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How to Attract Women and Become the Alpha Male Women Love

How to Attract Women and Become the Alpha Male Women Love

The vast majority of guys today have no idea what women actually desire. However, although many people believe they do — with months of flowers, chocolate, and fancy restaurants — they are really utterly incorrect. There are four key reasons why so many males nowadays find themselves in a state of conflict with their female counterparts:




First and foremost, in recent years, society has progressively conditioned males to believe that they must impress and win the favor of women in order to feel competent and attractive to them.



To add insult to injury, today’s males have grown up seeing films and television programs that portray female desire in a wholly inaccurate manner. This has also contributed to the escalation of the first issue (above) by telling males that they must impress women. In order to “win the lady,” guys must first prove themselves to be a superhero and rescue the world, as if women’s attraction is a prize that can only be won by being a “good guy” and impressing her.
Third, when it comes to relationship advice, males tend to believe what women have to say about it. 




To put it another way, be a “good man” and ladies will rush to your side to support you. Meanwhile, the girl who provided the advise goes on a date with a jerk and regrets it. The unfortunate individual who heeded the instruction finds himself in the buddy zone.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, men often mistakenly believe that female attraction works in the same way as male attraction does, and that if you aren’t attractive, ripped, or a “10,” you have no chance.




So there you have it: the four most important reasons why practically all males nowadays find themselves having difficulty with women. Here they are once more:

1. Men are socialized to believe that they are insufficient.
2. Men are brought up seeing videos that utterly distort the way women are attracted to them. 3.In addition, men are susceptible to well-intentioned — but wrong — dating advice. Finally, men believe that a woman’s attraction is based on the same variables that a man’s attraction is based on.

The reason I restated those four reasons for you is because this book will contradict all of your preconceived notions about female attraction that you may have. Everything that is considered common knowledge. All of the things that you believed to be true but that never work in practice are true.

Discover the inner workings of female psychology, as well as how to unlock a woman’s attraction, in this book. Discover the evolutionary foundation behind female attraction and how to use it to your advantage in the course of this course. 




This book also identifies frequent habits that turn women off totally and shows you how to do the exact opposite, turning the tables and invoking primitive desire in a woman.
So let’s get right in and get things going.

6 Reasons Women Love Jerks
Exercising The Law Of Attraction

How to Attract Women and Become the Alpha Male Women Love

1. Using Magnetic Attraction to Draw People To You

Every creature has both masculine and feminine characteristics. A ravisher and a ravishee are required in order for true passion to arise. When it comes to sexual attraction, sexual polarity is the key factor to consider. 



Between two poles, there is a constant flow of natural forces. Magnesium is generated by the Earth’s magnetic poles in the North and South Poles. When the positive and negative poles of a battery are connected together, an electrical current is generated. When the masculine and feminine poles of a couple come together, a flow of sexual energy is created.



DAVID DEIDA is the author of this piece.
The masculine is attracted to the feminine, while the feminine is attracted to the male.
How this works is familiar to everyone who has seen two magnets in action. Putting two magnets with the same charge together has no effect. 




There’s nothing they can do except sit. In the same way, when two androgynous couples are together, there is no reaction. Because of this, a lot of couples complain about their sex life being very monotonous and unpleasant.
Neither the man nor the woman is masculine enough, and neither is feminine enough. Asexual polarity, magnetism, and attraction do not exist, and neither do they exist in the physical world.




Magnets that have opposing charges, such as the letters “+” and “-,” on the other hand, will attract each other. Furthermore, the greater the difference between the positive and negative charges, the greater the intensity of the attraction. The masculine is attracted to the feminine in much the same way as positive draws negative.


You may have observed that in your friends’ relationships (or your own! ), you can sense when there is a spark of sexual desire between the two people. When there is more of a ‘friend vibe’ there rather than that of lovers, you can tell as well.



In the absence of sexual polarity, this “friend energy” manifests itself. There is no fee to use this facility. Neither sexual energy nor arousal are present. When masculinity and femininity interact, the polarity that results from this interplay is absent.
When there is a strong polarity, however, sexual attraction is unavoidable..


Why the burly quarterback and the tiny cheerleader can’t seem to keep their hands off of one another is beyond me. A powerful force of attraction (i.e. polarity) exists between them, and it is undeniably strong.



For this reason, some marriages are characterized by searing hot sex every night and an inability to tear oneself away from one another, whilst other marriages stagnate, become bland, and simply lack the “spark” and sexual vitality.

The Decline of Sexual Polarity in Contemporary Society
Female characteristics have gotten more masculine in contemporary culture. They take the initiative, punish their husbands, and, in the process, obliterate whatever sexual polarity that may have existed in their relationship in the past. While women have grown more meek and feminine, males have become less forceful and macho as time has gone on.



Everything comes together to produce a product that is almost definitely recognizable to you: the As a consequence, males are getting more despairing in their interactions with women, while women are becoming increasingly sexually unsatisfied.



Describe the relationship between this and yourself.
In turn, this has resulted in a generation of men who are more in touch with their feminine side than they are with their macho side. Neither sexe is fulfilled as a result.
What this implies for you is that you must become more conscious of your manly side and not be scared to embrace it. 




Whether you are in a relationship, casually dating, or trying to attract women, take the initiative and be the one to initiate the conversation. Take command of your life by embracing your male side. Men shouldn’t be ashamed of their masculinity or their ability to be a strong, macho guy. Specifically, females adorn it.



Most women find a good person to be the most repulsive. Nice guy is considered to be a weak, womanizing, unassertive wimp in today’s society. Even though it has a penis, it is more feminine than masculine in its appearance and behavior. It may seem harsh, but most guys nowadays behave in this manner. Most men today are subservient, unassertive, and emasculated, which is reflected in their failure to attract female partners and mates in the past.




In order to overcome this, one must examine one’s own innermost being and seek to strengthen one’s sense of masculinity. Become more physically and psychologically fit as well as more confident.
Character development is essential. Self-confidence and a can-do attitude are essential for success. –
Maintain focus on your life’s purpose and don’t rely on the approval of ladies (or anybody else, for that matter) to be happy. In all aspects of your life, be manly and dominating.

She Tossed The Skirt Story 21
Confidently Handling Difficult Conversations


What is Instinctive Attraction and How to Trigger It?

Several more men make the mistake of presuming that the same things that activate a man’s attraction also stimulate a woman’s interest. This isn’t the case at all. We may get a better grasp of this truth by looking at female attraction from an evolutionary perspective first.



Charles Darwin proposed that evolution is the consequence of the process of natural selection, which he believed to be true. Natural selection happens when a certain attribute allows for either an increase in or a drop in reproductive success. Taken into consideration, let’s look at what makes men attractive.


Men like “hot girls” and “10s” because they are appealing to us chaps. So, what is it about a lady that attracts the attention of the majority of men? Almost everyone would agree that physical appearance is influenced by a variety of aspects including health, youth, healthy hair and eyes, long legs, huge boobs, a good ass, and other characteristics that most men find appealing.



For guys, physical characteristics are the most important factors in determining beauty. This is due to the fact that these physical characteristics (e.g., youth, health, amazing legs, large boobs, lovely ass, etc.) are all markers of fertility. 



Despite the fact that we do not consciously conceive about attraction in this manner, we have evolved to prefer certain characteristics in people with whom we would reproduce. Those of us who pursued elderly crippled females thousands of years ago were unable to breed. Women above the age of 50 who are handicapped are not often fertile.



 As a consequence, males who wished for such characteristics in a spouse became extinct. As a result, all men today find signs of youth, health, and fertility to be appealing and “beautiful,” regardless of their sexual orientation.



Women, on the other hand, have distinct requirements. At the very least, in our caveman days, we were able to get a lady pregnant and then never have to worry about the pregnancy again. Because we do not develop the baby in our bodies, the things that are most important in achieving a good pregnancy are solely physical in nature.



Women, on the other hand, were in a considerably more hazardous situation during our caveman ancestors’ time. Women are physically weaker than males, and this is particularly true during pregnancy.



Furthermore, males may continue to reproduce far into their old age. Furthermore, from the perspective of a woman, males do not develop the kid inside their own bodies, and hence physical characteristics are substantially less relevant. Therefore, although older women are not aesthetically appealing to most men, they are not aesthetically appealing to most females.



The characteristics that assist women in reproducing are more abstract when seen from an evolutionary perspective. Women are looking for a partner with whom they may feel comfortable. A guy who, in evolutionary terms, is capable of keeping her safe during her pregnancy and ensuring that she has a healthy pregnancy and birth.



This explains why women are so deeply and naturally drawn to men who are dominating, macho, authoritative, and who are both physically and intellectually strong in both their physical and mental appearance.
Women are attracted to males who are like this. This is also why you frequently see women finding so-called “jerks” and “bad boys” to be so appealing, since these guys often exhibit some of the character qualities that drive women to feel a primitive connection to them.



Men who are unassertive, timid, and subservient, as well as men who lack confidence and strength of character (i.e., the vast majority of men today), are sexually unappealing to women for the same reasons. These kind of guys elicit nearly uniformly negative feelings in women. Unfortunately, this is true for the vast majority of guys. As a result, the vast majority of women feel sexually unsatisfied and dissatisfied with their romantic relationships.



As a result, although a man’s attraction to a woman is predominantly triggered by physical characteristics, female attraction works in a different way. Character features are the most important factors in a woman’s attraction to a guy.
Women regard masculine characteristics such as dominance, masculinity, authoritativeness, strength of character, and self-assurance to be appealing. Women, on the other hand, regard attributes like as unassertiveness, shyness, and submissiveness to be sexually unappealing, according to research.


However, it goes a step farther than just that. Many guys believe that their actions demonstrate these desirable characteristics, but the fact is that women are able to see right through them. Rather than what you are explicitly conveying via your behaviors, it is important to consider what your actions are indirectly communicating about you.
Let us look at this a little further…




3. Unattractive Personality Traits

It seems that a contradiction has been discovered by a small group of “pickup artists” and other similar individuals. Whether some behaviors express desirable attributes such as confidence and dominance or bad ones such as neediness is the subject of a philosophical debate in this country.



Consider the following scenario: should you approach attractive ladies immediately, in a way that signals confidence and dominance? Alternatively, does contacting women directly give the impression that you are desperate and too attracted to them, decreasing your perceived status and worth as a man? 



Do you think it’s preferable to approach women indirectly for this reason, to give the impression that you are unconcerned about their opinions and don’t depend on their approval for your pleasure, which might be viewed as more manly and strong than directly approaching them?


Rather than focusing on what your acts indicate at face value, the answer to this contradiction is to pay attention to what those activities tell about your overall attitude.
One example of this is letting other people, particularly ladies, know about your achievements and successes. Trying to make a good impression. 



When taken at face value, it seems that this behavior gives you the impression of being a high-value guy who is successful and has accomplished amazing things. Fortunately, we know from experience that this is never the case in this specific instance.



 Individuals are aware of what is being sub-communicated, and in this instance, the subcommunication is obvious. It is because the individual feels inadequate and insecure that they turn to boasting and attempting to impress other people in order to bolster their own self-esteem.


When it comes to women, women are particularly sensitive to the sub-communications that males send via their acts. Men may sneer at the thought of approaching a woman directly, taking it at face value and dismissing the behavior as a “uncool” display of yearning and neediness, while females recognize the sub-communication. That if a guy approaches her directly, he isn’t very concerned with her rejection feelings. He exudes self-assurance and isn’t concerned about being rejected.


Similar to this, continuing with this example, women notice what is being subcommunicated by the opposing action: approaching her in an indirect manner. They see that the guy is fearful of rejection and is too timid to approach her directly for fear of rejection, choosing instead to take the safer path and pose as a friend, which they interpret as a sub-communication.
So, when it comes to women, pay attention not to what your behaviors indicate at face value, but rather to what they subtly communicate about you.


Whenever women put their husbands to the test — by subtly criticizing or challenging them — many men respond in a manner that they believe demonstrates desirable characteristics.
“That’s what you drive?” a lady could inquire after seeing your fairly mediocre vehicle.
Many men would react in a manner that demonstrates value (i.e., appealing characteristics) on the surface level.



 “Yeah, but I’m going to purchase a Porsche next year,” someone could say.
Most of us men would be amazed by these instances — wow, he’s going to purchase a Porsche the following year? Impressive! Women, on the other hand, are well aware of the sub-communication. She made him feel challenged, therefore he felt the need to impress her in order to make up for lost time. When it comes to his automobile, the man is insecure, and he also feels inadequate with women. Her remark rubbed him the wrong way.


He may also remark something along the lines of, “Yeah, but, I don’t enjoy squandering my money.” The sub-communication is the same as the main communication. He believes that he is required to justify why he drives such a mediocre vehicle.
A really self-assured and beautiful guy would just disregard the situation. He couldn’t care less about what other people thought of his automobile. He doesn’t believe he has any obligation to prove himself. 



As a consequence, he would either ignore her or react by turning the situation into a lighthearted comedy. “Yep, that’s my vehicle right there! Remember that it has difficulty climbing slopes, so make sure you’re prepared to leap out and push! “Are you sure you’re strong enough for that?”



While this may seem to be self-defeating or unpleasant on the surface, it is really quite the reverse. The fact that you don’t care about women is shown by responses such as the one in the preceding paragraph. That you don’t feel the need to prove yourself to anybody. That you have a rock-solid belief in your own abilities. 



That you don’t feel in any way, shape, or form inadequate in anything. That you are absolutely uninterested in her pushing you and testing your limits.
This is also often the reason why women have such a strong attraction to jerks. The good folks are perplexed as to why on earth this is happening. 



Women appear to like it when bad dudes and jerks treat them like trash, but why is this the case? Meanwhile, decent people pamper their girlfriends with presents and costly outings, yet they get no response from them. What on earth is going on here?



It’s all about the sub-communication once again, in this case.
Nice people believe that by lavishly showering their wives with presents and lavishly entertaining and eating them for months on end, they are demonstrating to women what wonderful men they are and that they are terrific gentlemen who can care after her (i.e. be a provider). Nice males believe that this demonstrates that they are a high-value man and that women should be attracted to them as a result of their actions. Unfortunately for decent people, the polar opposite occurs in this case.



Meanwhile, by treating their ladies like crap and often acting like utter assholes, jerks and bad guys send a subliminal message that they believe they are high-value males to their female partners. The sub-communication is that they are of superior rank and value, that they are super confident and dominating, that they are emotionally strong and indifferent, and that they are emotionally strong and indifferent. 



That guys have nothing to prove and that women should consider themselves happy that they get to spend any time with them. All of this subtly signals that they are very valuable and extremely confident in their abilities. This is very appealing to females.
It all boils down to sub-communication in the final analysis.



You should not accept the meaning of a particular action or behavior at face value when determining whether it is beautiful or unappealing. Instead, inquire as to what it is that this action is sub-communicating.


What about desirable characteristics such as apathy and rock-solid self-confidence? Does it transmit these attributes in a subtler way? In other words, does it subtly indicate unappealing characteristics such as neediness, insecurities, and a persistent need to prove oneself?
It is determined by what a sub-communicates about you that a certain behavior is beautiful or not in the eyes of women.


How to Attract Women and Become the Alpha Male Women Love

8 reasons women fall in love with jerks
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4. Allow Her to Be Her Feminine Self

Guys nowadays don’t behave like males, which is one of the most significant causes contributing to the enormous rise in the number of men who find themselves in conflict with women.

As a consequence of the fall in masculinity, women are finding a growing number of males to be less and less attractive. The modern male, rather than being a powerful and dominating male who takes command of all aspects of his life, from his work to his dating life and everything in between, is more uncertain, unconfident, aggressive, insecure, and subservient in his interactions with other men.




As a result, men have evolved from primarily embodying male characteristics to embracing their “feminine side.” And it’s evident.
There are two major reasons why men who refuse to appear macho find themselves in a state of conflict with their female counterparts.
For starters, they are aesthetically unappealing. Feminine women are drawn to macho guys, and this is a proven fact. 





Women find masculine characteristics to be appealing. Emasculating males and making them more feminine and womanly over time makes them seem sexually unappealing to women, who are repelled by their presence. Women are attracted to powerful guys.



For the second time, when a guy quits being macho, the woman takes on a more dominant male position within the partnership. Whenever males become unassertive and indecisive, they impose the role and the associated obligations on women. 




Females feel most attractive and content when they are in the company of a powerful guy who takes command and assumes the masculine role. They are then in a position to assume the sultry, feminine persona. As we explained before, this results in sexual polarity in men and women.




Women are happiest when they are free to express themselves in a feminine manner, despite the fact that this may seem sexist in today’s culture. Females do not want to be the focal point of a man’s life. Rather, women want to be a part of a man’s life and accompany him everywhere he goes.




There is a strong desire not to be the one in command of the relationship and all that happens in it. They do not want to be held accountable for everything and to be required to make all of the choices.
As a result, embrace your masculinity, and allow her to express her feminine side. Make the effort to be a guy! Take the initiative. Lead. You can do anything you want. Don’t make her the focal point of your existence; instead, allow her to just accompany you as you go about your exciting life accomplishing what you want to do.





A excellent example of this can be seen in the 2010 film The Tourist, which starred Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie and was directed by Steven Spielberg. There are two characters in the film that go by the names Frank and Elise. Consider the following exchange, which illustrates the points we’ve made thus far:
Frank, would you want to invite me to dinner?
Frank: What are you talking about?
Elise: [gives him a sideways glance]
“Would you be interested in dinner?” Frank inquires.
Elise: Women are not fond of being asked questions.
Frank: I’d want you to join me for supper.
Elise: You’re being unreasonable.
Frank: Would you want to join me for dinner?
Elise: I’d want to ask another question.
Frank: [takes a deep breath] I’m having dinner tonight, if you’d like to join me. [pauses]
[smiles at him] Elise: [smiles at him]
That is the frame of mind you need.




Let rid of the “I want to do anything you want me to do” or “How can I make you happy” mentality that you have as a good person.
Instead, behave like a guy. Maintain a macho demeanor. Take the initiative. Continue to live an adventurous life and do whatever makes you happy, regardless of what others may think of you. Women are welcome to tag along and accompany you on your journey. You’re the one in command, after all. In this scenario, you assume the male position and she assumes the feminine one.





Once again, this is one of the reasons why women find bad guys and jerks to be so appealing.
In this world, jerks and bad guys don’t hesitate to do whatever the heck they want. Generally speaking, they couldn’t give a damn what anybody thought of them. They’re also not hesitant to take the initiative and lead their female counterparts. 






When it comes to jerks and bad guys, they just take control and do whatever the heck they want, and ladies are welcome to accompany them. There are substantial distinctions between male and feminine duties. Furthermore, such guys exhibit appealing characteristics by being powerful, macho, and unconcerned about what others think, as well as by firmly taking control.






5. The Reasons Why Women Delight in Masculine Men

Many males place a great deal of responsibility on the shoulders of women. It’s a fantastic one. They place the onus of responsibility on women’s happiness.
It is their thinking when they approach women that if they were with her, they would be content with their lives.





 That, in the meanwhile, they’re just kind of feeling indifferent or depressed about everything. This similar frame of mind may also be seen in the majority of men’s relationships with women. They are too dependent and clinging. They get unduly connected to one other.




It is impossible to be beautiful while you are in this state of mind.
Women are looking for a guy that is strong and macho. A guy who is powerful, domineering, confident, and self-sufficient, and who is already living a life he enjoys. Who has already achieved happiness. Who has self-assurance and self-belief.




This explains, once again — as has been the case in the past — why so-called “bad boys” and “jerks” do much better with women than “good guys.” Their behavior is unaffected by whether or not they are in the company of a woman. They are content and self-assured in any situation. They are not dependent on the approval of women in order to be happy. They don’t need the assistance of women.




Contrary to popular belief, women find this way of thinking quite appealing.
Women regard the sort of guy who is unconcerned with external events to be the most beautiful. When he was young, he could be rejected brutally and have a drink thrown at him and thought it was amusing. 





You never know what he’s up to. He may be single, in a terrific relationship, or having a lot of one-night stands. He’d be content in any situation. He’d feel confident regardless of the outcome. His pleasure and sense of self-worth are not dependent on external circumstances, and this is especially true for women. In any case, he has a fascinating existence. When compared to other “good guys,” he’s apathetic about female companionship.





Apart from the fact that he embodies very appealing characteristics, the success of such a guy with women may also be measured in terms of financial worth.
A good person who believes that if he could simply be with women, he would be happy has no genuine worth from the perspective of a woman. He merely takes what he can get and gives very little in return.





A man who has a relatively low tolerance for having women in his life, on the other hand, does not experience this phenomenon. As long as he is happy, confident, and living his own life to the fullest extent possible, he is successful. He does what he wants and is adventurous, self-sufficient, and content with his lot in life, as well as with his relationships. He’s already content, regardless of whether or not he’s in a relationship with a lady. From the perspective of a woman, this gentleman provides far more value. In exchange for his services, he promises enjoyment, adventure, and happiness. 






He’s already content, and as a result, he spreads happiness everywhere. He does not place his happiness in the hands of a woman.
A person like him provides far more value than the ordinary “nice guy.” In contrast to a lovely man who gets value from her by relying on her for pleasure, this sort of guy offers value by being cheerful and fun regardless of the circumstances.
As a result, there are two primary reasons why a man like him is very desirable to women. First and foremost, he exhibits macho and beautiful characteristics. Second, he adds value rather than taking value away from others.




So don’t put your happiness in the hands of women; they can feel it and it is a tremendous turnoff. It gives the impression of being dependent, which is a very unappealing characteristic. Be powerful, reasonably indifferent, self-sufficient, and macho in your actions. Make your own happiness a reality.




Be content regardless of whether you’re single or whether you’re sleeping with attractive ladies every night. Make it enjoyable and self-assured. It is necessary to have both inside and outside strength. Maintain a macho demeanor.
Be a f***ing gentleman.

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