Standard Equipment for Canning

Standard Equipment for Canning.

Don’t use old jars for canning; instead, use them to decorate your pantry or kitchen or as canisters to store pasta, dry beans, or grains.


The boiling-water bath is a method that involves immersing tightly packed canning jars with highly acidic, uncooked, or blanched food in boiling water for an extended period of time. Food is often packed tightly in jars, so unless the jars are exposed to the boiling water’s high temperatures for an extended period of time, the food in the cores of the jars won’t achieve the same temperature as food closer to the jars’ edges.

The food must be heated to a temperature that will destroy the molds, yeasts, and bacteria that lead to food spoilage. The procedure of a boiling water bath also eliminates all air in the jar, including air in the food, leading to a vacuum that forces the rubber-coated cover to create a seal.

Only very acidic foods may be canned in a boiling water bath.

The bacteria Clostridium botulinum, which causes the deadly food illness botulism, is constantly present on fresh foods and persists in the soil, but not in dangerously high concentrations. This bacteria needs both a vacuum and a nonacidic environment to develop to a potentially lethal level.

Only when food is incorrectly canned does it become dangerous. Pickles, relish, chutneys with vinegar, most fruits, and intensely sweetened spreads including jams, jellies, butters, and preserves are among the highly acidic items that may be preserved using the boiling-water-bath technique.

Tools for Boiling-Water Baths

The ideal piece of equipment is a brand-new 21- or 33-quart boiling-water-bath canner with lid and jar rack. The best ones are constructed of porcelain-covered steel or aluminum. Stainless steel is used to make the priciest yet most robust ones. There are several suitable choices as well.

Any sizable pot with a lid may be used in place of the original one as long as it is at least 4 inches taller than the jars and is deep enough to provide 2 inches of water coverage over the jars in addition to 2 inches of “boiling space.”

To keep the jars away from the heat and from one another to avoid cracking, you will need a wire rack for the bottom. As Nicolas Appert did in nineteenth-century France, you may put cloths between the jars in place of a rack to minimize breakage during the canning process. To raise the toweled jars from the bottom of the pot, join metal screw rings with twist ties.

Equipment Required for Canning

Canning will be simpler and you’ll feel more secure if you have everything you need on hand and ready to go. Keep additional measuring spoons and cups on hand as well.

  1. jars for canning with screw rings
  2. new vacuum lids with rubber edges
  3. Tongs or a jar lifter
  4. Using a pressure canner or a boiling water bath
  5. Cone for canning
  6. cooking timing
  7. Teakettle
  8. sanitized kitchen towels
  9. Large wooden spoons with slots
  10. wooden chopsticks or a nonmetallic spatula to remove bubbles
  11. a gentle scrub brush
  12. Sieve
  13. Colander
  14. Knives for cutting and paring
  15. measuring spoons and cups
  16. big bowls
  17. equipment for preparing food (grinders, slicers, blender, or food processor)
  18. heavy mitts or potholders
  19. scale of food

Lifting hot water lids using a magnetic wand

Even though pressure canners are typically tiny, boiling water bath canners can also be employed. However, do not lock the lid while using it for the boiling-water-bath procedure, and make sure the petcock is wide open.
a canner that uses boiling water


Because certain foods don’t have a lot of acidities, the bacteria may flourish in the vacuum that canning creates. By exposing these low-acid foods to high temperatures (240°F) in a pressure canner, the bacteria that cause botulism and other hardy microbes are destroyed, sterilizing the food.

Any vegetables, with the exception of tomatoes, meats, fish, and all concoctions, such as soups, are considered low in acidity. The only vegetable products that don’t need pressure canner processing are those with a high vinegar content, such as pickles and sauerkraut.

Boiling-water-bath canner’s wire rack
Pressure Canner Tools

A pressure cooker is not the same as a pressure canner. It is not advised to use a pressure cooker for canning since it is less dependable than a pressure canner at maintaining the correct pressure.

canner with pressure
Ideal pressure canner size ranges from 16 to 22 quarts. Before the start of each canning season, inspect the pressure canner’s petcock and safety valve opening. By removing food particles and other debris from the petcock and safety valve’s openings using an ice pick or piece of thread, you may simply clean them. The valve should be washed with hot, soapy water and then let to dry.

Weighted and dial gauge pressure canners are the two different varieties. Unlike dial gauge canners, which need yearly accuracy checks, weighted gauge devices accurately manage pressure. Additionally, they are less delicate than dial gauge canners.

Unsecure Canning Techniques

You could hear about canning techniques from earlier times that are no longer advised. Even if they don’t consistently generate contaminated food, any danger should be minimized. After all, the results might be fatal. The following canning techniques must not be used.

Canner for atmospheric steam. It is not regarded as suitable canning equipment since it is unable to generate the high temperatures required to eradicate harmful microorganisms.

Canning in an open kettle. Open-kettle canning, formerly the technique of choice, is now seen as risky. Beware if an outdated recipe instructs you to put hot, boiling meals in sterile, clean jars.

At any stage of the procedure, bacteria and mold have the potential to enter the food or the jar. Even though the jars are supposed to seal, the temperatures are often not reached to a point where the vacuum is created and the food is adequately processed.

Jams and jellies shouldn’t be processed using open-kettle canning and paraffin wax sealing. The USDA advises processing all jams and jellies in a boiling-water bath.
microwave, conventional oven, or dishwasher. These procedures are dangerous.


Dial gauge canners have one benefit over weighted gauge canners: you can adjust the pressure in steps of 1 pound since each pound of pressure is recorded on the dial. For pressure canning at very high elevations, this is crucial.

gauge with weight

The accuracy of dial gauge canners should be verified yearly. Overprocessing may occur if the gauge is higher than 1 pound at 5, 10, or 15 pounds of pressure. It also shows that the gauge’s overall accuracy is unreliable.
You may inspect dial gauge canners at the majority of Cooperative Extension locations.

Gauge dial
Changing Grandmother’s Recipes

Even if your favorite dish dates back to Granny’s day, you may still apply contemporary techniques to consume it safely today. In many cases, this entails changing the packing technique from hot packing alone and trusting the jars would seal to adding a brief boiling-water bath, as is done in several pickle recipes.

This is feasible as long as the product is sufficiently acidic, such as pickles made with a lot of vinegar. With low-acid meals, such as all meats, vegetables (apart from tomatoes), and shellfish, however, you should never depend on this technique. Even if the recipe just calls for one low-acid ingredient, such as corn in tomato soup, they still need to be pressure canned.

Acidity—low or high—is the central axis around which all canning is based. All fish, vegetables, and meats, or combinations thereof, that are low in acid must be pressure canned in order to destroy dangerous microorganisms.

In a boiling-water-bath canner, high-acid foods like pickles, fruit spreads, relishes, and chutney can be preserved. These items are acidic enough to be preserved using that approach since they include fruit acid and vinegar.

Your county’s Cooperative Extension office may also be able to provide you with information about canning. Sometimes using the boiling-water-bath canner is okay if you add enough vinegar to a low-acid item, like black-eyed pea salsa.

(If you pressure canned it to kill the germs, the result would be mush or, at most, baby food.) Before modifying an ancient recipe to fit modern cooking techniques, check with your local Cooperative Extension office.

A strip of litmus paper, available at drugstores, may be dipped into a sample of the liquid to evaluate its acidity (pH) (then discard the sample).
In order to guarantee correct acidity and canning safety, a reading of less than 4.0 is needed.

When it comes to acidity, it is preferable to overcompensate than undercompensate.
Care should be taken while handling and storing the lids of both kinds of pressure canners to avoid dents or warping that might affect the seal.

In accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, clean the gaskets and lids of canners. Never submerge a dial gauge in water to preserve its accuracy; instead, gently wipe the cover.

OTHER Canning Equipment

You’ll need either a set of home canning tongs or a jar lifter to remove the hot jars from the boiling-water bath or pressure canner. A timer and a funnel that will fit the aperture of the jars you’re using are also required.

A well-stocked kitchen already has the majority of other equipment. It is crucial to have a lot of fresh dish or tea towels on hand.

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