bubble to the surface, but there is no way for air to escape.

into the body of water. Both of the parts should have a snug fit.

IO. Themometer

If the temperature of the liquid that the yeast is given to is too high, the yeast will die rather than ferment the liquid.

die. Using a long kitchen thermometer, check to see if the temperature of your base drink is lower than 86 degrees Fahrenheit (30 degrees Celsius).

the temperature of the thermometer. Be mindful that a warm liquid in a brightly lit kitchen might take a significant amount of time to cool.

fell to below 30 degrees Celsius. Make an effort to be patient; I had to learn this lesson the hard way, but you can avoid it.

If you find that the initial batch of yeast has “frazzled,” you should always add more yeast later on.

Other Equipment

Ensure that you have some of the following ‘daily’ cooking equipment readily available: measure in terms of teaspoons, tablespoons, or

equals the same amount when measured; a reliable and high-quality potato masher for use in breaking fruit; knives with a fine edge;

a basic knife, a standard-sized grater (for ginger), and a tiny nutmeg grater (for spices), as well as a pestle and mortar.

A citrus-fruit squeezer may come in helpful (provided that your hands do not resemble those of a schoolyard bully).

Even if they aren’t absolutely necessary at the beginning, the meticulous beverage producer should probably put some money on other

items of equipment, most notably a hydrometer, which can determine the percentage of alcohol present in a liquid by

determining the density of the liquid being measured. This is something comparable to a large, hefty thermometer that has levels.

scribbled on the edge of the page. Before and after the fermentation process, it is allowed to remain floating in the liquid, and the

The alcohol level may be roughly estimated by taking the latest measurement and subtracting it from the first one. Another

A hand corking machine is a convenient device that can replace corks in wine or beer bottles by inserting new corks.

Extra ingredients


The majority of the recipes in this book call for white sugar, but here and there I’ve advised using brown sugar instead.

sugar is included in the hints that follow for an additional layer of richness. Use regular granulated sugar, which is readily available and affordable.

anytime a liquid is hot or is going to be heated since it can quickly dissolve; nevertheless, caster should be used, and the best method is to cast it.

first and foremost, brewer’s fine powdered sugar whenever it is added to a chilled liquid. You can locate the latter, for example.

at stores that specialize in brewing supplies and on the internet.


When you are creating wine, get yeast from a store that specializes in home brewing on a consistent basis but in only tiny quantities.

Both cider and mead will be served. I found that the wine yeast that is packaged together in a sachet with the nutrients is acceptable for the majority of

The yeast needs nutrition in order to grow and thrive, hence the nutrient is present. Take note and act accordingly.

Depending on the yeast that you use and the recipe that you’re making, you may just require a certain amount of

a huge sachet for just one demi-john. Purchase brewer’s yeast for use in making beer and baker’s yeast for use in making ginger ale.

beer. You can learn a lot more about the different yeast strains and the influence that they have on the product.

reading specialized books and articles on the subject of fermenting beverages, if that is what you would choose. Get rid of everything unneeded.

Used yeast, particularly in unsealed sachets, is a cheap commodity to have on hand.

Citric acid and citrus fruit

In order to achieve a harmonious combination of flavors, many beverages need the addition of an additional, reviving tang.

citric acid (in powder form), lemon juice, or lemon rind, whichever you like. Purchase sachets of fresh citric acid.

from a store that specializes in home brewing or from a chemist, then stock up on fruit that is fresh, ripe, unwaxed, and ideally organic.

organic lemons. Additionally functioning in this capacity is citric acid.

Pectic enzyme

A little bit of pectic enzyme powder may be added to a few beverages to break down the pectin and make them more enjoyable.

cloudiness in the liquid as a direct effect of this. You can get it from home-brewing supply stores; I’ve included several of them above.

in one or two different recipes where it may be used.

Base spirits

Always be sure you get base spirits of a reasonable grade. There is no need that they be premium vodkas.

or gins, but brands that are available at a reasonable price from a reputable retailer.

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