8 Reasons To Date A Black Girl

8 Reasons To Date A Black Girl

8 Reasons To Date A Black Girl

8 Reasons To Date A Black Girl

Any woman is a one-of-a-kind individuality. They’re just great in their own right, no matter who they are or what they do. The globe over, there is a black girl who is ready to capture our attention and affections. She is ready to take our hearts and minds. All of these are reasons why you should date a black female who will educate you on why a black girl is not someone you should let go of your heart.

Education Is a Priority for Black Girls, According to a Study

Approximately 43 out of every 50 black women graduate from high school in the United States, and the rate of black women enrolled in college (9.7 percent) outpaces that of all other groups in the country.




 According to studies, just 15 percent of Black women over the age of 25 did not finish high school, which is only slightly higher than the overall rate of 13 percent for women in general. Black women between the ages of 18 and 24 are, on the other hand, more than half of those seeking higher education.






When compared to other female groups, black women have outperformed them at times. College degrees for black women have helped to close the gender gap in higher education attainment and attainment. A bachelor’s degree is held by around 22 percent of Black women, compared to 30 percent held by ‘all women’ with the same qualification.





 The National Association of Education Statistics determined that black women are the most educated subset of the United States population, according to the organization’s findings.


Education is critical in the development of the individual and the survival of the species on which they are raised.


 It is from a mother that we get the most basic education. Excellent children will be raised by a woman who has received proper education. After learning about black women’s high level of educational awareness, you must feel that they will be wonderful mothers for your children.

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8 Reasons To Date A Black Girl

Secondly, they are capable of entrepreneurship.

It should come as no surprise that black women are among the most educated groups in the United States, and that they play a significant role in entrepreneurship in particular. 




To be sure, black women entrepreneurs in the United States are the fastest-growing segment of the business community. Isn’t this something fantastic to hear? 




During the period 1997 to 2013, the number of enterprises founded by African-American women surged by more than 250%. Their ability to create jobs and generate income is significant. A total of 272,000 individuals were employed by the estimated 1,119,400 enterprises owned by African-American women in 2013, generating a total of $44.9 billion in revenue for the sector.






Being successful in business requires that black women have excellent managerial skills. They will have a high sense of self-worth as a result of this characteristic. They don’t sit around waiting for a job; instead, they go out and get one for themselves.. 




The fact that they don’t want to rely on anybody else and instead want to stand on their own two feet will appeal to you tremendously. You will be astounded by their abilities to generate wealth.

3. Black women are the lynchpins of African civilization, according to historians.

Woman was seen as having great power in early African civilizations because she was considered to be the one who brought life into existence. Many African civilizations are characterized by matrilineal communities.



 That is where the woman plays a crucial part in the kinship relationship. Rather than women dominating men, it was the other way around: men came to respect and realize the significance of Black women. Black women are also represented in the legislature.

The role played by black women in the legislative branch is not something to be dismissed.



 In 2016, 259 black women are in command of 41 out of the 50 state legislatures, according to the National Conference of Black Women. Black women are also making significant contributions at the national level. 18 of the 32 women of color serving in the United States House of Representatives are African-American, accounting for 55% of the total. As you can see, black women are in charge.





4. Black Newborns Have a Higher Chance of Surviving Black babies have a higher chance of surviving

According to University of Florida studies, black baby girls born weighing 2.2 pounds or less are twice as likely as white baby boys delivered at the same weight to survive than white baby boys born at the same weight. They may be able to live at a time when many preterm newborns are still too little to survive on their own. 





Over the course of over 5,000 preterm deliveries, researchers observed a correlation between gender and race, as well as a link between survival rates for kids delivered at very low weights. Black children outperform European children in terms of psychomotor development, despite the fact that they are occasionally inferior to white children.





The mother is responsible for the baby’s strength. It takes a strong black mother to raise a strong black child. Invest in a black female, and she will prove to be an excellent mother for your children.




5. Black babies learn at a faster rate than their white counterparts.

According to one research, black newborns outperform their white counterparts in terms of speed. Black newborns are a couple of months ahead of other races in every developmental milestone, from raising the head to clutching, recognizing mother, rolling over, crawling, walking, and feeding themselves, to name a few. 




It just takes 9 hours to sketch the black infant in a sitting posture in order to avoid the head from slipping backward. The white infant, on the other hand, takes a whole six weeks to achieve the same results. The ability to climb the stairs on their own was shown by black newborns at 11 months old, although white kids normally did not achieve this feat until they were 15 months old on average.




Finally, there is no question that black people have always been extraordinary, even when they were children. If you don’t put it your best effort to get along with the black females, you will come to regret it.




6. Black people have a lower risk of skin cancer than white people.

Black people have a physical appearance that is substantially different from that of white people. One of the main distinctions between them is the consistency of their skins. The skin of black people is much thicker and drier than the skin of white people. It does not cut or bruise as readily as other materials. As a result, it is significantly more resistant to thorns and brambles than other plants.





The fact that it can survive completely nude in the wilderness under this scorching heat is a bonus. The increased concentration of melanin in black skin causes it to appear black. Melanin is a very powerful light absorber. The pigment has the ability to dissolve more than 99.9 percent of the UV light that has been absorbed.




 Because of the high concentration of melanin in black skin, it provides greater protection against the harmful effects of UV radiation. Skin cancer is thought to be caused by exposure to high levels of radiation.






7. Black women seem to be younger.

Need more convincing evidence as to why you should date a black woman? They always seem to be a year or two younger than the rest of the blondies. The high concentration of melanin in the skin may also help to prevent the appearance of indications of aging such as age spots, deep creases, and rough texture. 




As a result, black females seem to be younger than their lighter-skinned counterparts. Girls that seem to be younger than their true age will be considered charming and endearing. Who doesn’t like going on a date with a cute little newborn girl?





8. Black People Are Exceptional Athletes

We’ve witnessed a slew of black athletes dominate the track and field competitions and triumph the Olympics. James M. Tanner, author of The Physique of the Olympic Athlete, made a point of pointing out the significant racial variations among athletes competing in the Olympic Games. 



The reason why so many of the world’s best track and field athletes are of African heritage was revealed to him. According to research, the muscular structure of West Africans is genetically predisposed to making them “the most anaerobically efficient athletes” owing to the way their bodies metabolize energy.





Blacks of West-African descent have a distinct edge in sprinting, as well as in football and basketball, because to their low body fat percentage. Long-distance running is a strong suit among East Africans. They perform well because they do not have a completely developed Gastrocnemius, often known as the lower calf muscle, which allows them to run faster.




The genetics and culture of black people have resulted in black people being quicker and having more endurance, allowing them to perform better in sports. Yes, it is advantageous to have a female partner who excels in athletics.

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8 Reasons To Date A Black Girl




9. Black girls have a higher rate of conception.

The dark pigmentation protects against DNA damage and absorbs the appropriate quantities of ultraviolet light required by the organism. As a result, it provides protection against folate deficiency. Folate is a vitamin B complex that is water-soluble. It may be found in abundance in green, leafy vegetables, whole grains, and citrus fruits in their natural state.



 Females need folate in order to maintain healthy eggs, to ensure good implantation of eggs, and to ensure a normal development of the placenta after fertilization.



As a woman, this is precisely something for which to be thankful. It is quite crucial to have a healthy and powerful reproductive system in order to have a family. Being a dark-skinned female with a lot of melanin may really be advantageous, apart from the fact that it helps you maintain your nutrients. So, males, take pride in the fact that you have a black female as your partner.




11. Michelle Obama is a Black First Lady who exudes confidence, panache, and polish.

If there is one black lady in the world we can be proud of, it is Michelle Obama, who is extraordinary. The first lady of the United States, Michelle Obama, is the wife of the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, who has inspired us in a variety of ways. 


The former first lady has urged young people all across the globe to put in the effort necessary to get to the position of future leaders. Michelle Obama is a well-known celebrity in her own way. She defines herself rather than allowing her husband, the president, to define her.

She has always had a high degree of self-respect and regard for others, which is evident in her use of phrases such as decency, integrity, dignity, and pride in her speeches, as well as her use of words such as honor, dignity, and pride in her talks. 



As a result, her personal narrative is inspiring, and she is able to have an influence on hundreds of thousands of others as a result of it.

There are many attractive and brilliant black women who have captured the attention of the whole globe because of their beauty and skill. Some actors, singers, and sportsmen have shown to the world that they are not someone to be despised or despised. 



Halle Berry, Lupita Nyong’o, Jada Pinkett Smith, and Paula Patton are just a few of the sultry black actresses that have captured our attention. Other black singers, such as Beyonce, Alicia Keys, Vanessa Williams, Rihanna, and a slew of others, have also captured our imaginations.



Let’s not overlook how athletically gifted these young ladies are. Some of the sexiest black female athletes include Serena Williams and Marion Jones, as well as Candice Parker, Christine Arron, and Laila Ali, to mention a few examples. So, do we really need any more evidence that black women are attractive?



The following are the top five reasons why you should date a black woman that you should be aware of. Dark complexion and curly hair, for some reason, make a female seem many times more attractive. In fact, even the sun acknowledges that she seems gleaming in the sunlight. When she enters into a room, her lovely grin can brighten the whole atmosphere. Simply by staring into her eyes, she will cause your heart to beat faster.



You can’t deny that she is the only one who has your full attention despite the fact that there are a lot of other females around. Whenever you come across a beautiful black woman who captures your attention, you must not let her go. If you allow her to into your life, she will shower you with gifts from all over the globe. You can count on her to be there for you whenever you are in difficulties. Her presence will not leave you alone when you are at the top of the heap.


8 Reasons To Date A Black Girl