How Do I Come Out As Pansexual When I’ve Always Identified As Straight?
Coming out might be the most difficult thing you’ll ever do if you identify as anything other than straight. Instead of attempting to get attention, you are demonstrating your actual self while simultaneously consuming all of the nasty remarks for everyone.
Someone who is above the age of 20 is unlikely to understand what pansexuality is, while the older generation tends to distinguish between men and women. You may wonder, as a pansexual, how I managed to come out as pansexual despite the fact that I have only ever identified as straight in public. Also see How to Tell Your Parents You’re a Pansexual for more information.
You have nothing to do with the fact that people are under the impression that everyone is straight. It’s what we’ve been taught our whole lives, and as a result, we tend to look down on alternative sexualities. If you’re a pan, you should know that you’re not alone yourself. At the very least, Miley Cyrus is one of your friends.
So, in this section, we’ll provide you with some (hopefully) beneficial ideas on how to come out as a pansexual in the midst of a culture that has always considered you to be straight.
Take a breath and assess the situation.
You can’t, once again, go against the grain of society. It’s possible for you to behave and think exactly the way you choose, but you have no influence over what others believe and do. Your relatives and friends are most likely among those who believe you are straight, so let’s start with them and work our way up.
Coming out should be done with great care, even if it’s only to your immediate family or close friends. Before you do so, take a moment to consider your current circumstances and make a decision. Check to see that your surroundings are safe for you to be in. Consider taking some time away from the situation if there is a possibility that your family or friends may respond badly.
However, if you live in an open-minded culture that embraces change and modernization, it may be possible for you to come out without fear of repercussions. Also see How to Pray for Someone Who Is Struggling with Homosexuality for more information.
Take a Self-Evaluation
The evaluation of one’s own abilities is equally crucial. Everyone’s level of comfort with themselves, their level of certainty about their identity, and their level of happiness with who they are differs from one another.
How Do I Come Out As Pansexual When I've Always Identified As Straight?
Before you start, double-check your assumptions. Choosing the appropriate time to come out is critical, because there is no “perfect” moment. Choose the appropriate time for you. In order to help their friends through their struggles, some people come out while they are still fighting inside, while others come out after they are well prepared and set.
Join the Circle of Friends for Support!
In order to help me come out as pansexual, even though I have only ever identified as straight in public, here are some further suggestions: 1. Make sure you aren’t coming out to just anybody because you think it’s great to be open about your sexual orientation.
Consider who you want to come out to and who you don’t want to hear from. Avoid telling your acquaintances – or even relatives – about your sexual orientation if you think they will respond badly. In addition, what do you say to those who say things like “That’s so gay” and other anti-LGBTQ remarks?
First and foremost, come out to people who will not be adversely impacted by your actions. The reason you need this is because you want assurance that someone is looking out for your best interests so that you can remain strong later on when faced with bad assessments.
Your Exit Strategy Is Up to You
The availability of technology means that there are several avenues for escape. It doesn’t matter if you do it in a face-to-face discussion or in a public Facebook status update; it’s all about maintaining your individuality. Another way to communicate is to use the pansexual sign.
However, for the time being, it is preferable to go with option one. Because you never know how people may respond, it’s suitable for water testing purposes only.
Construct an exemplary strategy.
It will be beneficial to establish a plan ahead of time, even though coming out is something that cannot always be planned – in fact, you may do it on the spur of the moment. It is, on the other hand, very hard to arrange everything down to the smallest details.
But at the very least, you have a plan for when, where, and with whom you will appear in public.
First and foremost, how will you communicate what you want to say?
In addition, check out Signs a Guy Is a Homosexual
Intentionally bringing out the speech or letting it simply come in between the conversational pauses? Or, maybe, you want to start with a joke and then go on to a serious topic.
Take Your Time and Allow Them to Acclimatize to Reality.
It’s likely that for those of you who identify as pansexual, the concept of several genders isn’t a novel concept. However, consider how surprised people will be if they have been under the impression that you are straight — regardless of whether they are aware of your pansexuality or not.
Be patient with them, since they are likely to need some time to adjust to your identity.
Thus concludes our discussion of how I can come out as pansexual, despite the fact that I have only ever identified as straight in the public sphere. If you’re considering coming out, we hope this essay will be helpful and inspiring.