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Dating Someone With PTSD

Dating Someone With PTSD

If you’re dating any one who suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), your relationship may seem like a rollercoaster at times. Understanding post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may assist you in supporting your spouse, navigating your relationship, and establishing a strong foundation.








Learn more about how to support your partner in this article.


Recognizing and Managing Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental illness that may reveal itself after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic incident. PTSD, which affects almost 8 million individuals in the United States every year, is an extraordinarily prevalent disorder that may be conquered with the correct support system and therapy. 



People suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are often misunderstood, despite the fact that they are widespread.






What Are the Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?

Among the possible PTSD symptoms are:


Dissociation from reality (e.g., experiencing flashbacks to a horrific experience);

Distressing dreams and nightmares; invasive, disturbing thoughts or recollections;

Having trouble recalling the specifics of a distressing occurrence;

Disruptions in sleep; feelings of remoteness or numbness;


Physical responses to memories of prior trauma; disinterest in favorite hobbies; active avoidance of everything related with past trauma;

The development of a negative self-perception or world perspective;

 hypervigilance; difficulty focusing on ordinary chores; and
Constant emotions of dread, rage, humiliation, or guilt.



It is crucial to remember that no two individuals will experience trauma and its aftereffects in the same manner, and that dealing with trauma is a highly unique process. People suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may experience a wide range of symptoms at varied degrees of intensity.





What Is the Impact of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder on Intimate Partner Relations?

In certain situations, dating and relationships may be difficult for persons who have had post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

People often claim that “we accept the love we believe we deserve.” There have never been a truer set of words said about post-traumatic stress disorder. 



While many survivors are aware that their prior experience was not their fault, others may continue to hold themselves responsible for anything that occurred. This may lead individuals to assume that they are unworthy or unlovable. 



These firmly held views have the potential to have a profound influence on their relationships. When persons suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are unable to recognize their own worth, they may withdraw from others in order to protect themselves—or in an effort to protect others from them. Close connections might be difficult to sustain as a result of this.






Furthermore, those who have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in relationships may find it difficult to feel safe and secure, even in healthy partnerships. Because of this lack of trust, persons suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may find it difficult to communicate their demands to their relationships.



 A person who has experienced trauma as a result of past domestic or sexual violence or as a result of a previous abusive relationship should be cautious about trusting new partners for fear that they will end up reliving their past, or for fear that the relationship will trigger difficult feelings and emotions.

If you or a loved one is suffering relationship abuse or domestic violence, please get assistance. The National Domestic Violence Hotline is a free and confidential resource that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. The phone number is 1-800-799-SAFE (7233). 


You may also text “START” to 88788 or start a live conversation on the internet at The Hotline offers survivors of domestic violence with critical tools and assistance to help them live their lives free of abuse.






Learning to Love Someone with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) from their partner’s perspective is the source for this image.




Prepare Yourself for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Do you remember the ancient adage, “Knowledge is power?” You may attempt to make this your slogan. Investing the time to study about the consequences of traumatic stress and treatment alternatives will help you better understand and sympathize with your spouse, as well as be educated about how to assist them.





Establish and Maintain Healthy Boundaries

People suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may find it difficult to create appropriate boundaries in their relationships. Some persons suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may establish strict boundaries with their relationships in order to protect themselves from being injured again. As a result, they may be reluctant to open up to you or to place their faith in the things you say to them. 



On the other hand, your spouse may develop permeable boundaries in an attempt to divert their attention away from themselves. When this occurs, they may overshare personal details and devote all of their attention on caring for you. 


In any event, taking the time to connect with your spouse and discussing the importance of having healthy boundaries in your relationship for both of you may be a beneficial step.




Learn about your partner’s triggers.

Even ancient tragedy may reopen old wounds. People suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may relive their prior traumas when particular sights, sounds, odors, sensations, experiences, and other factors trigger them. 



Understanding your partner’s triggers might assist you in determining what may be stressful to them. Let’s say your spouse is unable to identify certain triggers or does not feel comfortable addressing them. In such situation, you can make a note of anything that seems to be exceptionally distressing to them in your day-to-day contacts with them. 




Recognizing behavioral or emotional changes in your relationship may assist you in assisting your partner or teaching you how to avoid your partner from experiencing triggers when they are with you.





Provide reassurance

People suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) often feel unlovable. This sensation might be triggered by a poor self-perception that has evolved as a result of the trauma they have endured. If you find that your spouse is struggling to perceive their own worth, encouraging them that they are cherished and loved may be beneficial. Even the smallest of guarantees may go a long way.





Establish open channels of communication.

Someone suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may find it difficult to convey their views or wants with a current partner, particularly if they have had terrible experiences in previous relationships. If your spouse comes to you for help, showing them unconditional love and acceptance may be calming and can promote communication. 



It may be beneficial to abstain from responding with astonishment if your spouse relates details of prior traumatic occurrences; instead, try a more positive reaction, such as thanking them for entrusting you with such crucial information and reassuring them that they are secure with you. 



This sort of answer may assist in validating your partner’s sentiments and letting them know that you appreciate the tremendous value of discussing their memories and feelings with you. As a result, your spouse may feel more secure and comfortable talking to you. 



They may realize that you are not criticizing them for what has occurred to them in the past, and as a result, they may feel more comfortable sharing more with you.




Create a Safe Haven

People suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may seldom feel genuinely secure. While your spouse may be aware that they are physically secure from harm, prior trauma may have tricked their brain into feeling that there is a continual possibility of danger.



 As a result, your spouse may get easily agitated about little conflicts or imagined dangers. They may then feel excessively remorseful, emotional, or even furious as a result. In order to better assist your spouse, you can consider asking them about what safety means to them and how you might help them feel secure while you’re together.





Don’t take it personally.

Many persons suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) struggle on a daily basis to come to terms with their past. When survivors of traumatic situations are extremely vulnerable, it is common for them to lash out at others around them. If this occurs, you may want to remind yourself that it is most likely their misery speaking, not your partner’s. 



While their statements may seem to be highly personal, they may really be a more immediate (even if wrong) reaction to a specific stressor. Taking a deep breath and reacting with compassion rather than anger may be a beneficial start that can help neutralize the heightened emotions. 



However, if you find yourself lashing out on a regular basis, discussing how your partner’s words and behavior impact you might be a wise move. You, too, deserve to be treated with compassion and respect.

Try to be patient with your companion.

Find out more about how to support your partner by reading this article.

The adage “Patience is a virtue” may have sprung into your head. If your spouse suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), this might undoubtedly be the case. Many of us want to know everything about our relationships, but persons who have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may be reluctant to share their tales with you for fear of being judged, rejected, or triggering thoughts. 





If you don’t want to question your partner about what happened to them, tell them that you are prepared to listen to their experience if and when they are ready to share it. Allowing your spouse to relate their tale in their own time may aid in the development of trust in the partnership.








Make an effort to contribute to the strengthening of your partner’s support system.

People suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may find it difficult to maintain contact with members of their support networks. The effects of past trauma may have prompted your spouse to isolate themselves from their friends and family, resulting in the breakdown of their current connections. Furthermore, this trauma may have a negative influence on their future participation in social activities.




Though your spouse may believe they can come to you with anything, having a support structure apart from you to whom they may turn might be beneficial in helping them recover and move on. 



This increased network might experience a stronger feeling of belonging within their community and can reclaim their confidence as a result. If your spouse has not received assistance from a certified mental health professional or believes that they might benefit from more treatment, you may gently address this with them and offer to assist them in finding a therapist who would be a good match for them. 




Some exceptional therapists are trained in trauma-informed treatment. 

They may be able to provide assistance to your companion. They may also be a wonderful resource for you if you want to learn how to effectively assist and be in a healthy relationship with someone who is suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Some such resources for assistance may include PTSD survivors’ organizations or support groups for those who are in close connections with PTSD survivors.





Self-Care should be practiced.

Regardless matter how much you like your spouse, caring for someone who has post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may be physically and emotionally exhausting at times. Neglecting your own needs in order to put your partners’ needs first may result in scorn or animosity between you and your spouse. 




The only way to bring love and understanding to your spouse in a long-term manner is to take care of yourself first. Consider dedicating a portion of your week to improving your mental health; schedule time to exercise, eat nutritious foods, interact with friends and family, and participate in enjoyable activities that will provide you with much-needed “me-time.”





If TLC is unable to completely recharge your battery, you may want to consider contacting expert assistance. When you are dating someone who has post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), you may unwittingly be assisting them in bearing the weight of their emotions. If this burden becomes too much for you to bear, seeking assistance from a mental health professional may assist you in processing your feelings in a safe and private setting. 



Therapy for individuals or couples, as well as participation in a therapeutic support group for partners suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), may provide this assistance. Many of them offer trauma-informed mental health treatment as well as relationship counseling and support services.





“I’m not sure what I would have done if Harry hadn’t come around. Despite the fact that I was in a bad place and had no idea what my problems were or how to fix them, he was able to assist me in getting to the root of my issues and working through them. Fortunately, now I am content and feeling like myself once again.




 He was a pleasure to chat to and was always willing to assist me when I needed it. Even though he was on vacation, he made the time to contact me and help me through whatever I was experiencing. He comes highly recommended by me.”

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