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Does hard Work trumps talent?

Does Hard Work Trumps Talent?

Talent is wonderful, but it just serves to give you an advantage in the beginning.

To be successful, you must continue to put up significant effort.

Hard effort will always triumph over natural potential. In this essay, you will discover why and how to work harder than your competitors..

When it comes to talent, why does hard effort win out?

Everything that is worthwhile is difficult to get by…. It goes without saying that any game that is worth playing will automatically attract a diverse group of participants.



The ability of some will be exceptional. The ability of some will have been honed. A few people will show up because of the sheer force of their willpower.




Always place your bets on the competitor with the most willpower, work ethic, and drive to be a winner if you have to place a wager on who will win a contest.



It is possible that the others have an advantage at first, but they will not be able to hold on when the going gets tough. Skill is used to things being simple, and talent is accustomed to things being straightforward.



For whatever that you want, only those who are ready to work hard will be prepared for the bumpy road that you will have to go on. There are only a select handful who will ever achieve because they have strong will, drive, and the capacity to endure.


Many years–and maybe even more years–will be required for achievement.



A person’s natural ability does not prepare them for the rigors of life on the farm. Talent does not prepare you for the inevitable plateaus you may experience in your career. When things don’t appear like they’re going to turn out well, the capacity to work hard and persevere is what you should look for when placing your bets.



Everyone, no matter how good they are or how talented the opposition is, will put out their best effort.

At first glance, your first skill makes you seem to be quite talented. You blast past the rest of the field, but sooner or later, you’ll have to deal with individuals who are similar to you. These individuals possess abilities as well.




What distinguishes people who are just gifted from those who achieve achievements and get recognition? Work. Work is difficult, filthy, and back-breaking, and you never know when the end will come.




Work that focuses on improving your deficiencies rather than relying just on your natural abilities. Those who possess skill but are sluggish or weak are always the first to fall victim to the forces of competition.




What exactly is talent?

Though you ask people to define skill, they will give you an intriguing, if not predictable, answer.

The majority of people consider talent to be a demonstration of great ability and expertise. People also typically feel that ability is a natural gift that comes from inside.




While we can all agree that you can enhance your baseline level of ability, there are some degrees of performance that are only available to those who are naturally gifted.


When it comes to achieving success, skill is a valuable commodity, but it is neither required nor sufficient.


It was when I stopped believing in the myth of natural genius and instead concentrated on being the most talented and effective person I could that my life radically changed.


The ability to work hard is a gift.

Even if you don’t have anything especially unique about your intellect or physique, you always have the power to blow your ass whenever the mood strikes you. It’s incredible what you can achieve with dedication and hard effort.


The capacity to work one’s ass off is a highly underappreciated skill.

We see talent as something extraordinary, one-of-a-kind, and essentially untransferable. It’s either in your possession or not.


Perhaps you have a hereditary predisposition to putting in long, arduous hours of labor. You can learn to work your asses off even if you don’t have a lot of experience.


Because so few individuals put forth the effort, hard work is very important.


A large number of competitors, even at the greatest levels of competition, never learned how to be resilient when confronted with actual adversity. This is something that intelligent children encounter on a regular basis.



Mindsets: Fixed vs. Expandable

Smart students breeze through their studies until they come into a problem that isn’t as simple to answer as they had anticipated. Rather of redoubling their efforts, many people assume that they are just not intelligent enough to complete the task.


They assume that their talent is set in stone.

When people feel that their hard effort, rather than their natural skill, is the driving force behind their success, something extraordinary occurs. 


When students adopt a growth-based attitude and tackle difficulties from this perspective, they instantly see an increase in their performance.


A plethora of scientific study verifies what I’ve been seeing for years, which confirms what I’ve been feeling instinctively since I can remember.



An analysis of the effect of a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) aiming to “transform students’ beliefs about mathematics and their own potential while also improving their mathematical performance” was undertaken by Stanford University. 


The findings were as follows:

A large number of pupils have destructive fixed mindsets, thinking that their IQ is unchanging. When pupils adopt a growth mindset (thinking that their intellect is flexible), their academic performance improves.”


The development attitude motivates people to put in the effort. The conscientious worker immediately begins working on the most painful aspects of the assignment and is committed to see it through to completion in the hopes of discovering a solution.



The fixed attitude indoctrinates you into believing that there is no creative answer to any problem. Either you know the answer or you don’t know what the answer is. You can either do it or you can’t. It frequently boils down to whether or not you’re willing to try, and how long you’re willing to try for before giving up.



Students that have a growth mindset believe that they can improve. They are confident in their abilities to develop. This is valued due to the fact that it is very uncommon.

You have the ability to move others. It’s so effective that another Stanford researcher, Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D., thinks that even little alterations in your mentality from fixed to growing may have a significant influence on your whole life experience.



The following is an excerpt from her book “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success:”



Believers in the fixed mentality, who believe that their characteristics are etched in stone, feel pressured to prove themselves again and over again. So, if your IQ, personality, and moral character are all limited to a certain degree, you’ll have to establish to the jury that you possess a sufficient quantity of each. 


We couldn’t possibly appear or feel good if we lacked even the most fundamental of qualities.




Why spend your time demonstrating to yourself that you are excellent over and over again when you might be becoming better at anything instead? After all, why conceal your flaws when you can work on them? Why would you seek for friends or companions who would just serve to boost your self-esteem, rather than those who will also push you to reach your full potential? 


Moreover, why stick to what you know rather than trying something new and different? The growth mentality is characterized by a burning desire to push yourself to your limits and a commitment to doing so even (or particularly) 


when things aren’t going as planned. Individuals who adopt this frame of mind have the ability to flourish even through the most difficult moments of their life.



No one likes to deal with the unpleasantness of a tough situation, but if you have the courage to face challenging problems head-on and a high pain tolerance, there will always be a well-compensated position for you in the world.



The ability to maintain a development attitude is critical, but you must also put out the necessary effort.



The process of growth entails transformation, and transformation entails hard effort. Work may be uncomfortable at first, particularly if it pushes you to confront parts of your life that you feel weak and have been avoiding growing for whatever reason.



When ability isn’t put to use, hard effort triumphs over it.

“Hard effort overcomes talent,” as the saying goes, is summed up by a well-known inspiring quote: “

When talent isn’t put forth any effort, hard work triumphs.

Tim Notke, a high school varsity basketball coach, is credited with the remark. Affiliations between NBA star Kevin Durant and NFL player Tim Tebow helped to popularize the phrase. 




The underlying message of this motivational statement is that if you don’t put in the effort to complement your inherent skills, you will lose out to others who have less natural talent but a lot greater work ethic than you are.




When work ethic is absent, talent fails to shine, yet it is possible to look to have skill after putting in a significant amount of effort. To be more specific, there is a Chinese proverb that I especially like:

It is possible for brilliance to emerge unexpectedly after years of dedication.




When talent does not work hard, hard labor will win the day, says Ed Latimore, a successful entrepreneur.

Before you can be excellent, you must first be awful at something.
According to my observations, the saying is particularly popular among professional athletes because they live in a world where there are many high-quality and talented individuals, but only the ones who never give up are the ones who ever make it big.




In order to improve your life with even the tiniest bit of skill, you must be willing to work at least twice as hard as the amount of talent that you have.



It is simply the capacity to work hard that is necessary.
It is simply a desire to work harder than anybody else that is required as a skill.



The need for those who are prepared to take on difficult tasks is constantly strong. Work smart and save energy is something that most people are fascinated with.

Have a strong desire to put in the effort.

When something difficult comes your way, remember to be appreciative.



Hard labor is forced upon you as a result of this experience.

When life becomes a fight of attrition, only those who have learned the value of hard effort above natural skill will be left standing at the end of the line.

22 distinctions between hard and smart labor

There’s nothing new about the notion that you should work smarter, rather than harder.



The definition of “working hard” is quite straightforward after that. Working long hours is essential if you want to be successful over the long term in your career. 



Because you have to get up early in the morning and stay up late at night while everyone else is already enjoying their afternoons and evenings, you have to start early and stay up late at night.



While working smart does not always imply hard effort, finding an unambiguous definition that distinguishes it from the latter is difficult. Many individuals put forth the effort, but only a small number of them achieve true success in their endeavors. That’s because it’s the quality of the job that counts.



In order to operate efficiently, what is the key to success? Look at the most important components of smart work, starting with the most evident and on to the most subtle aspects that fine tune smart work and may help you achieve greater levels of success….

What Are Hoarding Signs and Symptoms


1. You must make your brain work hard in order to work wisely.

We live in a post-information era, and the creative class holds the key to the future. Your brain muscle must be as powerful as possible if you wish to generate value in a creative culture. 


Because both the analytical and creative parts of your brain are critical, you must continually train and push yourself to new intellectual levels.

Smart employees take excellent care of their abilities. 


They read, learn how to navigate the streets, and ensure that they become incredibly resourceful. They put a lot of effort into obtaining relevant and practical skills and information. Formal or informal schooling might be used.



There is no such thing as being overpaid, overdressed, or overeducated.
If you want to be a clever worker, follow these steps:


Formal (if it makes sense) or informal education may help you get extremely excellent domain expertise.

Write down ideas and engage with art, music, and other forms of creativity on a regular basis to keep your creative mind in shape.
Train your analytical mind by creating thought maps, evaluating various topics, and so on.





2. Acquire in-demand abilities that are unusual.

Being a savvy employee entails taking advantage of as many possibilities as possible. 


Options and opportunities imply a quicker promotion or a greater number of customers, and therefore more added value and money.


The most effective approach to do so is to possess skills that are in high demand but in limited supply. 


The winners are those who mix the proper markets with the right skills. Here’s the magical mix that savvy employees are fully aware of:


Taking on specialized markets that have the potential for quick expansion and exponential development.

Competencies that are in high demand but in limited supply in those markets are being developed.

There are a few ways to do this. One option is to gain domain knowledge, which requires a significant amount of work to master, such as becoming a top programmer or engineer. 


There are a lot of programmers with low-level talents on the market, but very talented programmers are a rare find. In biotech, alternative energy, fintech, and other emerging fields, a smart engineer will always have a variety of job opportunities.



The second choice is to learn really useful business abilities. Although the market is flooded with economists and MBAs, there is always a job or a company opportunity for those who excel in sales, online marketing, leadership, and other areas. However, as previously said, you must be really talented.



The third alternative is to hone any unique skills you have that are highly marketable, such as pop music, digital design, entrepreneurship and innovation, or becoming a top-tier doctor, lawyer, or pharmacist, for example.



The winners are those who mix the proper markets with the right skills.



Whatever you choose to do, keep in mind that you must excel at it. In capitalism, a small number of individuals get the majority of the benefits. 


According to the Pareto principle, the top 20% of people get 80% of the benefits. As a result, clever people strive to be the greatest in any sector they choose to pursue as a profession.



Do you wish to work more efficiently? 

If this is the case, proceed as follows:

..Make a list of all the skills you have that might be developed and for which there is a high demand and limited supply on the market. 

..If you’re having trouble doing so, make a list of all your skills and then assess the supply and demand for each one on a scale of one to 10.


Consider which of your existing abilities, competences, and skills are low-level competencies that may be offered by others for a very low price. Create a plan for how you can cease performing these low-value tasks and concentrate on the job that adds the most value.


From time to time, check your market worth. Attempt to get a new job or a better customer who will pay you more. You’re constantly on the market, and you need to know where you stand at all times.





3. As a clever worker, capitalize on your advantages.

Smart individuals build on their abilities and talents to the point where they really thrive.

 It allows them to distinguish themselves from the throng. On the other hand, they take their flaws into account with great care.



A wise employee divides their flaws into two categories:

..The first group includes any flaws that are unimportant and may be overlooked. 

..These are the flaws that have no bearing on the production of value or the quality of life. 

..What does it matter if you can’t dance ballet?



The second category of flaws is those that must be eliminated; 

some must be eliminated entirely, while others must be reduced to a minimum. 

Getting rid of one of your flaws may have a significant impact on your success.



Working smarter often entails concentrating on improving a few of your skills while eliminating a few flaws that are holding you back. Another option is to assemble a team of individuals who can compensate for the clever worker’s flaws.



Hard workers don’t capitalize on their advantages. Except for hard labor, they’re typically frightened to shine, achieve, and stand up for anything. 


They can only hope that their hard work will speak for themselves. It does so on occasion, but not all of the time.



Many times, dedicated workers use their hard effort to cover up their flaws. Smart employees, on the other hand, consider ways to eliminate flaws or replace them with others, while highlighting their benefits.



Consider the following suggestions for working smarter:

Concentrate on honing your skills to the point where you can really shine and stand out.

..Make a list of all the flaws you can overlook, and then work on them.

..Decide which of your flaws will be covered by colleagues and coworkers.

..Decide which of your flaws you’ll work on till they’re at least tolerable.

..Decide which of your shortcomings you’ll turn into strengths by devoting a ridiculous amount of time and money to improving your game.


Creating a Professional Development Plan

4. Double-check that you’re in the proper (fast-growing) industry.

The harsh reality of capitalism is that the market always triumphs. Markets are the one thing that has the power to propel or derail your career in the blink of an eye. Market trends and industry forecasts have a significant impact on your chances of success.



People that work in the correct marketplaces (industries) have more business prospects, may make a lot more money faster, and have a favorable attitude about their profession.



When the tide rises, it raises all boats.

Stable markets with significant growth and solid long-term prospects are the best markets to invest in. 


On the other hand, if you’re in the incorrect market; one that’s in decline, has fierce competition, and a bleak future view; there are less and fewer chances, the risk of losing your job or company customers is much greater, and gloomy markets eventually rub off on you.



Smart job entails selecting the appropriate industry. This implies that you should not choose your sector and markets based just on your interests, abilities, hobbies, family traditions, or the topic you want to study, but rather choose the industry with the highest potential and where you can still develop and give value analytically.



Being an average worker in a good sector is definitely preferable than being a great performance in a bad market.

The difficulty with this strategy is that switching industries is a difficult and time-consuming process. When you wish to shift industries, you don’t have adequate domain knowledge, you don’t have a social network in that field, and you make a lot of assumptions that turn out to be false, which leads to a variety of disappointments when you join a new sector.

Only a few times in your life do you get to pick the industry you’ll work in, and if you want to work intelligently, you should do it thoughtfully.

If you want to be a clever worker, follow these steps:

Carefully consider your sector and the markets in which you operate.
Read all of your industry’s forecasts and trends to get a sense of where it’s going.
Find tiny niches in your chosen industry with the potential to expand quickly and become large in the future, and concentrate your efforts there.
Wait for the proper low-risk opportunity with a large potential payout.
Have a strategy in place to spot red indicators that suggest the market is about to crash, and respond promptly.
5. Choose the correct chances with care.
Another issue arises when you are open and exposed to fresh chances. You must pick carefully the possibilities to pursue. Smart employees choose their chances with care and have no qualms about saying no.

They’re patient, waiting for the ideal opportunity with a low risk and high potential reward. It’s known as value investment, and as previously said, your time is the most valuable resource you have.

Because your energy and resources are limited, you must select your fights wisely as a savvy worker. You’ll burn out sooner or later if you say yes to everything. A burned-out employee is not a smart employee. Early in life, smart employees learn to say no.

Do you want to work smarter?

Consider what might go well if you pursue the opportunity, as well as what may go wrong, how much of your resources you have to spend, what additional dangers you face, and what the greatest reward or prospective return on your investment is. To put it another way, you must approach every chance in life as if it were an investment.






6. Have a clear idea of what you really want in life.

Having a clear vision of what you truly want in life is linked to pursuing the proper possibilities. There is a significant distinction between really successful people and those who are just somewhat successful.



People who are really successful know exactly what they desire. From the start, they have a very clear idea of what they want to happen in the end. This is also true for intelligent employees.



They can design their approach much more quickly and make better decisions since they know what they want. If you don’t know what you want, you can’t work wisely.



Smart employees know what they want and are willing to go above and beyond to get it. They’ve devised a plan. Hard workers have a hazy understanding of what they want and, as a result, don’t make the best judgments or merely hope that their efforts will be rewarded.



Well, it does sometimes, but it doesn’t always. You must understand why you work so hard and, more importantly, you must choose the most efficient means of achieving your goal. Workers who consider before they act are more likely to be successful.



If you want to be a clever worker, follow these steps:

Know what you want to achieve in the end, and have a clear vision of what you want.
Consider how to do this with the least amount of work while remaining legal and moral.


Don’t simply put in the effort; know why you’re putting in the effort.
Before you act, always consider and listen to yourself. Learn more about yourself.



7. Always consider your options carefully and prepare ahead of time before acting.

Work is done by hard workers just because they have something on their to-do list. Smart employees constantly think before they act, analyzing and asking the following questions for each activity:

I’m not sure why I’m doing this.


What would it cost me in terms of my resources?
What will be the benefits?
What is the most efficient technique to do the task?

Which tools may assist in expediting the process?” and so on.

When a new task is added to their to-do list, smart employees are proactive rather than reactive. 


They constantly assess the best technique to achieve a certain work and remain flexible with their strategies in a similar manner.


Smart employees understand that every hour spent preparing may save them a lot of time when it comes to execution. Smart employees understand that planning ahead of time and being adaptable throughout the process may save them a lot of time and effort in the long run.



Later on, there will be fewer meetings, less communication will be required, and there will be more respect due to the preparation, and so on. As previously said, clever individuals pick when to say yes with great care, but when they do, they make sure to do it with surgical precision.



If you want to improve your hard work by doing smart work, follow these steps:

Say yes to fewer things, but when you do, give it your all. Always consider, evaluate, and devise a plan before acting. Prepare yourself to the nth degree, and then prepare yourself even more. Prepare for the worst while hoping for the best.

Always underpromise and overdeliver, and set realistic expectations.




8. Improve your time management abilities.

Smart employees understand that their time is their most valuable asset. They place the most importance on their time in life. As a result, clever employees learn how to effectively manage their time.

Here’s a quick overview on how to better organize your time so you can work smarter:

Remove the majority of distractions from your life so you can work efficiently when in the zone.


Find out how to overcome procrastination.
80% of progress is achieved by completing 20% of the most critical activities. Concentrate on the 20%.


Allowing urgent chores to get in the way of essential tasks is not a good idea.
Don’t waste your time on things like e-mails, meetings, or social networking that just offer you a false sense of productivity.
Do not multitask and have separate to-do lists (daily 3, master to-do list, not to-do list etc.).


Manage your energy rather than just your time, and be aware of your limitations.


Organize your surroundings to help you be more productive (have a clean desk etc.).


Understand your biorhythm.
Make advantage of two displays and productivity applications, and make good use of technology.
Kanban boards allow you to visualize as many items as possible.


As much as feasible, automate, delegate, outsource, and optimize.
Incorporate a day with no interruptions into your routine.
Remember to sharpen the saw before putting it away.
To get the most out of your time, keep track of it.




9. Make it a point to create, provide, and capture value.

You will undoubtedly be impoverished if you do not manage your time well. Having an excellent management system and being organized enhances your ability to work hard and intelligently.



But, at the end of the day, time management is about achieving a whole new level of productivity by focusing intensely on creating, delivering, and capturing value. That is what clever employees are most aware of.



Smart work is recognizing that there are just three tasks that are critical to maximize your life’s outcomes.



The first is to create value (innovation), the second is to provide value (marketing), and the third is to capture value (invoicing), since there is no value without money.


A typical worker, albeit a hard worker, generally has a very weak job prioritizing system in place. They just want all of the job completed. Smart employees, on the other hand, ignore the majority of the work they “should” accomplish in favor of focusing on the activities that have the greatest long-term benefit.



Those are the things that are constantly linked to generating, distributing, and capturing value. Everything else is a complete waste of time.

If you want to be a smart worker, you should only do the following:

Make a profit (innovate and solve problems that people are prepared to pay for).
Bring value to the table (let people know what you can deliver and deliver it).
Understand how to quantify your worth (negotiate everything, be aware that no money means no value).
Concentrate 80% of your time on the most critical tasks and outsource or assign the rest.
Smart employees concentrate on a few essential areas. You should do the same.





10. In your agency, be creative and daring.

Leaders are distinguished from followers by their ability to innovate. Smart employees are continually coming up with new ideas. 


They are continually looking for ways to improve and come up with fresh ideas.



They are skeptical of everything and understand that there are no best practices for doing things since things can always be done quicker, better, and more effectively.



Delivering value effectively also entails taking risks when it comes to self-promotion. Smart employees make certain that their bosses, customers, and others are aware of the value they can give.



They have no qualms about selling, negotiating, or giving a public speech. If all you do is sit quietly and work hard, you won’t be a smart worker.

 If you want to work smarter, you should:



Make a list of 20 ways you can generate and offer additional value every day.

Stay hungry and stupid at all times.
Always be on the lookout for new ideas and ask tough questions. Pose the most difficult questions to yourself.
Have no qualms about promoting yourself and your abilities.

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