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How to Develop a Productive Mentality

How to Develop a Productive Mentality

The fact that we live in an era of distraction is well acknowledged. With so many competing demands on our time and attention, it’s almost impossible to maintain concentration on any one work, much alone make any progress on the plethora of activities we have on our plates.

Lots of productivity advice will tell you that one of the most important things you can do is eliminate distractions from your life. If email or social media are interfering with your ability to do a job, either move away from them or use a tool to block them for the duration of the activity.

The difficulty is that being free of distractions does not equate to being more productive. It goes without saying that as a writer, I’m always striving to expand my platform and engage with prospective customers through social media. I do, however, need to take a break and simply write from time to time.


A Productive Mentality and How to Adopt It

Getting away from the distractions, on the other hand, does not guarantee that you will be more productive with the time you have on your hands. It’s simple to excuse doing anything other than writing as research or creative thinking when you’re a writer, for example.

The tendency is to believe that as long as we are engaged in anything, we are being productive. However, it is possible to work really hard at the wrong things, deluding yourself into believing that you are making progress when in fact you are just spinning your wheels in frustration.

A productive mentality and learning to concentrate your creative energy on the things that matter are the keys to increasing your productivity.


1. Recognize your reasons for doing anything.

Simon Sinek, author of Start with Why, asserts that “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.” He further states that “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.” In Sinek’s book, he discusses how to figure out what motivates people to be more productive and efficient.

Everything we do has a reason for being done, although it isn’t necessarily a conscious reason for doing anything. We have breakfast in the morning, most likely because we’re hungry, but we don’t spend much time deliberating on the reason for our desire to consume a meal in the mornings.

Understanding why you do the things you do is the first step in developing a productive mentality.

What is the purpose of your blog post?
For what reason are you getting in touch with that customer?
What is the purpose of developing that particular product?

Questions like these compel you to do a thorough examination of your priorities because you’ll realize that the reason for why you do some things isn’t a compelling enough reason to keep doing those things..

In order to understand your why, you must examine your productivity approach and determine precisely what you intend to achieve with everything you do, as well as what inspires you to do so.

You’ll be ready to go on to the next phase when you’ve completed that, which will require you to remove some of the activities that are hindering your productivity.


2.Find the activities that allow you to be the most productive.

In order to be effective, every productivity system must incorporate at some point the creation of a list of all the tasks that must be completed. In addition to being beneficial exercise, it helps you to see on paper what you are devoting your creative talents to.

As a result, you are forced to see evident discrepancies between the more essential things you do and the less important things you do.

What are the tasks that allow you to be your most productive self.

Working hard isn’t enough to be successful at what you love since you might put in a lot of effort into things that are merely draining your creative energy rather than producing results.

There are some things that you must recognize since they are the most worthwhile investments of your time and provide the most lucrative results in terms of productivity.

For teachers who wish to learn more about engaging students in their classes, studying engagement approaches may be beneficial. However, there is a point at which research becomes nothing more than an exercise in inaction.

You must choose what will be the most effective in your setting, which will most likely require understanding the needs and interests of your students rather than reading about the tactics that other instructors have used on their pupils in the past.

Identify the chores that will allow you to be the most effective in your professional field, no matter what you do for a career.


3) By challenging yourself, you may channel your creative energy.

Once you’ve created a list of the chores that will allow you to be the most productive, you’ll need a plan for how you’ll go about doing them. The ability to think beyond the basic reduction of distractions is critical in this situation.

To really finish things, you must push yourself to new levels of achievement. Use your naturally competitive nature to your advantage by tapping into it.

Make yourself a challenge by setting a timer for a specified length of time and seeing how much of a task you can do in that time frame. It goes without saying that you want to perform the assignment properly; thus, avoid using the timer as an excuse to do subpar work.

Putting a time limit on a job presume that you will be free of distractions while completing the activity in the allotted time.

Getting to your destination would be complicated by obstacles.

Timed runners do not take breaks to play video games or send text messages during races because they understand that such distractions would only make it more difficult for them to complete their goals.

Check out the Pomodoro Technique for more information on a particular time management approach. This technique includes alternating between timed working on a job and a brief rest before diving back into the activity the following time around.


“I challenge you to accomplish better and be better every day of your life. Keep in mind that progress begins with the choice to go beyond your current situation. Robert Tew is a writer who lives in the United States.


4. Demonstrate a strong commitment to achieving success.

It need a high level of dedication to complete the task at hand to have an effective mentality. It is the outcomes and your reason for continuing that will keep you going when the process becomes tedious.

Because the writing process is becoming more tedious and unrewarding, it may be quite tempting for a writer to give up in the midst of a novel. Despite this, the tale isn’t done, and the only way I can envision the end outcome of a completed novel is to continue writing it.

Although, if you’re fortunate, you’ll like what you do, it’s important not to put too much emphasis on it since you may not enjoy it on certain days.

Because productivity is required on certain days, even if you are not enthusiastic about the process, you need at the very least be enthusiastic about the outcomes, so that you will continue to work until you see the results.


Summary If you want to be more productive, the first step is to adopt a more productive frame of mind. Your ability to make things happen can only come when you learn to direct and concentrate your imaginative energies on what really matters.


You Should Know These 7 Counterintuitive Life Lessons

The journey of maturation enables us to see life for what it is.

The whole truth and nothing but the truth

We discover, as a result of this procedure, that common sense isn’t all that common. We discover that, no, you are unlikely to become the best basketball, football, or baseball player ever. It is also shown to us that our parents are human beings who make errors just like us.


7 Counter-Intuitive Life Lessons That Everyone Should Understand

The truth, as they say, sets you free. You should be aware of the following seven counter-intuitive life lessons.


1. Notoriety Money. Looks. It has absolutely nothing to do with confidence.

If that were the case, we’d all be in big danger. Confidence is not a luxury, and it can never be guaranteed in any circumstance. If you win the lotto and become a billionaire the following day, you will not be any more confident than you are right now.

Some could argue that I’m mistaken, and that winning the lotto will in fact boost their self-confidence. Okay. What happens if you lose all you’ve worked hard for?

It’s not good to base your self-esteem on a monetary value, temporary appearances, or social media likes. Those are wells that have the potential to go dry at any point. True confidence is founded on inside factors that can’t be taken away from you.


2. It is pointless to attempt to change the minds of those who do not like you.

It’s a waste of time and effort that may or may not result in a return on investment.

Not to mention the mental and emotional strain of pursuing down someone who doesn’t like you in the first place. With the time and energy you put into attempting to make those who don’t like you like you, you can make at least three other people like you for the same reason.

Be optimistic and nice, and then leave it at that.


3. It is preferable to be really competent at two things rather than the greatest at one.

Consider the case of Neil Degrasse Tyson. Although well-versed in advanced astrophysics, he isn’t quite at the pinnacle of the subject. Despite this, he has achieved significant success. All of this is due to his ability to simplify a complex subject and make it fun for the common individual.

In the case of Social Triggers, Derek Halpern is in charge. A brilliant marketer as well as a wonderful public speaker. His primary area of expertise was digital marketing, although he also dabbled in public speaking. In turn, it enabled him to develop his brand into the multi-million dollar enterprise that it is today.

This is due to the fact that after you reach a particular level, your development begins to level out. It gets more difficult to advance to the following level. So make a point of standing out. Learn a new skill.


4. The less you rely on something, the more likely it is to come to you.

Startups with high sales that do not have any venture funding will have venture capitalists swarming around them, securing them funds.

The prospect who has recruiters hounding them for an interview will only see the number of recruiters increase in the future. It’s all over the place when you don’t need to use your chapstick. When you need it, on the other hand, it’s nowhere to be seen.

People who are in desperate need seldom obtain what they seek.


5. It is preferable to be selfish today in order to be unselfish tomorrow.

“…first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will be able to see well enough to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” – Matthew 7:5 (New International Version)

In the event of an emergency on an airplane, flight attendants encourage parents to first put on their own oxygen masks before responding to their children.

This is for the benefit of the youngsters.

If you are unable to care for yourself, how can you possibly care for others?

As a broke college student, there is only so much you can do. Even if you have the opportunity, travel to South America and assist in the construction of a home or a school for needy children. However, it is much more beneficial for you to be selfless first.

Once you’ve built your name and your riches, you’ll be able to do much more for those less fortunate youngsters than you could have done had you focused just on your “selfish” objectives.


6. The day you embrace the idea that everything will come to an end is the day you stop taking everything for granted.

Stoics such as Marcus Aurelius were known to question their own mortality on a regular basis. They were acutely aware of the short amount of time they, as well as everyone and everything else, had on this planet. This blossomed into a profound gratitude for each and every breath that was given to them.

Worrying or moaning about one’s situation fades away against the background of one’s own impending death. So have a grin on your face while you face your obstacles.


7. Be of service to those who are unable to assist you today.

When Guy Kawasaki worked for Apple, he liked to share tales with journalists from small-town newspapers and publications. Alternatively, he might have turned to the major dogs like The New York Times or The Wall Street Journal.

Instead, he nurtured those ties so that when those journalists went on to work for The New York Times or The Wall Street Journal, he would have a point of contact on their behalf.

They came in handy when Apple wasn’t doing so well and journalists weren’t waiting around for a story to come out of the woodwork.

Not everyone you assist will be grateful enough to return the favor. So go ahead and do it because you’re a decent person, and don’t expect anything in return. You will only be pleasantly pleased if you do this.


Some of these facts come to us far too late in life, and we may have prevented a few blunders if we’d known about them sooner. I made the mistake of basing my confidence on frivolous things such as clothing and appearances many years ago.

Perhaps you can relate.

Perhaps you can relate to how you’re in a much better position now that you’ve learnt to rest your confidence on things that can’t be taken away from you.

There will be many more facts that will come to light for you as time progresses.

For more information, see: 6 Simple Soul & Mind Nourishing Activities We Often Forget About To summarize, here are seven of them:

Fame. Money. Looks. It has absolutely nothing to do with confidence.
It’s not worth it to attempt to change the minds of those who don’t like you.
It is preferable to be really competent at two things rather than the greatest at one.
The less you rely on something, the more likely it is to show itself to you. It is preferable to be selfish now in order to be unselfish tomorrow.
The day you come to terms with the idea that everything will eventually come to an end is the day you stop taking everything for granted.
Help those who are unable to assist you right now.

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