DO SPIDERS REALLY MAKE SILK? Anyone who has stepped face first into a spider web and then been left mumbling a few choice obscenities under their breath knows exactly how…
DO SPIDERS REALLY MAKE SILK? Anyone who has stepped face first into a spider web and then been left mumbling a few choice obscenities under their breath knows exactly how…
Can Geckoes eat more than just bugs? Leopard geckos are nocturnal, terrestrial geckos that are endemic to Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and western India. These 8-inch-long predators are capable yet…
TUSSOCK CATERPILLARS - ARE THEY POISONOUS? Two black and one yellow stripes run over the body of a spotted tussock caterpillar (Lophocampa maculata), evoking thoughts of a honey bee in…
MALE AND FEMALE CHIMP PHYSICAL DIFFERENCES A total of 22 nations in equatorial Africa are home to chimpanzees (Troglodytes). They may be found in a variety of settings, including montane…