While your dog is not moving, walk him near stationary things such as a bicycle and a baby stroller (treats to introduce the frightening items). If the stationary item produces a noise, switch it on once your dog has been familiar with it. Keep walking around the thing with your dog.
Human Leaders: Socializing 145

Next, have your trusted aide move small things like bicycles, baby strollers, scooters, and lawnmowers about while your dog sits and finally lays down. Positive socialization approaches and rewards for good conduct should be used.

Continue on to a jogging, biking, or rollerblading trail with your dog.

Begin a few steps off the route (twenty to thirty feet at first).
SIT is a command you should teach your dog. Coach your dog with “excellent SIT” when a moving item approaches you. Praise your dog if he or she ignores the moving thing and allows it to pass. Divert with a corrective NO and redirect with SIT if your dog responds. Reduce the gap between yourself and the path until you are standing very close to it. Frequently shift your location on the course.

Complete the task: after you’ve mastered the bike path, go to the street.

To advance, you must first reverse. Begin several yards from the road. As your dog improves, repeat the practice as indicated above, lowering the distance to the roadway. As the distraction approaches, pay extra attention to your dog’s training. Start guiding your dog before he fails. Frequently shift your location on the street.

Turn the activity into a game.

It’s a victory when your dog doesn’t respond. Give a reward with praise for each achievement your dog accomplishes. Wean off the goodies as your dog’s apprehensive attitude about the item changes to confidence and the reactive behaviors fade.

Shorten the leash and hold it in your left hand for items like a wheelchair or a baby stroller.

While pushing the thing, use your right hand to direct it and to HEEL your dog. Keep a firm HEEL posture and lavish praise on your child. Make sure there’s no one in the stroller or wheelchair before you start this workout.
When your dog has become used to the activity, add another passenger.
Car acculturation

Drooling in Dodges or “Queasy Rider”:

dogs’ stomachs might be upset by the car’s movement and the unstable surfaces. Ginger is a good place to start. The stomach is calmed with ginger. A few hours before flying, two or three ginger biscuits (available at any store) may be enough.

Your dog may get anxious in the automobile.

It is large and noisy, and it may make noises that are inaudible to human hearing, which may frighten your dog. With the motor turned off, start desensitizing your dog to the automobile. Open all the doors and let your dog inside to investigate. Turn your automobile into a delightful area to play with culinary goodies.


Storms provide natural signals that warn of impending peril. These signals are received by wild animals, who seek refuge before the storm arrives. Our family dogs pick up on these signals as well, and behave in accordance with their previous experiences (and, most likely, your replies).

Thunderstorms are difficult to desensitize to. You must first figure out which portion of the storm is bothering your dog. The sound of thunder, the flashes of lightning, or even the barometric pressure fluctuations in the environment may all cause stress.
Each requires a distinct approach to desensitization.

If you can distract your dog with simple obedience activities, you may start light-hearted training with food, praise, and maybe even some lovely music. This will distract them from the storm while also giving the impression of something wonderful in the midst of it.

The amount of time you spend using obedience to distract your dog will determine how effective it is. It will be most successful if it is a way of life and a “known” trustworthy aspect of her existence with you.


First, as indicated above, desensitize your dog to the general noise.

Pots, books falling, doorbells, and other items may be used. After that, you may start adding higher-level sounds like trucks and traffic. Work your way up to a CD with stormy sounds for noise desensitization. Begin by playing it gently, then gradually increase the volume.


Desensitization is acclimating your dog to various degrees of noise; but, if you apply too much noise too often, your dog will get stressed. Similarly, if your home is too quiet all of the time, you’ll need to expose your dog to diverse noise situations.

Although the active practice is beneficial, what happens when a storm strikes? Now is the moment to assume the role of leader. That is, you take your dog’s leash and utilize the relaxation signals of SIT and DOWN to redirect your dog’s “thought route” to a good concept.

Remember to hold the SIT and DOWN positions for other things as well.

You don’t want your dog to become hypersensitive to the activity! This implies that if you just use the skillset for noise, your dog will generalize and anticipate sounds every time you use it.

Your dog may be startled by bright flashes of light.

Only when the lights are accompanied or followed by strong thunder do they seem to upset dogs. Your dog’s relationship with lightning and thunder is so negative, and both seem to have the same connotation. Similar to the thunder desensitization exercise, a soothing workout might be beneficial here.

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