The 10 Cunnilingus Secrets

The 10 Cunnilingus Secrets

Striptease As a fantasyThe 10 Cunnilingus Secrets

The 10 Cunnilingus Secrets

Some questions that I never tire of hearing from guys who are just beginning to get interested in truly satisfying their partners rather than simply please themselves are as follows: 1.
“What exactly is a cunnilingus? And what really is in it for me? Alternatively, for her?”
After all, according to everyone’s favorite Internet resource:


Cunnilingus is an oral sex act done on a female that is conducted orally. It consists on the use of the mouth, lips, and tongue by a sex partner to stimulate the female’s clitoris, vulva, or vagina. According to the majority of women, the clitoris is the most sexually sensitive erogenous zone, and stimulation of this zone may result in the generation of sensual feelings or increased sexual arousal. Cunnilingus is administered to a female as part of foreplay in order to elicit sexual excitement. An orgasm may occur when there is sufficient oral clitoral stimulation.

Creating Orgasms that are super-charged
How A Woman Desires To Be Treated 25 ways

Cunnilingus, often known as “tipping the velvet” in Victorian times and more commonly known today as “licking pussy,” “carpet chewing,” and “muff-diving,” is much more than a clinical description to the woman who is receiving therapy. According to the results of one research, just 68 percent of married women enjoy intercourse (with the man’s cock within her pussy), with women experiencing orgasm only 25 percent of the time. If you do the math, this means that fucking a woman will result in her having a fantastic experience just seventeen percent of the time. Wow!



Take it from a man’s perspective: all of the time, money, and effort he puts into meeting, dating, bedding (or even marrying!) a woman is wasted if she is not only not going to cum and experience the mind-bending pleasure of a female orgasm, but she is also going to have to lie there while she is being pounded into by her lover, and then lie to him again – and again and again! – ‘Oh, sure, it was great,’ she says before sneaking away to the bathroom to jill off (masturbate) when he finally falls asleep. It should come as no surprise that women want a more fulfilling relationship.




Cunnilingus, on the other hand, was ranked as the most satisfying sexual act by 82% of the women who took part in the poll. And eighty-one percent of the time, those females burst out laughing. According to this, the appropriate approach to lick a woman’s pussy may result in her having an orgasm around 66 percent of the time!
It was like, “Oh god…oh god…oh sh*t…” “Oh my god…oh my god…oh sh*t…” “Oh, sh*t…” To hear anything like that has had to be a more pleasant experience for a man. Yes, hearing a woman moan passionately is something I like hearing.



Which do you feel is more rewarding for a woman, in terms of her own satisfaction: fucking alone or cunnilingus followed by fucking? Which of the following do you suppose will result in her being happy and giving you what you want?




If you’ve seen any straight adult films (and who hasn’t?) you may have observed that the bulk of the action takes place with a woman sucking on a guy’s buttocks and him fucking her, generally in the pussy. If you’ve ever viewed straight adult films (and who hasn’t?) you’ve probably observed that the bulk of the action takes place with a woman sucking a man’s bum and him fucking her, generally in the pussy.




Q: Doesn’t this suggest that adult film performers find blowjobs and fucking to be the most appealing methods of having sex? A: Certainly in the case of male adult film actors. Pornographic films are primarily targeted towards male audiences, who constitute the vast majority of viewers and purchasers. However, they are not designed to be attractive to females. You want to see and do what you want to see and do as a straight guy, and that includes having your cock sucked and pounding a lovely woman’s wet pussy (or ass).



However, this does not necessarily indicate that this is also what a woman would desire in the same scenario. Studies, many interviews, and personal observation have all shown that this is not the case. Oh, cock sucking and having our pussies smashed is entertaining…but it is not at all amusing!!!



“Do you see what I’m getting at?
Tom had been an eager lover; he took me out to dinner and even bought me flowers when I wasn’t expecting them, but there was something missing. We had a great time together, but he didn’t want to lick my bottom. You have no clue how much it bothers me to share this information with you!

10 Things You Need To Do With Clitoris
I eventually got up the courage to urge that he do it, knowing well well that he would expect me to do the same for him. He eventually did, and it turned out that he enjoyed it…though not quite as much as I did!” – Erin, a 26-year-old woman

Please don’t take it personally if we say that having a cock in our pussies isn’t the absolute greatest pleasure a woman can have in her life. It is very remarkable, yet… the majority of the variance is due to differences in physiology between the two people. Specifically, the nerve endings that cause orgasm in a man are mostly concentrated along the shaft and in the head of his penis — as a result, rubbing against that portion of his penis causes him to experience pleasure. Slide that incredibly hot and delectable meat rod into a woman’s moist, slippery pussy, or wet mouth is going to be a wonderful experience – but more so for you than she will appreciate it.



On the other hand, women’s nerve endings are concentrated in the clitoris, which is not stimulated in any way by fucking. When compared to the clitoris, the vagina contains a small number of nerve endings (none deep within), and the inner mouth (not the lips) has none that are associated with sexual satisfaction.



Watching a typical movie of a male adult film celebrity fucking a female adult film star’s vulva or ass carefully, you will inevitably notice the female star’s hand sneaking in between their two pounding crotches to stroke around certain portions of her vulva, causing her to burst into tears of joy. Although it is not the most natural manner for her to cum, it enables her emotions to be more real while still allowing for the director’s mandated list of activities to be included in the film.




In fact, if you happen to catch a lesbian video produced specifically for the female market by one of the better video sources out there – the ones that advertise themselves as being “by women” and “for women” – you’ll see that cunnilingus, along with certain other acts, are the most common and preferred means by which women get their man off. If you’re a guy, you won’t need to put on a dress or undergo a sex change in order to pleasure a woman as effectively or better than women themselves – and I can assure you that ladies know precisely how to pull each other’s leg!




The secrets of the guys who are continually surrounded by attractive women are simple to grasp and learn – but they must be kept under strict confidentiality. The methods of cunnilingus that turn on women are now available to you as well, so you can certainly make them demand that you “lick my pussy again… again!” and then urge you to give them more! .




Cunnilingus’s Mastery has brought him pleasure.

During my investigation, I noticed that one of the most often asked questions by men is, “Why does it have to be so fucking difficult to make a woman cum?”
This is followed by the statement, “Alright, I get — licking her pussy will bring her off, so I’ll just hold my nose and do it.” This is much too common.
Unfortunately, this nearly always results in the statement, “Well, that didn’t fucking work, so I just fucked her — she loves my dick, sucking it and feeling it fill her tiny twat,” or some variation thereof.



It was inevitable that the discussion would eventually come to the conclusion, “Yeah, honestly, I abandoned her.” My patience with her was wearing thin since she doesn’t know what she’s doing in bed and simply lies there.”
Guys, it doesn’t have to be this way all the time. You’re playing a team sport if you have the Winning Attitude. It could be a two-person team, or it might be a three-person team, but it’s still a team.




 You must do all in your power to assist your spouse in achieving success. Whenever she orgasms, you can be sure that she will do all in her power to make you orgasm as well. If, on the other hand, you’re just in it for yourself and your immediate fulfillment, she’ll swiftly come to the conclusion that she’s not getting anything out of the relationship — whether it’s a one-time event or a permanent commitment – and she’ll end up leaving.



In this case, we’re not talking about falling in love; rather, we’re talking about you becoming her sex god, the one whom she worships and admires.
In order to be successful, you must first have a knowledge of the female orgasm itself.

Give Her More Than One Female Orgasm – She’ll Love It!

The majority of women (70 to 80 percent of the general population) need either direct or indirect clitoral stimulation in order to have orgasm, as I shown earlier. Essentially, this indicates that there will be some type of friction with the clitoris or corresponding organs
As stated by the Mayo Clinic, “Orgasms vary in strength, and women differ in the frequency of their orgasms as well as the amount of stimulation required to produce an orgasm. 




Each individual nerve ending on the clitoris is more numerous than those on the penis, or on any other region of the body for that matter. Women are naturally attracted to this region since it is rich and fertile, but it is also simple to over-stimulate them, which they perceive as discomfort. Because of this, a delicate and delicate touch is required.



With the exception of the “GSpot” and the urethral sponge, the vaginal wall has less nerve endings. It is these places that contain the most, which when stimulated, may result in occasional orgasms, however they produce less strong orgasms and provide less sexual pleasure overall than the clitoris. While it is true that a G-Spot orgasm may be overpowering, when paired with a clitoral orgasm (which you will learn about in this article), the feelings are characterized as “overwhelming.”

In spite of the fact that I’d never had sex with another woman before, I was intrigued and didn’t want to go through life wondering what it was like. When I originally introduced myself to Mary Ann, my lesbian roommate, she was a little skeptical. Her reasoning was that she didn’t want to ruin a perfectly excellent relationship.



My persistence eventually forced her to give up and admit defeat. The girl was quite kind. She enticed me in our apartment one evening when I returned home from work with candles and my favorite wine, which she had prepared.



Omigosh, thank you so much! She performed something so mind-blowing to me that I was certain she would have to scrape me off the ceiling, and she did! And the greatest thing is that that was the first and only time I did it with a female, but I told Michael about it, who I later ended up dating. He wanted to know everything she did, and he became incredibly excellent at it. I don’t believe he’ll ever get tired of making women fall in love with him.” ” – Elizabeth (33 years old).



In the opinion of Masters and Johnson, all women have the ability to be multiple orgasmic, and that “the female is capable of a quick return to orgasm immediately after an orgasmic experience, if re-stimulated before tensions drop below plateau phase response levels.” That demonstrates to you that, if a guy can appropriately stimulate a lady, he has a better likelihood of discovering her reaction to be favorable….

It is referred to as the Clitoris.

The female clitus contains 8,000 nerve endings, which is much more than any other portion of the human body, including the male penis, which comes in second place with 4,000 nerve endings. As a result, any handbook on the sexual characteristics of the female anatomy will make at least passing mention of the significance of this element. 




You may draw cues from that ranking in order to be assured that the clitoris is the key to a woman’s sexual well-being.
Contrary to the penis, however, the clit has no other purpose but to provide pleasure to a woman — can you picture that? This implies that if you can unlock the potential for pleasure hiding inside it, you will have one very happy lady on your hands. If you can uncover the potential for pleasure hidden within it and make her happy, you will have one very happy woman on your hands.



Most likely, she’ll go out of her way to make you happy in exchange for your affection.
Any direct touch with the clit has the potential to be painful due to its incredible sensitivity – you might call it an excess of sensations – since it is so delicately sensitive. While acting in the role of “devious linguist,” your objective should be for that part of her body to feel wonderful sensations, while ever crossing the line of excessive stimulation.




Rather than just protecting the clitoris, the clitoral hood actually moves, advancing over it and withdrawing as necessary, similar to the roof over a football or baseball stadium, depending on the conditions. Ordinarily, the clit is well-protected, but as a woman’s excitement grows, the hood retracts, allowing the hungry tiny clit to be exposed to even more stimulating stimuli.





The clitoris itself may be difficult to locate because, like the penis, the tip on the outside of a woman’s body can change in size from extremely little to visibly bigger when she is stimulated or swelled with blood (though it is considerably smaller than the male’s equivalent of the clitoris, which is the penis). Regardless of the vehicle, it can always be located right beneath the hood. It makes no difference whether the clit is large or tiny; just like with the penis, the sensitivity of the clit is not dependent on its size.




This area contains a great deal of erogenous zones and is extremely pleasurable to a woman when she receives the appropriate touch in this entire area. The clitus does not stop at just that small organ that peeks out from under the hood; it extends under the vulva, around and along the labia, and back through the perineum (the skin between the fourchette and anus) – sensitive nerve endings accompanying it.

8 Ways to Always Make a Woman Orgasm

Erogenous Zones in Women

The sensitivity of erogenous zones, which are parts of the body that respond to sexual stimulation, varies from woman to woman, although they are all fairly identifiable. Identifying a specific woman’s responsive zones and subsequently benefitting from a skillful touch is one of the most enjoyable components of foreplay. When it comes to witnessing a lady grow in pleasure from your touch, the cliché “playing her like a violin” is accurate!




The hair, neck, ears, lips, breasts, armpits, stomach, skin that covers the spine, butt, vulva, legs, and feet are the most prevalent places on the surface of a woman’s body.

Fingers, lips, and tongue, as well as actual objects, may activate these zones. This stimulation or arousal may often begin in the presence of others, with your touch on some of these erogenous zones completely natural and admirable, leading to her demanding that you take her someplace private to explore the rest of her erogenous zones!





Feeling your fingers go through a woman’s hair is one of the most exhilarating sensations. The tickling feeling from the movement of her hair, as well as the moderate stimulation of her scalp, is really beneficial. Most individuals, not just women, like having their hair stroked by someone they admire.



Brushing her hair back and away from her eyes tells her that you are concerned about her appearance. Furthermore, it always brings her gaze to yours — there is no more powerful non-tactile attractant for a woman than a guy merely looking into her eyes in a sensuous, caring manner. That doesn’t imply you should have a sentimental expression on your face; it just means your eyes are bright with delight at seeing her.



I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten another lady into bed with a quick glance after touching her hair. Similarly, a man’s gaze and touch of my hair may quickly turn me on. Consider how wonderful it might be for you as a lover to discover how easy it is.
Pulling her hair, whether on her head or that wonderful bush over her pussy, may be acceptable later, when you’re naked in one other’s arms and the passion grows, but that requires a deeper, longer understanding of her wishes.





Of course, arousing a lady entails more than merely caressing her hair! That would get monotonous after a while, so you’ll need to switch things up – and there’s plenty to pick from. When done properly, caressing her neck with your fingertips, kissing her throat and the back of her neck, even light licking – there’s a lot of geography to cover there, and not all parts of her neck feel the same – adds to her growing excitement, or if done later in the lovemaking process, may bring her to orgasm on its own.



Ears Ears are very sensitive and may turn a woman on, but they can also turn her off if treated incorrectly. And other individuals just despise having their ears touched.
Try whispering something in her ear to watch how she responds. Aside from your touch, such a private act, shared only between two individuals, is another non-physical turn on for her. Kiss her ear, lobe, caress with your fingers, maybe even capture her earlobe between your thumb and forefinger (gently), but remember, slow and gentle goes a long way with a lady. Also, stay away from wet willies — they’re disgusting!
Nobody likes their tongue crawling in their ear, and earwax tastes awful, so save yourself the trouble!





Lips, oh boy. I could create pages and pages of erotica based only on the potential of enticing a lady with her lips. If you looked at a variety of lesbian erotica novels written by women for women, I’m sure kissing and lips contacting lips would be a large part of the lovemaking. 




To us, it’s unbearably hot. If ladies (who presumably understand what a woman wants) prefer to spend their time stroking lips in order to get off, don’t you think there’s a nice lesson there for you?
Lips can be kissed, which is the caress of your lips on hers, as well as the flow of your breath and, finally, your tongue across her lips. Different sorts of stimulation are good for her, and her lips have a lot of nerve endings – take use of them.



Finger tips may, of course, caress and arouse lips as well. But, as with the ears, proceed with caution. It’s possible that having what she perceives are unclean fingers so close to her lips may turn her off. Alternatively, she may bite you! If she lets your finger slide between her soft, warm, and wet lips and sucks on it, on the other hand, that’s had to be a very positive indicator for your chances, right?



Guys, breasts are made up of a lot more than the tiny pink or brown item on the end. They’re also generally highly sensitive, and mauling or squeezing them may be painful. To stimulate and heighten her anticipation, trace the contour of the breast with your finger tips or nails (ONLY if they’re well-trimmed and smooth). Kiss her breasts, softly lick them, and you could even feel her push you towards her nipples after a while. Then kiss, lick, and softly chew her nipples as desired, but keep your tempo under her control. You’re doing it well if she moans, sighs, or says, “yessssssssss  If she yelps, you’ve gone off the rails.






Please accept my request. Most females, I believe, like having their arms caressed, even with (well-trimmed and silky) finger nails and finger tips. Squeeze gently; our muscles aren’t as strong as yours. Stroking her armpit may be enjoyable for her, and it helps her to open up a little more to you, believing that you won’t attempt to tickle her…so don’t. Never, ever, ever give in to the urge to tickle her more than a little, and only after you’ve gotten to know her very well.
Stomach This is a troublesome place. Being rubbed and touched here feels lovely (albeit a little ticklish at times). However, she may be sensitive to having her tummy handled too much if she has gained water during her period or if she has gained a little weight. Simply pay attention to how she responds when you touch her here and go with your gut instinct.





Along the Backbone

Follow the contour lines of her back with your fingertips, spreading out from her spine in long, feathery caresses, leaving pale lines on her skin with your (well-trimmed and smooth) finger nails, occasionally brushing away from the spine like the feathers on your angel’s wings (sorry, couldn’t help myself!)



Leave a path of light, gentle kisses across her skin with your lips, maybe four or five inches apart…a vibrator just barely touching her, following the same routes. She appreciates, loves, and gets stimulated by your gradual, delicate application of yourself to her. Use your imagination, but offer it to her as your want to make her feel good. Feathers, half-melted ice cubes or even an ice cream cone, the butt of a whip…use your creativity, but present it to her as your wish to make her feel good. She’ll also make you happy afterwards.





It may be kissed, touched, or squeezed. If you’re both into it, spank her, but don’t do it until you’re sure she’ll love it. I’m very drawn to this region, both when it’s being fondled and when it’s being fondled on a partner.





This article will provide you a lot of suggestions for what to do with this region of her body.
Continue reading. 🙂





Touching a woman’s legs in practically any location is exciting and pleasurable, but the most erotically charged locations are within her thighs and behind her knees. As long as you vary the touch and don’t repeat the places to be cared for more than a few times, plenty of fingertip stroking (NO fingernails) and lip and tongue activity is typically well welcomed. 



Soft kisses up her legs to her knees, then inside her thighs, growing ever closer to her sweet, musky love nest, as part of a strategy to work your mouth closer and closer to her by now wet pussy, can drive her insane – don’t be surprised if she forcibly pulls your head to her crotch to get your mouth on her pussy.





Everyone, man or woman, enjoys having their feet massaged, and you may knead the muscles there more vigorously than anyplace else on her body (save the back) without causing her any discomfort. The majority of women would be content with a foot massage, much alone a screaming orgasm from your lips on her vulva!



You can kiss her feet and suck her toes, presuming she’s prepared herself for you as well as you have for her (hint: clean is best). She’ll be tickled, turned on, and curious to no end.





G-Spot – G-Spot – G-Spot – G-Spot – The G

Yes, this does exist, however women’s sensitivity to it and reactions to stimulation differ. It’s within her vaginal cavity, behind her clitoris. When I explain it to new male partners (and even a few ‘noobs’ to girl-girl sex who didn’t know where it was…at first), I think of it as being positioned like a rear view mirror in a vehicle.)


Placing one or two fingers (softly, gently) inside her vagina with your palm facing up, fingertips about where her clit is positioned, and then massaging her inner wall is a simple method to discover it. Inquire about her feelings.
If you’ve discovered it, she’ll let you know, but don’t make it become a quest for the holy grail; some women won’t feel anything special there.
Using your fingers to caress her G-spot while efficiently and productively licking her pussy may result in the most incredible orgasms of her life.



The most successful method is to stroke within her in a ‘come here, baby’ motion, altering pace, place, and pressure.
Remember that women do not build up to orgasm in the same manner that men do, so be patient and gentle. Also, remember that this is an 800 meter race, not a 60 meter sprint! Listen to her noises; they may or may not be words, but they’ll let you know when you’re doing well. Additionally, her body motions, particularly her hands and hips, transmit a variety of signals – pay attention and react.




If she says she has to pee, listen to her and move on — unless you both enjoy it. Similarly (though not identically), some women may ejaculate, or’squirt,’ if you’re really successful with them. It’s not frequent, yet it’s completely natural and safe. If she does and doesn’t know what it is, reassure her, and take hidden satisfaction in the fact that you are a superb lover!







Being and feeling clean and fresh is an established element of human interactions.
And so it is (or should be) in the art of falling in love. There may be times, and ideologies, when not bathing before making love is appropriate – I’ve used it as a topic in erotica and in relationships with men and women I know well.
However, if you’re meeting someone new, your default question should be, “Am I going to smell and taste okay?” It’s not necessary to go overboard, but first impressions are crucial, right?
Couples or threesomes (or more) that have previously been together should be familiar enough with each other to know what amount of preparation is required.






Now let’s talk about pubic hair. Thankfully, today’s tendency is to keep pussies (and, in some cases, cocks) to the size of a well-trimmed bush. The less hair, the better in cunnilingus, however some might be turned on by excessively overgrown bushes. It’s a real turn off when you’re attempting to navigate your face, lips, and tongue through a dense jungle of wiry pubic hair.
If you wouldn’t like a hair in your meal, you’re unlikely to welcome it in the pussy you’re licking. It’s something to talk about.





 It’s better to be clear up front than to be dissatisfied afterwards – you because you don’t want a mouth full of hair, and she because she won’t be able to enjoy the wonderful feeling of a warm, moist tongue caressing her labia and clit if hair gets in the way.
She may get rid of or minimize her hair “down there” in a number of methods. Shaving, whether with a feminine bikini razor or an electric shaver, waxing, laser hair removal, and depilatory treatments are all popular options.






Shaving might include completely eliminating all pubic hair (“bald beaver”) or just leaving a tiny, trimmed bush in a variety of forms. The most frequent and simplest to form is a narrow rectangle, often known as a “landing strip,” however a tiny circle, triangle, or star shape may also be encountered. The most intricate forms have been discovered on even the mousiest of females, which never ceases to astound me.
When shaving her vulva, she should use the same easy procedures she employs when shaving her legs:




The hairs will be simpler to cut if you take a long soak in a warm bubble bath.
Hair may be softened using after-shampoo treatments. This is when conditioner comes in handy.
Before shaving, do the heavy cutting with scissors. This will make shaving a LOT simpler since she will be able to see what she is doing.
Disposable razors are the most convenient since they don’t retain germs from past usage and, most significantly, she won’t ruin your razor.





Straight razors aren’t ideal for places like the vulva, which have a lot of folds, nooks, and crannies.
Stretch the skin as you shave it to eliminate more stubble and provide a smoother finish.
For “sensitive skin,” use soaps, shaving cream, and lotions. The vulva is a delicate creature!
After that, never use talcum powder, although cornstarch is OK.
If she’s going to do it alone, a mirror will come in handy. But it’ll be more enjoyable if she gets assistance.
Razor burn may be treated with cortisone cream. You don’t want her to be in pain while she’s there, do you?

Touching a Vagina for Ultimate Pleasure

Cunnilingus Techniques

Cunnilingus does not function by indiscriminately licking a girl’s clit. Sure,
She’ll sense something, but it’s just as likely to annoy her or do nothing at all.

Unless you know what you’re doing, it’s best for her. Here are some unique methods.

She’ll be as floppy as spaghetti in your arms, yearning for more!







For women, there is no such thing as foreplay, in my view. Consider this:

“Foreplay” denotes that the great show will follow some preceding activity.

So the major enjoyment for males is their orgasm, and everything else is secondary.

It’s small, but cumming is what it’s all about, isn’t it?

The whole procedure is natural and effortless for ladies. There isn’t much.

a difference in the pleasure we get from kissing, stroking, and holding our partners

partner, listening to them say something lovely and seeing them in the eyes, and

Orgasm provides us with a variety of pleasures, both in terms of form and fulfillment. There is a significant difference.



a difference in intensity

To you, this implies that the time you spend kissing, stroking, and so on.

scores nearly as many points with a lady as the Big O, or at least comes close.

We place a higher value on foreplay than you do. It’s in your best interest to

Even if you don’t believe it’s necessary, devote as much time as you can on foreplay.

matters a lot to us – it truly does, and it’s frequently the difference between success and failure.

Whether a lady cums or not is irrelevant.





So, how does Cunnilingus fit into the picture? If you ask us, it’s pretty much the Big O.

Do it correctly the first time. Everything else is good, and we genuinely want you to be happy.

joyful, but we’ve already cum – or should have cum – by the time you cum.

Unfortunately, as I previously said, men’s track record in this area isn’t particularly good.

Statistics were presented.






Long before the actual intercourse, there is foreplay. It all begins for me when I obtain a new job.

My man’s phone call:

“Hey, I had to cancel my gym night because I really want to take you out.

Can you cook it for dinner?”

“Really, you did that for me? How thoughtful…let me double-check, I believe I’m free, otherwise I’ll call you.



At the very least, I’ll be able to see you.”

Even with both of us, you may have two individuals here who are lying to each other.

He didn’t feel like going to the gym, but he did feel like fucking. I, too,

I was planning on washing my hair and maybe playing with my vibrator, but I like being alone.

He fucked me. So I’m thinking about him right now, and I’ll keep thinking about him till we meet.



Maybe at that four-star Park Avenue restaurant, or at the hot dog stand next door.

– It makes no difference since he began the foreplay a day or two earlier.

with his phone call, and that is what matters to me.

When he keeps his stare on mine for a beat or two longer, the foreplay continues.

When he holds the door, he runs his fingers over my shoulder more than usual.

Basically, when he gives me his whole focus.




When the dinner talk shifts to more personal topics, the

The intensity of foreplay increases, although it began days or hours earlier. When

He addresses a physical part of my – my neck, for example, without being offensive.

I don’t mind whether he touches my hands, cheeks, or lips — I’m visualizing him doing so. And

I’m quite happy to bring in my own mental ‘dirty imagery,’ trust me.

He doesn’t have to bring things up right now.

Aside from the fact that he compliments my silky smooth, full, and red lips,

I’m seeing his lips there, which are delicious, and I’m also picturing his massive cock.

gliding over them while I suck his cock, maybe as he licks my hot, aching genitalia

pussy, as well as how his creamy white sperm would appear on my scarlet lips. All of this

from an innocent remark about how attractive I am!

It may seem absurd, but if everything is done correctly, with the purpose of achieving both, it may be rather amusing.





My foreplay will take a number of days, and I’ll cumulate the results.

when he licks the inside of my clitoris His pre-play may be a half-hour or so in a hotel room.

He’ll come when he fucks my wet (and already wet) room, or my apartment, and he’ll cum when he fucks my wet (and already wet)

pussy (satisfied) Coordinating their schedules is the tricky part.

When our foreplay is complete, we’ll both have a lot of blood on our hands.

My pussy will be moist, my clit will be erect, and the flow will be aimed towards our genitals.

My whole vulva was sensitive to his touch, and I was exposed. His cock will be tough.

Drawn up and ready to unleash a load of his thick, sticky cum. It’s simply that

that my ‘go point’ isn’t always going to be the same as his, and that it took a long time for me to figure it out.





It took me a little longer to get there.

Flirting, caressing, deep kissing, and surely licking are all options.

recall her erogenous zones – kissing almost any region of her body – chatting

unclean, everything to pique her interest. She like explicit films on occasion, but the most of the time she does not.

They’re designed for men who are more visually focused, not women who are more touch oriented. If you’re both fully charged, a little B & D, or even S & M, is good.

aware of the implications and agree to the agreements.

Role acting may be fun, but the most important thing to remember during foreplay is to have fun.




She felt at ease, calm, and wanted. When you do such things, it’s difficult not to feel happy.

successful. Pace yourself; sex is a marathon, not a sprint, for a woman.






Angel Wings are fluttering

Fortunately, since the vulva is in the middle of a woman’s body, there’s plenty of room for it.

There should be some diversity in how you get there. Rather of stomping on her pussy, I jumped on her.

Start with her head, which is a little too direct for most ladies, and work your way down.

Work your way down to her pussy, showering her with love as you go. Or,

Begin at her feet and make your way up to her cunt, if possible.

These two tactics may be combined in a variety of ways; you can let your imagination run wild.

Allow your imagination to lead the way. As an example, consider the following two situations using my



This method is used by lovers:

He gives me a gentle peck on the cheek and looks into my eyes, but says nothing.

With his intriguing approach, he piques my interest. The line is caressed by his fingertips.

He kisses the side of my face where my jaw is on one side, then raises my chin slightly and kisses the other.

With the rough flat of his tongue, he licked my artery for a few seconds. I

I’m shivering since I’m exposed there.

He spreads my blouse away from my body with both hands’ fingers.

My breasts are erect, and my nipples are erect. He’s exposed me, making me even more vulnerable. 


My Pussy’s eyes well up with tears as he considers what he may do. He leans forward and takes a deep breath.





As his hand touches the underside of my other, he has one nipple between his lips.

Oh, he’s being so sweet…until he mercilessly pinches the other nipple.

between the forefinger and the thumb

God, I’m perplexed…but ecstatic. Will he be kind to me when he sees me?

Will he be brutal if he reaches my pussy and clit? Whichever it is, my pussy is a happy camper.

Already, I’m screamin’ for him. When he softly licks my clit, I get aroused and curious.

exposed to his eyes…or presses it between his lips, inflicting painful electric shocks.

One thing is certain: I shall cum, again and again, my delight via my hips.

With sensation, the body is slack.





Another example, based on an interview with a different young woman:

A few months back, I was in a threesome. The second female walked up to my feet and began talking to me.

she squeezed my feet in her hands, stroking and kneading the muscles, and then

Her soft, wet lips held each toe as she sucked it into her mouth one by one.

Her tongue tickled and licked in between my toes, holding me hostage.

She would be sweet and kind, there was no question in my mind.

A few minutes earlier, a spanking of her smooth, warm nude ass had insured


Her lips and fingers teasingly made their way up my leg.

There was tingling on my skin, so I rubbed the hollow beneath my knees, teasing myself.

By the time her lovely lips were caressing the insides of my thighs, she was getting closer and closer to my heart.





I had already came once, dripping, pouting pussy, waiting for her wonderful tongue on.

My clit’s tongue was inside my pussy, slurping up my hot milk. It was an added benefit.

Drew let me to suck his erect cock the whole while he was watching us play.

Both tales have one thing in common:

When the lovers arrived to the woman’s already creaming pussy, they began to move gently.

tongues slowly kissed her vulva, from her inner thighs/mons to her labia

Pressure builds around the core of her sex, but it never touches her.

Even after cumming, she screamed with hunger and need for clit or pussy.

Several times!

I know you can go from your head to your pussy, or from your feet to your clit, and

As you prepare her for your craziness, have a great time doing it.

a gentle touch on her vulva



The Snake Whisperer

Isn’t it true that everyone understands what French Kissing is? Just a friendly reminder,

‘Kissing and inserting your tongue’ is not the same as ‘kissing and inserting your tongue.’

‘fucking with your tongue’ – in other words, you must use your tongue with extreme caution.

Here’s where you put your tongue.

Pretend her labia are her mouth’s lips – sideways, of course – and

Place your lips lightly on hers. She’s prone to bruises here, and the labia are very sensitive, therefore

Please don’t press your lips on hers; I can promise you that she is aware of your presence.


Now slowly, delicately touch her insides and lick them for a few seconds. You’re going to be successful.

stroking her frenulum and the entrance of her vaginal canal – her pussy –

as well as fourchette But don’t cling to that area like a lamprey; it’s simply silly.





Instead, move your lips to other places of her vulva, gently kissing her again.

licking what you discover softly and briefly If you pay attention to her motions, you’ll be able to figure out what she’s up to.

You’ll discover her pussy in everything she does, from her noises to her body’s reflexive reflexes.

Her creamy cream dripped into your anxiously awaiting tongue, soaking you. Go

She’ll create more, so go ahead and slurp it up (softly, gently).


The Venus Butterfly 

You should attempt this when she’s genuinely becoming excited, not when she’s just beginning to become aroused.

as your first move Consider how a woodpecker, well, pecks. Make your posture more rigid.

(You never want to say something really, very hard in front of her.)

Except for your cock when you’re both in a frenzy of an imminent attack, pussy.

Peck away, that is, gently push the hardened tongue within her pussy.

(which should already be damp), enabling your saliva to flow freely.

run easily within her, soaking her even more and reducing the annoyance of

There is much too much friction.




Vary where you insert your tongue in her moist canal, at various points.

labia (gently), close but not on her clit. You may move in once she answers.

Other than up and down, going around in circles is a lot of fun. Evaluate her.

She’ll surely let you know when she loves anything in particular






Sauvage Passion

This is by far my favorite, both to give and to receive, but it requires a lot of effort.

a very light touch It’s another strategy that you shouldn’t employ when you’re in a hurry.

beginning, but rather after she’s grown enthralled and curious about how you’re doing.

will be enough to push her over the line into her first, or subsequent, orgasms.




You’ll be putting your moist lips on her vulva, at first on everything except her vulva.

gradually, lightly exerting a small suction to her clitoral region, as if you were

sucking via a straw No strong sucking, which is painful, but just enough to make her skin itch.

You’re being pushed upwards toward your mouth.



With the contact of your tongue, emphasize the feeling this generates.

Just a smidgeon of the flesh within your mouth, or a little lap. Never remain in one place for too long.

If you don’t know her well enough, don’t do this straight on her clit.

as well as the fact that she has asked you to. This is the quickest way to eliminate whatever chance she may have.



Due to the hundreds of nerve endings crammed into her little clit, she is primed for an orgasm.

One of the most personal things you can do is use your little vacuum cleaner.

You may do it in what is clearly a very private act, given that you are bringing her home.

most unique parts of your mouth, including her hot, creamy secretions – which, I can tell you, are delicious.



guarantee you, are both incredibly enticing for you and fairly delicious, especially

when you exchange a kiss and she gets a taste of her own pussy on your lips I’m sure I can.

As I write this, I’m nearly sweating from the concept of how hot that is!




Revenge of Sadie Hawkins

This will be a lot of fun since you’ll be letting her screw your “pussy” with her.




If you can, fold your tongue into a tube (apparently some individuals can’t).

Then, rhythmically, enfold her clit into the end of your tongue-tube.

fucking on her cock, her clit with your hot, wet pussy This is incredibly important.

stimulating to a woman because of the hundreds of nerve endings in her clitoral region

touching the inside of your tongue (cock) (pussy). 



Furthermore, this is, of course, really heated.

women secretly enjoy the idea of becoming men because of the reversal of sex roles

On occasion, the fucker, rather than the fuckee, if you will.

It won’t harm if you do something similar just thereafter.

You say in her ear how great it was for you to let her screw your private parts.

“pussy,” and how great her “cock” was – get rid of your inhibitions, boys, and she’ll come out swinging.


Letters of Love

This is entertaining as well as instructive. Pretend your tongue is on the tip of your tongue –

Using the tip of a pen, make it firm yet moist, then sketch the form of letters of

the letters strewn over the top and lower regions of her inner vulva –

Her labia, pussy, and clitoral region You are free to arrange the letters in whatever sequence you like.




You may even write “words,” as one of my girlfriends and I like doing.

This is how we communicate with each other, but I admit I lose track after three or four letters.

Because I’m too preoccupied with cumming, I’ll start with the first word. This might be the norm!



“Oh, Peter, this is ridiculous, but it’s alright. &ltpause&gt The first letter is “I.”

&ltpause, giggle&gt The second letter – oooo – hmm, is “L.” &ltlong

stop, moan&gt Oh god, do it again…yess, like that…umm, that’s – fuck – that’s – fuck – that’s – fuck – that’s – fuck – that’s – fuck – that

“O.” That’s excellent, “V,” I believe I get where you’re heading with this.

I’m cumming in your mouth, baby, cumming in your mouth, oh god god god god shit fuck I’m cumming in your mouth,

lick my pussy, eat my cunt>

His (or her) tongue is so unpredictable in terms of where it will travel that a woman finds it difficult to control it.



has no option but to be astonished and thrilled by a pleasant surprise. The

Movements are rhythmic, as they should be in sex, but where they will take place is unknown.

To a woman, experience is nearly completely unanticipated, and it’s always a risk.

a delightful surprise Women, on the other hand, like nice surprises!




Ascend to the heavenly realms

Have you ever teased a lady by moving your cock’s head up and down?

her slit, which ran from top to bottom, smeared your hot, creamy pre-cum exactly just

till she requested that you insert your erect dick in her pussy’s entrance

deep into, excitingly filling her pussy and making her come instantly?

Licking down the tiny slit of your tongue is a comparable approach.

Just where her beautiful, moist pink interior peeks out, enticing you, is her labia. Slowly

lick up and down her moist slit, adding the wetness of your saliva – and if you’re brave, lick up and down her dry slit.




Everyone is doing their part, and the taste and smell of her giddy pussy should be delicious.

causing your taste senses to work extra hard

You may shut her pussy lips with two fingers of one hand, preventing her from speaking.

If you’re in too deep, gently loosen your grip to let your cock-tongue breathe.

Sink even deeper into her wet, silky hot heaven, licking up and down along her body.

Slit that is smooth. Of course, when she responds to the situation, her hips are likely to move.

You’ll have to get used to the searing sensation along her pussy.






Light flicks to her clitoral region on your upward motion are one variation.

strokes and’sewing’ along her pussy, shifting her weight from side to side

As you slide up and down her entrance, apply pressure.

Nosy, Nosy, Nosy, No

Nature has been generous to the “shrewd linguist” by setting our nostrils a few inches apart.

Why are our mouths (and tongues) inches above the ground? It’s possible because it’s possible, and it’s possible because it’s




To stimulate your lover’s clitoris and pussy at the same time is ideal.

using simply a little amount of additional work It’s also excellent from a selfish standpoint.

With your tongue, taste her slippery, moist pussy, and smell her hot pussy aroma.

Feel her nervously attempting to bump her responsive clit against your nose.

As she cums again and again, she rubs her nose.





If you’ve ever felt self-conscious about your nose, trust me when I say that you’re not alone.

In this situation, it is a valuable asset. My guy used to box in college. His

When he’s tickling me, his somewhat deformed (but nonetheless adorable) nose tickles me like no other.




I never fail to come when he’s licking me, and I never fail to cum when he’s licking me.

You may kiss her pussy while rubbing your moist nose over her clit,

You may either caress her clit with the tip, which might be a bit tough at first, or you can just caress her clit with the tip.

while your tongue is resting a tiny bit on the bridge of your nose (gently and softly).

Cunnilingus is a lot of fun, but it wears down the ligament at the bottom of the foot.

If you overwork your tongue, it might damage you, so take it easy and let it rest.

Have a little fun with your nose!




Keeping the Nanny’s Lips Locked

This method, as the name implies, involves using your lips rather than your hands.

your tongue in any way. Lips that aren’t chapped or cracked should be smooth. And

They should be damp, if not wet, at the very least. It’s one of the reasons why a lady is attractive.

It’s so much better than a lady who works if she’s wearing lipstick kissing me down there.

with her usually dry and chapped, rough lips, despite the fact that they

Both have their pros and cons.




To a woman, kissing is everything. I’m certain that if you questioned the typical person, they would say

If all other sexual practices were taken away from a woman, what one sexual activity would she want?

“Kissing,” she’d say most of the time. “It’s just so sensuous, so personal, so intimate,” she’d say.

It is romantic and generous, and it conveys both sex and love, and women will always respond positively to it.

Love is preferred. Cunnilingus, on the other hand, is conveyed by a kiss, not a lick.

Almost every time, a tongue will win out over the (albeit lovely) lick.

You’re teaching her that it’s okay to kiss her pussy, her labia, and her clit if you kiss her pussy, labia, and clit.


Passion, not sex, is what drew you to her.





The Embarrassing Tongue

Having stated that, there is a time and a place for avoiding the situation.

Using other ways, such as a soft kiss on the lips. If the lady, for example,

You don’t need to express your love for her since she already understands it’s genuine.

You have the flexibility to play various parts in every method you make love.

Even contradicting ones, as shown in a married couple’s role-playing.

He might be a nasty jailer who ‘abuses’ an innocent tourist detained in a foreign country.

error. He’s supposed to be vicious, so being polite to her would be out of character –

That’s why the pair is having fun!






So he uses his tongue to tease and torment her swollen and moist clitoris.

While he might play at ‘hurting,’ he keeps his touch light and wet.

He merely wants to arouse her, he says, his tongue lashing at and over her.

Her vulva is a little jab at her. Consider having someone lick your nose or ear.

They don’t want to kiss it. The one is exciting, vulgar, and (ideally) sexual, whereas the other is not.





other, a passionate, affectionate, and loving expression

But stay away from her clit till she gets to the beginning of her clit.

explosion. The delicate – and I mean feathery, as light as a feather – touch of the

Putting the tip of your tongue over her swollen clit will drive her over the brink.

phantasmagoria of joy — if you are cautious, thoughtful, and aware of your surroundings.

Likes and dislikes of your female companion

But, please, use extreme caution while putting tongue to clit!





Tempest in a Teapot is a story about a teapot that has gotten out of

This is a straightforward strategy that is simple to memorize and execute. Simply begin.

sweep or’feather dust’ each side of her clitoral hood to the other side,

back and forth, rhythmically You may adjust the pressure and pace, but never use excessive force.




There’s a lot of strain on her. It’s normally recommended to start slowly and gradually increase pace, although

In any event, you’ll have to take your time — a woman’s desire develops over time, not overnight.

You can turn on the light switch (but you can easily turn it off if you’re not in the mood).

clumsy or inattentive.)

You may wish to experiment with upward and downward strokes, but keep in mind that upward strokes are more difficult to master.

Strokes might scrape beneath her clitoral hood, causing irritation to her clit. If you give it a go, you’ll like it.



Pay close attention to her response and drop it right away if it’s unfavorable.

Spiraling Into Pleasure (Spiraling Into Pleasure)

This is also a pretty easy approach, but it may provide excellent results.

Effort on your part is little. Swirl her vulva to each side of her clit, and then touch her vulva to either side of her clit.

Around and around on the tip of your tongue, like the second hand of a clock. Of

You may flatten your tongue extensively in one direction or in the other.

You may alter the pace by touching her with only the tip, from slow to fast to fast to fast to fast to fast to fast to fast to fast to fast to fast to fast to fast to fast to fast to fast

Slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly,

a light touch, not dragging your tongue as if you were digging for a treasure

a pool of water Depending on where you touch her, she will react differently.

At any one moment, your tongue is — the closer you are to her exposed clit, the more tongue you have.

larger was her impression. What happened to that? Where there is a 6 o’clock position, there is

There isn’t a clitoral hood.




Putting up with it!

This is comparable to the approach used in Passion Sauvage, but it is more focused.

for the sake of her clit. To reach to this position, she must be totally ‘warmed up.’

When you attempt it, you could find her on the ceiling. Don’t attempt it too soon, and don’t overdo it.

If you attempt it when she’s already cumming, it can put her off her game.

rhythm. Instead of sucking on her clit, lightly and softly suck on her clit, then release rhythmically.



I’m just softly sucking on it. Only mild sucking this time.

You may want to try running your tongue over your teeth softly, lightly, and gently.

When it’s in your mouth – but be careful, because it may not seem to be,

She’ll experience a strong set of feelings, much to your surprise!

Desire’s Whirlpool

If you’ve experienced cunnilingus before reading this, it’s possible that all pussy feels the same to you.



I sure hope licking is “messy.” Her pussy is yours if you’ve done well.

slathering sweet, hot liquids all over your face, mouth, and everything else

You are currently standing on a surface. You could also find yourself swallowing her.

internal lubricant, and if you’re lucky, she’ll be a “squirter,” in which case

Everything will be moist and pleased, including everyone involved.

You’ll use this method to position your face flush against her pussy.

and eat whatever you can with your tongue and lips, stroking, licking, and kissing anything you can

discover, especially by drinking her bodily fluids and swapping them for your own

You’ll want to go right in there, which will entail lewdly spreading her out.

legs – gently pushing her legs back towards you can frequently make her feel more at ease.

her breasts and face, totally exposing and spreading her pussy for your viewing pleasure.

This stance appeals to me for a variety of reasons. For starters, it makes the lady feel really special.






To sate my passion, I used to be obscene and filthy, like a real sex beast. It has two advantages.

She is not to blame for the filthy, sleazy situation in which she finds herself – but

something she completely adores Third, I have a thing for other women’s assholes.

beneath my tongue, too – but that’s a topic for an other guide!

If she doesn’t like it, she’ll most likely tell you. However, if she like it,

It’ll be a lot of fun (and a lot of mess) for both of you. If you’re having trouble sleeping, don’t attempt this.

However, unless you wish to return to the workplace, cunnilingus as a lunch break is not recommended to coworkers who smell like a hot, excited pussy.






The Fresh Breeze

You’ve probably seen a version of this in a movie, whether mainstream or independent.

adult, in which an ice cube is held in the palm or stroked across the lips

the woman’s lips, or nipples, giving her a frigid feeling and

Surprisingly, heat. It’s a highly effective approach to stimulate a lady, and it’s not difficult to do.

When administered on her vulva, it had the same effect.

It’s ideal to use a partially melted ice cube since it’s wet and easy to work with.

It was also less likely to stick to her body because it was slippery. A ‘too cold’ cube might cause her to get ill.




a little case of frostbite, injure her, and you’ll be booted out, so…

It’s much preferable to use a moist and partly melted cube.

Use it as you’ve seen in the movies and softly wipe it over her.

It will drag her tongue out, making her feel and appear even more seductive.

Then I go around her nipples, perking them up and stiffening them if they aren’t already stiff.

already. She’s seen those movies as well, and she’ll be enthralled by the fact that you thought of it.




But she’ll be startled when you use your hands to’skate’ the cube down her body.

Continue downward, around her exposed navel, and use the cube as a weapon.

you’d use the tip of your tongue to run over her labia, across her vaginal entrance (be gentle).

Inside, be cautious not to loose it, she won’t like it!) and then around, and

above the hood of her clitoral




Keep in mind that a quick, immediate contact of the half-melted cube is all that is required.

intriguing and thrilling It’s not a good idea to leave it in place for more than a second or two.

It was numbing and maybe hurting — and not in a good way. As a result, refrain from doing so.