Is My Tank Cycled? How To Know Without Chemicals

Is My Tank Cycled? How To Know Without Chemicals

Is My Tank Cycled? How To Know Without Chemicals

Your aquarium may have been cycled correctly, and you may be asking how to determine this. Everything you need to know about how to correctly cycle your aquarium will be covered in this post, so read on!


If your aquarium has been cycled, you can tell by looking at the water.


In order to determine whether or not the aquarium has cycled, you must test the water for ammonia (NH3), nitrites (NO3), and nitrate (NO2) concentrations. In the water, we don’t want to see any ammonia or nitrite, but we do want to see some nitrate at certain concentration. We now know that the aquarium has been appropriately cycled.





Let’s take a closer look at the steps in the procedure. 

To ensure that the fish are in a healthy habitat, we must be aware of a number of critical factors.




If the Aquarium is cycling, how can you tell?

Detecting the presence of nitrate and ammonium in water is the most reliable method of determining this.

It is impossible to know by just looking at it or smelling it if these two compounds are there. A nitrate test kit will be required to check the water quality.



We must have test results that demonstrate that we have no ammonia (NH3) and no nitrites in our system (NO3). The nitrates (NO3) in the water are what we’re looking for, not the nitrites (Na).




If all of these substances and quantities seem to be perplexing, continue reading because we will describe this cycle in more detail in the next section.
These poisons are quite simple to detect in an aquarium. 



I recently purchased the test kit, which comes with a little strip of paper that you put into the water for a few seconds to see whether the water is safe. As a result, you will be able to see right away if the levels are excessive, dangerous, or just right.

The following is an example of a possible test format:


Kit for measuring nitrate levels.

Every pet shop and internet retailer sells the test kit, which costs around $10. As I previously said, it is quite simple and takes just a few seconds to do the task at hand.

You may compare the colors on the chart within the box to the colors on the deposition chart when the deposition is done without water. You will now be able to determine the precise amount of ammonia, nitrites, and nitrate present in your water..



Another way to tell if the aquarium has been cycled is to look at the water level.
There isn’t much more you can do to be sure other than checking the water with the test kit.

The test kit will be required in order to determine the current levels of nitrates and chloride in your aquarium.


How long does the cycle take to complete? 

Even in a tiny aquarium, it is possible to complete the cycle in as little as two weeks, but you should plan on waiting at least three to four weeks.

From tank to tank, there are differences in this aspect. It has been reported that some tanks took up to nine full weeks to cycle before the fish could be put in.


In large part, this is determined by how quickly the fish will consume the meal and how the bacteria respond to the excrement.

It just takes time for all of the steps that we have, which we’ll discuss in further detail below, to be fully implemented.

And the only way to know whether it’s distilled is to do the nitrate test that we discussed earlier in this section.


Proper Water Circulation Techniques

How to cycle the water in your aquarium while keeping the fish inside is outlined in detail below.

Because the fish are such great animals, they will carry out a large portion of the procedure. During their feeding on the nitrogen-containing fish meal, a large portion of the chemical reactions will take place inside the fist.


When cycling an aquarium, there are five stages:

The fish food is the primary source of nitrogen in the aquarium.
When the fish eats the meal, they emit ammonia, which is toxic to humans.
As the ammonia decomposes, the bacteria produce nitrite.
This process results in the conversion of nitrite to nitrate.


Nitrate and ammonium are used as fertilizers by the plants.
In order to begin this procedure, you must first get nitrogen-rich fish food. The fish are completely unaffected by this product, which can be found at most pet shops.



Now that the fish have begun to consume this nitrogen molecule, they are converting it into ammonia via the excretion of dietary waste into the surrounding water. This is arguably the most difficult aspect of the procedure, and the fish will take care of it for you..


Due to an increase in the amount of ammonia in the water, bacteria called Nitrosomonas will begin to convert the ammonia to nitrite. Following this, the Nitrobacter bacteria will convert the nitrite to nitrate. For plants, nitrate is a beneficial element to have.


The fact that we desire living plans in our aquariums rather than merely plastic or other artificial materials is one of the reasons why we keep them in there.

The nitrate in the water, as well as part of the ammonium, will be handled by the plants.


The frequency with which you should test the water is determined by your own preferences.
Water testing should be done at least once a week since the levels of nitrite, nitrate, and ammonia should be monitored.


The presence of any ammonia in the water tank would be undesirable since it is hazardous to the fish’s wellbeing. To keep track of things, we’ll do weekly testing at the very least until we’re certain that our environment is stable.


Eventually you will get acquainted with your fish tank and may not be required to test the water on a weekly basis anymore. In order to maintain track of the levels, you need still test it on a regular basis.


Your fish may suffer and finally die if you don’t take proper precautions.

When you see that the levels are excessive, you should replace the water. Alternately, you may do a 50 percent water change or start from the beginning with a whole new environment. Both methods will need a significant amount of effort, which is to be anticipated when maintaining an aquarium.


The reason why we want to start with a 50 percent water change is because we can often reduce the levels of pollutants by half by using this strategy. By doing so, we won’t have to empty the tank altogether, which would be much more labor than just refilling half of the water in it.


Furthermore, we want to save half of the water since we are already in the process of running cycles and we don’t want to have to start again from the beginning if at all possible.


A crock of fish

On average, how many times should you cycle through your aquarium?

The majority of the time, this is a continuous occurrence that runs on its own.

All that is required to start the process is the introduction of fish food containing nitrogen, after which it will operate on its own.

You shouldn’t be doing this every week or even every month, so don’t make it a regular habit. It is a continuous process that takes place at all times, without interruption.


Should I just turn off the filter and wait?

Only by directing the filter run can you maintain a healthy habitat for the fish.

The filter will remove the excrements from the fish as well as some ammonia and water, despite the fact that the filter will remove the excrements from the fish. Additionally, it will contribute to the regular cleaning of the water.



Do You Need To Change The Water Frequently?

You should only need to replace roughly 25 percent of the water once or twice a month if the test results come back with favorable findings. Although the test may indicate otherwise, you must leave it run on its own since the germs will begin to grow up.


Clean the interior of the glass before doing any water changes to ensure that algae is not present. Because of this, some algae will be released into the water, which you may then attempt to capture when doing the water change procedure.

In order to maintain your aquarium clean and healthy, this is an excellent method of removing algae from the water.


When changing the water in your aquarium, always remember to switch off the filter and heater within the tank. As a result, the filter may become ineffective, which is harmful to the system. Both the pump and your system may be harmed as a result of this practice.


The water from your fish tank may be used for your home plants whenever you remove it from the fish tank. In your aquarium, due of the closed-loop design, this water will act as an excellent fertilizer for the plants.