How Long Can You Crate a Puppy?
There are many methods for teaching your puppy to alert you when she needs to go potty. You could want to teach her to go to the door and sit before going to the bathroom. This method has the advantage of diverting the dog’s attention away from urination while you retrieve your keys. She’s also been taught to go to the door when she has to go to the bathroom.
Another way to teach this habit is to put a bell on the door you exit from for the purpose of elimination. Then, when you’re going to take your puppy out that door, ring the bell with the puppy’s paw and walk outside for a potty break. The puppy should only utilize this exit for elimination and not for play, so the ringing of the bell does not convey a desire to play as well as a need to eliminate.
Make It Positive When You Get There
Have you ever had too many drinks at a baseball game and then bolted from your seat, only to discover a big wait at the restroom? It feels amazing when you finally get your opportunity.
It’s self-satisfying to be able to let go and remove. External incentives (typically food) are vital for dogs, and you may use a verbal term like “go potty” to help the dog identify a particular word or phrase with elimination.
The reward must be quickly related to the activity in order to be comprehended.
As a result, when striving to develop a regular outdoor elimination routine, someone must accompany the puppy outdoors and quickly treat the dog once it eliminates. You’ll lose out on rewarding outside elimination if you stay comfortable inside while your puppy (or dog, if you’re retraining) eliminates.
Instead, you’re praising the dog for returning to the house. This might lead to a dog or puppy returning inside for the incentive before her bladder has been empty, then peeing on the kitchen floor ten minutes later.
How to React to an Accident
When you have an accident, just clean it up with an enzyme-based cleaner and tighten up your system. If you catch your puppy stooping to pee, clap your hands or shout “Hey!” to halt the urinating, then relocate her to the potty location as quickly as possible and praise her after she finishes—although this may not always work and may even startle your puppy. You’ll have to wait and see how she reacts.
Because defecation is difficult to halt, it’s best to wait until the puppy has finished and then clean and monitor more closely in the future.
You read it correctly. Wait without saying anything. Even when you’ve caught her in the act, you can’t criticize or correct her. Scolding may cause the puppy to develop a dread of you. She might also learn to delete in secret to avoid being punished.
You may progressively extend her living space and lessen the rigorous surveillance as her bladder control improves, as you discover your puppy’s behavioral and physical cycles, and as your dog learns the toilet pattern.
Housetraining isn’t difficult. It’s crucial to remember, though, that we’re all unique, as are our pups and their past experiences. Some breeders may have provided a head start on housetraining, for example. So don’t be dismayed if you come across publications that claim a dog can be housetrained “in seven days” or less. That is inexcusably unreasonable, particularly for a puppy. For other people, more acceptable expectations vary from six to eight months to two to three years.
So, how can you tell whether your dog is completely housebroken? A decent rule of thumb is when she can easily remain in the home for up to eight hours without eliminating herself.
While you’re waiting, do the following.
Potty training may and should be prioritized.
It’s sometimes really convenient to be able to say “go potty” and have your dog reply as quickly as she responds to “sit.” Consider yourself in the middle of a thunderstorm or a winter snowstorm. You don’t want to be waiting for your dog to go outdoors. Perhaps you’re going on a long journey and want your dog to relieve herself before getting in the vehicle. Wouldn’t it be good if you could just open the door, have the dog run into the yard, and ask her to go potty? This is very much within your grasp!
To begin, choose a phrase that you won’t mind using in public: “do your business,” “hurry up,” or “get busy” are all options for individuals who don’t want to utter the P-word. Pick one signal and use it consistently so your dog understands what you mean.
Then say the sentence once in a calm voice every time she eliminates it (repeating it over and again might be distracting). Then immediately reward her for eliminating.
Repeat. It may take some time for her to understand what you mean, but once she does, it’s priceless, particularly if you’re traveling to a new location and want her to go somewhere she’s never been before.
If you take her to her regular toileting area while practicing your potty cue, you’ll be automatically practicing “potty on leash” and “potty in my presence,” both of which are useful if your dog travels with you.
You may use the cue to train your dog to go potty in a variety of places and on various surfaces so that she won’t have any issues when traveling.
In metropolitan places, you may “curb” your puppy by putting his back end over the curb, saying your command, and rewarding what happens. To begin this kind of training, choose a fairly calm neighborhood; your dog doesn’t need any distractions!

Expect your dog to spend some time investigating around this area…
Leslie Larson Cooper, DVM, DACVB… and even that location… before discovering the perfect pee spot.
While we’re on the topic, make sure you have a mechanism to collect and dispose of excrement.
Some leashes come with bag carriers, but you may also just tie a bag to the leash or have one in your pocket whenever you go for a walk. You may become green by purchasing ecologically friendly bags or just saving plastic bags that would otherwise be discarded, such as the newspaper delivery bag.
Feces on public sidewalks or in parks are unclean and may transmit intestinal parasites. Cleaning up after your dog in a public place is also disrespectful. It makes non-dog owners unpleasant and maybe indifferent to pet lovers. Stepping in it bothers even other dog owners. So please clean up after your dog for the sake of everyone.
The Question Is: To Crate or Not to Crate
Crates are fantastic! A crate or travel carrier can become a home away from home while traveling and a safe place for a puppy to be in transit (in the car, plane, or carried into the veterinary office by hand); a comfortable place to stay during the day when there’s a lot of activity and a puppy underfoot could get hurt; a nice bed at night, so everyone knows where the puppy is; and an essential piece of equipment in emergencies, when you all have to assemble and get out of the house.
Have you ever heard the phrase “Begin as you plan to go on”? This is especially true when it comes to crate training a puppy. Begin by using the crate for the puppy’s nightly sleeping quarters. To encourage the puppy to go inside and settle down for a rest and a chew, fill the crate with soft bedding and a food puzzle toy, such as a Kong or a Tug-a-Jug, with some of her supper.
9 Simple Tricks To Raise Your Puppy
To be effective for housetraining, the crate must be large enough for the puppy to lay down and turn around comfortably, but not large enough for the dog to develop a potty area inside. You may need to make some adaptations for pups who may grow up to be huge dogs. Crate dividers allow you to adjust the size of your puppy’s crate as he or she develops. Alternatively, you may need to purchase multiple crates of various sizes to accommodate the puppy’s development over the first year.