Can Geckoes eat more than just bugs?

Can Geckoes eat more than just bugs?

Can Geckoes eat more than just bugs?

Leopard geckos are nocturnal, terrestrial geckos that are endemic to Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and western India. These 8-inch-long predators are capable yet little, and they will pursue, trap, and devour practically any species they can subdue.


 While insects and other invertebrates constitute the majority of their food, they will easily hunt on nestling rodents or lizards — even hatchling leopard geckos — if they are available.



Dietary Restrictions

Pet leopard geckos need live insects, as opposed to other geckos that may survive on prepared meals. Leopard geckos will not consume any fruits or vegetables of any type. 



Leopard geckos flourish in captivity on a wide diet of commercially available insects: crickets, mealworms, superworms, and roaches are all great dietary mainstays. Whatever feeder insects you pick, be sure to feed them a high-quality diet of fruits, vegetables, and grains for at least 24 hours before presenting them to your lizard.



 Please refrain from giving your leopard gecko pinkish mice, which may create nutritional difficulties, or lizards, which may transfer parasites or sickness to your pet.

What Human Foods Can Leopard Geckos Eat?

Can Geckoes eat more than just bugs.
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Isn’t it lovely to think about feeding your leopard gecko human food? Sharing meals with someone or a pet is, after all, one way to connect. Even other reptiles, such as bearded dragons, appreciate fruits and vegetables when we share them with them.

So, what’s stopping you from sharing anything with your leo?

Leopard geckos, however, are unable to consume human foods. They are insectivores, which means they only consume and drink insects. As a consequence, if your leo consumes anything other than the right insects, he might get ill.

Find out what leopard geckos can and can’t eat by reading on.

The following are some of the queries we’ve received concerning what to feed a leopard gecko:

“Can I give a bit of…” to my leopard gecko.

  • Rice \Pasta \Salads
  • Veggies
  • Eggs \Fruit

No, this is not a good plan. Such meals cannot be digested by the leopard gecko’s body. A cecum is a part of the human body that is missing. Cellulose, which is found in fruits and vegetables, is broken down by this organ. Only insects can be digested by their bodies.



Leopard geckos have a small digestive system in addition to a lack of a cecum. Herbivores have a lengthier, acidic digestive system that is better able to handle such meals.



The leopard gecko’s skull also influences what it can consume. The leo’s skull and mouth have adapted to accommodate meat intake through time. It’s also smaller and less prominent than a herbivore’s. Is it possible for leopard geckos to consume human food?




Fruit and vegetables have been consumed by certain leopard geckos because they were available and provided them with something to do. Because the meal isn’t moving, other leopard geckos don’t respond to it.

Leopard geckos may even be seen eating fruits and vegetables in YouTube videos. However, since leopard geckos cannot metabolize these meals, we do not suggest it.

As a result, feeding anything other than insects to the leopard gecko may make them feel nauseous and uneasy.




Fish may seem to be an obvious choice for your leopard gecko’s diet. Leopard geckos, on the other hand, should not consume any fish, including minnows and goldfish. Leopard geckos live in deserts, where fish are scarce.

Fish also include bones, which may cause impaction or even choking in your reptile. Eating raw fish, particularly from a pet shop, might give your gecko parasites, making him feel uneasy and jeopardizing his health.


Finally, what is the verdict? Leopard geckos should only consume gut-loaded insects that you provide them with.

Let’s have a look at some of the best insects to feed your gecko and how to properly feed them.




The following insects and worms are recommended for feeding your leopard gecko:

  • Mealworms \Crickets
  • Hoppers of Dubia roaches

Some worms, on the other hand, make excellent once-weekly or biweekly snacks for your leopard gecko. Examples include waxworms, butterworms, and hornworms.

Because of their high fat content, feeding waxworms and butterworms should only be done as a treat. If you feed your gecko too many of these insects, they may grow overweight or obese, which can harm their health.



Leopard geckos may develop a taste for butterworms and refuse to consume their basic diet as a consequence. It’d be like a person eating just pizza; they’d be satisfied, but nutritionally deficient.



Make sure you’re just providing live food to your gecko when you do feed him. When a worm has already dead, many leopard geckos will not touch it. Make certain that there is an infinite supply of fresh water.




Crickets are an old staple among leopard gecko owners because they are tried and true, geckos like them, and they are inexpensive. For humans, they’re similar to rice and chicken in that they’re a filling staple.

Let’s look at some more worms you may regularly give your leo.

Geckos like mealworms. They come in a range of sizes based on the age of your leo, as well as mixed sizes if you have geckos of various ages in your house. They’re easy to get by (even gutloaded) or at the neighborhood pet store.




Hornworms- Leos like these worms for their high calcium level and delicious flavor. These are popular with geckos since they are not only nutritious, but also unique in comparison to the typical mealworm or cricket. Hornworms are available here (along with enough food for them to flourish)!




Let’s speak about “special goodies” for your Leo a little bit more now.

Once every two weeks, serve super worms. They have a high fat content and are ideal for finicky leopard geckos. Super worms are available here, but we prefer wax worms instead. Super worms have a reputation for biting a lot.

Butterworms are rich in fat and are a wonderful choice for finicky geckos. These are a fantastic technique to assist a leo gain weight following a sickness or being rescued. Leopard geckos like them like candy, so don’t overfeed them or your leo will get hooked.




Leopard geckos will devour wax worms if left to their own ways. Leopard geckos like these worms, but if consumed in large quantities, they may become fat. You may acquire wax worms for your leopard gecko here, but just give them to them once a week or every two weeks as a special treat. Is it possible for leopard geckos to consume fruit?





The insects you give should be stomach loaded and powdered with a reptile calcium multivitamin supplement every time you feed your leo.

The supplement will provide your leopard gecko D3, which is necessary for the formation and maintenance of strong bones, as well as calcium, minerals, and other essential components.




It will also save you money by eliminating the need for many supplements. This calcium/vitamin D3 supplement is fantastic!

Dust the insects every day with this product by putting them in a sandwich bag, adding the supplement, and shaking it.



Place the insects in an enclosure for 24 hours with potato, oats, bran, leafy greens, or carrots to properly gut load them, which is necessary EVERY time you feed.

The insects may be fed after 24 hours. If you’re wondering where a leo obtains their fruits and vegetables, it’s via gut-loaded insects.

During feeding, be sure to keep a careful eye on your leopard gecko. Observe them to see when they have finished eating and remove any remaining insects. Some insects, such as crickets, may bite the leopard gecko, so get rid of them once the leo has finished eating.





Did you realize that your gecko’s size determines how much food he needs?

Crickets measuring 3/ 8 inch in length are ideal for newborns.

Offer 1/ 4 inch insects to juvenile geckos under the age of 1.

If you’re feeding adult crickets, be sure they’re the right size.

It’s critical that meals be properly proportioned. Give insects that are no bigger than your gecko’s eyes. Adult geckos should be fed two insects per inch of their body length.




A four-inch-long gecko, for example, would receive eight mealworms four times a week (as you should be feeding every other day for adults).






It’s important to feed your leopard gecko on a regular basis to keep them on track, control the expense and cleaning of crickets and other insects, and, of course, prevent them from getting overweight or obese.

Feeding schedules for geckos of various life stages are listed below.

Leopard geckos should be fed every day if they are newborns or juveniles (under one year old).



Every other day, adult geckos should be fed.
Sick geckos should be fed once a day for the rest of their lives until they regain their vigor.
Because leopard geckos are crepuscular, feed them later in the day or early in the evening. Because leopard geckos begin hunting while they are in the wild, this is the case.
If your gecko is a fussy eater, feed him appropriately for his age, but leave some worms in the habitat for them to consume when they’re ready.
Vegetables can leopard geckos eat?





Too much food for a leopard gecko may lead to obesity, which is unpleasant and harmful for the lizard.

As a result, reptile caretakers must supply just enough food to feed and nurture the gecko without overfeeding them.

Leopard geckos live in the wild in areas where food is sparse at times. As a consequence, leopard geckos have a natural capacity to survive in situations that aren’t always suitable to daily feeding.




They have a natural aptitude to digest and store food as a method of surviving in the desert during times of shortage.

Leopard geckos store fat in their tails, which explains why they have a plump tail in comparison to the rest of their body. It’s usual for the gecko’s tail to be longer than its body, and the reptile’s belly to be flat.




Regurgitation of the food might happen if you feed your leopard gecko too much. The leopard may grow drowsy, have pudgy legs, and develop bubbles at or behind the armpit. All of these indicators point to an obese leopard gecko.






Do you want to know what foods your leopard gecko may eat that are dangerous or poisonous to them? We’ll go through foods that may hurt your reptile in this section.

Feeding light-up bugs is a no-no. Leopard geckos should not be given fireflies or lighting bugs. These bugs naturally contain toxins that are hazardous to leopard geckos and should not be utilized.




Insects that were discovered in the wild. Going outdoors to collect bugs from the garden may seem to be a brilliant idea. But who knows where those bugs have gone, what they’ve landed on, or whether they’ve been infected with parasites?

It’s advisable to play it safe and buy insects from a trustworthy vendor or pet store, either locally or online.




When it comes to keeping leopard geckos hydrated, they should only be provided water. At all times of the day, be sure to provide an infinite supply of clean, fresh water.

Keep the dish shallow so your gecko can readily drink from it. In addition, if the dish is shallow, the gecko will avoid drowning. As a way of maintaining the substrate clean and dry, make sure the dish cannot be knocked over.




To summarize, leopard geckos should never be fed human food. As insectivores, these reptiles prefer to consume solely insects.

When your dog is unable to eat human food like other dogs, it may seem like he is missing out. That isn’t the case, however. If insects and worms are offered as a special treat, your leo will be happier and healthier.

Take good care of your leopard gecko and feed him well.