How to Decide What to Do with Your Aggressive Dog

How to Decide What to Do with Your Aggressive Dog.

Although it is difficult to abandon someone you care about, life often forces us to make difficult decisions. When your dog’s aggression has been evaluated by a veterinary behaviorist and given a poor prognosis (that is, a poor expected outcome for improvement), or if you’ve tried everything and seen little or no improvement, or if your dog’s aggressiveness poses a continuing threat to your safety and well-being, these are all factors that may lead you to decide not to keep your dog.

This is not the dog for you if you fit any of those criteria.

Dr. Ilana Reisner’s research on behavior-related euthanasia in aggressive dogs revealed that some traits make such dogs more difficult to retain at home. Larger size, unpredictability in their hostility, and violence in settings that should not seem offensive, such as touching or strolling alongside, are among them.

These features seem to be rational, yet they are likely to generate stresses in the connection between canines and their human families. Unfortunately, the issues you’re having with your dog are likely to occur again in a new home (though this isn’t always the case), making rehoming a terrible choice. Liability concerns must also be taken into account.

Staying on Track While Avoiding Pitfalls

It’s vital to remember that any dog might become hostile.
Whether or whether your dog has displayed aggressive tendencies, proactive interactions are crucial for all pet owners. If your dog is aggressive and you want to retain her despite the danger, no matter how minor, you must anticipate high-risk scenarios and be ready to avoid them as much as possible.

Many well-trained dogs attack humans, thus aggressive behavior is not a training issue. If you decide to retain your dog, the first step should be to seek advice from a board-certified veterinary behaviorist. This will provide you and your family with a diagnosis, a realistic outlook on expectations, and a treatment plan to follow.

You must plan ahead of time to keep your dog and others safe. Avoid high-risk circumstances and known triggers. Dogs who fight with other dogs, for example, should not go to the dog park; dogs that are terrified of strangers should not welcome strangers (and strangers should not be allowed to approach and touch the dog, no matter how much they claim it will be great!).

If you must walk your dog in regions where hostile situations may arise, do it during low-traffic times of the day. You may take your dog on a stroll wearing a basket muzzle (see chapter 5). For counterconditioning or positive conduct, she may pant and get rewards with this device.

Even in your own backyard, you should never leave your dog alone. Also, foresee potential issue scenarios so that your dog isn’t forced to make a choice you’ll both regret.
What became to Sherlock, the dog we met at the start of this chapter? No one was wounded that day, which was fortunate for everyone.

To offer her more control, Sherlock’s owner went from a lengthy retractable leash to a four-foot leash. When walking with Sherlock, she eventually began to use a head halter instead of a neck collar.

She began utilizing sit-stays and down-stays throughout the day to help give Sherlock direction. Once he was accustomed to these more suitable answers to ordinary events, Sherlock became calmer, and he really preferred the regularity that his owner’s management provided.
Consult a competent specialist, such as a veterinary behaviorist, whenever possible.

Aggressive conduct may often be safely controlled and improved with the right diagnosis and behavioral therapy.

So, what were our words?

Even if the causes are too tiny for people to recognize, aggression is virtually always induced.
Dog owners must be proactive in responding to their dogs’ signs and safeguarding them from circumstances in which they can only react as dogs.
Don’t concentrate just on one aspect of a dog’s social cues.

Pay attention to a dog’s face, ears, tail, vocalizations, and overall body posture to learn more about what she’s saying and how aggressive she could get.
Even the most well-behaved dog may become hostile in the proper conditions; always plan ahead to safeguard your pet from events beyond her control or capacity to comprehend, at least from a dog’s viewpoint.

If your dog exhibits any aggressive behavior, always consult a board-certified veterinary behaviorist or ask your primary care veterinarian for a referral to a veterinary behaviorist or other well-trained professional, such as a Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist, so you can get a diagnosis, safety assessment, and treatment plan.
Aggression is often manageable, but it can never be “cured.”

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