How to Use the Internet to Apply for Jobs

How to Use the Internet to Apply for Jobs

Most of your job applications will be performed online while searching for a new position, either directly on an employer’s website or via a job board. First and foremost, you should prepare to fill out online job applications before you begin your search for employment opportunities. In order to apply, you must first acquire all of the necessary information. Having all of the employment information companies want on available will make it easy to submit your applications.




Check out some of the top job-searching websites, how to submit your resume and cover letter, what information you’ll need to supply, and some ideas on how to make the application process go faster.

In order to apply, you’ll need the following items:



A recent resume, a cover letter (for some jobs), your employment history, and your availability to work if applying for a part-time job are all required in order to submit an online job application. Internet access is also required in order to submit an online job application and complete online job applications.

Additionally, you may be required to complete an online employment exam as part of the job application process, and you may be required to supply work references as well.



Be Prepared to Submit Your Resume

In order to begin browsing for employment and filling out online job applications, you’ll need to have an up-to-date version of your resume available for upload. When applying for some positions, you may also be required to provide a cover letter.




Incorporate current contact information as well as your employment experience within the resume. Instead than using a generic file name like “resume,” save your resume as yournameresume.doc. This will distinguish your resume from other applicants. When the recruiting manager reviews your CV, he or she will be able to tie you to it in this manner. Please see the following examples of resume and cover letter titles:


Prepare a standard cover letter that you may modify for each job that you apply for in advance of the application deadline. When applying for a job, you should always include a cover letter unless the job description clearly states otherwise.




The uploading of an existing resume from Microsoft Word on your computer is possible on certain websites with the click of a mouse. In other cases, the document will be requested in another format, such as a PDF or another kind of file. On some sites, you may be required to copy and paste your resume into an online profile or utilize a resume builder that is integrated into the job application system in order to apply for a position.

Understand Your Work Experience

Be prepared to provide the specifics of your work history. In most cases, online application systems ask for the same information as traditional job applications, including your contact information as well as your educational background and career history (including job titles, start and end dates of employment, and pay for each position).

Perhaps you’ll need the whole address of your prior jobs, in addition to the company’s phone number and the name of your previous boss.




Examine Job Application Forms Samples (PDF).

Download and complete a sample job application form before beginning your online job applications. Obtain a copy of the form and fill it out so that you are aware of the information you will be required to provide when applying for employment online.

When completing your job applications, refer to the example job application that has been prepared as a guidance.

To prepare for filling out job applications, you should also check this list of questions that are often asked.

Job sites should have accounts.
If you want to apply for a job on certain job boards or corporate websites, you’ll have to establish an account first. In order to begin your online job search, it is recommended that you register with at least one of the main job boards, such as Monster, CareerBuilder, or Dice for technical positions. Creating a professional profile on LinkedIn is particularly vital if you are looking for a job in your field of study.




You’ll need to register with a current email address in order for your account to be verified. It is possible that your username will be your email address or a name that you choose. When you create your account, you will be allowed to pick a password.


Candidates may register using their Facebook or LinkedIn information on several employment boards. The login information for such sites will be provided by your Facebook or LinkedIn username and password. Furthermore, depending on the site you choose to login, you may be able to import your work history.


To upload a resume online, most job boards have a mechanism that allows job searchers to do just that. Using your resume, you’ll be able to apply for jobs on the site more quickly once you’ve uploaded it.



The site you choose will determine whether you can make your resume visible to companies, which can help you get more exposure in your job hunt.

Employment-related keywords include the term “recruitment.” wakila/E+/Getty Images Keyword “recruitment”


In order to discover employment online, the most efficient approach to search is to use job keywords to find positions in the career areas and industries that interest you. Using job keywords will help you find positions in the career fields and industries that interest you the most.

In certain cases, employing keywords may be more successful than using the standard search options in job banks since they scan the full listing for the keyword(s) that you enter (job description, job title, contact information, and so on).


List job search terms that are relevant to your employment interests, such as the place where you want to work, the sort of position you want, the sector you want to work in, and so on. Also, have a look at these lists of resume talents to see whether your abilities line up with the criteria of the position.




Look for Employment Opportunities on the Internet


In addition to browsing job boards (which advertise job openings provided by businesses), using a job search engine may save you a significant amount of time throughout your online job hunt. Use of a job search engine allows you to look for positions that are posted on many job boards and company websites.


Job search engines such as Getwork, for example, search for job opportunities on corporate websites, ensuring that all of the results you get are up to date. Job boards, newspapers, trade groups, and corporate websites – including those of the vast majority of Fortune 1000 corporations – are all searched for on

Job opportunities that fit your parameters will appear in your search results extremely rapidly if you use the job search keywords list you established. You’ll get instructions on how to apply for a job vacancy when you click on it, and you’ll be sent to the company’s website if you want to apply directly.

Job Applications may be submitted via company websites.

The job ads on company websites are an excellent source of information, particularly if you already know which firms you are interested in working for. Many corporate websites allow you to go straight to the site and look for and apply for jobs online without having to go away from the site. Almost all corporate websites allow you to apply for roles at all levels online – from part-time hourly work to executive and management positions.


When at all feasible, submit your application directly via the corporate website, even if you saw the ad elsewhere. Your application will be sent immediately to the company’s applicant tracking system, and you will be able to follow its progress online as it is processed.

Do you have a schedule that you are available to work?

When applying for part-time employment, you may be asked what days and hours you are available to work, which is very common. Before you apply, make a note of your schedule and availability.

If you are able to be flexible with your work schedule, be sure to include this in your job application letter (and later in your interview). When it comes to job seekers, employers appreciate those that are prepared to work flexible hours and work shifts that others may not be interested in (such as night, evening, or weekend shifts).

Instructions for Submitting a Job Application
a woman at a desk doing work
Hero Images courtesy of Getty Images
When applying for employment online, it is critical that you follow all of the guidelines. As part of the online application process, you may be required to create a profile, submit your résumé and cover letter, and/or participate in an employment exam (if applicable).

Regardless of how you apply, it is critical that you follow the company’s application instructions, provide all needed paperwork, and review your application well before clicking the “Submit” button on the application form.

Keep track of the job site accounts you make so that you can keep track of your applications, apply for new jobs, and keep your resume up to date when your circumstances change. Here are the most effective methods for organizing your job hunt.

Job Applications Can Be Sent Via Email
Icon for sending emails
Photographer’s Choice / Getty Images courtesy of Gregor Schuster
In addition to applying for employment directly online, you may also be required to submit an email application for certain positions.

Some employers, particularly those in the smaller business sector, may not have mechanisms in place to accept job applications sent online. When it comes to sending your resume and cover letter, there are proper and improper methods.

One of the most crucial things to do early in the job search process is to create a professional email address just for job hunting. Avoid sending emails using unprofessional email addresses such as Keep your email addresses simple, with just your name and a few digits in them.

Here’s how to apply for employment by email, including how to attach your resume and any supporting papers, what to include in your email message, what to put in the subject line, and what information you need to include in your email signature, among other things.

Job interviews with a woman in front of a computer
Hero Images courtesy of Getty Images
In addition to filling out an online job application, you may be required to take an employment exam as part of the process. Some exams, referred to as talent assessments, evaluate your abilities or even your personality to see whether you are a suitable match for the position and the organization. Depending on the situation, you may be informed immediately after taking the exam if you have advanced to the next step of the employment process. Others take a longer period of time.

There are many additional types of pre-employment exams available, including cognitive testing and emotional intelligence (EI) assessments, to name a few. More information on the types of exams you could be requested to complete online, as well as how to deal with them, can be found here.

Follow-up on an Online Job Application
Shaking hands between two entrepreneurs
Images courtesy of Chris Ryan / Caiaimage / Getty Images
In the event that you have connections inside the organization, they may be able to assist you in getting your job application recognized by the hiring manager.

After submitting your application, check your LinkedIn profile to see whether you have any relationships at the firm. Assuming you already have a contact, ask them to suggest you or introduce you to someone who can help you with the job search if a contact person is given in the job description. Whether there is no contact information available, inquire if a friend or acquaintance knows somebody who is on the hiring committee and request an introduction to them.

In the case of college graduates, check with your career center to see if they can connect you with any alumni who have worked at the firm.

10 Steps to Getting a New Job

Is it time for you to seek for a new position? What is the most effective method of beginning a job search, identifying organizations who are interested in interviewing you, and landing a position? –

Listed here are 10 stages you may take to get a new job, which include where to look for positions, which job sites to use, how to leverage your connections to aid in your job search, how to ace the interview, how to follow up, and other tips on how to be recruited for your next job.

How to Locate the Most Appropriate Job Opportunities

I’m looking for employment opportunities quickly, therefore what are the finest websites to look on? See the finest job search engines, job boards, corporate websites, networking sites, specialized job sites, and job sites organized by kind of position.

To make the most of your possibilities, consider collaborating with a recruiter. To get started, go through a list of the greatest job boards available.

Maintain a laser-like focus on your job hunt.

When you’re looking for employment, take use of sophisticated search tools to uncover positions that fit your interests, the sort of job you’re looking for, and the place where you’d want to be employed.

The ability to narrow your job search criteria will assist you in narrowing your job search and will result in more relevant job listings to evaluate and fewer non-related job listings to sort through throughout your job search. You may use the advanced search tools to narrow down your search to the particular area and jobs that you’re looking for.

Create a professional identity for yourself.

Create profiles on social networking sites such as LinkedIn and other similar platforms. Recruitment agencies, employers, and other contacts will have a strong good image of you as a candidate they should be interested in if you have an effective personal brand that shows you in a professional way.

These few suggestions can assist you in creating a more effective LinkedIn profile profile.

Establishing Contacts with Your Contacts

Make use of your social networking accounts now that you’ve made them. Make connections with everyone you know because you never know who may be able to assist you with your job hunt or put you in touch with someone who can.

In the event that you are a recent college graduate, investigate the networking options offered to alumni from your school. If Yes, are you a member of any professional organizations? A excellent supply of networking leads will be provided by this event.

Apps & Tools for Job Searching

There are several applications, widgets, gadgets, and tools available to assist you in expediting your job hunt and managing your professional life. They can help you plan and organize your job hunt, allowing you to save crucial time. With your smartphone or tablet, you’ll be able to do many of your job-search tasks.


List the companies for which you would want to work and make a list of such companies.

What firms do you want to work for? Do you have a list of the companies you want to work for? If not, it’s a good idea to look up business information and compile a list of potential employers to target throughout your job hunt. All of the information you want is readily accessible on the internet, and it is simple to get extensive information on possible employers over the internet..

Following the completion of your list of ideal companies for which you would want to work, you may engage in some targeted outreach to ensure that your application gets received. It’s possible that you’ll be able to sign up to get email alerts of new job postings as soon as they become available.

Prepare Your Resume and Cover Letter to Be Specific to the Position You Want.

Is it possible for companies to determine whether or not you possess the qualifications they seek? It will be necessary for you to demonstrate your point.. Writing targeted resumes and cover letters that clearly match your credentials to the hiring requirements for the positions you are looking for should be prioritized above all other activities.



You will be able to explain why and how you are qualified for the position to the hiring manager in a single paragraph. It is significantly more likely that you will get interviewed if you send a customized letter and resume rather than a generic one.

Be Prepared to Perform Outstandingly in Your Interview

Preparing for an interview ahead of time helps improve your chances of succeeding in it. Your stress level will decrease the better prepared you are.

Prior to going in for the interview, do some research on the organization and dress correctly. You should practice responding and asking interview questions, and you should make a deliberate effort to impress the interviewer with your qualifications, experience, confidence, and competence.

Make Sure You Follow Up on Your Leads.

The importance of thanking everyone you met with after an interview cannot be overstated. Also, express your enthusiasm for the role and remind the hiring manager of the reasons why you are an ideal candidate for the post. 

Everyone enjoys feeling appreciated, and sending a brief email or message to the interviewer to express your appreciation for his or her time can provide you with another chance to create a positive first impression.

Accepting (or declining) a job offer is a big step in your career.

After receiving a job offer, it is critical that you take the time to properly study the offer in order to make an informed choice about whether to accept or reject the offer.

No job should be accepted just because it has been given to you; rather, it should be thoroughly evaluated and declined in a courteous manner. Please keep in mind that making a choice does not have to be a binary one. A counter offer may allow you to improve the conditions of the agreement. Another option is to try to negotiate some additional benefits that would make the position more appealing.

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