8 Ways to Getting Rid of Your Selfishness

8 Ways to Getting Rid of Your Selfishness

Disappointment with one’s own actions is not always a negative thing. All things considered, it is beneficial in today’s very competitive environment. To the contrary, excessive selfishness is harmful not just to others and the environment, but it is also harmful to one’s own well-being. Perhaps it is time for you to focus on the fact that you are continually selfish in both your words and actions. Consider the following suggestions to help you overcome your selfishness.

8 Ways to Getting Rid of Your Selfishness

1. Develop Your Listening Skills.

Selfish individuals want to be heard, but they seldom give others the opportunity to be heard. They want the talk to be focused only on them or on their hobbies and nothing else. And whenever others begin to speak, they either instantly demonstrate a lack of interest or redirect the topic to something that they find amusing.





 It’s important to remember that in most encounters, you’re expected to give as much as you get, so take time to pay attention to what other people are saying. Give them the same civility that you want them to provide to you when you speak. Listen attentively, participate actively, and wait for your turn.





Secondly, some should be left for others.

The selfish tend to grab and take whatever they can get their hands on, leaving others with little or nothing in the process. They may be observed grabbing all of the pudding in the cafeteria or taking more toilet paper than they would ever need to wipe themselves off with on the toilet. You should bring just what you need, plus a few extras just in case, and leave the rest behind. Take into consideration the fact that persons with similar needs and desires exist as well.





Never let the end justify the means in any situation.

Selfishness is not limited to a person’s gluttonous craving for material goods; it may also be associated with a person’s desire for greatness. Having said that, there is nothing wrong with aspiring to greatness and achieving distinction as long as you do not stoop to abusing others in the process.




 You should never force a subordinate to labor above his or her capabilities just to meet a client’s unreasonable deadline, and you should never toy with an admirer’s emotions simply to take advantage of his or her abilities. Pursue your ambitions, but never at the price of another’s well-being.





4. Make Use of the Stadium.

In order to stop being selfish, you must be prepared to share the limelight from time to time with other people. Allow others to speak out and take the lead if they so want. While you’re at it, show them the courtesy and respect they deserve. Although the force of habit may make this difficult at first, with enough effort, you’ll be able to stand back and even clap for others who are doing well.






5. Take time to reflect on your actions on a regular basis.

The more you reflect, the more you will be able to spot the selfish actions you may be engaging in, whether purposefully or unintentionally, as you go forward. This will enable you to more closely watch your behaviors in the future, considerably reducing the likelihood of you repeating the same selfish acts again in the near future.






6. Be of Service to Others.

A wonderful method to stop being selfish is to execute a selfless deed, such as assisting a friend or a complete stranger. If your buddy is experiencing difficulties at work or in his studies, try to provide a helpful hand without expecting or asking anything in return. 




If you come across a stray dog scraping for food, feed it and, if possible, adopt it (we’ll go over this in more detail later). Assisting others, particularly those in need, will enable you to appreciate the inherent beauty of selflessness while also experiencing the intrinsic pleasure that comes from easing the suffering of others.





7. Become a volunteer for a good cause.

If you want to expose yourself to selfless deeds on a larger scale, then you might consider volunteering for a charitable organization or cause. It is entirely up to you whether you want to volunteer for a group that feeds the homeless or for an organization that saves stray animals and dogs. 



What matters is your desire to provide some of your time, without any ulterior intentions or expectations on your part. Once again, the purpose of engaging in gratuitous actions is for you to be able to enjoy the satisfaction that comes from doing good for others.




8. Adopt a pet of your own.

Person responsible for the life of a wholly dependent being is an effective method of overcoming selfishness. Having a pet may not immediately combat your selfish tendencies, but it may assist you in incorporating kindness and compassion into your daily routine.




 Your dog or cat will, after all, be fully dependant on your unpaid generosity in order to have a happy and healthy life. Another thing to consider is that certain pets are very skilled at exhibiting complete selflessness for their owners, and some of that may simply rub off on you.





9. Put yourself in the shoes of someone else.

Sometimes we become self-centered because we forget to consider how our actions can effect others. This is called being selfish. For example, during this epidemic time, it is evident that purchasing all of the items and reselling them at a higher retail price would be advantageous.




 What we fail to see is the weight and risk we place on other people as a result of our lack of empathy for their plight. Next time you’re tempted to do something selfish, try to put yourself in the shoes of the person who’s prompting you. Hopefully, the concept will serve to demotivate you while also enlightening you.






10. Recognize that you have the ability to change.

In the event that you have been a selfish person for an extended period of time, it is likely that others have already taken note and may have already labeled you as an irredeemable selfish person in their eyes. People who are subjected to this kind of stigma may believe that they are hopelessly trapped in their circumstances. 



Recognize that this is not the case. However selfish you have been in the past, you are still capable of making great changes in your life now. If you believe in yourself and put out the required effort, people will begin to see you in a more favorable way sooner rather than later.




11. Seek Out a Female Role Model.

When we have a point of reference to which we may turn for guidance, it is much simpler to make positive changes. Find someone — a friend, a philosopher, or even an online celebrity — who epitomizes the kind of non-selfish attitude you wish to have and follow their example. 



Then, make him or her your role model by imitating his or her actions of selflessness. And who knows, one day there could be a cascading effect, and you too might end up being seen as a favorable role model by someone else.




Nobody is flawless, and selfishness is a typical tendency in today’s society, which is characterized by its complexity and hyper-competitive nature. We should not, however, allow greed to take over and rule our lives. Compassion and charity should always take precedence above all other considerations.

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