A few species of stinging scorpions may be found in the northern hemisphere, but the majority of them are found in drier areas in the southern and southwestern United States.

The United States is home to between 75 and 90 species, with just four of them found east of the Mississippi River, according to some estimates. Only one of the approximately 90 domestic species has the potential to be detrimental to human health.



Informative notes about the subject

Several traits of scorpions are shared with their arachnid cousins, such as spiders, ticks, and mites, which are also poisonous. There are two types of mouthparts on these creatures: chelicerae and pedipalps, which are pincerlike and often lengthy. 


As previously stated, scorpions have a clearly segmented abdomen: the abdomens are divided into 12 segments, the final five of which form what is often referred to as the tail.



 An additional stinger is located at the end of their abdomen in the form of a bulb-shaped structure. Centruroides, Hadrurus, and Vaejovis are some of the genera that may be found in the southern United States.




It is the bark scorpion, which belongs to the genus Centruroides, that is the most hazardous scorpion species in North America (Centruroides sculpturatus). A little species with a body length ranging from 1 to 3 inches, this species may be found in the states of California, Arizona, Nevada, southern Utah, and New Mexico.



 Centruroides hentzi is a striped scorpion that may grow up to 1.8 inches in length. Apart from these two species, the genus Centruroides also comprises two more species from the Southeast: the slender brown scorpion (Centruroides gracilis) and the Guiana striped scorpion (Centruroides guianensis). Centurroides vittatus, often known as the striped scorpion, is one of the most commonly found scorpions in the United States, and it is especially prevalent in Texas. 



This rather big scorpion, with an average length of 2 3/8 inches, has a range that encompasses Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Nebraska and Illinois, as well as parts of northern and eastern Mexico.





The Southern United States is also home to many species of the hairy scorpion genus Hadrurus. The desert hairy scorpion (Hadrurus arizonensis) may grow up to 5 inches in length, making it much bigger than the majority of other scorpions found in the United States of America. 



Hadrurus arizonensis has three subspecies that are found in the United States, each with its own distinctive appearance. In addition to Hadrurus spadix, there are many more species of Hadrurus to consider. These include the obscurus, pinteri, concolorous, and spadix.




It is believed that the Southern devil scorpion (Vejovis carolinianus) is the only species of devil scorpion that can be found in the state of Kentucky. The genus Vaejovis, also known as the devil or stripe-tailed scorpions, contains several species that can be found throughout the southern and western United States, including the Southern devil scorpion (Vejovis carolinianus). 



There are around 3,000 species in this genus in North America, which ranks third among all genera on the planet. Vaejovis confusus, Vaejovis puritanus, and Vaejovis spinigerus are among the other species found in the area, among others.

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