Under normal conditions, having lizards in the vicinity should not be a major source of worry. If, on the other hand, things are spiraling out of control, you’ve arrived to the correct location.

 If you have lizards invading your personal space, you’ll want to read this article since it will teach you how to eliminate them. There are a variety of strategies to select from, so you can choose one that works best for your situation.


Why Is It Important To Get Rid Of Lizards?

It is necessary to have lizards in your garden in order to maintain a healthy ecosystem since they prey on insects and other pests that pose a threat to the health of your plants and flowers.


In certain situations, lizards may get out of control and munch on your developing plants, which can result in a reduced crop yield. If there are an excessive number of lizards in the area, it is inevitable that they will make their way inside your home. It is filthy because of the eggs and droppings of lizards, and their bodies contain a lot of germs and bacteria that may be harmful to you as well as your family and pets.



The presence of lizards has been known to cause mental distress in certain persons. If you see them wandering about your home, particularly at night, it might make it difficult to sleep.


Licking lizards have been shown to contain the salmonella bacterium, which may be harmful to people and animals alike. They also have the additional effect of making your place smell, therefore getting rid of them is essential.



How to Get Rid of Lizards in Record Time

Despite the fact that they are relatively placid, it is necessary to get rid of lizards in the home. It is possible to adopt a variety of preventive actions to keep lizards away from your home or business. There are also a number of effective home treatments that can be used to get rid of lizards that have taken up residence in your home or yard. We’ll go through the best ways to tackle your issue in the section below!



1. Don’t leave food out in the open.

This is arguably the most straightforward and effective method of keeping lizards under control. A lizard will not be drawn to your home or garden unless there is something edible there for them to feast on.


If you like eating your meal outdoors, it is essential that you properly dispose of food scraps and do not leave them lying about for lizards and other pests to feast on. It is also possible that food waste will attract bugs, which are the lizard’s principal food source.


Lizards will come inside your house if they can find food to eat and a place to procreate. For this reason, you should always clean all surfaces, wash dinner pots after cooking, and keep trash cans closed.


2. Make Your House Lizard-Proof Lizards may get into your home via small gaps and crevices. 

Make your home lizard-proof. This is why you must carefully seal each and every door and window, as well as ensure that any cracks are securely filled.

Crevices and fissures may also serve as excellent hiding places for lizards, who can use them to establish their nests and reproduce. Because these holes are dark and provide a safe haven for the lizards, you will end up with a significant infestation if you do not completely close everything.


Sealing cracks using silicone is a good option since it is water-resistant, heat-resistant, and humidity-resistant. Weather stripping may also be used at the top and bottom of doors, as well as at other points of entry into the home. This will ensure that your home will be free of insects and lizards for the foreseeable future.


3. Plant Shallots or Garlic in your garden.

If you want to discourage lizards from entering your home because they dislike the scent of shallots, chop or ground them and put them at points of access where they may easily get in. Aside from that, hanging shallots adjacent to a window or door might be effective.


In order to keep lizards away from your vegetable garden, you may plant some shallots and chop a few of them before leaving them for a few weeks. This will discourage them from invading your garden. Garlic is also effective since lizards are unable to tolerate it.


The strong sulfur content in shallots and garlic makes them naturally repellent to lizards. Make a natural repellent spray out of shallots and garlic combined with water and spritz it over your property to keep pests away. It is guaranteed that your garden will be lizard-free as a result of the powerful stench.


4. Make use of Lemongrass.

If you want to keep lizards away from your garden, garage, or home, lemongrass is an excellent choice since it has a variety of advantages. You may either use lemongrass or Citronella to scent your home. This looks and smells just like lemongrass, however it is inedible and has a stronger scent.


You may either use the real lemongrass stalks or the essential oil extracted from them to manage the lizard infestation surrounding your home. Lemongrass is also effective in repelling mosquitoes, which are an important source of food for lizards, according to research. It may, however, be hazardous to cats, dogs, and other types of animals that may be found in your garden, including birds.


5. Enlist the assistance of other animals and birds.

Most lizards are found near the bottom of the food chain, which is not unusual. This implies that they are preyed upon by a number of different creatures. Lizards are preyed upon by birds of prey such as hawks, and they are also preyed upon by certain species of songbirds and woodpeckers.



It is probable that if you make your garden or backyard more welcoming to certain bird species, the number of lizards infesting your garden will decrease. However, if you want to exert greater control, you may have a pet cat or dog in your home, and they will almost certainly keep lizards away from your property.


As natural predators of lizards, pets, particularly cats, may hunt them out of instinct if they come into contact with them. It is possible for lizards to hold cats’ attention for hours at a time until the proper opportunity comes to seize their victim.



Although your pets may help to lower the amount of lizards in your home, this should not be the major approach you employ to get rid of them in your home. The bodies of lizards are home to a variety of deadly parasites that may make your pets terribly ill. These parasites are known to induce severe liver inflammation, which might finally result in death.


6. Use Eggshells to frighten them.

It is possible for the lizards to notice the pungent scent of eggshells, which reminds them of birds.

Because birds are among the lizards’ primary predators, they will avoid a location where birds may be found in large numbers. Eggshells, on the other hand, contain sulfur, which generates a burning feeling in the lizard’s belly, causing them to avoid feeding in this area of the habitat.



Using eggshells to drive lizards away is an effective method, but it’s important to change them on a regular basis to ensure that they retain their pungent fragrance. To keep the lizards at bay, replace the eggshells every two or three weeks with fresh ones.


7. Create a Natural Repellent Spray using essential oils.

Lizards, like many other animals, despise chili powder and are unable to tolerate the searing feeling it causes. This is why making pepper spray can help to keep lizards away from your yard and garden in the future.


Making the combination is simple; just combine equal parts lemon juice and white vinegar in a mixing bowl, and then add one tablespoon of chili powder per glass of solution. This repelling spray is also guaranteed to keep other animals away from your plants, ensuring that they do not harm them.


Before using the combination, store it in a container and shake it well before using it. For best results, let it out in the sun for a few hours to ensure that the components have been well absorbed. In your yard and at any points of entry where lizards could be tempted to enter your home, spray this mixture using a pump sprayer.


8. Use coffee and tobacco to keep lizards away from your home.

The fragrance of coffee and smoke will aid you in keeping the lizard population under control in your area. You must make a paste of coffee grounds and loose tobacco, which must be mixed with a little amount of water to form a particular dough, before using it.


To make your own own lizard repellant, roll the dough into little balls and place them on toothpicks with a little glue. Incorporate the toothpicks into the ground around your veggies and flowers, or into the walls of your home in gaps and crevices where lizards prefer to hide.


Because lizards are attracted to the fragrance of coffee, they will attempt to chew on the little balls. Tobacco, on the other hand, is deadly to these little reptiles, and they will die if they swallow it.


9. Make use of mothballs

Mothballs contain a variety of compounds that are toxic to lizards. If you want to keep your home clean, you may hang mothballs near windows and doorways where lizards may enter the house.


It is important to exercise caution while using mothballs since they are available in a variety of hues and may be mistaken for sweets. If you have children or pets, you should avoid using them around the home. Furthermore, mothballs will not be effective if you are attempting to limit the lizard population in your yard.


10. Use Glue to Capture Them

It is possible to make a homemade trap to capture lizards if you do not desire to kill them and only wish to keep them away from your home or business. Apply rat glue to a piece of cardboard or the bottom of a box to make a rat-proof seal. In addition, if you feel that the lizards are getting into your home via a window or a wall, you may put this trap there as well.



You may also purchase glue traps that have already been assembled. The lizards will be held in place by the rat glue, and you may either get rid of them permanently or relocate them to a location where they will not pose a threat to your safety.



This approach will not work outside the home since other creatures such as birds and squirrels may get caught as a result of the trapping. Upon the death of a lizard, it is imperative that the corpse be removed as quickly as possible since the stench of the deceased lizard is likely to attract other animals such as rodents.


Use Lizard Repellent Spray (number 11).

If none of the previous DIY lizard repellent approaches worked well, you may try purchasing a lizard repellent spray. There are several various types of lizard sprays available on the market, as well as electronic repellents, that may be used in and around locations where lizards congregate, both inside and outdoors.



The chemicals in the spray emit a strong odor that scares away lizards and other pests. If you want to keep your space lizards at bay, you may spray it as frequently as you like. However, since the majority of these sprays are also hazardous to people and other animals, you should exercise caution while using them, particularly if you have children or pets in the home with you.


Ultrasonic waves are generated by electronic gadgets and are not audible to human ears. Despite this, they may be irritating to other animals.



Final Thoughts
Having a few lizards in your yard is acceptable, but having an infestation is a very other story. The use of natural and chemical therapies to keep lizards from taking over your house and yard are just a few of the suggestions you may put into action.

If you’ve learned anything from this book, it’s that you can get rid of lizards for good!

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