Is Over-extracted coffee bitter in taste?
Thus far, you’ve been experimenting with making your own coffee at home, but your results haven’t exactly lived up to your expectations. This is not an indication that you should cease your activities.
First and foremost, it’s crucial to note that the equipment that baristas use are highly costly to operate. The extraction process, however, is critical to understanding the whole process of coffee production.
It is not pleasant to drink over-extracted coffee. Under-extracted coffee doesn’t taste very good, too. And if coffee extraction is so vital, you’re going to want to know all there is to know about coffee extraction.
Is extraction a technical term?
Following a combination of coffee grinds and water, extraction is the chemical process that takes place when the hot (or occasionally cold) water starts to draw flavor components, acids, and oils out of the coffee bean itself. These ingredients are extracted from the coffee grounds by the water and are then dissolved in the water, resulting in the drink we know as coffee.
Is Over-extracted coffee bitter in taste?

The extraction yield is the amount of beans that can be extracted by water in a given amount of time, according to scientific standards.
Extraction are among the most important—if not the most important—aspects of the coffee-making process. You’d be left with nothing but coffee grinds and water if you didn’t have it. It is essential to your brewing procedure, although it is not generally mentioned by home coffee makers on a regular basis.
What is the procedure for coffee extraction?
The pace at which different compounds are extracted from the coffee grounds will vary depending on the component in question. When it comes to extraction yield, there are a variety of factors to consider.
Fats and acids are removed and dissolved rather fast, while sugar is the next to be extracted and dissolved. Fibers need a bit more time. The tannins are the most difficult to extract since they take the longest time to do so.
They are essential in adding bitterness to your coffee’s flavor profile, but too much of them will make your coffee taste bitter. The conclusion of this post takes us to the major topic of this article:
The following are signs that your coffee has been over-extracted:
Over-extracted coffee is produced as a consequence of extracting too much flavor from the ground coffee. A well-balanced extraction yield results in a rich and powerful taste profile in the cup of coffee.
I love the fragrance of it; it has exactly the correct amount of acidity and just a hint of bitterness, which indicates that your brewing process is perfect. Over-extracted coffee, on the other hand, will far exceed this equilibrium.
Coffee that has been over-extracted will have an overwhelming bitter flavor. There is nothing wrong with a little bitterness, such as the bitterness that occurs with dark chocolate. While some bitterness is desirable in coffee, this kind is more intense and will take over your cup in an unpleasant manner.
Though, on the other hand, your drink is less strong, it may taste as if it has just half the amount of caffeine that it should have. This is due to the fact that at this stage, the water has drained all of the lipids, acids, and sugars from the coffee beans and has started to break down the plant fibers contained inside them.
Because they’ve been sitting out for so long, old or stale coffee beans might occasionally taste like this, but if you’re dealing with a new batch of beans and this still occurs, the most probable culprit is over-extraction during the extraction process.
When you take a drink of anything, you may notice that your mouth feels dry, despite the fact that you have just consumed some wetness. People have compared this sensation to the sensation you get after drinking an extremely dry or inexpensive wine.
A glass of red wine is held aloft in front of a lake by a hand.
If you’ve ever had your tongue dry up after drinking a glass of red wine, you’ve experienced astringent flavor.
This astringency is also a symptom that your coffee has been over-extracted, since it indicates that the extraction process has removed the micronutrients found in the plant fibers throughout the growing period.
These are referred to as polyphenols. However, in addition to having a bitter flavor and binding to proteins in your saliva, they may also absorb natural lubricants from your mouth, leaving you with a dry mouth sensation.
The following are signs that your coffee is under-extracted:
Under-extraction is at the other end of the spectrum from over-extraction. When it comes to brewing coffee, I indicated previously that you want to achieve the proper balance: neither too much nor too little.
As a result of their desire to prevent over-extracting their coffee, some individuals go too far in the other direction and wind up with under-extracted coffee.
Discovering the differences in flavor can assist you in achieving the results you want with your daily cup of coffee. There are also a few of quick and simple methods to identify whether your coffee has been under-extracted.
Due to the fact that acids are among the first chemicals extracted from coffee grinds, acidity will be the first attribute you’ll detect in your coffee if you’ve under-extracted it.
Acidity in coffee isn’t always a negative thing; a good and well-balanced cup of coffee will include notes of acid to brighten and complexify the cup of coffee overall.
Straight-up sourness, on the other hand, is unrestrained acidity. This sourness, like the bitterness of over-extraction, will be right in your face, the type of sourness that will make you automatically make a funny face at (just the thought of sour coffee is making my mouth pucker).
Coffee extraction is a time-consuming procedure that requires patience. You will not have extracted all of the flavors from your coffee grounds if you do not reach the optimal extraction point.
As a result, your coffee will taste unfinished and unbalanced. In contrast to the bland taste you get from over-extracting, this is more like a lack of flavor—as if your coffee hasn’t been given enough time to mature.
Consider the image of an apple ripening on a bough. You want to pluck it when it’s fully ripe, so keep an eye out for that. If you consume it before the fruit has had a chance to properly form and mature, the fruit will be less flavorful. If you eat it later, it will have been exposed to the sun for an excessive amount of time and will have lost part of the zing that makes it such a terrific apple.
Although salty coffee is a tough flavor to describe, it is available. This is especially true in the case of espresso. A lack of sufficient time for extraction implies that the sugars and other tastes haven’t been extracted from the coffee grounds. As a result, you may taste some salty flavor in between the sour and the sweet.
If you taste this in your coffee, you may believe you’ve accidently added salt instead of sugar (or that you’ve neglected to thoroughly wash your cup), but the reason is most likely under-extraction.
Factors that influence the extraction of coffee
Hopefully, you can now tell the difference between over- and under-extraction of your coffee. Knowing that finding the right balance is essential to brewing the ideal cup of coffee is a given, but it doesn’t have to be a case of trial and error! In order to get the flavor you like, you may manipulate a few factors. Here are a few examples of things you should be aware of:
Brew time refers to the period of time that the water and coffee are in physical contact with each other throughout the brewing process. The longer you let your coffee to brew, the more water will be extracted from the ground coffee beans.
Temperature of the water: The higher the temperature of the water, the more rapidly extraction happens. Chemical reactions occur more quickly when water and coffee grinds come into contact with one another due to the heat.
Size of the grind: The finer the ground of the coffee, the quicker the water will be able to extract the flavors from it. To extract the chemicals from the coffee granules, the water does not have to penetrate as far into them.