All You Need to Know About Snow Goose Hunting

All You Need to Know About Snow Goose Hunting

Snow geese hunting appears to be one of the most insane outdoor pastimes on the globe, if not the most psychotic. Why? A week-long snow geese hunting trip, if you’ve never done it before, has to be one of the most exhausting vacations you’ll ever go on. 


I mean, to put in this kind of effort week in and week out takes a particular kind of person, and there are only a handful of people who can stand up and claim to have experienced…the grind.




What exactly is the grind???

 Well, it normally begins WAY TOO Inspiring and motivating, and after putting and taking up decoys, cleaning birds, scouting, and other activities, it concludes with a repetition the following day. Having said that, it is often referred to be a young man’s game, and for good reason.



My snow geese hunting career has spanned more than three decades, and throughout that time, I’ve learned a few things that I’d like to share with other hunters.



 I’m going to talk about scouting techniques, decoys, hiding, cleaning birds, and anything else that comes up. And I’ll talk about the autumn and spring seasons individually since they’re each like a distinct beast to me. I hope you find it enjoyable…

All You Need to Know About Snow Goose Hunting

All You Need to Know About Snow Goose Hunting


Snow goose hunting in the fall, which traditionally has been the most productive of all the seasons, is often the most rewarding. Because they are migrating down from the tundra, birds are particularly susceptible to pressure in their staging regions as they make their journey south.




One time, I was told by a waterfowl scientist that it is at these staging zones that the parents dump their young. For those that hunt in the staging regions of Canada or the Dakotas throughout the autumn, you’ll understand what I’m talking about. 



The decoy spread will be bombarded by dozens of juvenile snow geese on a good snow goose hatch year, which will last for the duration of the decoy season.




Moreover, if you’re in the right position at the right time, you may observe roosts with staging numbers that reach into the seven digits. The fact that this has only happened perhaps a dozen times in my life is a testament to its beauty, and when you do see it, it is breathtaking. Imagine a continuous flight of birds coming at you for four hours straight…unbelievable…. it’s



In light of the above, here’s how I approach snow goose hunting in the autumn.





The Snow Geese are on the prowl for food.

To properly scout snow geese, you need first grasp a few basic notions about how they eat and live. Before you put petrol in your vehicle, read this article. 



A typical day for a snow goose includes two feedings (in the morning and in the evening), as well as roosting at night and during the period between feedings. 



This is not always the case, though. Snow geese, for example, will often eat throughout the day in the autumn as they prepare for the next migration. November in my native state of North Dakota is really pretty usual for this to happen.




Snow geese migrate when the weather is suitable, such as when there are strong north or northwest winds, which is generally during the winter. I’ve seen them travel into the wind, particularly when they’ve been stuck in bad weather, but they’re more likely to ride the wind during a migration than I am not.



The majority of the time, when snow geese come across a field to eat in, they will begin feeding in the centre of the field and “spiral” around it to the edges. They normally start feeding from the center of the field and then make their way out to the margins until they reach the next field.



The significance of this is as follows: Snow geese, I believe, have a good recollection of where they have dined in the past when they arrive in a new territory. Having said that, you don’t want to land yourself in a field that’s been ravaged by the elements.




When you’re on the lookout for geese eating around the boundaries of a field, it’s typically a good indication that the field is about to be exhausted. Avoid that field if at all possible and look into where they’re planning to relocate next.



To conclude, you should constantly keep an eye out for what crops are being fed to the geese. For example, in the Dakotas, when it’s chilly in the autumn or spring, they nearly exclusively focus maize production. Snow geese, on the other hand, prefer to eat on tiny grains when the temperature is warm (above freezing). Monitor the weather and make mental notes on what they’re eating and when they’re eating it.




On-X Mapping is a must.

The fact that every waterfowler should be aware of this nearly goes without saying nowadays….

hunt mapping on the X-axis When it comes to snow geese hunting, there is probably no better software available on the market. The two most critical parts of scouting are knowing where you are and knowing who owns what. You can get this program for roughly $100/year if you get it around Black Friday (otherwise it costs $16/month). It does both tasks.






Having used On X since its debut, I would be completely exposed if I didn’t have it on. As the sun begins to set during scouting, it allows for significant time savings.

Setting Snow Goose Decoys: A Few Points to Consider

Writing about this is perhaps the most difficult aspect. In order to organize my ideas, I’ll attempt to break down the many components of a snow goose decoy spread.

Starting with what NOT to do while establishing decoys, I’ll go through some of the basics.






Placement of the Snow Goose Decoy

I used to travel for a living when I was in my twenties. Our Cessna 340 served as our sales platform, and my pilot served as my business partner in sales. In the plane, I spent a lot of time staring out the window, particularly when we were flying over a region during the migratory season.





What I discovered was that, when seen from above, the majority of decoy spreads seem to be identical. Are you wondering what I mean? SPACING. 


Decoys are fairly uniformly spaced apart in the majority of decoy spreads. Consider this: most hunters will set up a decoy, then move a few paces back and set up another, and so on and so forth. It is possible to achieve a decoy spread that is almost uniformly spaced.




In contrast to the Covid-19 guideline of 6 feet of spacing, snow geese do not adhere to it. In order to find food, snow geese have to be continually on the move while they’re eating. The ultimate effect is a sprinkling of geese scattered over the field of vision.



To summarize, do not distribute your decoys in a uniform manner.

In these days of geese hunting, it may be a frenzied experience, particularly when there are more than a few of hunters present. Making sure that everyone is shooting in a safe direction can help to reduce the likelihood of an accident occurring on the range.


It is possible for a passion to evolve into an obsession to the point that you begin to doubt your own sanity after reflecting on your own experience.



Each and every hunter understands that the season is never really finished; it just ends and a new one starts. On social media, you can see individuals counting down the days before duck season begins. As a matter of fact, Facebook is where I spend a disproportionate lot of my time. Snow geese hunting is at its best in the spring, when the greenhead blues hit the majority of people.



The reverse migration serves as the focal point for the special conservation season that has been established. The arctic breeding grounds of the geese have been severely depleted by overpopulation, and we now have a second opportunity to rescue the tundra that has been severely depleted by overpopulation in the north.


 There are no restrictions, no need to use plugs in your firearms, and electronic calls are perfectly lawful in the United States of America. If you want to get into the birds, this is a great chance for you.



Here are some Snow Goose hunting recommendations that you should be aware of before going out on the water:




Recognize the Climate


If you are hunting on a clear bright day as opposed to a rainy day, your setup will be different. Make certain that your vision is excellent if there is a storm. Create a lot of movement with as many blue phase snow decoys as possible, and sound is essential.


 Make certain you understand where the birds are coming from as well.. Hunters who brave the elements will find themselves in a rewarding and hard situation.



Your Lanes Must Be Shot!

Even while this seems to be a self-explanatory technique, it is really the most effective method of putting snow geese numbers in the ground. Something as basic as this is sometimes neglected, yet it may make a significant impact in the amount of birds in your yard.. Check to see that everyone is shooting their lanes and making their way outwards from the starting point.




Equipment that is long-lasting is recommended.

When it comes to snow geese hunting, your equipment will not hold up very well under pressure. This is going to be a rigorous test for your equipment. Use only high-quality items to avoid disappointment. Nothing is more frustrating than having anything go wrong in the midst of a hunting expedition.



 Rig ‘Em Right Waterfowl Gear is my personal favorite brand. Products from them are incredibly dependable and are backed by a complete and whole guarantee. The Mudslinger Floating Backpack is a must-see! Easy access ammo compartment for your dispersed snow geese shells, allowing you to simply grab and load as needed.



Unlike Snow Goose Dogs, Duck Dogs are not docile.

Not even in the same ballpark, to put it mildly. In the blind, a dog that is not used to hundreds of geese tornadoing down around them may lose his or her calm and give up early. In terms of excitement and action, it is far higher. It is likely that your dog will have to see a large number of birds fall, and you must be able to call them back even while they are in the midst of retrieving.




We are presently training with Salt Creek Labs in Nebraska, where our youngest lab, Clutch, will be doing all of the necessary exercises and learning how to deal with the hurricane.



When it comes to training your dog, there is a significant difference between a 20-30 bird duck hunt and a 200-300 bird snow goose hunt, so plan accordingly.






It is essential for any hunting, but it is especially critical when you are attempting to bag a small group of greenheads or Canada geese. In order to put numbers on the ground, you must first estimate. In that field, you want a lot of feed, and you want birds that are comfortable with their surroundings..




Snow geese will often continue to feed in a field until there is nothing left for them to eat, providing them with the chance to become quite comfortable day after day, if conditions are favorable. If at all possible, hunt with the wind at your back and avoid hunting in fields with the roost at your back. The X should be tracked down and defeated.




When thousands of eyes are trained on you, you must remain concealed in the field. We are dressed entirely in white and are positioned extremely near to the earth. Immediately after the break in my foot, I wrapped myself in a white sheet to conceal the boot. Use decoys to conceal oneself.





To create depth and dimension, wear wind socks all over your body. Allow the snow to naturally cover your layout blinds that night, so that they will be covered until the following morning.



Continually Move

Keep in mind when Jon exclaims: “Get to the cattails!” The ability to move when necessary is essential. The slogan here is “grab and go.” It is common for individuals to do not hunt in this manner and to remain stationary even when birds are not committing the way they are desired.


In order to kill birds, you may have to imitate the methods used by birds in order to accomplish your goal.




Make it more dynamic by including movement.

Make your spread more dynamic by using motion. In order to lead the birds and create substantial movement in a spread, flyers are a wonderful addition. Also, never underestimate the significance of a flag. 



When hunting any species of waterfowl, this is something basic that you can include into your strategy. Remember to practice flagging so that you understand how and when to do so. Used appropriately, it has the potential to be a lethal weapon..




A minimum of 500 decoys should be used, but I would recommend a total of 1000-2000 decoys for the best results. Getting seen and being seen in large numbers is important to snow geese. All of the other snow geese are congregating in one area, and they want to be there too! 



However, just because you have a high number of decoys does not always imply that you will kill birds in great numbers. Set them according to the time of day, the amount of food they are receiving, and the wind conditions. 


There should be some type of funneling effect to direct them towards the killing zone.

In the skies, snow geese will curl into balls and begin to roll about. When it comes to food, they become irritable and hostile, and they are gluttonous birds. When birds are congregated in one place, you will kill far more of them.




Hiring a guide is a wise decision.

Despite the fact that it does not seem to be an apparent suggestion, The likelihood is that you will not want to spend more than 1500 bucks on decoys. Possibly, you do not want a snow goose dog, nor do you wish to investigate or study the behaviors of these squirrely birds. 



Perhaps you’d want to try your hand at a little snow geese hunting before diving headfirst into the season’s activities in pursuit of the flock.





Engage the services of a tour operator. Simply appointing someone to do the task for you will save a significant amount of time and money. The reason they’re there is to help you. It is possible to find expert storm chasers that are eager to provide you with the hunt of a lifetime….

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