When it comes to long-term wilderness survival, one of the most important principles to remember is that live food never spoils. Long ago, Native Americans in the Americas recognized this and started to cage and raise wild turkeys and other animals in order to supplement their food supply. 


The most essential thing to remember is that you should not digest the food right away; instead, you should simply care for it while it is still living. This may be a huge benefit in hot weather, but it can also be a problem if you live in an area where there are a great number of large predatory creatures around.


 When you’ve collected creatures such as turtles or frogs, you may use this idea to your advantage since they can be stored for a period of time in a sack or bag.


The use of small tripping lines in conjunction with a step or break-away trigger allows birds to set off the trap as they try to hop or duck the strings in order to get the seed bait in the trap’s central chamber, resulting in fewer false alarms. When used properly, this sort of trap may capture up to 10 birds each hour under ideal circumstances.




Hunting has been practiced from the beginning of time in order to provide meat for family consumption. It is an art form that has been spoilt in recent years by technological advancements.



These days, we place an excessive amount of attention on the fastest-shooting bow and the longest-range guns with the most costly optics on the market. It’s hard to believe that Native Americans were still hunting buffalo on horseback in fields 200 years ago, and that they were still killing them with arrows! 


The ability to evolve and adapt to our environment is critical to our existence, and hence advancements in hunting tactics provide a number of advantages. 


Despite this, humans have also lost numerous essential talents, such as stalking, closing distance, and tracking prey, which were formerly common. These abilities reflect a high level of self-reliance. To this day, there are tribes in Africa that chase and pursue enormous game animals until the creatures collapse from weariness and are slain with spears.


 While this may seem brutal and needless to many of us now, it was a normal part of life for our forefathers. True hunting, which involves locating and tracking prey on the ground with primitive or improvised weaponry, is by far the most difficult method of obtaining meat, but it may also provide a reliable source of food when on the road.




The decision on whether to hunt big game such as deer or small game such as rabbit is based on the circumstances of the hunt. Large game requires a significant amount of time and energy to handle and maintain from a logistical standpoint.


 Small game may be cooked quickly and consumed on the spot if the need calls for it. A large game hunt is a much superior alternative for long-term conditions that need a base camp in conjunction with an operation to ensure appropriate preservation.


The second problem that has to be addressed is the hazards that come with hunting any big animal, including moose. It’s considerably less likely to be hurt by a wounded squirrel than it is by a wounded hog, to name just one example! Large wildlife, like deer, may be quite hazardous if you have to deal with them up close. Another factor to consider is the sheer amount of animals that are accessible.



 According to some estimates, there are 10 rabbits, ten squirrels, and twenty chipmunks for every deer in a particular region. Consider the amount of birds you see fleeing when you are walking through the woods in comparison to the number of deer or other big game you see running when you are walking through the woods.




Even today, several tribes use throwing sticks of various shapes to capture and hold small animals and birds. When it comes to improvised weapons, the throwing stick is one of the simplest to make and wield efficiently, even if you don’t have much experience with them. 




Probably the most convenient aspect of the throwing stick, also known as a rabbit stick in certain circles, is that it can be worn on your belt, where it will be out of the way and your hands will be free until you need it. This is due to the fact that the throwing stick spins as you throw it, making even mediocre strokes successful.



 Consider how much simpler it is to hit a squirrel with a shotgun than it is to strike a deer with a rifle. It is all about the amount of surface area!
When measured from wrist to shoulder, throwing sticks are about the length of your arm with a circumference of roughly 2 inches. 


They have the ability to be slightly bent or to be completely straight. Due to the fact that the throwing stick kills by causing blunt force damage, it should always be constructed of hardwood.




This weapon is an improvement on the throwing stick in terms of originality. The throwing star is made up of two straight sticks with points on both ends that are notched and lashed together to make an X or a cross shape of some kind. 


When used against medium-sized animals such as raccoons, this weapon’s effectiveness is enhanced by the use of surface area and rotational movement. Because the throwing star is bulky and cannot be readily stowed, you must have it in your hand while walking, which is a significant disadvantage for some.




Spears and gigs, which can be readily improvised from natural materials, are effective as melee weapons. Creating spear tips may be accomplished by charring wood or shaping stones or shards of glass into razor-sharp points in the fire. 



There are several knives on the market now that are intended to be used as spear points in an emergency. You will have to give up your knife in order to tie it to the end of the pole, so this is not always the greatest option. Commercial versions of gigs are available, but they may be be made from wood with a little effort. Gigs are excellent for fishing and other underwater activities.





You may build a sling out of any cloth, such as a bandanna or cordage, that will enable you to fling a single stone at your victim with a single motion. Due to the limits of only being able to use one piece of ammo at a time, this is a tough weapon to learn how to use.


 Practice makes perfect in this case. The most significant benefit of utilizing a sling is the amount of ammo available since any semiround pebble may be used as ammunition.



I believe that the slingshot is one of the most affordable and effective survival tools for those seeking short-term self-sufficiency. You may buy commercial folding slingshots or create your own for a very low cost, and ammo can be found along the banks of any stream. 


Slingshots are not difficult to learn and may be readily transported in a daypack or backpack. Even simply carrying the bands and improvising the frame from natural materials you discover along the path might help you stay light on your feet and on your back!





  • 1. Make use of your throwing stick as a multi-purpose instrument in your arsenal. A sharpened and fired one end may be used as a digging stick and baton, depending on how you sharpen and fire it.
  • Remember that animal carcasses may be used as tools in an emergency case, so don’t disregard this possibility.
  • 3 Remember that while laying deadfall traps, the killing mechanism should be five times heavier than the creatures that would be caught in them.
  • 4. One animal will always serve as bait or lure for the capture of others; never squander the glands or intestines of any creature.
  • 5. The majority of animals are quickly drawn to a bait that is not often seen in their environment. For example, if you see a lot of black- or blue-colored berries in one location, you can try baiting a bird trap with red berries if you can locate them. If hickory is the dominant hardwood in an area where you want to catch squirrels, walnuts should be used as bait in the traps.

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