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Nobody cares whether you’re dead or alive.

Nobody cares whether you’re dead or alive.

To be anything, you need to comprehend the following concepts:

Your well-being is not valued. Everyone is completely uninterested in your life.

It has nothing to do with you. Human nature is what it is!

The above holds true for everything and everything you need or want in your life. That includes all of the individuals in your life, including your parents and other members of your household.


Who gives a damn about your desires?

The fact that you show up to work doesn’t matter to your employer. While he is concerned if your absence makes his work more difficult, he is not really concerned about what happens to you.

No harm has been done. He’s just concerned with his own trash. Therefore, he could care less about you.

She doesn’t give a damn about the fact that you can’t seem to get her off your mind. No, the flu is not on a mission to take you down. The chance presented itself, and it took advantage of it. Nothing matters to it, and it doesn’t care about you.

Human beings are concerned with their own well-being and how a given scenario would enhance what they value most. If you grasp that statement, you’ll never have a difficulty with anything else in the future.

It’s so crucial that I’m going to rewrite it in big characters, using a new phrasing. Unless there’s anything in it for them, no one gives a damn about you.

That’s OK, since you couldn’t care less about what people think.

Consider rereading the boldfaced text before you speak about those who volunteer or donate to charities. People who give their time, money, and energy do so because it helps them experience sensations that they individually value more intensely.

According to a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience and cited by The Times,

In the belief that giving would make them feel better, people are more willing to offer.” Donors, for example, make donations when they have a strong desire to spread smiles on the faces of others who are expecting or in pain. And that optimism, or comparable feel-good experiences, are fueled by the reward circuits in the brain.”

How do you react to the fact that nobody in the world cares whether you are alive or dead?

An Honest Ans ……

Think about it: the observable universe is around 13 billion light years vast (give or take a few billion light years), and do you really believe that a 5 foot, 60–70 kg human sapien’s lazy butt sitting around on a sofa makes any difference to the overall picture of things? Nooooo….. For the time being, let’s go a bit too close to the action: does the ant in your lawn care if you survive or die?


 This does not apply to the fact that it will locate another refrigerator to consume food from. Let us now consider your mother’s point of view. She has cradled you for years, has gone close to death when pushing you out, and has carried you within her for at least nine months. Will she not be concerned? 


They won’t care about you or your family, will they?” Even if we take the extreme situation of “no one cares about me,” do you not think it is important to care about oneself from a personal perspective? 



Do you consider your own value in the context of other people’s perspectives? If no one else can remind you of your self-worth, why do you need someone else? No… There is no such thing, man! YOU DON’T, (it’s a really silly example, but when I was a kid, I used to watch Mr. Bean, in which Ronald Atkinson plays the lead, and he taught me that ‘we don’t need anybody to be happy, since in the end, you are the one who actually got your own back’) you don’t, Man, you should be proud! Keep your emotions in check; else your maid would be blaming me for the filthy blankets on your floor. JK) In all seriousness however, you must respect and love yourself first before you can expect others to do so.


Halt worrying about what other people think. Everybody get their own problems to cope with, as well as their own joys to strive for and achieve. That is something that everyone must accomplish on their own. We may assist one another in this, and we receive and give things to one another on a regular basis, although in an indirect manner.


Unless you’re about to suffer or die and not a human does anything (in many contemporary nations, it is against the law to simply ignore a person who is in imminent risk of death), you may claim that no one cares right then and there, but there are 8 billion people on the whole earth.

You have no way of knowing whether or not anybody is interested. However, this isn’t relevant. Just cope with your craziness and bring in the pleasure for yourself; if nothing else, you have the whole internet at your disposal for assistance.

People are generous not so much for the sake of helping others, but more for the sake of making them feel good. To put it another way, it’s not so much that they care about you personally. They just like the sense of assisting others.

Maybe it’s a pleasant and cuddly sensation. Maybe it’s their God’s approval. It’s sometimes the relief of a tax deduction. It’s all motivated by personal gain. Your aspirations are a distant second.

That female you’re imagining undressing is the same way. She couldn’t care less whether you think she’s attractive. That’s not going to entice her to date you.

What is the benefit to her? 

Are you attractive? 

Are you appealing to me? 

Do you have a lot of money and a lot of power?

 What value do you bring to the table that she values?



If you want more from life, you must first give more to it. 

The world owes you nothing. This is something that no amount of whining or complaining will ever alter.

Life isn’t always fair. Actually, it is fair since everyone is treated unfairly.

You are free to have anything you want… If You’re Willing to Spend The Money
Perhaps the lifestyle you want is only achievable if you work in a sales position. Go out and make a lot of money as a salesperson.

Perhaps you want to be well-connected to well-known and prominent individuals. Those folks, on the other hand, have a lot to offer, so you’d best give them a lot in return.




Bring the physique of Adonis and the intelligence of Einstein if you want a gorgeous and intelligent female. Because here’s the second half of this nasty little secret no one tells you:

You’ll acquire everything you desire from an auction, not a department shop.

Although not everything in life is a winner-take-all situation, it is important to treat it as if it were. Everyone wants the wonderful things in life, therefore you have to compete for them.





Competition boosts your level, allowing you to seize more attractive possibilities of comparable quality.

Maybe you don’t get that job, or that lady, or that school, but you’re now good enough to find something equivalent or better.

They don’t give a damn about you, the money you want, the females you like, the adventures you want. They aren’t interested in what you offer to the table.

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