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How Women Fall in Love

How Women Fall in Love

What causes males to fall in love?
When they encounter an attractive, “perfect 10” lady, they are immediately energized and eager to go. Several of them are prepared to date her, sleep with her, and even dedicate their whole lives to her.



To put it another way, we fall hard and quickly in love.
Women are very different from males. Women tend to fall in love more slowly than men.
Before a woman can commit to you, she must first gain her confidence in you. For a variety of physiological and social reasons, this is correct.
A woman’s life will be profoundly influenced by her choice of a man to marry and have children with.




She’s previously had relationships with guys that were hot-tempered, insecure, aggressive, clingy, or stalker-like in the past. She wants to make sure you’re not one of those losers before she commits to being in a relationship with you, so she wants to check you out first.
So what is a man to do in this situation?




Without a doubt, she’s someone to date. However, approach each date as though it were the most important. When it comes to dating, according to Coach Corey Wayne, “A date is an enjoyable romantic chance for sex to occur.”
Here are three suggestions for putting this piece of dating advice into action:
Tip #1: Do not make things more complicated than they need to be.
Coach Corey Wayne recommends that you follow the “3 H’s” of dating: honesty, hard work, and honesty.



Have a good time
Have a good time
Make a connection
That’s all there is to it. If you have all three components in place, you are doing it correctly.





Tip #2: Don’t spread out all of your cards at once.

Make an effort to seem mysterious. Make yourself become a riddle for her to solve. The more enigmatic you are about your genuine goals, the more she will be drawn to you and your company.




In 2011, the University of Virginia presented a random group of four male students to a huge number of undergraduate women in an experiment. After that, each lady was informed of the following:
Some of the men in the images admired her much; some of the men admired her somewhat; and some of the men admired her either greatly or slightly. (To put it another way, they weren’t sure.)

You’re aware of what the researchers discovered, right?

The males who had a passing interest in the ladies were the least attractive to them.
Women were more attracted to the males who expressed a strong interest in them.
The males whose sentiments they couldn’t figure out were the ones who drew the most attention from the ladies.



When a woman isn’t sure if you like her a little or a lot, she is more likely to wonder about you, as research has shown. The more she ponders, the more she becomes drawn to your company.
As a result, don’t start with all of your cards face down. Don’t hurry the process, and don’t let your emotions for her overwhelm you before they’re ready.
Take her out on one date every week, and don’t talk to her on the phone or speak with her more than once per week. If you do that (as well as the other suggestions in this book), you should be able to get bedded by the third or fourth date you go on.



You will only contact a lady to ask her out on a date once a week, in order to generate the suspense that women need in order to be intrigued by your presence. They need a sense of astonishment and wonderment on their part.
‘Can you tell me when he’s going to contact me again?’
‘Does he truly like me?’ she wonders.
As previously said, women are more drawn to guys whose emotions are ambiguous; thus, your being secretive, disinterested, and preoccupied with your goal will increase her degree of attraction to you.



Eventually, she will no longer want to wait a full week to hear from you, and she will begin to contact you more regularly as the weeks go.
This is the point at which you want to be, the point at which she is running after you. All you have to do is stay focused on your goal, and when she contacts you, ALWAYS assume that she wants to meet with you, and then just schedule the next meeting and hang up the phone with her.



The phone is only used for scheduling dates, not for getting to know one another; this kills the suspense and diminishes the level of attraction between two people.


Tip #3: Women are similar to cats, whereas males are similar to dogs.

A friendly dog will keep coming back to you even if you push him or her away. We’re all like that when it comes to dating, aren’t we? We’re accustomed to being rejected, so we simply keep trying and trying again.
Cats, on the other hand, have the freedom to come and go whenever they choose. If they don’t show up when you call, they’ll show up whenever they want.



If you pay attention, you’ll discover that cats are more likely to warm up to the person in the room who doesn’t even like cats. Women are the same way: the more you express your actual emotions for them, the more you pursue them, the less attracted they are to you in return.
So take it easy on yourself. Treat her as if she were a cat, and she will respond positively. You’ll want to see your connection with her progress since it’s her idea and she’s interested enough in you to want to get to know you better.




Hold your ground till that time comes. Your life is filled with so many enjoyable activities that you are essentially unconcerned with whether or not women find you attractive.
If she is interested in you, it is fantastic. If she is not, you are in no worse shape than you were before. That is the frame of mind you should have.

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